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Book online «In Harmony We Trust by Ryan Matthew Harker (first ebook reader txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Ryan Matthew Harker

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from the queen’s harsh words and fear leapt into his eyes as the reality of being replaced suddenly became very real for him.
One of the several military advisors seated to the queen’s left utilized this moment to voice a question of his own, “Despite his personality flaws your highness, Nefarious has inadvertently corralled you into clarifying a good point,” the man spoke diplomatically. “Just who will take the throne in light of your abdication?”
Mega’N’s smile was brittle when she answered, “Thank you General Kahill for bringing us back on topic. I was getting to the matter of my successor when I was so rudely interrupted.” She fixed Nefarious with another hateful look for emphasis before she continued, “So that you all know, in case there are any further doubts, I have ruminated long and hard on this subject and after much consideration I have decided that in the absence of our beloved king I am not qualified in a military aspect to lead our kingdom to the victory it so desperately needs in this war.” Mega’N gave yet another pointed look at Nefarious. “This reason and this reason alone is why I am stepping down and naming Commander General Jeshux DuTerriux Jules as Lord Regent of the Kingdom of AnEerth!”
The assembly again erupted in bedlam as this revelation was digested among the meeting’s participants. Jeshux was the logical choice as he had at one time been expected to except the position as General of the royal armies but he was the last person anyone present had expected to be named as ruler of the entire planet, even if only as the regent.
“Under what terms will the Commander General act as regent?” General Kahill spoke above the confusion. He was visibly upset though he clearly tried not to show it. As his immediate rival the General had advanced to his position due only to Jeshux self imposed exile, not through any truly outstanding attributes of his own. Being aware of this he was naturally somewhat sore about it and now to top things off his personal vendetta was being snubbed once again as his political adversary was named as his liege and ruler. A hardened man the General may be but this was almost too much.
The assembly quieted down to hear the queen’s answer to the general’s question and she looked almost serene as she made the statements that she knew would cause the most distress yet. “My people it is my wish, considering that the king and I are childless, that upon the successful resolution of our current conflict the lord regent will cast off his title by naming a new King and Queen of AnEerth.”
Jeshux smiled a little in surprise but said nothing while virtual chaos exploded around the table. Everyone had expected the Commander General to step down after the war but none had expected to be shackled under a rule of his choice. None but Jeshux seemed to realize the choice had already been made.
Finally Nefarious managed to croak above the roar, “But why, my queen? Why don’t you retake the throne? It is rightfully yours!”
Again everyone went quiet in anticipation of the queen’s answer. You could have heard a pin drop in the throne room as everyone held their breath but the queen was silent and refused to meet the High Magician’s challenging stare. Instead she stared off into space, somewhere out a small window set high in the wall to her right, trying to see into a world that might supply her with answers. Try as she might though she could not quite pierce the veil. Mega’N began to sense impatience ripple through her council and while she may not care she felt that she owed an answer.
“Is it?” she began, finally meeting Nefarious’ eyes before sweeping a glance around the table. “I don’t believe it is anymore. Even if it were I don’t want it. After six hundred years of peaceful rule Harmony has taken away the one thing that I care about, the man I love. No gentlemen, ladies
” Mega’N stood up from her chair and placed her hands on the table. “I’m tired and I am going to sit with my husband during his final hours. My last act as ruler of this fair planet will be to send someone to spread the news of my abdication and the Commander General’s regency.” Over half of a millennium of royalty drained from the queen’s bearing until she was only a woman once more and as a woman she turned to Jeshux. “If you could update me on the remainder of these proceedings I would appreciate it.”
Jeshux nodded and watched as the former queen walked from the room. Not half as powerful as she once was the new regent sensed that she was twice as formidable as she had ever been. His thoughts skipped back over the queen’s speech as he stood and moved to take the vacant seat at the head of the table. The implications of what she had said were strongly enticing and it would satisfy Jeshux sense of right to stir things up with his newly acquired authority.
Jeshux eyed the various faces and easily picked out the few that were lined with dissent. He chose to address the issue of power immediately and spoke mainly for their benefit.
“Ladies and Gentlemen,” he began. “Good afternoon to you in these most trying of times.” Jeshux paused to gather his thoughts. “I would like to begin by saying that I did not seek this position in any way. It was thrust upon me rather abruptly and came as just as much of a surprise for me as it did for you. Know that I will perform as our leader to the best of my abilities and beyond if necessary. Now I look upon you and I see worry upon some of your faces
” This was an understatement and everyone knew it but Jeshux barreled forward. “
and I must pose the question, does anyone among you feel that I am incapable of serving as regent in a satisfactory manner?” No one said anything, all being too honorable to lie outright. “Excellent. Then should I assume that no one here wishes to oppose the High Queen’s last edict that I should ascend as Lord Regent of our fair planet?”
