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Book online «Chronicles of Madness by Justin Nichols (the chimp paradox txt) 📖». Author Justin Nichols

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exactly what I mean."

"Now I'm really scared."

"Don’t be, I'll protect you"

"Ok if you say so" she said as she looked down at the floor board

"Hey look at me I'll keep you safe. Why don’t we go out for lunch? Get your mind off this guy"

"Ok, sounds great, but one question. What did he do?"

"He killed people, don’t worry they were all guys. No females were even questioned during his case."

"Good" we hadn’t seen that man again for a while. Actually nothing happened for a little while, until Mae found out what I am.





Chronicle 4: The man and the beast

Now that I have you caught up on my history and what a shifter is, I should inform you that this is where the creatures and myths come in.

I was walking along the street, trying to clear my head. Mae and I had just gotten into an argument, again, and were trying not to lose my head. I rounded the corner on my way back home to apologize to her, I knew I was wrong, and then I saw him. The same guy that came to my house almost three months ago now. The Blake bastard that was stalking Mae. I couldn't seem but feel the prick is up to something so I also couldn't help but follow him. He was just strolling along and didn’t seem to notice me, which was good. His stroll took him right into the forest, and of course I followed him in. Then, once he reached the middle of the forest, the most isolated part of it, he started to morph. I had believed he was a shifter but I was wrong. He started to grow, in height and build, began to grow hair, and giant ferocious claws. He was a werewolf.

I almost confronted him, but decided not to until I knew his motives. I figured it would be nearly impossible to chase him as he ran into the night so I began to go home, then he began to follow me back to my house, as I had found out later. Once I got out of the forest I turned toward my house and began to walk home, but then I had bumped into Mae.

"What are you doing here" I asked inquisitively.

"I have no idea, to tell you the truth" she answered with a very confused look on her face.

"Well let's get you back home ok"


"How did you get out there" I asked once we reached the house.

"I don’t know I remember us fighting, not what over, and then I was there with you. It was strange but I did find this strange book in your room. It says "John's Chronicle" on the front. What is it your diary or something"

"Not a diary but a journal"

"Let me read it then"

"Why do you want to read my Chronicle?"

"I want to know your darkest secret. You call it a chronicle, really John. That’s just elementary"

"You know everything about me, and why do you insist on using long complicated words like elementary" I had implied as I reached for it. She pulled the book away and began to read it as she did. "Wait, before you read it let me explain the shifter part"

"What's a shifter John, and why do you refer to yourself as one"

"A shifter is someone with the capability to go anywhere, any when, and be anything that want to, when they want to. I call myself one because I am." She stared at me with wide eyes trying to grasp what I had just said to her.

"Prove it" she had rather forcefully said as she set down the book. At least she put down the book.

"Ok" I said under my breath as I began to morph into a creature she has always wanted to see again.

"You really are a shifter no way could you be, THIS, with anything other than what you described to me."

"Yes, I know I'm right"

"Let me take a picture"

"Ok but you can't show anybody. Do we have a deal?"

"Yes, yes ok I won't show anyone promises."Click Click, the camera went off then I had morphed back into my normal shape. I hoped she hadn’t gotten to the point of my chronicle that she knew my true feelings. She didn’t let on at all so I didn’t think that she had.

Then the werewolf showed up, on my front porch, while Mae was home.

He had knocked on the door and said "Mr. Decker please open up I need help."

"Not by the hair of my chiny, chin, chin." I had managed to say through my pure astonishment. I opened the door anyways." Yes Mr. Wolf what do you need."

"I know what you are; I know what you can do. Your kind is a rare breed indeed. I knew your father too. You must stop this thing that had followed me through the forest. I lost it once I reached your house. It saw me morph."

"I'm that it you keep referring to. And I am a he, thank you very much."

"You followed me, you saw me morph, and you’re the demon that put me in jail."

"Demon, no, jail, yes."

"Ah, I thought you looked familiar, you mean you are THE shifter. The one meant to save us all from the creature that watches us, keeps us in line, and you from shifting."

"I don’t know about all that, but I do know you look cold why you don’t come in"

"No thank you, I need to go home"

"Wait just one question, how did you get out of jail?"

"The warden was a wolf. He understood why I did what I did and made sure it was for the reason he thought. He taught me self control and discipline I'm different than what I use to be. No more killing for me, no sir I'm a brand new person."

"That’s good, good night Blake"

"Good night Mr. Decker"

"You can call me John."

