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rede which is benefiting and of deeds fair-seeming and worthy celebrating, that, when the Jew came to his home and looked around, he found it in the condition which the youth had contrived, so he beat his face with his brogue and cried, “O the ruin of my house!” Suddenly the prince entered and his employer asked him “Wherefore doest thou on such wise, O Moslem?” Answered the youth, “Verily thou hast defrauded me,” and rejoined the other, “No; I have not cheated thee on any wise.” Then said the Jew in his mind:—“Needs must I set a snare for this youth and slay him;” so he went in to his wife and said, “Spread for us our beds upon the terrace-roof; and we will take thereto the young Moslem, our servant, and cause him lie upon the edge, and when he is drowned in slumber we will push him between us and roll him along the floor till he fall down from the terrace and break to bits his neck.” Now by fiat of Fate the youth was standing and overhearing[FN#311] their words. As soon as it was night-time the woman arose and spread the beds upon the roof according as her husband had charged her do; but about midafternoon the Prince bought him half a pound of filberts and placed them with all care and circumspection in his breast-pocket. Presently the Jew said to him, “O Moslem, we design to sleep in the open air, for the weather is now summery;”

and said he, “‘Tis well, O my Master.” Hereupon the Jew and the Jewess and the children and the Prince their servant went up to the roof and the first who lay him down was the housemaster, placing his wife and children beside him. Then said he to the youth, “Do thou sleep here upon the side,”[FN#312] when the Prince brought the filberts out of his breast-pocket and cracked them with his teeth, and as often as they repeated to him, “Arise, O Moslem, and take thy place on the couch,” he answered them, “Whenas I shall have eaten these filberts.” He ceased not watching them till all had lain down and were fast asleep, when he took his place on the bed between the mother and the two boys.

Presently the Jew awoke, and thinking that the youth was sleeping on the edge, he pushed his wife, and his wife pushed the servant, and the servant pushed the children towards the terrace-marge, and both the little ones fell over and their brain-pans[FN#313]

were broken and they died. The Jew hearing the noise of the fall fancied that none had tumbled save his servant the young Moslem; so he rose in joy and awoke his wife saying, “Indeed the youth hath rolled off the terrace-roof and hath been killed.” Hereat the woman sat up, and not finding her boys beside her, whilst the Prince still lay there she wailed and shrieked and buffeted her cheeks, and cried to her husband, “Verily none hath fallen save the children.” Hereat he jumped up and attempted to cast the youth from the roof; but he, swiftlier than the lightning, sprang to his feet and shouted at the Jew and filled him with fear, after which he stabbed him with a knife which was handy, and the other fell down killed and drowned in the blood he had spilled.

Now the Jew’s wife was a model of beauty and of loveliness and stature and perfect grace, and when the King’s son turned upon her and designed to slay her, she fell at his feet, and kissing them, placed herself under his protection. Hereupon the youth left her alive, saying to himself, “This be a woman and indeed she must not be mishandled;”[FN#314] and the Jewess asked him, “O

my lord, what is the cause of thy doing on this wise? At first thou camest to me and toldest me the untruth, such-and-such falsehoods, and secondly, thou wroughtest for the slaughter of my husband and children.” Answered he, “In truth thy man slew my two brothers wrongously and causelessly!” Now when the Jewess heard of this deed she enquired of him, “And art thou their very brother?” and he replied, “In good sooth they were my brethren;”

after which he related to her the reason of their faring from their father to seek the Water of Life for their mother’s use.

Hereat she cried, “By Allah, O my lord, the wrong was with my mate and not with thee; but the Decreed chevisance doth need, nor is there flight from it indeed; so do thou abide content.

However, as regards the Water in question, it is here ready beside me, and if thou wilt carry me along with thee to thy country I will give thee that same, which otherwise I will withhold from thee; and haply my wending with thee may bring thee to fair end.” Quoth the Prince in his mind, “Take her with thee and peradventure she shall guide thee to somewhat of good:” and thereupon promised to bear her away. So she arose and led him into a closet where she showed him all the hoards of the Jew, ready moneys and jewellery and furniture and raiment; and everything that was with her of riches and resources she committed to the young Prince, amongst these being the Water of life. So they bore away the whole of that treasure and he also carried off the Jewess, who was beautiful exceedingly, none being her peer in that day. Then they crossed the wilds and the wastes, intending for the land of Al-S�n, and they persevered for a while of time.—And Shahrazad was surprised by the dawn of day, and fell silent and ceased saying her permitted say. Then quoth her sister Dunyazad, “How sweet and tasteful is thy tale, O sister mine, and how enjoyable and delectable!” Quoth she, “And where is this compared with that I would relate to you on the coming night an the Sovran suffer me to survive?” Now when it was the next night and that was


