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Book online «The Crystal 2 by Jones M (top ten books to read txt) 📖». Author Jones M

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my lips just as a running Bianca interrupted me. 

"What are you doing here?" she questioned with a glare once she was standing in front of Emery. Bianca had no microphone, and only my bandmates, the fans at the front and I could hear her.

Emery ignored her, staring at the guys and me with a smirk that brought chills to my spine.

"Look, Emery--" Liam started to speak.

"Whatever you want to say can wait, Liam," Emery cut him off, her smirk turning into a knowing smile. "Besides, I doubt this concert will continue once I reveal everything."

"What are you talking about?" I voiced out my thoughts,

"I'm sure everyone is interested to know all the drama that surrounds me, and today, I am willing to let everyone know the truth."

The hairs on my back stood straight.

"Let's go back to about eight months ago. Hmm, what should I start with? Oh yes," Emery spoke with a snap of a finger. "Bianca joined Selena and me on the guys' tour. For some reason, the bitch had hated me since her arrival and made a spectacle that I slapped her for no reason."

Murmurs immediately started, but they stopped when Emery continued speaking.

"Well, it was for no reason. She wanted me to look like a villain in front of you guys," Emery stated as she faced the boys and me. "About a week later, Bianca hired someone-- no, she hired Charlotte to try to kill me."

Harry rolled his eyes while Zane sighed.

"I can't believe we are talking about this in public. Emery, stop lying--" Zane went to speak.

"Shut up, Zane!" she cut him off with a glare. Surprisingly, a smirk took over her features.

"Wow. You are here? I'm so surprised. I thought, you know, after what you and Harry did last night, you wouldn't even show up to your concert."

I noticed Zane and Harry tense, effectively keeping quiet.

What was that about?

"Where was I? Oh, yes. Of course, none of you believed me," she pointed at us, "and the world was convinced that the attacker had disappeared without a trace."

"Emery?" I asked, confused as to why she was repeating what we already knew.

"The attack failed, and I survived. But Bianca was not happy about that, even though I had spent a month in a freaking hospital due to those stab wounds! So she decided to up her game. Remember what happened in Australia?" she asked, turning to face Bianca who had turned as pale as a sheet.

Emery waved a hand in a dismissive way. "Well, at first, she hired men to try to rape me." 

Sounds of shock filled the area as people began talking to each other.

"Yes. Shocking, I know. But don't worry: they didn't get too far."

What the hell? Why was Emery telling everyone about that?

"That is not all. Zane's precious girlfriend had also hired a person to hack into my Twitter account and post insults about the Ordinary Brothers. But then, you all know that. What you didn't know was that she also had Charlotte dress up like me and try to kill Liam in a car accident."

The murmurs had not stopped as everyone listened to Emery.

I was still confused. Why was she telling the fans all the trouble she had gone through? Didn't she know that many people could have been recording the ongoing spectacle? Didn't she know how much the media would like to get a hand on what she was saying? Didn't she also know that what she was saying would give the guys and me a lot of unwanted attention?

"That was enough for Liam to believe I tried to kill him. Then I was arrested."

Emery's eyes shone with tears.

"It was not a happy moment for me. I remember crying my eyes out and pleading innocence to those I thought I could trust, only for them to turn the other cheek."

Emery chuckled. "I was surprised; how much had changed within a month? Well, a lot, apparently. While I was in a coma, Bianca was busy digging her way into everyone and making them see me in a false light. It hurt to realize how easily everyone could change their views about me."

The words Emery had said hurt. 

"Well, I was released from jail after a week, and seven months later, I was back on tour with the boys. The world was obviously not happy about it."

More murmurs sounded through the area.

"I understand. I don't blame you. I also know you are wondering why I was back on tour with the boys. It's easy: I was building up evidence against Bianca."

I turned to face Zane's girlfriend, noticing that she was as frozen in shock.

"Emery, will you stop lying about Bianca? It's one thing to hate her, but it's another to imprison her for something she didn't do," Harry yelled at Emery. Emery just looked at him with a smile before proceeding with what she was saying.

"Now, I have the evidence, and I can feel free to share it with the rest of the world."

Emery turned to face Bianca. "I mean, it would be fair to embarrass Bianca the same way that she embarrassed me in Australia, right?"

"Emery, please--" Bianca began to beg, but Zane interrupted her.

"Emery, stop this!" Zane roared. "You have no right to come to our concert and ruin it like this you selfish bitch!"

Emery did not reply, but I noticed Emery's eyes briefly darken before going back to their current blue.

"Stop playing stupid! You know exactly what I'm talking about," Bianca's voice sounded through the speakers. It took me a while to realize why it sounded familiar, and my eyes widened in shock.

Oh no. Was Emery really going to expose Bianca in front of everyone?

I looked at Harry and Zane, noticing they had stony expressions. I turned my attention to Bianca, noticing her expression turned to fear.

"I did warn him, you know," Emery was heard speaking. "But he thought I was joking. Well, too bad for him. He's off the list and you are next."

"I can't believe you got him arrested!"

