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Book online «In Harmony We Trust by Ryan Matthew Harker (first ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Ryan Matthew Harker

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had stayed in during their first visit to the palace. They lay down on the luxurious bed and the two fugitives were fast asleep with contented looks on their faces as soon as their heads hit the pillows.

The Archmagi Florencii was tied naked and bleeding to a log that was planted upright in the blasted soil. Her hands were lashed together and her arms were raised above her head, held tight to the log at her wrists. Blood ran down her arms and across her heaving breasts, oozing from where her bonds bit deep into her flesh. Her feet were similarly secured and bleeding, with the weight of her body cinching the ropes that held her even tighter. The log to which she was lashed was encased in a hard rough bark that was as sharp as knives and slashed her back to ribbons as she writhed in response to her torture.
“You know I should kill you.” Harmony looked up at the Archmagi with a cold, dispassionate look that the light from the rising sun shining in his eyes failed to warm.
“Your little stunt this morning has put quite the kink in my plans.” Harmony had easily ferreted Florencii out as a the contributing factor in the chosen ones’ escape. The explosion that had followed the teleporting trio’s departure from his camp had actually served a dual purpose, while being the magically concussive expression of the Dark Wizards anger it had also been a simple spell of divination that had allowed the sorcerer to ascertain the gist of the events that had just transpired.
Although her torture had been going on for hours Florencii’s eyes still blazed with defiance and although bleeding, battered, and tired her voice did not waver when she said, “Perhaps Harmony but you cannot kill me. You need me to control my army.”
“Slut! Who do you think you are?” Harmony betrayed only the barest hint of emotion. “Who gave you the power that you now wield? I need you like a bat needs its eyes.” But his truth was only partial. Indeed Harmony had the power to raise his own necromonic army but he could not control hers, such was the nature of these things.
“True you nursed me along my dark path but we both know that my soldiers will obey only me and you do not have the time to replace them.” The triumph in her eyes was short lived. Florencii knew the only reason that she was still alive was because Harmony did not know about the theft of the amber wolf.
Harmony sighed in exasperation and rubbed his eyes with one hand. “Cut her down,” he commanded with an indifferent wave of his other hand. Then as he turned and walked back to his tent, “Do not think that you will have opportunity to betray me again Florencii.”
If you only knew, she thought as her bonds were cut and she hit the ground, if you only knew.

Candlelite awoke to the most heavenly aroma that he had ever smelled. Rolling over on his back he stretched, yawned and lay back into the soul satisfying softness of the lavish bed the royal kingdom of AnEerth had so kindly provided him earlier that morning. Provided for him… and Absinthe? Candlelite reached out his left arm and brushed the empty space next to him in the bed with his hand.
Inhaling more of the wonderful scent of breakfast Candlelite sat up and called out for his beloved. “Absinthe!”
Absinthe breezed into the room and threw open the curtains. “Good morning,” she chirped happily as sunlight streamed through the window and bathed the bed with its warming rays.
“Arrgh!” Candlelite cried in mock pain as he lay back down and dragged the covers over his head.
Springing atop the bed Absinthe straddled Candlelite, pulled the blanket from his face and began kissing him wildly.
“Aah! AAH!” Candlelite got his arms free and pinned Absinthe’s to her sides. Giggling happily she collapsed next to him and snuggled her face into his neck. Candlelite laughed, kissed her lightly and pushed her away. He got off of the bed, pulled on some pants and took a deep breath through his nose. Smiling sedately he asked, “Are you ready for breakfast?”
“You bet,” Absinthe also grinned and swung her legs off of the bed. “I’ve already been smelling it for twenty minutes.”
“Why didn’t you wake me up then?”
“Because you looked so cute and comfortable, I didn’t have the heart to wake you,” she said as she followed him to a rolling cart laden with covered dishes heaped with food.
“Well thank you.” Candlelite uncovered a dish and a cloud of aromatic steam quickly escaped, wafting into the air. Absinthe pushed him to the side and stuck her face in the rising cloud and took a whiff.
“Hey!” Candlelite protested. “I was going to do that.”
Absinthe just grinned at him impishly and began helping herself to the food.
After they had stuffed themselves to maximum capacity with the excellent breakfast the two of them sat back on a plush sofa and dozed contentedly in each other’s arms.
Their short nap was interrupted by a sharp knock on the chamber door. Growling a denial Candlelite rolled over and buried his face in a cushion. The knock came again, louder. Absinthe woke this time and with an exasperated look at Candlelite pushed herself off the couch. On the third knock she pulled the door open.
“Lady Absinthe?” a young man inquired. Although she did not know it he was the same boy who had brought Farewethor the medallion that she now wore.
“I suppose,” Absinthe confirmed, uncertain about being called lady.
“And Lord Candlelite, is he in?” the young man peered over her shoulder to peek at Candlelite sawing logs on the couch.
“Lord?” Absinthe snickered. “Oh yes. Lord Candlelite, time to get up!” she called over her shoulder. She held the door wide for the boy and asked, “Won’t you please come in? This may take a moment.”
“Oh. No thank you,” he politely declined not wanting to be involved in what was shaping up to be a domestic dispute. “I’ll wait out here until you are ready. But please hurry as the council is ready to convene.”
“We will,” Absinthe promised and closed the door.
Turning back to Candlelite she shook her head and ran towards him. She reached the couch and went into a flying tackle, intending to trounce him awake, but at the last second Candlelite’s eyes snapped open and moving to one side he jumped off of the couch. Absinthe missed her target and impacted the couch, tipping it over backward with her momentum, and landing on the floor.
Candlelite stood roaring with laughter as Absinthe eyed him from a pile of plush cushions behind the overturned couch.
“What are you laughing at?” she questioned with a cold look.
Candlelite shook with mirth and could only shake his head. With tears streaming down his face he hugged himself and stomped his right foot on the floor.

