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Book online «Bonded With Love by Tiffany Heiser (digital e reader .txt) 📖». Author Tiffany Heiser

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he knew my secret. His eyes stayed on mine for a brief second, before transferring to Cecile. 
Cecile, obviously feeling left out, went to wrap her arms around him as if staking claim. That was odd behavior for Cecile. “Where are my manners?” Her voice was extra squeaky. “Drake this is my best friend in the whole wide world, Rena Marie Vesten. Rena, this is Drake Leone, our new student from...where are you from again?” 
As if I hadn't known his name or heard all about him already, I said. “nice to meet you Drake.” We shook hands.
He was a thin guy, with a long torso and lanky legs. He had bronzed shaggy hair, the color of a penny, and thin lips that quirked up in a half grin every now and then. His eyes glowed with yellow sunbursts speckled in the pupils.
“Nice to meet you as well Rena.” A smile replaced his grin, and it looked better on his face than the smirk I caught earlier. “Ah yes, and I am from Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania.” He sounded old-fashioned, especially for an eighteen year old boy.

“Wow, you moved all the way from up north to as far down south as you could go, huh? So, why'd you move?” Cecile asked.
“Well,” he started. “My cousin and I decided that the town we lived in was becoming over-populated with controlling family members. They have different wishes for our futures, and so we came here.”

“So you live alone? So do we,” Cecile enthusiastically announced. 
“Is that so?” Drake asked. 
The bell rang to indicate lunch had ended. 
I gathered up my backpack from the ground and grabbed onto Cecile's arm. “Let's go, we've got class to get to.” 
“We can stay a little longer.” Her starry eyes focused on Drake. 
“It's Mrs. Lane, and I've heard tardiness equals extra work in her class. Plus, I've already gotten in trouble once today, I don't want to add to it. Let's go, please?” She finally stood up. “Nice meeting you Drake, hope we get to talk more.” I threw over my shoulder as we walked toward the building.
In the distance, a whisper floated on the wind from his direction. “Oh you will.” 
Something wasn't right with the cousins from P.A. Their speech and the way they carried themselves, didn't fit the teenager's norm. And behind the golden flecks in their eyes, sat a long sad history. A past that went far beyond their claimed eighteen years of existence.







