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Book online «Wolves by Ash Faith (ebook reader 7 inch .TXT) 📖». Author Ash Faith

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but as I took the emblem in, I realised the secret I held behind it. I really was the wolf now. I’d become what my tattoo and dearly held brothers’ emblem had ironically premonitioned.

 All I’d seen was the front of this house, but I was already amazed, who ever had really built it, knew way too much then what I wanted them too.

“I did do it! I did it all!” The child stamped her feet and sat on the ground arms crossed, is this kid seriously having tantrum right now?

“Sure you did, then tell me, what do you know of that emblem.” I said, pointing to it on the door.

“It’s that of the gang with no name, but they are called many things, from the 5 Deadly Sins to The Brotherhood,” The kid smiled, “I found out about them after you called them. I don’t know your relationship with them, but I know I’ll find out.” This little brat thinks she can just storm in and bluff like this? Many knew of the boys and their gang, she was nothing special, probably just heard about them from her parents that most likely feared them.

“Look, kid, I don’t want to break your heart. But I do, everyone knows of the Brothers and the danger they bring, if you tell me where the person who actually built this is, I’ll let you live, because brats like you get on my nerves and that is exactly what you’re doing.” I leaned down to peer down on the little demon,

“You don’t know what damage you’ve done today, wolf” She said, peering back up at me confidently, “I’ll tell the person who build this to come meet you. But understand that you’ve brought consequences with what you’ve done here.”

Who did this kid think she was? And how the hell did she know I was a wolf.

I furrowed my brows, standing back up to my full height as the child did the same, though she was only merely higher than my knee cap. And disappeared into nothingness.

“What in the hell?!” I dropped my bags and fell on my ass as the shock of the disappearance stunned me. What was that demon child?

“What happened are you okay?” A familiar voice worried, following a helping hand holding out to help me up, I gratefully grabbed it and raised myself back up to Jack’s perfect smile.

“Yeah, I’m fine, just… a little stunned. It’s been a weird week.” I admitted,

“It gets weirder.” He said, staring out at the woods behind me.

“You tell me, turn around.” I said, pointing at the house that the child said was mine. Well, it’s in my territory, so it’s definitely mine. Jack smile continue, as he stared down the house amazed, until his eyes met with the emblem on the door and it faded, fear striking his face harder than when Ace had his sister.

“What’s that look for?” I asked him,

“That symbol. I’ve seen it before.” His face grew grim, “But it’s different o the version I know of. There’s a wolf at the bottom.” His brows furrowed, digesting the symbol in front of him,

“So you know the brothers?” I questioned, not knowing whether I should tell him I was a part of them. That I was the wolf.

“I know the story that comes with an emblem of 5 young boys. But that’s all it is. A story, one that’s been told for hundreds of years.”

Wait, hundreds of years?

“Jye always loved stories, it would make sense if he…” I talked to myself but was cut off,

“Based the Brotherhood on a story. Yes, it does, doesn’t it?” Hue’s voice broke me off, I spun on my heels,

“Did you follow me? How did you get here?” I questioned him, but he was more focused on the radiant anger coming from Jack next to me. I nudged him, as an okay for the 4 guests that stood in front of me.

“Who are you, and why do you think you could base yourselves amongst such heroes?” Jack said angrily,

“I could ask who you are as well, and why you think you can stand so close to our sister” Hue’s hand drifted to Jye’s swords that were still attached to his belt. I waved off the aggressiveness between the boys.

“He’s a friend,” I said to Hue, then turning to Jack, “They’re my brothers, and whatever that story of ‘heroes’ goes, they’re certainly my heroes. If you have a problem Jack I suggest you head back to where you came from.”

“No problem,” He grumbled, it clearly wasn’t what he wanted to say but it was enough for me at the moment.

“Wow, I didn’t know you were that obsessed with us,” Mongo’s ego clearly being fuelled by the emblem on the door.

“I didn’t do that.”  I said, immediately regretting saying that, because how am I supposed to say, ‘a child that can disappear in thin air claims she helped make it’.

“I’ll be back later, when we can be alone, I need to talk to you in private.” Jack whispered low enough for just me to hear before nodding a goodbye and leaving off into the woods. As he disappeared into the darkness of the woods, the boys walked up to the porch stairs of the house, Lan and Mongo sitting down and Franky and Hue stay standing, taking in the garden.

“Is it just me, or doses that one seems a little off,” Hue said breaking his view from the house to have eye contact with me.

“It’s just you, Hue, he’s a trustworthy person I promise.” I said warily, pretending it wasn’t my first time walking up the porch. My hand hovered from above the silver handle, it gleamed at my touch. As if this couldn’t get weirder. I hear the sound of a lock unlocking as I pushed open the door.

