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Book online «A Strange World by Cecy (english love story books .txt) 📖». Author Cecy

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and then I felt Anthony and Victor looking at me. I looked at them, and then I really looked at Anthony.
“Yeah?” I asked.
“Nothing. Having problems at home?” Anthony asked.
“My mom actually.”I said.
“Yeah I figured.” he said. I just chuckled.
“Okay, where are you guy’s going to?” I asked.
“Um, well I was thinking if you just want to go cruising for a little bit.” Anthony asked.
“Sure” I said. “Anything to stay out of my house.” I turned up the music, and drove off. I was going down 10th street, when I saw Anthony grabbed a pack of cigarettes out of his front pocket.
“Is it okay, if I smoke in here?” he asked.

“Yeah, go for it.” I said. I even grabbed one out of my pocket of my black jeans. He handed one to Victor while I was turning mine on. Then I started feeling my phone vibrate on the side of my leg, I looked at it, and it was my mom calling again. I put it on silent and just kept driving around. While I was driving down 15th street, victor asked me to drop him off at his house, and that he was ready to crash out. So he told me where he lived at then, I pulled up to his place, and Anthony got out with him, but turned back to me.
“Wait here, I’ll be back.” He told me, and I just nodded my head. I looked at my phone again and my brother was calling, I turned down the music even more and answered him.
“What’s up?” I said.
“Mom wants’ to know where you’re at.” he said.
“Tell her I’m with some friends. There’s no school tomorrow so she should quite being a bitch.” I said to him.
“I know right. She’s getting on my nerves already. I’m already with this one girl and she’s started to say shit about her, and she doesn’t even know her.”He told me.
“Yeah, well she made us move here. You’re going to find someone, and so am I.”I said.
“Yeah, that’s right, wait your going to find someone?” he asked.
“That’s none of your business.”
“Like if it’s not, who is he?” he asked.
“I’m not even with anyone okay.” I said. “Look I’ll talk to you later.” I said then hung up on him. Right then my mom was calling me, and Anthony was walking back to my car. Then one thing I didn’t expect him to do was get back in the car.
“You’re not staying, with him?” I asked confused.”
“No...” He said. I just looked at him, and then drove off with him still in my car. I had one hand on the steering wheel and one arm on the arm rest. I had my phone in that hand. Then I felt him grab my phone.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Giving you my number.” he said. “And now I have yours.” I just looked at him then I looked back at the road.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” he asked.
“No...”I said and laughed. I stopped on the red light and looked at him. “Why?” I asked. He shook his head.
“Nothing just wondering.” he said. When the light was green I took off then I pulled into Wal-Mart.
“I have to get something in here. Do you want to come with me?” I asked.
“Yeah.” he said. I rolled up all of the windows, and turned off the car, grabbed my keys and my wallet. When both of us were out of the car, I locked it, and then I realized that I didn’t bring my sweater.
“Shit its cold.” I said. I was walking with my hands in my back pockets. He was walking with me, then took off his sweater, and put it around my shoulders. I looked at him. “You're not going to be cold?”I asked.

