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Book online «Unraveling Sarah Cresley by Marisa Maichel (best classic novels .TXT) 📖». Author Marisa Maichel

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He had several jobs and careers. Soon-to-be music and video store owner, prince of the vampire world, father to me.

My father finished with "so that's why he was late." He had told Mr. Lima that I had a doctor's appointment. I nearly died of humiliation right then and there.

"That's your dad?" Clarissa said to me.

"Yes, that's my paternal parent," I said, painfully. Some of my classmates turned to look at me. I pretended to focus on the lab. Inside, though, I was wishing that a hole would suck me up so that I would never be seen again. I distracted myself with thoughts of Sarah. What would she think about this? How was she? Her baby?

When the bell rang, I got up and left quickly. I went to my locker and put some things away. I got out the books for my next class, European History.

"Reese?" I turned around slowly.


"Are you angry with me?"


"I'm sorry. I had valid reasons. I know you heard me back in the classroom. Yes, I convinced your principal to let me teach here. I'll be teaching Mythology and Folklore while your regular teacher is on vacation for four weeks."


"I may have sent him a generous donation. So yes, he's spending it on a vacation in the Bahamas."

"Why don't you just...nevermind."

"What, Reese?"

"Nothing. I have to get to European History."

"I expect to see you in Mythology after your lunch. Don't you dare skip."


"I'm serious. Stay at school. I'll explain my reasons later. I promise." He pecked my forehead and went to the classroom.

I could barely focus in European History. We were studying the beginnings of the trade business with England and France. Some kid argued that England wasn't part of Europe since it's an island. It took the whole hour for everyone to convince him that England is in fact part of Europe. He also insisted that the royal family no longer existed. I held in laughter as the teacher told him that England still has a royal family, and they are a major part of English politics still.

When the bell rang, I put my books in my locker and grabbed a reading-for-pleasure book out of my locker. I sat by myself again in the cafeteria. I was still angry with Mason.

"Make it up to him," Amara was saying. "I miss having him here."

"So do I," Noah replied. They missed me? Finally, I heard Mason's boots.


"Go fuck yourself."

"Reese, I'm sorry. I know I screwed up. Come on, everyone misses you, especially Sarah." Sarah? I looked up. She was glancing at me and picking at a sandwich.

"Okay," I said stupidly, and followed him. I sat beside my girlfriend. She gave me a weak smile and I kissed her forehead. She looked up.

"Isn't that your dad?" I looked up. Father was talking to a female teacher.

"Unfortunately," I replied. "He's teaching Mythology and Folklore."

"What happened to Mr. Brown?" she asked.

"He's on vacation in the Bahamas." I hoped she'd leave it at that, which she did.

I left the cafeteria early, pecking Sarah on the cheek.

"I'll see you later," I whispered, then left.

"Where's he going?" Duke asked.

"I don't know," Sarah said.


I went to the nurse.

"Hello, what's up?" she asked.

"Stomachache," I said. She directed me to lay on a cot.

Not surprisingly, Father came in and introduced himself to the nurse. Then he turned to me.

"Reese, if you're not feeling well, you should go home," he said. "If you just don't want to go to class, tough it out. This is not the worst thing to ever happen to you."

I groaned, but knew he was right.


I went into the classroom and took my usual spot.

"Reese, come sit up in front of me," he said.

"Don't you trust me?" I said sarcastically.

"Of course. I just don't believe you're applying yourself in this class."

"Father, this is my best subject. I'm getting an A plus."

"Are you really? Oh, well, nevermind then."

I sat in my usual seat. As the class filled in, many of them stared at my father, especially the girls. When the bell rang, he closed the door and stood in front of the class.

"My name is Mr. Emerson," he said. "I'll be filling in while Mr. Brown is on vacation for a few weeks. I don't care if you chew gum or have drinks. I'd prefer it if you saved your snacks for later." I was utterly embarassed. He acted like he was teaching here permanently.

Anyway, he told us to read the next chapter in our books while he graded papers.

Don't think that just because you're my son that I'm going to go easy on you.

I don't expect you to, I thought back.

Good. You did very good work otherwise. I'm proud of you, son.

Do you want me to read this or not?

Knowing you, you've already read ahead. If you have, you can do other work or read until class is over.

After a while, he said "For those of you who are finished reading the chapter, you may work on other work. Just so you know, there will be a surprise test for those of you who take sixth-hour Trigonometry." Almost immediately, half the class got out math homework and books.

I studied for the surprise test until the bell rang.

"Reese, stay behind for a minute," he said. I looked at him frostily. "Don't give me that look."

"Should I call you Dad or Mr. Emerson?" I asked sarcastically.

"Call me Mr. Emerson in front of your classmates. I don't care otherwise. When we're at home, call me what you usually call me."


"Where did this attitude come from? I held you back to tell you that your Trig teacher will be particularly picky about the way you do your problems."

"Just me, or his classes in general?"

"His classes in general. Go to class now, I'll e-mail him momentarily."


