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Book online «Unraveling Sarah Cresley by Marisa Maichel (best classic novels .TXT) 📖». Author Marisa Maichel

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exact same time. Father affectionately petted my hair and went up to his bedroom. I went up to my own room and studied for an hour. I thought I did well on the surprise test and for once, I was grateful that my father was masquerading as a teacher.

I read for a long time until I fell asleep. I had a dream that I had a large package waiting for me. Inside the package was a bunch of ordinary things. Pretty things. Flowers, dragon tears, marbles, feathers, sequins, beads, ribbon, sewing needles, Swarovski diamonds, garden stones. I wondered what the significance was, until I noted the gardenias and roses. Flowers for my sweet.

I woke up confused and a little heartbroken. Father was holding me, as per usual. I swear, he spent more time in my bedroom than his own. Uncle Soren had also wound himself around us, our legs entwining.

"What's going on?" I asked, and was met with a kiss on the forehead. Purring, I cuddled closer to him, feeling warm and loved in my father's embrace.

"I want you to take the rest of the week off," Father said.

"How am I going to get away with missing so much school?"

"I told the principal that you were unwell. Now I just have to figure out what you have without looking like a jerk."

"Can I still see Sarah?"

"Of course. I just don't want you around the school while those deaths are still being investigated."

"Wouldn't that look more suspicious?"

"I don't care about that. I'll happily take the blame for all the recent deaths."

"Mordecai, I'm the one who killed Herman and what's-her-face. I'll take the blame for those. I won't risk my little brother going to prison."

"Don't act like you love me, Soren."

"I love you as an older brother should love his younger sibling. You aggravate and irritate me to no end, but that doesn't mean I hate you."

"Whatever. It's in the middle of the night, and my baby has had a long day. Do you think you can sleep, Reese?"

"Father, I'm a seventeen year old boy. Of course I can sleep."


The next day, I woke up feeling refreshed. I checked my cell phone first thing. It really was around noon. Father had not tampered with the time again. I knew that he was only trying to protect me and keep me from going to school when he fudged with all the clocks in the house.

I started to write a text to Sarah, then erased it. I'd send her a text at lunchtime when her cell phone was actually on. I wondered how she was. How Evan was. I sent him a text.

Reese: Evan, how are you?

Evan: Good. I start school next week. The 'rents know I'm a vampire, but not how I became one. Mom's freaking out.

Reese: Good to know. Tell her to take you to the hospital and search for Ethan Potter. He's a vampire who took care of me when I had to stay there a few days last month.

Evan: What hospital?

Reese: ......The one that's NOT across town.

I was tempted to sass him some more, but resisted. I wanted him to forgive me completely for biting him.

I wished my love was with me. When it came down to it, I would kill everyone who had ever hurt her. I was happy to start with Nales. I undressed and pulled my swimming trunks on.

The pool needed cleaning. I ran the pool cleaner and read, letting the sunlight beam down on me. Most vampires can handle some sunlight, it just makes us nauseous or gives us a headache sometimes. Today was brighter than normal. I covered my face with the book.

Father was at school, still teaching. I decided to read my Mythology And Folklore book. I had grabbed all my textbooks, knowing that my attendance would be spotty. I stretched out and lightly dozed for a few minutes. I wished I could see how my father's second day was going.


Father would be angry with me, but I didn't care. I was at school, reading during my last class before Gym. I decided that I was going to keep going, no matter what my father said or how overprotective he was.

When the bell rang, I went to the locker room and changed. When I came out, Father was talking to Kleeworth again. When he saw me, he frowned. I waved at him, and he waved back.

"Are you related to Reese?" Kleeworth asked.

"I'm his father, actually."

"Oh, really?" She sounded a bit disappointed. I mentally gagged. Father shot me a dirty look. I shot one right back.


We were playing basketball again. Again, I got the most baskets. Ergo, every single one. Kleeworth was impressed, as were the real basketball players. I heard them talking about me as we changed at the end of the period.

"Who knew Emerson was that good?"

"How come he's not on the team?"

"You ask him!"

"No way; he creeps me out." I smirked at that last comment. I pulled up my jeans and buttoned them.

"Look at his abs!" someone whisper-shouted. I looked up, and several of my classmates quickly looked away. I pulled on my shirt and put on deodorant. Then I spritzed myself lightly with cologne. I pulled on my socks and boots, then grabbed my stuff and headed out.

Sarah waved at me from across the parking lot. I waved back.


"Are you crazy? Have you lost your mind?" I was getting a lecture from Father about disobeying him again. "I told you to stay home for a valid reason! I can't tell you the reason because it's complicated."

"I'm done staying home. You do want me to graduate, right?"

"You have a whole eternity to finish high school. I don't want to risk losing you." He grabbed my face in his hands. "You're not doing drugs or drinking, are you?"

"If I was doing drugs or drinking, you'd smell it."