Chapter 3

Cecile raved about Drake all morning. Going to class let me get away from the holiness that was Drake, since according to Cecile he was sent to her from god. Once class ended though, I knew it would all start again. I leaned against the locker door in defeat waiting until Cecile's bouncing blonde curls headed in my direction.
Her laughter filled the hallway, as she walked toward me from class. I waved enthusiastically to get her attention, but my hand immediately dropped when I saw Drake walking beside her. He had been the cause of her over-zealous laughter.
She came to stand next to me. “Oh hey Rena, what's going on? Drake was just telling me the funniest story ever.”
Forcing a smile on my face, I falsely responded. “Great. I'd love to hear it some time.”
“Well, maybe he can tell you all about it in the car- we’re dropping him off at home.” A questionable look filled my eyes, which she dismissed as she grabbed Drake's hand and headed to the parking lot.
I ran to catch up with them, then whispered in Cecile's ear, “why does he need a ride? Doesn't he drive that blue car?” Tilting my head in Drake's direction.
Drake leaned forward and stared at me in the eyes. He had heard me. “Yes, the mustang is mine. However, I let Cryder borrow it because he said he had errands to run and whatnot. So, Cecile was generous enough to offer me a ride.” Cecile laughed at every word that came out of his mouth. Maybe I was over-reacting, but something about him, and his whole demeanor didn't sit right with me.
I followed behind them.
Making it to the car, I reached down to open the passenger side door, and was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. Twirling around, Drake and I were face-to-face. It took every ounce of control to keep from throwing his hand off my shoulder. I stared into his eyes not backing down. His hot breath singed my cheek.
He opened his mouth and spoke. “I know the answers to your questions.” Still staring into his eyes, I held my trembling hands behind my back. “However, the answers will not be given if you don't prove to Cecile that we can play nicely.” He forced a smile, but behind his facade was a threat.
A lump of fear formed in my throat, but I swallowed it down. “We'll see. Friendship is earned Drake. And there is a lot to be earned right now.” I turn toward Cecile fuming. A cloudy red haze formed over my eyes. I blinked a few times and took a deep breath. The haze floated away. “I'm going to walk home, C.”
A confused look formed on Cecile's face. “Why?”
I slowly shook my head. “I need fresh air. And,” twisting my head back to face Drake as I said, “I'm just not ready to play nice.” I stomped away.
Cecile called my name and it floated on the wind following my trail, but I kept walking. Wanting to get away from Drake and his arrogance, I let my legs carry me out of the parking lot and down the hill toward Main Street. I knew it would take a while to make it home, but it would be better than dealing with the very awkward car ride with Mr. all-knowing and my robotic best friend.
Cecile followed him everywhere now, stayed by his side, and left me to wander alone. The walk home became a pity party, with only one guest-me.
Drake's words swam through my mind, along with his smirk. With his constant talk about my note, he must have known who wrote it or maybe even what he words meant. What other answers could he have? Did he know about my dreams, and the ones I had of Cryder? There's no possible way he could, I hadn't told anyone.
Shaking the thoughts from my head, I made my way to Main Street wondering why I had worn pants today. Texas was great, but the summers were ridiculous. Even at the end of August heading into the Fall the temp stayed in the nineties. Trees and flowers died, yards stayed brown, and sweat trickled the second you stepped outside. I stepped of the curb to cross over from Main to Doyle, when a honk shattered my eardrums.
Startled, I bounced back, in time to get out of the way from mustang. Mixed emotions stirred in my stomach. There were plenty of blue mustangs in town, it couldn't be Cryder. I squinted, trying to see inside the car, but I couldn't see anything through the overly tinted windows. I attempted to step down again, when the passenger side window rolled down. The driver of this blue mustang, leaned over and stared at me. Watching me with eyes matching the car he drove. Cryder sat behind the wheel.
“You need a ride?” His sweet voice caressed my ears.
“Um...well...I was just going home.” Good conversationalist, that's what I was.
“You look hot. I mean you’re sweaty. I’s hot outside, isn’t it?”
I chuckled. He looked as nervous as I felt. Biting my lip, I contemplated whether I should jump in the car with him. But he looked so sweet sitting there, plus questions needed to be asked, and now would be the best time.
“Sounds good to me,” I smiled.
“Good.” He smiled back, and the gold in his eyes became more visible.
Cryder effortlessly climbed out of the sports car, and came to where I stood to open my door. Then graciously removed my backpack from my shoulder and I slid into the seat.
We drove for a couple of minutes and I gave him instructions to my house. Besides that the car ride stayed quiet.
I finally tried to start an actual conversation. “So, where did you and your cousin live before?”
“A town in the mountains of Pennsylvania. Have you always lived in Granbury?”
“Yes. Born and raised. Boring huh?”
“Not at all. This town is great. Especially compared to where I came from.”
“Was it that bad?”
“Not really the town, more our large family that surrounded us. They expected a lot from me, as well as from Drake, and we didn't want that anymore.”
“So, you just left your family behind?” Sadness filled his eyes, and his grip tightened on the steering wheel. I decided to change the topic. “Where at in Granbury do y'all live?”
“We are on the outskirts, living in that house on the hill.” I gasped, and he turned to glance at me. “Are you alright?”
“Um...yes. You live in the Conti house? I'm surprised anyone lives there. It's so eerie. I've even heard it's haunted.” My hands wrapped around my seat belt, thinking about all of the scary stories I've heard.
Not too long ago a kid Cecile and I knew from school, Daniel, went into the house and when he came out he had completely changed. Before he stepped foot in there he had been sane and a genius, but now he was barely passing. Rumor around school was that the ghost got to him and erased his memory. That place terrified me.
“Well, I do know a few people have died there, but when you are basically given a house, it is terribly rude to say no.”
My eyes went as wide as saucers. “Gave you the house?”
“Yes, that house belongs to my family, and has for many generations. When Drake and I talked about moving, my Grandfather suggested that we move here, and make the house into our new home. He knew it would be wise for us to leave when we did, and start new lives. So, nice to meet you I'm Cryder Conti.” His grip loosened on the wheel, and he put his hand out for me to shake.
I shook it. “Turn left at the next road, on Morgan. My house is the third on the right. It was basically given to me also.”
“Oh, really? How so?”
“My parents...are...they.” I couldn't say it. “Well, my dad left for work, and so my mom went to be

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