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tree. I see my brother expression turn to one of keenness. He scouts the premises to find Demetri crying and tied to the chair. I hear my Ex come up to Demetri and stare at him for answers. Demetri starts to go on about how we were fighting and how my body started to lose function. He started talking about how I said something and how He went to get help after I died. He kept warning me how my brother wouldn’t get there in time, making my brother cloak himself in darkness.
Brother, I am not dead. I am in my true form and He does not know of it yet. Tell my ex boyfriend to leave and I will come out in the open. Please forgive my rudeness but I was torturing him before you guys got there.
Sister, good to hear you are alive. I knew it because I see the tree is still burning after all this time. I will do as you ask.
“Leave now and never return.” My brother commands my ex-boyfriend to do so and He fizzles out of sight
“Why did you tell him to leave?” Demetri asks
“Shut up!” My brother smiles devilishly
“Don’t tell me I have given myself away already?” I echo my voice around the area
“Unfortunately, you have. How else would He be tied up like this?” My brother questions me
“Well, out of pure insanity. He did let your sister die.” I phase up from the ground
“I didn’t…I checked her pulse and…” I crack him with my fire whip
“Be gentle as you are with me.” I feel the seductiveness in my Brothers voice
“How sweet of you to seduce me…to coax me…to want to ravage me…” I put temptation into my voice
“I just want to be pleased… as you do. I bet I can do to you what no other man has ever done.” He insists
“And what would that be exactly?” I feel attracted to my brother…I don’t know why
“I can…fuck you till you faint” He smirks, making me use my super speed to stand in front of him
“ How interesting. You make me feel a need now…Brother” I stroke his face
“whoa-what did you just say?” Demetri seems shaken
“You heard her call me Brother, it was no fragment of your imagination” My Brother hisses at Demetri
“How cruel of you to say that to him, you know how I feel when you go medieval on a person I know. I was doing it first Brother. Copycat.” I use my normal voice as my body begins to develop human features
“Maddeline? Is that you? How is this possible? I felt you die…I witnessed you dying.” I just stare at him
“Does He really think I care Brother? Does He really think I give a two shit about what He DID!?” I laugh
“I do not think you do…I never think you did. You never cared. Your love for me was as fake as the body you were in when I called you Maddeline…if that is even your real name…imposter.” Demetri yells
“You were correct, up until the love and body and name.” I sit in front of him
“Spare me your lies just get it over with” He stares into my eyes
I did love you. I still do. I always loved you, even when you were draining me. I hoped that I would never have to do this to anyone, especially you Dinka…
“Do what exactly?” He seems astonished
“Guards! Take him to RED DOOR!” I order and Demetri is dragged through a red door screaming
I drop down to my knees and watch them drag him away. He tries to fight them off of him to get to me but they’re holding him a certain way. As the door closes, his eyes change to a different color. I realize that they are in there alone with him. In a small space before they actually reach the room. As the door shuts, I yell out the word no. My brother becomes extremely alert.
I hear their screams like they were my own. I hear the ripping of their bodies. I hear their blood pump faster through their hearts. I hear Demetri snap their necks and their screams dye down. I hear him bang on the door. I open the door by looking at it. He walks through, stained in their blood, with a big smile on his face. There was a smile there, before He looked at me.
“Sister.” my brother becomes alert and ripples with strength
“Stay out of this” I say softly
“Maddeline, we need to talk in Private.” Demetri barks
“This is as private as this is gonna get so lets talk.” I make chairs for us to sit in
“What is stopping me from walking over and ripping your fucking head off?” He smiles at the thought
“You love me. That is what’s stopping you. Though we both tried to kill one another, you love me. You cant help but love me. And I couldn’t let them hurt you so I made a choice. I chose you over them. A price to pay for Love.” I cry tears of fire
“Don’t show weakness. Do not Cry. I hate it when you cry.” He runs over to me and takes me into his arms
“You Hate me. Kill me. Just kill me.” I kiss him hard
“No I cant. I wont.”

Publication Date: 02-13-2011

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