The Seven Hundred and Fourteenth Night, Dunyazad said to her, “Allah upon thee, O my sister, an thou be other than sleepy, finish for us thy tale that we may cut short the watching of this our latter night!” She replied, “With love and good will!” It hath reached me, O auspicious King, the director, the right-guiding, lord of the rede which is benefiting and of deeds fair-seeming and worthy celebrating, that the young Prince ceased not wayfaring until the twain drew near to the capital of China[FN#315] where, by the fiat of Fate and the sealed decree of Destiny, on entering the walls he found that his father had fared to the mercy of Allah Almighty, and that the city, being Kingless, had become like unto a flock of sheep lacking shepherd. Moreover he was certified that the Lords of his father’s land and the Grandees of the realm and all the heges were in the uttermost confusion. He went up to the palace and forgathered with his mother, and seeing that she had not been healed of her sickness, he brought her out the Water of Life and gave her to drink some little thereof whereby health returned to her and she rose from her couch and took seat and salam’d to him and asked concerning his brethren. However he concealed his secret thereanent fearing lest it induce in her weakly state a fresh attack and discovered to her naught but said, “Verily, we parted at such a place in order to seek the Water of Life.” Then she looked upon his companion the Jewess (and she cast in the mould of loveliness) and she questioned him concerning the woman and he recounted to her the whole affair, first and last, still concealing for the reason aforesaid, the fate of his brothers.

Now on the second day the bruit went abroad throughout the city that the King’s son had returned; so the Wazirs and Emirs and the Lords of the land and all who had their share in governance forgathered with him and they set him as King and Sultan in the stead of his sire. He took seat on the throne of his Kingship and bade and forbade and raised and deposed and so tarried for a while of time, until one day of the days when he determined to enjoy the hunt and chase and divert himself in pleasurable case.[FN#316] So he and his host rode forth the city when his glance fell upon a Badawi girl who was standing with the Shaykh her father considering his retinue; and the age of the maiden might have mastered thirteen years. But as soon as the King looked upon the girl love of her upon his heart alighted, and he was thereby engrossed, for she was perfect in beauty and comeliness. Hereupon he returned to his palace and sending for her father asked her of him in marriage; the Shaykh, however, answered saying, “O our lord the Sultan, I will not give up my daughter save to one who hath a handicraft of his own,[FN#317]

for verily trade is a defence against poverty and folk say, ‘Handicraft an it enrich not still it veileth.’”[FN#318] Hereupon the King took thought in himself and said to the Shaykh, “O Man, I am Sovran and Sultan and with me is abundant good;” but the other replied, “O King of the Age, in Kingcraft there is no trust.” However, of his exceeding love to the girl the Sultan presently summoned the Shaykh of the Mat-makers and learnt from him the craft of plaiting and he wove these articles of various colours both plain and striped.[FN#319] After this he sent for the father of the damsel and recounted to him what he had done and the Shaykh said to him “O King of the Age, my daughter is in poor case and you are King and haply from some matter may befal a serious matter; moreover the lieges may say, ‘Our King hath wived with a Badawi girl.’” “O Shaykh,” replied the King, “all men are the sons of Adam and Eve.” Hereupon the Badawi granted to him his daughter and got ready her requisites in the shortest possible time and when the marriage-tie was tied the King went in unto her and found her like unto a pearl.[FN#320] So he rejoiced in her and felt his heart at rest and after tarrying with her a full-told year, one chance day of the days he determined to go forth in disguise and to wander about town and solace himself with its spectacles alone and unattended. So he went into the vestiary where the garments were kept and doffing his dress donned a garb which converted him into a Darwaysh. After this he fared forth in early morning to stroll around the streets and enjoy the sights of the highways and markets, yet he knew not what was hidden from him in the World of the Future. Now when it was noontide he entered a street which set off from the Bazar and yet was no thoroughfare,[FN#321] and this he followed up until he reached the head and end, where stood a cook[FN#322]

making Kab�bs. So he said to himself, “Enter yon shop and dine therein.” He did so and was met by sundry shopmen who seeing him in Darwaysh’s garb welcomed him and greeted him and led him within, when he said to them, “I want a dinner.” “Upon the head and the eyes be it,” they replied, and conducting him into a room within the shop showed him another till he came to the place intended, when they said to him, “Enter herein, O my lord.” So he pushed open the door and finding in the closet a matting and a prayer-rug[FN#323] spread thereupon he said to himself,

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