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Book online «Rose and thorns intertwined (sample) by Dawn Willow (best e ink reader for manga TXT) 📖». Author Dawn Willow

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as I think this attempt  is, I couldn't be more grateful for it. I try and recall what her initial question was, finding it I answer, "I had help building it, as for my family...I don't really have any." She looks like she's going to say something, but her silence says she thought better of it. Good, she'd be crossing a boundary had she pried. I don't wish to think about what transpired all those centuries ago.

Not including our climb up the staircase, the silence returns and with it, awkwardness. I wish she would say something more, I dislike this tense stillness in the air. "I hope you like it here" I say, genuinely meaning it. She looks at me puzzled, but I'm no longer facing her. I don't know how she interpreted all that I've said, but I've conveyed my meaning as clearly as I was able. She looks at me like I'm a mystery, or a riddle she's trying to solve. Fine by me, as long as she doesn't uncover what I've tried all too hard to veil from prying eyes. She can't know of my past, she cannot know of the curse she'll run. it is then that I realize, she promised. I'm beaming from underneath  my hood now, because there are few people who'd ignore arrangements made on their behalf and even fewer that would go against their word. 

I take the path of the stairs that goes to the left, Rose following behind. Another long walk ensues, as I navigate through the labyrinth of hallways. I bring us to a stop in front of a small doorway decorated with intricate patterns. This is the room I've chosen for her, I tell her. She walks in, and I am pleased to hear that she cannot withhold her gasp of touched surprise. I have given the utmost attention to her room design, I am both heartened by her appreciation and hurt by her surprise. What, if anything, had she expected? I watch her observe it for a while, seeing her opinion reflected in her eyes.

I hoped to make this place her home, but fear I may not be able. I have ruined so much of her life and in less than a day, but a man can dream can't he? In an attempt to make her feel at home, I tried to find out what interested her. Two bookshelves are in her bed chamber (bed room), another room, her own personal library. Whenever she wishes to read something, the book will come to her, from my own shelves and other libraries in the house, with a limit of course, on anything I can't let her read, or are potentially dangerous, such as my journals. I don't have to worry about that myself because I collect all knowledge, whether I use the knowledge or not, very useful when deflecting dark spells. Just not the one that matters. I could have deflected this curse, I wouldn't be stooping so low as to imprison someone for picking a rose, and then trying to get them to fall for me. A mirror also hangs from the wall and catches my attention momentarily, Paintings of mountains and forests, and hills, even of the ocean. maybe not the best idea, since they may cause her to feel nostalgia over the places she can no longer roam, except maybe the mountain... and the forest, being from a city of steel. 

 I take her delicate hand in my gloved one, and kiss it. "My dear Rose." I address  her and  I take my leave. She lifts her head, "Is that what I am to be called, Rose?" She says in a defiant manner. Her sudden change in mood has me surprised, but the surprise turns into anger at her tone. "Why the objection?" I retort. "If I do not know your name..." I pause but she offers no answer. she said that just to test me! " and if you refuse to give me your name," I say angrily. "Then yes, it is". 

"My Rose" I say her name like an accusation now. "You're to fill the void that your Friend " I add as much venom to my words as possible, and I can't help but smile when she winces at my words. like being struck with an arrow isn't it? I continue "created by plucking my roses, and you will not speak to me in that tone, suggesting I am inferior to you!" I grab her by the wrist, open the door and push her inside. I have boiled over and have no tolerance for her at this moment. In my anger I do not think of the consequence."You are to join me for dinner tonight." I tell her.  "Well then expect my absence. I'm never stepping out of this doorway again!" she screams. "If you do not arrive in an orderly and timely matter," I say, "Then I will climb up these steps and tear the door off its hinges!" I threaten. She looks like she's been slapped, but I don't care at this time. My anger blinds me. I slam the door and grumble about my stupidity to think that she was the one. That I went through all that trouble and for what?!


 "Cobble Stone!" I call, Not too long afterwards the lead gargoyle is at my side. "Yes?" He answers "You called?" He says. "What does she know? What has she seen?!" I demand. Cobbles sighs, that's when I know something's gone awry (if nothing else had) and that she has seen something. "What has she seen?" I ask again. "A relation of mine, Sand Stone, moved." 

