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Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (motivational novels TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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using her power.
From the very beginning of her nurse’s training, she’s slipped in a little of her Healer’s Magic to help her learn. Her classmates had all but shunned away from her after seeing her in action. By the time she’d graduated, earning her nursing degree, she’d had more than a few enemies. They thought she, being a mighty Ancient Mystic, used her powers to get her through school, when in truth, she’d hardly used them at all. Sure, she’d had help from her siblings, mother and aunt Sharon, but she never used them unless they were dually necessary.
The road blurred ahead of her so she shook her head to clear her vision. Up ahead was a train passing the road, the block-lights flashing for drivers to stop. She was the only one on the road so late at night. Watching the train pass her, the infinite pattern of the twinkling lights put her in a daze.
Her fiancé Jake’s face came into her mind, flashing an alarming vision.

Jake was lost in a world he didn’t know. He called for the first person on his mind. “Anna!”
He searched around, the night sky growing darker, unfamiliar surroundings making him shiver. Anna didn’t answer him, so he began to walk. Each step was harder than the last, the mud thick under his feet. The howling wind blew, making him lose his balance. He grasped the nearest tree and held on for dear life. He somehow knew he was in the Dream Realm, but this was no part of it he’d ever been to before. He called her again. “Anna?”
“I’m here, Jake.” Anna tried to send to him telepathically, but he didn’t hear her.
The wind stopped just as suddenly as it had begun. Every sound he’d heard was silenced, and that made him stop in his tracks.
A light the color of fire nearly blinded him. The light flashed in front of him. It recoiled inside itself as he watched, scared. Whatever it was in front of him had him scared witless.
What was that thing? Anna asked in her mind to him. Again, he didn’t answer.
“Surrender yourself to us, Earthbound.” A shrill voice echoed.
Jake was too scared to answer. He stood, staring at the pulsing light-thing.
“The Ancient Mystic girl uses her powers against you. . .” The voice continued. The light turned itself into an image of a woman. She – it – smiled at him. “No wonder you are so jealous of your own flesh and blood.”
Jake could do nothing but blink. Anna, deep in the vision in her mind, could feel the amount of evil power emanating from the light-thing.
Snap out of it, Jake! She’s a demon!
“Leave him to me, Ancient Mystic brat!” The light-thing shrilled in the air.
Jake slowly came to his senses. “Anna? She’s here?”
“Of course, Earthbound.” The demon light-thing told him. “The madness is getting to you. I can tell.”
What was that thing talking about?
“I’m not mad.” Jake announced.
“How do you explain your visions, boy?”
Jake stepped back, startled whatever it was knew.
Visions? He never told me had visions? Anna asked herself in her mind. How?
“How can he not have visions with you around, Ancient Mystic?” The light-thing echoed with a laugh.
“Anna.” Jake whispered. “Leave her alone! Take me instead!”
The thing turned back to him with a red glow to its yellow eyes. “Certainly.”
Anna feared for him, screaming in her mind. “NO!”
A shrieking laugh filled the air as the thing moved to kiss him. Neither could do anything but watch, fearful. As it kissed him, Anna could see it fill his very body, mind and soul.
The last thing she saw before shaking out of the vision was that light-demon-thing smiling at her through her boyfriend’s eyes.

Honking of a horn startled her out of her vision. The train was gone and people behind her wanted to move. They shouted obscenities as they passed her. Putting the car back into gear, she headed home.
The vision had her stumped. A feeling of terror itched her Empathy, making her fearful of Jake’s state. Was he okay? She hadn’t seen him at their apartment in nearly a week. He’d claimed he had plenty of work to do, planning for the wedding and taking over the family business. She worried for him, for he hadn’t even answered her silent call when she had the nightmare weeks ago. He was nowhere to be found.
Anna sighed when she arrived. She parked the car and locked it before heading inside. The image of the light-demon thing entered her premonition. Right away, she knew Jake was in trouble.
“Jake.” Anna whispered, racing to the apartment and unlocking the door. She called to him when she opened it. “Jake!”
She could hear whimpering coming from their bedroom. “Jacob!”
Her Empathy kicked in, warning her of danger. She tried to close herself off but it didn’t work. Her love for Jake didn’t allow it.
She found him curled up in a ball in the corner of the room. “Jake, honey, what’s wrong?”
His hands clamped his head. He rocked back and forth, his entire body shaking. She could feel him in pain, his mind confused.
Anna did the only thing she could think of to do – she stooped to the floor beside him and held him.
“Anne. . . I’m scared.” Jake whispered, holding on to her tightly.
She pet his hair, kissing his lips to make him see her. “It’s okay now. I’m here.”
“What was that thing?” He whispered.
“That was a demon called a Djinn. No one, not even the Gatekeeper in the Abyss knows where they come from.”
Jake looked her in the eye. “Am I mad now?”
“Oh, honey, no. You’re not mad.” Anna assured him, holding him. He was still shaking in her arms. “You couldn’t control it, no matter what you tried to do. That doesn’t make you mad.”
Once he calmed down, she helped him to his feet. She could feel the love he had for her, along with the delight of her presence. He took her in his arms and kissed her. “Thank you, my dove. You saved me.”
Anna grinned, making him smile. “I love you, Jake. I will always be there for you, no matter what happens.”
“Good to hear that.” Jake replied, kissing her again.