“Stay outside for a moment I just got to set some things up before you come inside.” I said, hoping my uncertainty didn’t show in my voice. The boys nodded, each distracting themselves with something different about the house. I dumped my bags at the door, shutting it behind me quickly. I stared at the back of it, that didn’t share the same emblem. I took in the open area that lay ahead of me. it was clean, beautiful and my style. Whoever did this, knew me way too well. I started to think maybe the boys had somehow conjured it, being the ones who knew me so well. The kitchen began to my left, with decent cooking supplies and fitting grey stone counters. A half wall and wooden table split between the kitchen and a large living area. It had 2 couches that looked more comfortable than anything I’d ever seen and a TV that looked like you could actually see the shows it had on its screen when it was on. It was more than I’d ever had before, and it was all mine. I couldn’t see the full room, so I reached my hand up and down the wall looking for a light switch, finding what I was looking for I pushed the switch down. What I hadn’t seen earlier, was the chair in the corner and the open window next to it, with its secure screen broken. And a body sat comfortably in the seat.

“What the hell are you doing here?!” I whispered angrily stalking over to the amethyst-eyed beauty that sat in my chair. In my house.

“I couldn’t handle it anymore,” He said standing up, but giving me space. That’s a first. “And I know you couldn’t either.”

“And what exactly is that supposed to mean, Ace?” I asked angrily, but I knew exactly what he meant.

“I could hear your thoughts of me from miles away, you can’t lie to me Lana I see right through you.”

“How egotistical of you, you think I’m thinking of you every moment don’t you?” what a dick.

“Maybe not every moment,” He smirked coming closer, “But I know what I want, and I know what you want.”

 Suddenly, before I could react he grabbed at my hips, dragging them closer to his own with his hand around my waist and is amethyst eyes sparkling with something unfamiliar. My traitor body didn’t resist, instead it pushed me further, pressing my body into his and pushing him back into the chair. I would never say it, it would give him an upper hand, but he was right and I know it. something took over my conscience as I waited for his response. His lop-sided smirk returned, and I realised what was hidden in his eyes. It was Lust.

“That’s what I’m talking about” he said, his eyes flaring red for a moment as he jumped back up, his lips leering, hovering over mine. He was waiting for me to respond. I did. I pressed my lips hard into his, clashing into his soft lips. I’d never felt better. It turned into a more violently clashing of tongues as we explored each other, his arms gripping into my hips, pulling me into his grip, I did the same with my hands around his neck. I was tongue-tied by my own actions, but I didn’t want to stop. He spun us around, as we continued our make out endeavour, pressing my back into the wall gently. But I wanted more. His hands cupped my ass as he read exactly what I was going to do, my legs jumped up, wrapping around his waist as he pushed me harder into the wall. Pressing our bodies closer, begging to get closer. My back slammed against the wall, but it wasn’t the pain that woke me away from Ace. “My brothers are outside” I whispered my realisation,

“I’ll happily meet them,” He said kissing my neck,

“You already have, and considering you came in my house-”

“Not yet I haven’t” He said pulling his face away from my neck so I could see the lustful smirk I’d earned for my stupid word mix-up.

“They’ll kill you, for breaking in and touching me.” I gasped,

“I want to do much more than just touch you, I guess I’ll just have to die then. But it was worth it.” His smirk lingered on to a full-on smile, but it stayed the same, just shining more. The thought agitated me, along with his over-confidence.

“Then do it, you’ve been getting on my nerves anyway” I said angrily,

“I like it when you’re mad at me,” He said, giving a final squeeze of my ass before letting me slide back onto the wall on my own feet. I growled, maybe from my anger, maybe from the fact that my lust was left un-achieved of its goal.

“Either hide, or leave. Either way, don’t make it obvious.” I said, walking off to my door attempting to flare down my red cheeks.

My hand hovered over the handle, letting it glow and unlock, I took one final glance back at the chair, hoping to take in his ripped muscles under his tee one more time, but he was gone. Sighing, I ripped open the door,

“Come inside, she’s all done.” I said, hiding as much of my disappointment as possible. They all got on the move, passing through the door one by one,

“You look flushed? You feelin’ okay?” Lan asked as he passed,

“Yeah, just a bit hot in here that’s all” it was real hot a moment ago.

“Surely ripping open your secure screen wasn’t necessary to cool the place down,” Hue said, eyeing the broken screen and open window.

“What’s with the dent next to it?” Franky asked,

“Shit,” I cursed aloud, making all the boys turn to look at me confused, “Just, ah, you know how construction is, always a few mistakes and dents here and there.” I lied, scratching the side of my neck to hide the bruise I felt forming. Mother of god that’s a hickie forming. I held my hand steady over the spot, wondering why it wouldn’t heal. The boys all took a seat among the two couches, making themselves comfortable.

“Where’s that door lead?” Mongo

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