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Book online «My Pokemon Adventure by Melissa Nichols (love novels in english TXT) 📖». Author Melissa Nichols

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taking on such a huge responsibility is not for children. It’s a job that only adults can handle. Would Professor Danvers have given you Rita and Tailow if she thought you couldn’t handle it? No! You have her full trust and that is, not only an honor, but something to never break. And how can you prove to her that she can trust you? By taking good care of your Pokémon. And the only way to take the absolute best care of them is for you to grown up and stop acting like a child.”

I sighed, sad that the price for being a Trainer is having fun.

“Well, I suppose I understand. If children were able to take proper care of Pokémon, Professor Danvers would have to deal with requests from toddlers. Okay, so please explain how to be an adult, Tod.”

“It’s not something that happens overnight, but you can help it along by not running into towns, stop jumping up and down at the sight of a treat, handle situations with logic and not desire. Now that alone is a good jump. The rest is up to how much you mature.”

“Okay.” I said, getting off of poor Ponyta. She only came up to my hips, but I was sure she couldn’t hold my weight for long. As I stood, I straightened my back, took on a calm posture and energy and waited for Tod before moving toward the gates to Nutmeg City.

Chapter Three

Nutmeg City looked so much bigger when up close and personal. There were a lot of people, buildings with different colors and sizes, Pokémon running alongside their Trainers, children playing and this was only the southern quadrant!

“Come on. I’ll show you around.” Tod said, making me jump. I had forgotten about him.  I nodded, still too shocked for words. “Tailow, you might want to stay on my shoulder, boy.” I whispered to the PokĂ©mon. He had been flapping by my ear, but he landed. I scratched him gently as I followed Tod. Ponyta, Rita, Geodude and Skitty kept close to my side, probably scared by the sudden change in scenery and level of commotion.

“This red building over here is the Pokémon Center. Almost every town has one. In the ones that don’t I’m sure someone will let you use their beds.”

“What does a Pokémon Center do, Tod?”

“Well, I’ll show you.” He said, walking toward the door. As he approached, the doors opened to reveal a welcoming area. People and Pokémon were everywhere, greeting us and talking with each other. There was a counter up ahead, and a woman with pink hair and a white apron and cap with a red + sign. Tod was still walking, so I continued to follow him.

“Kiara, this is Nurse Joy.”

“Welcome to the Nutmeg City Pokémon Center. Would you like to heal your Pokémon?”’

“Just do as I do, Kiara.” He whispered to me before addressing Nurse Joy. “Yes, please. Pokémon, return.” He said, pulling out his used PokéBalls and pressing the buttons. His three Pokémon returned to their PokéBalls, and then he handed the Balls to Nurse Joy. She placed them on a pad with a screen behind it. The three Pokémon were registered, their pictures and status appeared. Three clicking sounds later, all three of Tod’s Pokémon’s HP bars were filled and Nurse Joy was handing the Balls back to Tod. Tod called them out again and they were rearing to go.

“Okay, Kiara, you’re turn. Call your PokĂ©mon back into their PokĂ©Balls.” Tod instructed.  I did as he said. “Now, hand them to Nurse Joy.” I hesitated. No one has handled the PokĂ©Balls besides me and Tod. But this was her job, and really, what could she do? I handed them over and watched as all six PokĂ©mon were healed.

“Thank you for visiting the Nutmeg City Pokémon Center. Please, come back anytime.” She said, handing the Balls back to me. I pushed the buttons on the Balls and the Pokémon appeared.

“Now, on to the Pokémon Mart! This way, Kiara.” Tod said, already turning toward the doors.

I followed him outside. Right across the street was a blue building with a similar style.

“The blue roofed one?” I asked, already guessing at where this was headed.

“That’s right, Kiara. The blue building is the Pokémon Mart. Now, come inside and I’ll get you started. Oh, you do have a shopping list, don’t you?”

“Yes, of course. I don’t go anywhere without my notebook and a pen.”

“Good. You should pull it out now.” He said before stepping forward to enter the building.

I dug in my bag for my notebook and a pen before following Tod into the Pokémon Mart.


The Pokémon Mart was different from the Center in more ways than just the main color. In a Center, there would be a counter no more than thirty paces ahead, whereas the same distance led only to a wall with Pokémon Battle items and Accessories. In a Center the directions left and right led to only a wall and people to talk to. In the Mart, however, there was a counter to the left and people and more shelves and a few vending machines and a couple cooking pots to the right as well as a few more shelves straight ahead.

“Kiara, over here.” Tod beckoned. “Excuse me, sir, could I please have a pricing list for my friend here? Thank you.” He said, turning to the clerk. After receiving the list of items and prices, Tod handed it to me. I accepted it and figured out the most important items I should buy and how many with about three thousand Poké.