When she arrived home late that night, Ariana Reading was sure to be quiet. She didn’t want to wake the children. The flickering of a television from the livingroom caught her eye. She saw Bradley and Kelly, fast asleep on the couch and smiled to herself. They looked so comfortable, curled up together. Bradley’s arm was around Kelly’s waist.
One of these days, those two are going to find out the truth about themselves. Ariana thought with a grin. They’re smart kids, they’ll figure it out.
She tapped each of them after turning the television off. “Come on, you two. Wake up.”
Kelly groaned, slowly waking. Bradley stretched, sitting up.
When Kelly saw her mother, she was wide awake. “Momma!” She whispered, being sure not to wake her siblings. “Is Derrick okay?”
Ariana nodded. “I’ll tell you everything in the morning.”
“Can I spend the night?” Bradley asked.
“Did you tell your father where you are?”
Bradley yawned, rubbing his eyes. “He knows I’m here, and at this time of night, he’ll expect it.”
Ariana grinned at him. “That’s Aaron for you. Alright, you can stay. Why don’t you head to one of the guest bedrooms for the rest of the night.”
Bradley nodded. “Thank you, Mrs. Reading.”
“Thank you, Bradley.” Ariana replied. “For looking after the kids for me.”
She kissed each of them, sending them to their beds before heading to her own.
At the door to her bedroom, she stared at the bed wistfully.
“Oh darling...” She whispered out loud. She sat on the bed, grabbing his pillow and hugging it tight. She thought of what happened hours ago.
She’d gotten a vision, rushing to her husband’s side. Once meeting his scared eyes, she sensed something out of place. Reaching deep inside herself, she had grasped the Ancient Mystic Force, meshing it with the Dark Magic. She called a spell, exorcizing the demon that had taken over his mind. Once hearing her brother-in-law’s voice from the shadows of her hearing, she fainted beside her still husband’s body.
She woke up to find herself in the emergency room, sister Anna at her side. Anna told her how Shane found her unconscious body lying on the floor, and how he’d thought of calling for an ambulance before calling on her. When Ariana awoke, there he was, sitting beside her in the chair. Her daughter Kelly was on the other side of the bed. Anna brought in some food and Shane told her what he saw. He would wait until the ride home to ask questions.
Lying on Derrick’s side of the bed, she cried herself to sleep. She was so exhausted, she didn’t think of calling the Dream Chant or wanting to patrol the Dream Realm. She hoped O’Dell would understand. Thinking of her beloved Derrick, she made a wish in her mind.
She heard a male moan, “What the?”
Ariana froze, eyes wide open.
Whoever he was whispered again. “What’s going on? Where am I?”
She recognized her brother-in-law’s voice. “Shane?”
Ariana took a deep breath and sat up. Turning the light on, she turned to him. “I don’t think so.”
Shane looked around. “How did I get here?”
Ariana shrugged. “Magic?”
He stared at her. “Why am I here, and not home in bed?”
“I don’t know.” Ariana confessed. “I wished for Derrick, but got you instead. Silly, huh?”
Shane kissed her cheek. “No, not silly. It’s not as if you wanted me here, right?”
She gulped. “I don’t know how it happened, Shane, honestly.”
“I believe you.” Shane smiled. He stood. “Need to talk? I’m here for you.”
She smiled back. “How did you know something was on my mind, Shane Morehouse?” She teased. “Are you practicing telepathy?”
“Yeah, I wish.” He joked. “I’ve noticed you out of sorts lately, especially since that night in the Abyss. She told me what happened.”
She was Luna, his wife and her twin sister.
“Take a seat. It’s gonna be a long night.” Ariana replied.
Hell Hath No Fury

Derrick was released from the hospital a day later. He was home again, but hadn’t been the same since. Ariana was confused and appalled as she watched her husband pack a suitcase.
“Where are you going?” Ariana asked him.
He ignored her. She tried telepathically asking the question.
“Knock it off, Ariana!” Derrick shot, making her cringe.
“What’s wrong with you?” She asked, worried. “You’ve brooded around the house for three days, ignoring the family, not going to work. I want to know why.”
He stopped what he was doing to look at her. “Love, it has nothing to do with you. I’m the failed one here, not you.”
Ariana was confused. “Failed one? What are you talking about?”
He didn’t answer her, preferring to shove various clothes into a suitcase. The mood was getting tense, making Ariana angry. She could feel the bubble of Dark Magic in her soul.
Not now, please. She begged it in her mind, forcing it back to the shadows of her mind.
Derrick finally stopped to stare at her, his intuition and Protector’s Pendant telling him something was wrong. He saw the pained look in her eyes and moved to kiss her lips. “I’m going away for a few days, maybe more.”
She looked into his eyes. “Why can’t you stay here? We can work it out together.”
He shook his head. “I’m afraid not. I’ll only be in the way.”
“In the way?”
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