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Book online «My Pokemon Adventure by Melissa Nichols (love novels in english TXT) 📖». Author Melissa Nichols

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nothing but my purse to carry, which contained the cubes and my wallet and PokéDex. I looked at the lists Tod had given me and started making a new list, one that says which moves Ponyta and Rita were ready for. I would use that later tonight. I dug through the cubes and found the one with the pots and Berries. I pressed the button and the objects landed on the bench. I grabbed an Oran Berry, put in the soil, covered it and watered it. I repeated the process with the other four pots and four Berries I grabbed at random.

I put the five pots in the sun and started another letter to home while I waited for the Trainers or Tod.

Sometime during the seventh paragraph, I looked up to see Rita and Ponyta still standing an staring at me.

“You two should get comfy. We could be here a while.” I advised. They looked at each other, and then settled themselves under the bench and at my feet.

A while later, someone cleared their throat. I looked up.

“Hello, sir.” I said. “Am I in your way?”

“No. You are Kiara?”


“Tod sent me.”

“Oh, okay. Thank you, sir, for coming out here.”

“It’s no problem. Are you ready?”

“Yes. Ponyta, Rita, come.” I said, walking out to the center of the plaza, where nothing can be damaged.

“Only two?”

“I sent the others home. My Tailow should be coming back tomorrow.”

“Okay. Now, since I challenged you, I’ll throw out the first Pokémon.” He said, claiming a spot several yards in front of me. He reached into his pocket for a PokéBall, pushed the button and threw it out.

What came out looked like a Water-type, but I was not familiar with it. I pulled out my PokéDex and read the name ‘Golden’.

“Rita, you’re up!” I yelled and she bounced into action, standing a yard in front of me.

“Smart move. Goldeen, Water Gun!”

“Dodge it, Rita!” I yelled, moving to the side to avoid the blast of water. She dodged perfectly. “Use Razor Leaf!”

The move hit, claiming ten HP from the Goldeen.

“Goldeen, Ice Shard!” My opponent yelled.

“Rita, dodge!” I shouted, terrified of what the strange move would do to her. She dodged easily enough but I had a little trouble avoiding the ice spikes that were hurtled my way.

“What are you trying to do, kill me?” I shouted to my opposer, furious by the lethal move he had used. If I had been any slower, I would have been shish-ka-bob.

He didn’t respond, waiting for my move.

“Rita, let’s try a new one. Leaf Storm!”

Surprisingly, Rita responded and the move hit, putting the opponent’s HP down to five from twenty.


In the end, I had to use both Rita and Ponyta and both won. They did a marvelous job and I was proud of them.

When the battle ended, I had two thousand Poké in my wallet and a win to my name.

We walked to the Poké Center to heal our Pokémon, but we were silent. His eyes were still furious so I kept quiet. When his Pokémon were healed he stormed off, throwing a hell of a tantrum.


I was sitting on the bench when another opponent walked up. I accepted his challenge, keeping my ego low. This was my third battle and I was still vulnerable to losing.

This guy was nice. He kept his moves to the weaker ones and didn’t throw a tantrum when he lost. He kept giving me pointers on my technique and explaining these when I asked. He congratulated me and gave my Pokémon praise for their efforts. I got his name, Jay, and registered his number in the PokéGear Mother had given me.

But Jay wasn’t the last of the battles I fought that day. By the time Tod appeared again, I had twenty thousand Poké in my wallet, Rita and Ponyta were both to level nine and I had won seven battles, and five names and numbers registered in the PokéGear.

“Tod!” I shouted, rushing to him. I hugged him and he stumbled back a step, but he gained his footing and balance again.

“Umm, Kiara, what are you doing?”

“Thanking you for sending the Trainers.”

“Oh! How’d you do?”

“I won all seven battles.” I said, releasing him. Growing up with brothers, I knew that he wasn’t comfortable with hugs.

“Good job! And with only two Pokémon? I’m impressed. You’ve got talent.”

“No, I’ve just got an awesome mentor.”

He blushed and ruffled my hair.

“Come on. Show me how much stronger you’ve become, Kiara.”

“Okay!” I said. I turned and raced to the spot I always claimed when I had battled the others.

And like all the others, this battle was easy. Ponyta and Rita were getting strong and I was growing as well.

“Good job, Kiara! Wow. That one beat the first one by a milestone. Well done!” Tod said, making his way to me after the battle. He forked over three thousand Poké while we walked to the Center. The sun was starting to set so we healed our Pokémon, then set up camp outside of the city gates. Poor Rita and Ponyta were wiped out, and so was I, so we headed straight to bed.