"And that makes you angry because..."

"You and I both know why I'm angry! I paid that guy a thousand dollars every month to make sure he did his job. I mean, it had been so easy to just hack into your account and pretend you were insulting the Ordinary Brothers and their fans. I thought he was a genius with computers! I also thought he would know how to deal with people hacking his own computer!"

Every corner of the stadium was suddenly filled with sounds of shock. The murmurs grew louder in volume.

I also saw Zane and Harry lose their stony expressions as their eyes widened in surprise. I turned to face Bianca, noticing that she was frozen still with fear as the video continued playing on the screen behind me.

"Do you know how many times I had to borrow money from Zane?" 

"What, you don't have your own money? Bitch too broke to do her own dirty work?"

"You must be stupid. Of course, I don't have my own money! Whatever Zane would give me was not enough, and so I had Tom hack into his bank account."


"Lucky for me, my rich boyfriend is too stupid to even check his bank account. In fact, it made things easy for me. I could stop borrowing from him, and I wouldn't look like a gold-digger." 

The fans were loudly talking by then. Some were hurtling insults towards Bianca as she stood there, paralyzed in shock. She did not look well, and I worried she would faint on stage.

When I turned to face Harry and Zane, I noticed that Harry had dropped his jaw in shock. He had turned to face Bianca, but she couldn't meet his gaze. Zane looked angry as tears welled in his eyes. 

"What the fuck? You hacked into Zane's bank account?"

"And he never checks the balance! Whenever he buys something, he just swipes his credit card and leaves."

Bianca was seen smirking in the video.

"I can't believe you! He's your boyfriend!"

"No, bitch," Bianca corrected, "he's my bank account." 

As the video continued playing, revealing all the things Bianca had done, the crowd was in an uproar. More people were hurling insults at Bianca while she stood on the stage, not moving.

By then, Zane had been openly crying as he kept on listening to every bad thing his girlfriend had done.

"No, no, no..." I heard Harry trail off. I looked at him, noticing that he was tugging the curls of his hair in disbelief.

Minutes later, the video ended. 

"You evil bitch!" Zane yelled. Everyone turned to face him. I thought he was going towards Emery, but he was actually charging towards a crying Bianca. He grasped her by the shoulders and shook her in fury.

"I loved you! I fucking loved you, Bianca! Why did you do this?" Bianca did not answer as she cried. 

"It's easy to answer that, Zane," Emery said, unfazed. "Your girlfriend is a thieving, murderous bitch."

She turned to face the fans.

"Now everyone knows the truth. At least now everyone can stop doubting me. Another thing: the police have copies of the evidence. Oh, and they are around the area."
Bianca's eyes widened in shock as she stopped crying. Zane was looking at her, but she ignored him.

"They've come for you," Emery told Bianca with a smirk before facing everyone in front of her. "Please make way for the officers to pass."

The people who were in front of us quickly parted to form an empty path, still yelling insults at Bianca. Far in front of me were two police cruisers. 

Just like Emery had said, I saw five police officers exit the vehicles before they started making their way towards us.

"No!" Bianca yelled as she escaped the hold that Zane had on her shoulders. "You can't take me! I'll be damned if you take me!"

"Bianca?" Zane called out to his girlfriend, but she was busy reacting in shock.

"Still don't know what you saw in her," Emery told Zane without an ounce of sympathy. Zane looked hurt, and he turned away from her.

Meanwhile, Bianca was looking around frantically just as the officers increased their pace to get to her. There was no way for Bianca to escape, especially with the crew blocking her entrance to the set and the OBers at the front. 

"Yeah... there is a present I have for you," Emery announced as she swiftly walked towards Bianca before slapping her hard on the face. Bianca cried out as a result.

"Did you think it would be this easy?" Emery asked her with a glare. "Did you think you could get away with everything you did to me?"

Emery punched Bianca on her cheek, sending her flying to the ground. The crowd behind her cheered. "You blamed me for things I never did and ruined my life in the process! You even had me arrested and humiliated in front of many people!"

The boys and I did nothing as Emery grabbed Bianca's hair, using it to urge her to stand.

"Doesn't feel good to be exposed in public now, does it?" Emery yelled at Bianca who was still crying. "You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this. Bianca, your days of freedom are over. Hope you like jail, bitch, because that is where you're heading."

"Bianca Levone," a police officer said, grabbing Bianca's wrists. I hadn't realized they had already reached the stage. "You are under arrest for counts of theft, attempted murder and tampering with evidence."

"Unfortunately for you, there will be no court of law," another spoke as he stood next to her. "The pieces of evidence found are highly incriminating, and so you have been sentenced to life imprisonment without parole."

"WHAT?" a crying Bianca shrieked in disbelief. "This can't happen to me! You can't do this to me!"

She continued yelling as two officers dragged her away. Bianca was thrashing, trying to free herself from their hold, but she couldn't. 

Our fans were loudly talking, and just like me, I was certain they were not expecting that. 

Bianca had just been arrested in front of many people. 

"Fucking cunt!" the OBers kept insulting her as she was taken to

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