Ten minutes later they were walking down the hallway, following the boy to the throne room. Candlelite had his arm linked with Absinthe’s and the two of them walked close together, laughing and giggling, just happy to be free and in each other’s company. Their young guide did not understand why they were so happy with a war on and the city under siege and gave them a scowl over his shoulder. Such a serious look on the younger man sent Candlelite and Absinthe into near convulsions that had them stumbling to keep up.
Before long the boy stopped in front of a pair of doors that they recognized as those that led to the throne room. With a heartfelt knock he pushed open the great doors and announced in a loud, clear voice, “Lord Candlelite and Lady Absinthe!” The pair colored slightly and entered the throne room as their guide quickly departed.
In front of the central dais where the two thrones were perched was a long table, apparently the same table on which was laid the grand feast the last time they were there. Around the table stood all of their friends, Jeshux and McAriicoys, Vohrmint, Max and even Sefu all sat on the queen’s right along with five well dressed men of varying heights and builds. At the head of the table sat the queen, who looked tired but alert and to her left sat the king’s advisor Nefarious along with several other gentlemen that neither of them recognized. There were also a witch and a mage that they were unfamiliar with, a short woman with graying hair and a short old man with features similar to what Candlelite and Absinthe thought of as oriental. They were sitting with Farewethor.
As the Chosen ones approached the table they heard several cries of greeting from their friends and with McAriicoys to his right Jeshux indicated that they were to sit to his left in the two empty chairs between Max and himself. Candlelite took the chair directly next to the Commander General.
“How are you my dear?” Max asked as everyone took their seats.
“Fine, thank you,’ Absinthe answered politely.
After everyone had settled into their seats the only person who remained standing was Queen Mega’N.
“Thank you all for being here,” Mega’N said loudly as she raised her hands for silence. “We have much to discuss this afternoon. First, I would like to extend my gratitude and that of the realm to Witch Farewethor for a job well done.” Farewethor gave a short bow from her seat. “I would also like to heartily welcome back to our humble city the Chosen Ones, Candlelite and Absinthe, and introduce to them those of you that they may not know.” There was a murmur of greeting from those gathered around the table. Candlelite sort of raised his hand and nodded while Absinthe smiled broadly and stunned everyone with her beauty.
“Now that the pleasantries are concluded let’s move on to business.” Mega’N shuffled some notes in front of her but did not refer to them. “The number one item on my agenda this day is, in some ways, perhaps the most important.” She glanced toward Jeshux who gave her a slight nod. “As you are all aware the king is in a rather critical state right now and the medics are postulating that he may not make it through another night. In light of this information I, Mega’N Siv O’opp, High Queen of AnEerth, have made the decision to abdicate my throne…”
The assembly broke into an uproar over the Queen’s announcement with the exception of Jeshux and McAriicoys, who already knew that it was to come and the three Earthlings, who did not share the same political viewpoint as everyone else. Sefu was also unaffected; she sat back in her chair with a bored expression on her face. Being an outlaw she really did not care who was in power, her business would go on regardless. Her only interest was when the fighting would start as she laced her fingers behind her head and leaned back casually in her seat.
Mega’N let the outrage continue for a moment before she again raised her hands. “Silence!” she called out over the din. “I said, Silence!”
Gradually everyone became quiet and Nefarious took the opportunity to ask, “Your highness, but why? Why are you stepping down just when your kingdom, your planet needs you the most? Are you giving up?”
The queen’s eyes narrowed angrily and her voice bristled with authority. “Nefarious, your insolence is truly unforgivable. Why Zakeriah has tolerated your arrogant, insubordinate whining for so many decades will always elude me. My only hope is that whoever is to take the throne after me will have the intelligence to replace you with someone less self-serving.”
Nefarious visibly shrank
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