"What?" I growl through my teeth. "I'm afraid as they saw the castle, my niece was stretching, she was preparing to switch duty, she was off a little in timing, Sir." says the old, but strong gargoyle. "And we both know that she knows that you're trying to hide your face" Cobbles says as I growl again, reminding me it was not only his mistake that caused a disruption.

 "You can't keep her in the dark" he says. "She's observant, that one." He states. I let loose a deafening roar. "She'll run Cobble Stone!" I in turn remind him. "They always do..." I tell him. "He grumbles, "Won't she run if she ends up freeing you?" Cobbles counters. "No!" I say more to convince myself than him. "Not this one, not this time, she'll never know." I explain. "I'll make certain of it." I insist. "If she does however, it's of little consequence, she's not even the one," I say barely above a whisper, but Cobbles, my old friend, hears me anyway. "You don't believe that." He says. "If you did you  wouldn't take such careful measurements to ensure success, all the others you'd go on right ahead and tell them in three days' time." Cobbles informs me. "Who's to say I won't this time?" I ask.

 "Isn't it obvious to you?" Cobbles asks me. "You're willing to wait much longer to tell her." repeats Cobbles "I will not tell her, you're right., but you are fool to suggest that I do." I tell him, ready for this conversation to end. "Tell her" Cobbles demands. The ancient gargoyle stays still for a moment, then says "Tonight, she will meet you for dinner, and she will ask you to show her your face," He predicts. "Let her see" he says, " you'll regret not telling her earlier if you post-pone the inevitable."

"The inevitable that she will faint out of terror?"I remark, "or do you insist that she will grow accustomed to my hideous appearance if I reveal myself to her tonight?" I finish. Cobbles just nods his head, and that is the only answer I will get from him.

So much for wisdom when you are powerless in the face of the inevitable I suppose, or maybe it's just learning to flow alongside it.


This awkwardness of ours or can this only be a dream?


"Where is she I growl, but she's already here, i see her as i turn around. I hope she hasn't heard me.


I don't know what possessed me, when I obliged to his wishes. I wanted to stay in the room he's provided, and never leave, and yet, I felt compelled to cross the threshold. Funny how some things work out.  

As i walk down the hall, his back is to me I do not wish to be here, however I fend hold off my revulsion with every step I draw nearer to him. I try to descend quietly, but all of a sudden he whirls around angrily. His face is still hidden beneath hooded cloak. When he spots me, he stops growling, instead straightening and clasping his hands behind his back. Some gentleman for all the graciousness he's shown Arianna. still, there's something about his bearing that that speaks of calm patience, manners even.

 I hesitate half way down the steps, and meet his gaze. But what do i see in those eyes? Is it hope, longing? No. How can that be? He is a beast who, If I may add, took my life away from me. I know it was my choice, but i wasn't going to leave Arianna to rot here when I'm the one whose taken multiple self defense classes. Come to think about it, although I'm not even sure this place is real, after all, how can a castle exist in the depths of a forest unnoticed?

 My quarters are exactly and eerily a more impressive version of my own, if that doesn't denote the dream theory, nothing does. Back to the matter at hand, what does he want? He obviously has different intentions in mind for me, than he had for Arianna. And what does he know about me that he would know what I would like? I realize I'm still standing on the staircase, and that my eyes are still gazing into his. Seeing my pause he takes a step forward, ready to pounce the moment I consider a retreat. I head down the stairs again, looking at my feet, but this does not stop the burning sense of his eyes following me with every step I take, nor the tightness and butterflies I feel, I'd like to blame the corset, but unfortunately It is my own nerves and unnamed fears.


I'm not sure she came down for the sake of curiosity, so much as felt she couldn't decline the invitation. I am sorry for this, but I would do it again in an instant, my nerves and longing so strong with her presence so close, I feel I would burst. On top of that, She looked into my eyes! She's been doing that a lot lately, but now i am sure, she is the one. I watch her as she gracefully descends the stair. Like a gazelle in the forest. Naturally. She is wearing a long dress, with {low sleeves) and her hair is down. The dress was made in a time period when having one's hair up (for women) was proper and lady like, so it looks odd. But I don't really care, she came didn't she? And just as I suspected, she wears it remarkably well. The rich green of her dress setting off her eyes and high cheek bones.


I have reached

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