“Naw, I’m use to it.” he said.
“Okay... thanks’ said. I put my arms through the sleeves then just kept on walking towards the entrance. First when I walked in I went straight to the girls and looked at some sweaters. I found a dark purple one, that was a small, and lucky for me it was my size. I gave him back his sweater.
“Thank you.” I said again.
“It’s no problem.” he said. I just smiled. I went to the shirts, and got a couple of long sleeves in my size which of course was small, and then in my pants I was a size four. I had to get a basket, and put my stuff in there.
“I didn’t mean to get all of this, but I need new stuff right now.” I said to myself.
“It doesn’t matter does it?” he asked.
“No.”I said. I was looking at some black shorts that I wanted to get, when he actually, came up to me, turned me around, and kissed me. Everything went quite, and I was actually kissing him back. When he pulled, he just looked at me and smiled.
“I’ve wanted to do that when I saw you.” he said.
“So did I” I said. I smiled and went back to looking at the shorts. I grabbed a few of them, and then I felt his arms go around me. We were already, where the shoes where at. I grabbed some black snow boots, and some other black shoes.
“Do you want to be my girl?” he asked. I thought about it for awhile, then I nodded my head yes. “Do you want to kick it tomorrow, to?” he asked.
“Yes.”I said. We went to the register and started putting thing on there, when I started seeing different colors. Like yellow, pink, blue, all those colors, then I just shook my head and just paid for my clothes and everything that I got myself. Once we were outside and got to the car. I put everything in the back, and got into the car, and drove off as soon as Anthony was in. He was holding my hand the whole way I drove to my house. I told him to stay in the car real quick, and I grabbed all my stuff walked inside the house, went into my room and put everything under my bed. I went back outside and into my car.
“What was all that?”He asked.
“Nothing just doesn’t like getting into arguments with my mom.”I said while I pulled out of the drive way. While we were cruising again, we were getting to know each other even more. I found out that he sells drugs, still is in school, living by himself, in a gang, and he doesn’t want me to get hurt ‘cause of what he does. I told him stuff about me to but not as much as he did with himself. I dropped him off at his house around 2am, and told him I’ll be back at twelve. He kissed me good night, then I pulled out of where he lived which was at the Arizona Sonora Vista Apartments, and hauled ass off to my house. Once I was in the drive way again I went into the house into my room on my bed and crashed out.
Chapter Six~ Being with Anthony

When I woke up it was eleven already. I got up, locked my door, and grabbed all of my stuff that I got yesterday from the store from under my bed, put it on my bed, and grabbed some black pants, and a long sleeve pink shirt with my spiked belt. I grabbed my black boots, which were the ones with the heels. Once I did that I jumped into the shower. Once I was out I blow dried my hair then got my straightened and straightened my hair. I got dressed, and then put my make up on. I grabbed my purse and my phone and car keys. When I looked at the clock it was already 12:30. I went through my phone and fund his number and texted him.

I’ll be there in a lil bit

Once I sent him that, I unlocked my door, and walked out. I didn’t bother going down to the second floor to my room. I didn’t really want to play the piano, look at the picture that was always on the wall, or see a shadow that I didn’t want to see. So when I was walking into the kitchen, my phone started ringing, and I didn’t pay attention to it, because when I walked into the kitchen my mom started yelling at me.
“Where were you at last night, and why didn’t you answer your phone?!?!”She asked yelling at me.
“I told Jesse to tell you that I was with some friends, mind my boyfriend. What I can’t be with him.”I told her. She was quite when I told her I had a boyfriend.
“How are you with someone? You’re a Goth, who’s going to want to be with you!”She asked me. I was so shocked at what she told me.
“You know what; I can get a guy if I want to. You don’t think I can. Well thank god I’m not going to bring him home to you guy’s. Thank god for that?!?!?”I yelled back at her. She walked up to me and yelled at me while she just kept on pointing at me.
“You are not going to be with this guy you are with.” she said.

“Do you want to bet that I don’t even know him. You don’t know who or what he is. He actually makes me happy. Why can’t you see that, why can’t you just want the best for me!!!!” right then I didn’t think she would slap me, but she did. There was blood coming out of the corner of my mouth, because she hit me with her left hand which had her wedding band on it. I just looked back up at her, and just started walking away. My phone kept on going off, so I answered it and it was Anthony.
“Elena I’m sorry!”I heard my mom call out. I didn’t even say hello to him or anything, so I just answered to my mom.
“Go to hell, you bitch!!!”I yelled at her, that’s when I walked out the front door, and to my car. I put my cell phone to my ear.
“Hello,” I said.
“Aye, you okay?”Anthony asked.
“Yeah, I’ll be there in a little bit.”I said. I hung up on him, and took off to where he lived at. I had my windows down and the music loud. I stopped at the Mc Donald’s and got something to eat for the both of us. I even got some food just in case if Victor was there. Then when I showed up, Anthony and of course Victor was there outside sitting on the steps. Anthony came down the steps, and walked towards my car while I got out. I handed him the bag and I got out grabbed my stuff, and when I turned and looked

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