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Book online «Mirrored Demon by Michaela.A.Brister (ebooks children's books free .txt) 📖». Author Michaela.A.Brister

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little kids underwear, this made me blush.
he laughed and put it back "your so easily embrassed" brandon said as he pick up another pair, this one was white with green sides "ok ill got mine, youve got yours now just towels and suncream and whatever else we need".
we came out 10 minutes later with a bag filled with two beach towels, my bikini, his swimming shorts and suncream.
we made our way over to the beach and went to the changing rooms that ran along the top of the beach, brandon handed me my bikini before entering one of the changing room, i went in the one beside him and changed into my bikini.
i came out and waited for him, my clothes were folded in my arms, as i waited boys stared at me as they walked pass, a couple whistled i blushed.
brandon finally came out "dont you look lovely" he said giving me a smile.
i smile back "thanks" i say quietly.
he began to walk across the beach i followed behind him, more boys stared at me with a smile that meant they liked what they saw.
my face went red all over, brandon layed down two towels one next to each other "want me to put suncream on your back" he asked.
i nodded as i sat down "lay down" he said, i layed on my stomach he put come suncream on and began " rubbing it on, i shut my eyes enjoying the feel of his hands on my back "turn over" he said after done on my back i rolled over and looked at him as he rubbed suncream on my stomach, i smiled at him and he smiled back.
after he had finished i sat up only to be met by his lips on mine, i was shocked by this, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him, kissing me once again.
i kissed him back this time and wrap my arms round his neck enjoying his mouth against mine.
as we continued to kiss i felt like my life was being drained from me.
i tried to brake the kiss between us wanting air but brandon didnt let me he kept hold of me kissing me roughly, his tongue pushing against mine.
i finally lost coniousness.

i finally woke up, i wasnt in my room, i looked around wonder where exactly i was, i noticed outside the sky was dark, then i saw brandon looking through his music, i sat up and asked "what happened".
he looked over at me and smiled "well you passed out from the sun" he said.
"i did" i said.
he nodded and put a cd into the cd player.
i look down at my body and saw i was still wearing my bikini "i should get home" i said blushing.
"ill drive you home" he said to me.
"thankyou" i say with a smile, i got up of the bed and he picks up a bag and gives it to me.
i look inside and smile when i see my clothes, i follow him to the door and to his car, i climbed into the passager side as he climbed into the driver side.
"buckle up katie" he said, she did so, he smirked and backed out of the drive, and went speeding off down the road.
"b-brandon please slow down" i say scared.
he just gave me a smirk and went faster.
he slowed down once at my house, i stared at him for a second as he leaned over "well good night katie" he whispered, before kissing me on the lips.
i blushed and was about to kiss back when darren knocked on brandons windows, i climbed out "good night brandon" i say quietly to him so darren wouldnt hear.
brandon smiled and i walked to the front of my house darren following me "what the hell do you think your doing with him" darren snapped as i waved bye to brandon i watched him go "and what do you think your doing kissing him" darren carried on.
i glared at him "i like brandon and he likes me back ok" i say.
"no not ok katie" he said as we walk inside "you are not to go near him again" he snapped
i growl "shut up darren, just leave me the hell alone i hate you" i snapped angry before running upstairs to my room.
he just watched me, 'i hate you' he replayed the words in his head and sighed, then he left the house.
i lock my door and run to my bed and begin to cry "why does he have to be like this" i scream into my pillow.