Chapter Four

We stayed in Nutmeg City for three more days. During that time, Tod would scout around the city for Trainers and I would battle them, getting ready for the Gym. Between battles, I had Rita and Ponyta practice the new moves and doing practice battles. During the training period, I would continue to write home. Tailow came back on the morning after I had sent him out, but I allowed him to rest. He had to fly a long way and he was sure to be tired.

By the end of the second day in town, Rita and Ponyta had won every battle I put them in and I was getting more and more confident about our skills. I had won ten battles today and I now had thirty thousand Poké in my wallet.  Rita and Ponyta were now level fifteen and very strong for their levels.

When Tod came back at sunset, we battled and he congratulated me. He handed me two thousand Poké and the list of the moves Tailow knows. I would start Tailow’s training tomorrow.

The next day went by much as the previous two did; only the Berry plants were finally ready to be plucked. Because I had watered them so much, I picked a total of twenty-five Berries. I finished my letter for the day and sent Tailow home again with the letters for each individual member of the family as well as one for the whole family. I also included a letter for Professor Danvers telling her of my improvement and growing strength.

When the sunset came and I was writing my letters for the day, I checked each Pokémon’s levels. Ponyta and Rita were at level nineteen and Tailow was at level eight. I was going to have to ask Tod for extra battles to help Tailow along.


Day four in Nutmeg City dawned bright and I was getting quite nervous. I was strong with Ponyta and Rita and I am going to challenge the Gym today. Because of this, Tod stopped scouting for other Trainers so I could do some last minute training with my Pokémon.

Because of the great leap of level differences between Tailow and Rita and Ponyta, I focused on Tailow, letting him do the three star moves. This also helped Rita and Ponyta save their energy for the Gym challenge. They understood and spent the day sleeping.

Sometime in the afternoon, I woke them up and walked into town for the challenge. I stopped at the Center, and then walked to the Gym.

Outside of the Gym, I stopped to admire the building. This was my first Gym challenge and I was getting kind of nervous. But I shook it off and walked inside. 

The inside was beautiful, an indoor garden. Rose hedges formed a maze and the intent was clear. I was going to have to find my way through the maze to find the Leader, and battle any other Trainers along the way.

I turned a corner and saw a Trainer backed up against the dead-end. I stepped forward to challenge him and he stood.

“Welcome to the Nutmeg City Gym! I am the first of five Trainers you’ll find in this maze. Come, let us begin! Budew, let’s go!” He said, throwing a PokéBall into the air. I took this time to get out my PokéDex.

“Ponyta, you know what to do!” I retaliated and Ponyta came bounding up to take her place.

“I’ll go first. Budew, Leaf Tornado!”

“Get away, Ponyta.” I ordered, dodging the leaves as well. She got away and I didn’t hesitate before taking my turn. “Ponyta, Fire Storm!”

I shielded my face from the heat of Ponyta’s attack and glanced at my PokéDex to determine the damage the move had inflicted on the Budew. Half of the HP had been claimed. This one was going to be a snap.

“Budew, don’t lose hope. Use Leaf Tornado again!”

“Dodge, Ponyta!”

And so it went. Ponyta battled four Pokémon from that Trainer and came out victorious with little damage. I healed her with a Potion and an Elixir and continued on down the maze.

The end of my fourth battle came and I was now heading for the fifth and final Gym Trainer before challenging the Leader. It was easy enough to find her. She had been patrolling along a hedge of Electric Blue Morning Glories.

She saw me first and soon the battle was underway. She sent out a Roselia and I sent out Ponyta. This Roselia was tougher than the other Trainers but Ponyta handled the battle with ease. Roselia turned out to be the only Pokémon there, so I collected the Trainer’s five thousand Poké and continued down the maze from the door she opened. It led to the Leader. I took a moment to heal Ponyta before turning the corner and locking eyes with the Leader, whom sat on a flowery pedestal of rose, Morning Glory and Marigold petals. A very colorful ensemble.

“Welcome, Trainer! You have made it far and I’m glad. You are tougher now and I like a good challenge. I am Sora, master of the Grass-type and Leader of the Nutmeg City Gym.”

“Hello, Sora. I am Kiara from ColdRiver Town just three days south of this city. My Pokémon have trained hard for the last two weeks in preparation for this battle. I also enjoy a challenge and that is why I am here. My mentor told me nothing but good can come of challenging each town’s Gym and I believe him. My Pokémon love to battle because they know it pleases me when I battle, and I only because it is fun. I come before you merely to seek fun and strength so I can make my family and Professor Danvers proud.”

“A very honorable quest, young Kiara. I started out much the same way. I do not believe you are a strength-obsessed Trainer like others I have met. You are just one to have fun and battling is truly one of the best sources of that. Come, we battle! If you win, you can have a Rose Badge and a few TMs along with some Poké for your win. There is no penalty for losing here. And

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