Tod gave me some advice and I decided to buy only Potions and Berries.

“Um, excuse me, miss? I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear. You are a new Trainer, right?” came a new voice. It was a woman with silver hair and looked pretty old.

“Yes, that is right, ma’am. May I help you?”

“Actually, dearie, you can. Here, I have several planting pots, the perfect size for growing Berries either at home or on the move. I used to garden with my husband and he has recently passed so getting these away is a help in itself and I want to make sure they go to someone whom will use them as much as I did.”

“Berry Pots? Oh, that’s perfect, ma’am! I am sorry about your husband.”

“Thank you, child. Here you go! Five pots in this cube here and if you come to my address, I will sell you some Mulch or additional Berries.” She explained, handing the cube over.

“Tod, how does this work? It looks like a regular PokéBall, only it’s a cube and it’s smaller.”

“This isn’t a Pokémon item, but the manufacturers thought people would buy it if it resembled a PokéBall. See the color pattern? Now, this is used to store items so the backpack won’t be so heavy or full. It’s perfect for a Trainer because you can keep any item in here and increase the packing capacity.”

“Oh! Okay. Cool! So, I push this button and ….” I pushed the button and five pots came spilling out I grabbed one, Tod grabbed two and a few nearby people helped as well.  “Now, hold it down to suck the items in.” Tod explained and I did so, moving the laser over each pot.

“Wow. This is amazing. Thank you, ma’am!”

“No, dearie, thank you! Oh, goodness me, I forgot to give you my address! Here it is.” She said, pulling out a notebook and pen. She scribbled her address down and handed me the piece of paper.

“I’ll be sure to drop by for a chat, ma’am. Thank you again.” I said. A few minutes later, the old lady, Meggie, said goodbye and left the Mart.

“Wow. Talk about a lucky break.”

“No, I think that was awfully nice of her. She didn’t have to do that.”

“Well, at least you can grow your own Berries so you won’t have to spend as much money. Okay, go grab a cart and start shopping.”


An hour later, I was standing second in line, waiting to check out. Tod was in front of me, paying the clerk and gathering his bags. Finally, I was up. I put everything on the counter and got out my wallet to pay.

After paying for everything and gathering the bags, I followed Tod outside and we sat at a nearby bench to put the items in their respective pouches.

“Here. I bought these for you.” Tod said, handing a bag out to me. I looked inside. They were the same as those cubes he was talking about earlier.

“Tod!” I gasped, accepting the bag. “How much do I owe you?” I said as I counted how many cubes there were. Thirty. I started sorting every item in my backpack and compiling everything.

“Absolutely nothing. You’re going to need those and I already have about a hundred back at home. I don’t need any more and you need them, so consider them a gift.”

“An awfully expensive gift. Okay, how about if I battle off the debt? Every battle you win, you can take a hundred Poké off my tab?”

“No tab, Kiara. No debt. We can battle as much as you’d like, but there isn’t a tab to pay off.”

“Sure there is! I’m not going to let you just give me these cubes for free! I’m going to work it off. And there is only one way to do that: Battle.”

Tod sighed and put the rest of his purchase away.

“Umm, do you think you can make me a list of every move Ponyta, Rita and Tailow know? I want to start branching out to get them ready for the Gyms.”

“Sure. I thought of that ahead of time, when Professor Danvers decided to make me your mentor. I wrote these out, one for Rita, one for Ponyta and one for the Seel you looked at.” He said, digging into a pocket and pulling out a cube. He pressed the button and a packet of papers came flying out. He handed them to me and I looked them over. “I didn’t know which one you would choose, so I made three lists. And beside the names, I put the rating of that move’s strength. Ten stars is the strongest, but they aren’t ready for the moves past twos. You can start preparing now.”

“Okay. And one for Tailow?”

“I’ll work on that tonight. Now, I’m going to hunt up some Trainers for us to battle. You need to start getting familiar with battling strangers and not just me. If I’m not back here by sundown, set up camp outside of town and away from the craziness. Tailow can’t take much more.”

“Okay, Tod. I’ll be waiting!” I said, getting on my feet to wave him farewell. When he turned the corner, I hunted up my letters to my family and Professor Danvers and the pouch for the three PokéBalls I would be sending home. I put the letters and Balls in the pouch, closed it and attached it to Tailow’s foot.

“Fly home, Tailow. But come back when Professor Danvers attaches the pouch again, okay?” I said and he took off, heading south toward ColdRiver.

Rita and Ponyta were staring at me, confused. I petted them and continued my organizing.

An hour later, my backpack was sorted and I had

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