With a glance at everyone around the table General Kahill cleared his throat. “You should,” he said and it was exactly what Jeshux wanted to hear. If the General had no wish to oppose him then he felt that he had nothing to worry about.
“Well then,” Jeshux said and finally took his seat. “I believe it’s time we got down to more pressing matters. First, the lord Candlelite has a trinket in his possession, a parting gift from our beloved Archmagi Florencii, and I feel that it may be extremely important to discover its exact nature.” He gestured to Candlelite who looked more than a little uneasy at being called a lord. “Candlelite, if you’d please pass your carving to the High Magician so that he may inspect it.”
Candlelite reached into his pocket and pulled out the little amber wolf dangling from its chain.
A look of surprise grew on Nefarious’ face as the carving was passed down to him and it coalesced into one of full blown shock as soon as his fingers touched the chain. “Oh my,” he murmured and suspended the wolf at eye level where it spun slowly one direction and then the other. “Oh, my my,” and he tentatively reached out one finger to ever so briefly touch the figurine. Instantly the magician jerked his hand away and lowered the figurine to the table.
“What is it?” Jeshux had watched the magician closely and thought that he detected just the faintest glow in the heart of the amber wolf when Nefarious touched it.
Nefarious ignored the regent and lifted his eyes from the figurine to Candlelite. “You received this from the Archmagi?”
Candlelite nodded and told everyone what he had been told by Florencii.
“Oh,” Nefarious breathed as he picked up the chain and passed the carving back to Candlelite, “That sneaky, sneaky woman.”
“What is it?” Jeshux repeated with a note of impatience.
“It’s very appropriate that this object has fallen into the hands of this young man,” Nefarious stated gravely. “That figurine represents one of the nine artifacts of old magic. If Harmony had invoked its power he could very well have turned young Candlelite against us.”
“What are you saying? Does it enable mind control?” Jeshux asked.
“A form of mind control,” Nefarious conceded.
“Impossible!” General Kahill snorted. “It was proven long ago that a person could not be manipulated by magic.”
“Not quite,” Farewethor corrected when she spoke up for the first time. “Magic cannot be used to enslave someone against their will. Free will is the one natural force that can’t be shackled. But people can be influenced to do things that they may not be normally inclined to do and magic can definitely be a contributing source of influence. Of course if the will of a person is destroyed then influence becomes that much easier and it is possible to destroy a person’s will.”
“So this little wolf has the power of persuasion then?” Max proposed as he reached across Absinthe to pick up the figurine and examine it.
“Perhaps, but although Witch Farewethor is correct in her tutoring, the rule of free will does not apply to that little wolf there.” Nefarious pointed to the carving as Max handed it back to Candlelite. “You see it was fashioned as a tool to aid in the training of werewolves.”
Understanding dawned suddenly on Farewethor’s face but before she could speak the old oriental man spoke excitedly. “The Lupelire!”
“Precisely,” Nefarious confirmed. “The Lupelire of Sangra-Li. I believe that it originated from magicians somewhere in your country, did it not Mage Pwami?”
“Indeed it did,” the aged mage conceded. “It was also purported to have been lost over five thousand years ago.”
‘It appears that Harmony found it,” the gray haired witch next to Farewethor remarked. “It’s no wonder that he has been reported to have such flawless control over his wolf packs.”
“No wonder indeed, Jirseka,” Nefarious agreed. “Since animals haven’t the same sense of free will as humans, with the power of the Lupelire he would have perfect mastery over any of the canine or lupine species and very likely could have used it to subvert Candlelite to his cause.”
“That would have been terrible,” Absinthe gasped.
“More than any of us may realize,” Jirseka mused.
“I have to say that it’s fortuitous that we have been spared the consequences of the Lupelire,” Jeshux said. “Now all we have to do is figure out how to use its power to our advantage.”

Harmony stood outside the city walls, no more than a hundred yards from the central gates, with the generals of his awe inspiring army positioned in a crescent around him. The sorcerer’s hood was pulled over his head. His face lost in shadow and illuminated only by a faint red glow that emanated from his black eyes.
Arms at his sides, hands clenched in fists Harmony slowly rotated his arms until his hands faced the gates. He raised his hands straight in front of him, palms to the sky and began a deep almost inaudible chant that increased in depth and intensity until its resonance began to echo off of the walls in front of him and resound to the heavens.
Rotating his hands again Harmony spread his arms outwards so that his palms faced the city gates. His chant ended and with his arms still out in front of him he brought his hands together with a thunderclap that shook the ground he stood on and rattled the foundation of the city to
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