"I don't understand. You used to listen to me. You used to obey me and love me. What happened to you?"

"I'm seventeen. I can take care of myself."

"I can't wait until you're thirty and you actually care about me and what I have to say again. Ever since you hit puberty, you've lied to me and ignored me. I don't know how to stop it."

"I'm sorry for lying to you, but-"

"I accept your apology. No buts, though. I love you more than anything. I wish you loved me."

"I do love you." He studied me carefully. Father pulled me into his lap. I leaned my head against his chest. "Why can't you tell me?"

"I have to make sure that you're safe. So I wanted to keep an eye on you. The only way I can do that is if I know you're safe. With me being your teacher and you staying at home, I can accomplish that. Normally, I would not insist you leave my sight, but your uncle and grandfather are here, and they have agreed to watch you in my absence."

"I don't need babysitting!"

"It's not babysitting, you stubborn boy, it's...watching you to make sure that nothing happens to you."

"Ergo, babysitting."

"Why are you so obstinate?" Father asked. "I'm only doing what's in your best interest." I openly rolled my eyes. His frown deepened. "Reese, I don't want to lose you. The other night...I didn't want to scare you, but I had a horrible dream. I dreamed that you killed yourself by slashing your arm open."

"I'm not gonna lie," I said. "I've thought about doing that before."

"That doesn't comfort me in the least bit."

"You always catch my lies, so there's no point in saying that I would never do that."

"That scares me." He nuzzled me. "All right. I'll quit teaching if that will make you happy. Sarah is suspicious, anyway. Does she know what we are?"

"She does not," I replied. At least, I hoped not. "And I don't care if you teach anymore. I can't possibly be humiliated anymore than I already am. Besides, my classmates would have my head if they knew that you stopped teaching because of me." He flinched at the implication. He kissed me gently.


"Hmm?" he said, playing with a lock of my hair.

"Will you let me work at your video store?" He hesitated.

"If that is what you wish. You will make less than your allowance, however."

"I'm aware of that."

"We have received the vassals of many vampires who are no longer of this earth. And we are among the richest families in the world. Are you sure you're willing to give that up? I'm only opening the store to appear normal."

"Yes, I am sure, Father. I need it to look like I earned my money."

"Technically, you did. You earn millions each year by simply being part of the royal vampire family and my son. I give you everything the world has to offer. I let you do what you want within reason. I keep you safe from rouge vampires and rival covens."

"Are you trying to guilt-trip me?"

"I wouldn't necessarily put it that way..."

"Well, stop it, Father. I hate feeling guilty, especially when you're the one who made me feel that way."

"Why? Because I'm your parent? Because you were formed because of my seed?"

"I think I'm going to throw up now."

"Sorry," he said, even though he clearly wasn't.

He reached for a carton of cigarettes and grabbed a lighter, going outside for a smoke. Ugh. Fathers. I should have told him that overprotectiveness was overrated, although I probably would have gotten a nose tweak for my smart mouth.


I hadn't seen Sarah in two days. I texted her, and she texted back saying that she was "fine". That alone made me worry. Ariella let it slip that she was working on a secret project. When I pressed for details, Ariella zipped her lips. When Ari and I were alone, she continued to ask about the vampire lifestyle.

Did I really drink human blood?

Why not animal blood?

Did I really turn into a bat?

Is that why I didn't spend a lot of time in the sun?

Yes, I really drink human blood.

Animal blood is revolting, and it doesn't provide the correct nutrition.

No, I don't turn into animals, especially not a bat.

I don't spend a lot of time in the sun because it makes me feel ill.

She also asked whether vampires have extra talents.

"Some of us do. My father is able to have visions of the present. It enables him to keep an eye on me. He's the only one I know of with such a gift. Some vampires can see the future, but the future is subjective."

"What does that mean?"

"The future is not written in stone. We can change our futures by the choices we make. It can be something as simple as picking out an outfit for the day, or a life choice like choosing whom to marry."

"Does your dad have any other gifts?"

"Well, yes. He and I can communicate with each other with our thoughts."


"Yes. It only seems to be available to parents and children, though."

"What about soulmates?"

"I'm not sure. It's possible, but I've never seen it happen." Then again, I hadn't been around very many mated pairs. All the women in our family were either dead or not speaking to us. It almost wasn't fair. And I doubted it would work with Sarah because she was still human. Not to mention her condition at the moment.

Ariella went off to her Science class and I went to the library for my free period. I had finished the second Harry Potter book and planned on reading the third before I decided if I wanted to buy the series for myself and my future children. Of course, I knew the basics. I turned in my library book and went to find the third book. I spotted Sarah across the library, looking at chick-lit novels.

Smiling inside, I made my way over to her.

"Hey, you," I said, grinning. She looked up and smiled at me.


"Where have you been?" I asked her.

"I got another ultrasound, and then the baby made me nauseous.

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