Once he left and I closed the door Mae asked "Was he lying? About not being a killer and all."

"No he was one hundred percent honest with me." I replied

"That’s good, now what's for dinner I'm starving"

"I'm not your parent. Cook for yourself."

"Well you did change into my dad and all."

"Well played, but you didn’t believe me, you should cook for me."

"I don’t want to have top ramen and macaroni again. You know I can't cook."

"Fine I'll cook, but you better be grateful."

"Oh believe me I am. You cook like a god."

"Yes and you eat like a pig."

"Do not" she said smirking" Maybe just a little bit."

"You ate an entire ham once"

"I had a long day at school"

"Whatever you say porky"

"I do not stutter"

"Fine piglet"

"I hate you"

"Love you to Mae"






Chronicle 5: The hunter…

This is the portion of our story that if you are squeamish, or do not like to hear of gory and horrific events, you should probably skim through. Ah, who am I kidding, suck it up and read the whole thing.

Mae and I where just finishing a wonderful meal of hamburgers and macaroni, yes I did teach her how to make hamburgers, when I got a call from Bill.

"I got to take this" I had told Mae as I answered the phone, "Work related"

"Ok" she said as she gave me a thumb up. She supports my career choice one hundred percent.

"Hey Bill"

"Hey boss, just got a call from a lady, said she found a man. Looks like he has been mauled by a large dog or small bear."

"Did you put out an APB on Little Bear and Cujo?"

"Sure did boss, see ya in a bit." He had said as he hung up.

"Hey Mae there has been a killing, I got to leave"

"Can I come on this John, please?"

"Fine. You're lucky that I have known you for my whole life, other words I would have left you here."

"Don’t forget that you love me" she had said rather quickly as she skipped to the car.

"That too" I had to run to keep up with her.

"Beat you" she had giggled as she stuck her tongue out at me "Now if you wouldn’t
mind unlocking the car, I am freezing."

"One sec" I had replied as I unlocked the car "There freezing climb in."

"Ha-ha very funny"

"I thought so". I had jokingly said as I began to drive the car to the scene of the crime. Bill sent it to me this time, good. I had thought to myself. 

Once we arrived, I immediately began to investigate the body as Mae admired the gashes and lacerations that the man had on his upper body and face. He looked as if someone had put him through a meat grinder several times, and then added fake blood. It seemed as if there was all his blood on just his chest, while his face and arms had been soaked in blood as well. The cuts where deep enough to show his bone, some went straight through his arm and ribs, and the look in his eyes suggested that he saw what had killed him, then died after it left.

"You enjoying yourself there Mae."

"Kind of."

"Well, at least you not sitting around, twiddling your thumbs."

"I know right," she had excitedly said while she smirked at me


"I think we should be a team. It could be fun."

"No, you could get shot or attacked or killed. Not happening ever, end of discussion." I might have been too strict but I didn't care "Do you understand me."

"Yes, just thought it would be cool." she looked very sad.

"Now while I'm doing this stuff and interviewing people, you can come along."

"Really?" she had squeaked out.

"Yes, really."

"Yay" she squealed and jumped up and gave me a huge hug. "Thank you, you won't regret it."

"Your welcome" I said as I hugged her back. "We have to go back to work now."

"Oh, ok."

"What do you think killed him?"

"Normally I would say dog or bear, but seeing how the top half is the only thing touched, I'm saying someone like our dear friend Blake."

"I was thinking the same thing. We should probably head home now."

"Sounds good, I'm beat anyways." She said between her constant yawns.

"I can't tell, you have only yawned like fifty times now."

Once I had driven her home and walked her to her room, she was so tired that she could not even walk straight. It's funny she looked like a white drunk monkey at points, the way she stumbled and the noises she made as she did. I laid her down then went to sleep myself. I had a good dream this time instead of my usual nightmare. I had spent the day with Mae, we had been just hanging out, we went to the movies, eat lunch, and then just drove around seeing sights and just having fun.





Chronicle 6: …and the hunted

I was alone in the house, sitting in the living room enjoying a nice day off, reading The Shining by Stephen King my faveriote book, while Mae was off at school. Then I felt its presence, its breath was audible, and its foot prints were echoing in my head. It was a wolf, not a timber wolf, a full blown, walks on two legs, shaved Indian, werewolf. I had believed it was the wolf that killed the man.

Who ever it was it made a big mistake sneaking up on me, I was trained to handle any creature, any person, and anything that I needed to. I grabbed my gun and immediately grabbed two clips, plus the one in the gun, and

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