The rest of the day went by quickly. I had caught up on homework during my free period, so now all I had to do was ace this test and my father would hopefully get off my back. I finished the test quietly and accurately. I turned it in just before the bell rang, then headed to the gym.

Father was talking to Mrs. Kleeworth. She was clearly flirting with him. I almost threw up. First of all, she's married, secondly and most importantly, it's my father, thirdly...well, we'll not get into age. He waved to me as he left. I gave him a dirty look, and he frowned.

Today we were playing basketball. With me being as tall and strong as I am, I got the most baskets out of anyone, even the full-time basketball players. Kleeworth was impressed and half-jokingly suggested that I try out for the team.

When gym was over, I didn't bother showering, choosing to just go to my locker and change back into my normal clothes. I went to my school locker and got out my backpack and books. I grabbed my cell phone out of the locker and my keys.

I went to my van. Father waved at me from across the parking lot.

"That your boy?" Mr. Nguyen, the head Art teacher, asked.

"That's my boy," Father replied, and anyone could hear the pride in his voice.

"You must be proud of him. Acing all his classes, he doesn't cause trouble, he doesn't mouth off."

"Oh, he mouths off to me all the time!"

I got into the van and took off. As soon as I got home, I settled on the couch, putting my feet on my uncle's lap.

"Anything good on?" I asked, looking at the TV.

"Nothing new. Some protest march in Cleveland, a woman got her purse stolen, a stray cat got caught in a pipe. They managed to get her out just in time for her to give birth to six kittens. They're trying to find out if she has an owner right now. Let's see...the woman whose purse got stolen said it was an older man with thinning brown hair and brown eyes. That matches about ten million men in the United States alone. Um...Mike Nales' mother got arrested for causing a disturbance at a grocery store. Someone recognized her from the news and said something about Mike being a burden."

"She tried to fight Sarah once," I said.

"Did she?"

I told Uncle Soren about the time I took Sarah out to eat and Michael's mother caused a scene. He rubbed my ankles and told me not to worry about it.

When Father got back, he raved about his first day. He said that he enjoyed being a teacher and that he may teach full-time and even get his credentials.

"You did nothing all day," I said to him.

"I did nothing for your class, because you were so far behind it was almost unfair. Since I took over, you'll be learning at a much faster pace."

"Father, half the people in that class are dolts. A lot of people only took the class because they thought it would be easy."

"It hasn't been as easy as they thought it would be, I hazard to guess?"

"Exactly. And you'll only cause a distraction."

"Son, my good looks will make the girls and some of the boys try harder. Come here and let me brush your hair." I let him run a comb through my hair. "You are so beautiful, Reese."

"I'm not much to look at. And I gained weight."

"You are thin and muscular. You have a strong core, powerful biceps, and powerful long legs. You have beautiful eyes. Your hair is dark, long, and silky. You are better-looking than you give yourself credit for."

My pants vibrated. I jumped about a foot (literally), before I landed on my ass and realized it was my cell phone. I dug into my pocket, grumbling, and checked my text messages. A text from Sarah.

Sarah: Would you like to go out this weekend?

Hell yes.

Reese: Yes, I would. What did you have in mind?

Sarah: Let's just hang out at home. I miss your cuddles.

Reese: I miss yours too. Want me to pick you up and bring you back to my house?

Sarah: I can drive.

Reese: In your condition, I'd feel much better if I picked you up.

Sarah: Worrywart. Okay, that'd be fine.

I thought of Evan. I hadn't seen him since he retreated into his own room again. I looked at my father. He literally read my mind.

"You're wondering about Evan? He's in his room, sulking. I've been giving him bagged blood. He misses his family."

"Father, I think it's time that we let him go. We're basically detaining him against his will."

"I know, love. I think he needs to recover physically though, first. But maybe you're right. Okay, can you get in contact with his parents?"

"Why me?"

"Because you know their names. Do it now."

I gulped, feeling unease bubbling in my gut. I messaged Evan's father.

Reese: I know where Evan is. Come by my house tonight, and you'll see him.


Okay, maybe I could have worded that differently. Evan's parents showed up an hour later. Evan's father pounded on the door.

"Where is he?!" he demanded. My father opened the door. "What...Mr. Emerson, what are you doing here?"

"This is my house," he said. "Evan, come down." Evan came down. When his parents saw him, they embraced him.

"What happened?" Mrs. Byrd asked.

"It's complicated," Evan said. "They found me near a lake a couple miles from here. Then they let me use their shower and got me some new clothes."

"I'm sorry we freaked out," Mr. Byrd said. "But you understand, being a father yourself."

"Of course," Father said. We packed Evan's clothes, and he left a few minutes later.

"Well, that's one problem solved," I said.

"But what will you do when they find out he's a vampire?" Uncle Soren asked. He and Grandfather had been casually watching the whole thing.

"No longer my problem."

"If it was Sarah, would you be saying that?"

"Evan's ten times as annoying as Sarah is. Yes, I admit that I'm the one that messed up our relationship."

"Because of Sarah."

"Well...partially. She's my true soulmate." Uncle Soren and Father looked at each other.

"He's lovesick," they both said at the

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