Chapter 5

12:30 today

i was sat in the kitchen mopping, my mum and dad had gone on holiday and was suppose to be back late tonight. i stare at the kitchen table thinking about last night i wanted to see brandon, but didnt understand why, i was glad that darren wasnt here, i hadnt seen him since last night.
i got up off my chair and decided to go to the kennel to pick up charlie our dog, mum and dad had put him in there so i didnt have to look after him.
it toke me half an hour to walk there and as i began to walk back charlie decided to drag me to the woods as a detour walk, i smiled at the dog glad he had it was a good way to clear my mind.
but as we walked through the sky started to get dark, then i remember that the ecpilse was happening today, i swore under my breath and tried to drag charlie out but he kept pulling me further into the woods, i soon couldnt hold on to him and the least got pulled out my hand "charlie" i called and tried to go after him but mist started to surround me, and i lost sight of him, he had gone off barking.
i continued to look i wondered when this ecpilse was going to end, but when i look at the moon over the sun it was blood red i froze and stared then i heard a voice "katie" it whispered calling to me.
i froze in my tracks as more mist formed around my ankles freezing cold mist. i turn towards where the voice came from to see a pair of golden eyes through a wall of fog "please come katie" the voice said holding its hand out to me.
"don't" said another voice from behind me, "you must not take or trust him".
I turn and see a pair of purple eyes "you must not trust him, you must come with me Katie" said the purple eyed voice.
I look back from one pair of eyes to another "which should I trust" I asked myself.
"me, my dear Katie, if you don't then that purple eyed demon will take you from this world" the golden eyed voice said.
"he is lying, Katie, my eyes may be purple and you may not see my face, but my heart is golden so please come with me or he will destroy you" said the purple eyed voice.
I stared into both eyes scared at what will happen, if I went with one of them
i continued to look from one pair of eyes to the other "please come with me" saud the yellow eyed voice sweetly.
"no katie, dont" said the purple eyed voice stepping through the mist, so i could see his face.
"darren" i said shocked and move away from him, his eyes were a deep purple colour unlike the brown i had seen a day or so ago.
"please come with me katie" he said.
my eyes narrowed "no, go away and leave me alone, i hate you, just leave me the hell alone" i snap
"if you want go with him then will you come with me" the yellow eyed voice said coming out of the mist.
"brandon" i said my eyes now on him, his eyes now a soild golden yellow colour rather than golden amber colour.
"the one and only katie" he said giving me his movie star smile "will you come with me then" he asked me, holding his hand out to me.
i look at darren then turn and go towards brandon.
"no katie" he yelled reaching for my arm, he grabbed it and pulled me towards him "dont katie" he said making me look at him.

i pulled my arm free from darren and glare at him "I hate you" i growled, he just stared at me, as i toke hold of brandons hand.
brandon smirked as he pulled me into him, and made me stare into his eyes "katie will you give yourself to me" he asked softly.
i nod not resisting his control over me "good girl" i heard him whisper.
darren growled "let me cousin go" he snapped.
"no can do darren shes mine, she choose me over you" brandon growled then laughed "Me over her own cousin, its amazing how the more i got to her the more you pushed her away"
darren growled and suddenly golden white wings came out his back "give me katie" he snapped.
"no" brandon said simply, i stood there like a zombie, "me and katie have a date with death".
"y-your going to kill her" darren said shocked.
"of course, why else do you think i want her, she thinks shes not special but she is" bradon said "shes the reason for the devil not being on earth already, her soul is the godess in human form, if i kill her under the blood moon the devil will be realised then hello new darker world".
darren just stared "katie the human form of the godess" he said then he pulled out a sword from the air "i wont let you harm her".
"i think you have no choose, do you want to her hate you more" brandon asked "i sure she would do what ever i wanted and hate you if you stop me isnt that right katie",i nodded "maybe once shes dead i can get a demon to take her over and she can love me more" brandon said, i giggled.
darren didnt care if i hated him he slashed at brandon, brandon moved me infront of him and snapped me out of his control, and darren slashed right through me.
i stare at him before collaping to my knees trying to breath, darren stared at and dropped his sword and went to his knees and brought his wings back in, brandon watched smirking then grow black wings "bye darren, i hope your please you created the new world, released the devil and killed you cousin for me" he siad and laughed before flying off.
darren watched then turned back to me "katie im sorry" he said.
i just looked at him "darren im sorry i didnt listen" i say weakly.
"its ok you didnt know, i didnt tell you" he said softly.
"i love you darren" i say before blacking out.
he sat there staring.

Chapter 6

i opened a my eyes a little to hear talking.
"you almost got her killed" one voice said.
"i know im sorry" said another which was darrens.
"no sorrys if we hadnt gotten here when we had she would be dead and the devil would have escaped" the first voice snapped.
"calm down gabriel" said a female voice "lets just be glad shes alive, at least darren was able to keep her alive".
the first grunted "sure he did a good job this time but i still think we should move him to something more easlier and let someone more experience take over"
"i want darren" i hissed

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