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Book online «Bonded With Love by Tiffany Heiser (digital e reader .txt) 📖». Author Tiffany Heiser

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with him. It is only for a short period of time, and I couldn't go because of school, so I stayed and live there with Cecile.”
“Where are Cecile's parents?”
“At their house. She left them.” I left it at that, as we pulled onto my driveway. “Thanks for the ride, Cryder.” That name slid off my tongue so easily, and it tasted so sweet.
“Here let me help you.” He got out and came to my side, to open my door, again. He then leaned forward and gave me his hand, and helped me out of the car. “I'll carry that for you.” Grabbing my backpack, he slung it over his shoulder, and we made our way to the house.
I stood on my tip-toes to peak through the garage making sure Cecile was inside. I had left my keys at home, since I thought we would be riding together.
Cryder had already made his way onto the porch, and he set my backpack down on the porch swing. This would be another awkward moment, I could tell already.
“So, thanks again. Maybe we can do it again sometime, but without the whole almost running over me thing?”
He laughed nervously. “Absolutely. I would enjoy that. I heard that you had some crazy stalker sent you a note in one of your classes today. Are you okay?”
“You heard about that?” I asked. “Small town can be annoying sometimes,” I mumbled.
“Well if you are having problems with some guy, I'd be glad to help you out of it.”
“That's sweet, but I'm not sure what the note really meant. It was kind of creepy, but it could have been a prank. Who knows?”
“Well if it gets worse let me know.”
“Thank you.” I placed my hand on his arm.
Our eyes met, and just like in the sappy movies, everything happened in slow motion. He started to lean toward me. Goosebumps rose on my skin. He closed his eyes, and his lips puckered. The desire to be with him, near him, and to never leave pulled at me. But on the other hand, a voice yelled loudly in my head that something wasn't right. I could feel my eyes closing, ready to embrace the soft feel of his lips on mine. The safe voice could stuff it for all I cared. I wanted him.
I copied his movements, closing my eyes, puckering my lips, and feeling my heart race out of control. The kiss, about to happen with our lips only inches apart, when a high-pitched very annoying voice sliced our moment in half.
Cecile stood at the door with both her hands on her hips. “Where have you been? I need to talk to you now.” And as if she hadn't spotted Cryder before, her eyes went wide and her demeanor changed. “Oh, hi Cryder. Sorry, I didn't see you there.” How could she not?
“Yeah, he's here, and I’m here. We are here, standing on the porch together, and alone.” That last word emphasized, trying to get her to walk away, but it didn't work.
She glanced over at me, then back at Cryder. “I dropped Drake off earlier, he said he would be expecting you soon. I need to talk with my bestie. So, we will see you tomorrow, Cryder.”
He nodded. “Very well. I will see you both tomorrow.”
I followed after him a few steps. “You don't have to leave.” Yes, he does, because the grip he had on me earlier was growing.
“Yes, I should go. Have a good night.”
“You too.” I turned away from him, but glared into the unnerved eyes of Cecile.
The second I stepped through the doorway, Cecile started griping. “I hope you'll be more like the friend I know tomorrow, because today I didn't like how you were acting. It was embarrassing and rude.”
“He came at me and...”
She walked through the foyer to the den, and sat on our brown leather love seat. “He only wants to be friends.”
I followed her into the room but stayed standing. “He scared me, then demanded that I be his friend. That's not how it works. And now I don't like your 'tude. You're becoming obsessed, and you just met him.”
“I've heard enough.”
“No, I don't think you have. Until he acts normal and not like a creeper, then I'll be more accepting.”
“Be nice to him, please. I really like him and I don't want anything to screw it up.” She said with tear filled eyes
“Are you crying? You've never been this way especially toward a guy, and especially toward me. You need to chill.”
“Sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me.” Large raindrop tears splashed down her face.
“What's up with the mood swings? First you’re mad, now you’re sad? What is it about him that's making you act that way?”
“I don't know. I just have this feeling like I need to be with him. And when he's around, no one else matters.” Her shoulders shook noticeably, as she took a deep breath. “But you're right, I've never acted this way before. Its kinda weird, but I really do like him.”
“It's too soon, don't you think? I mean you...” I shut up, because I felt like a hypocrite. My mind immediately turned to Cryder as I spoke. “Never mind, you are old enough to know what you want, just be careful. 'Kay?
“Alright. I'll try. Sorry.”
“It's fine. We all get that way at some point.” Cryder's face hid behind my eyelids, still reminding me of the secret I kept.
                           * * * * * * * * * *
The next morning started off just like any other, until I realized Drake was now a member of our little secluded group, and with group- I meant Cecile and me.
With the sun high in the sky, and the heat tormenting everyone who tried to walk through it, we decided to eat lunch inside. Drake and Cecile sat opposite of me at our table, making googly eyes. I sat quietly.
Drake turned to me with a sly smile. “Have you met my cousin, Cryder, yet?”
“Oh yeah, Rena has most definitely met him. He came to her rescue the other day. Everyone saw them out on the grounds.” Cecile answered for me.
“Yeah, I've met him. He helped me out, but that was all.” With an uncaring shrug, I bit into my sandwich.
“I've been getting all the info on Cryder, and he sounds absolutely perfect for you.” Cecile gushed.
I turned to Drake. “Well where is he? How come he doesn't sit with us?”
As I stood to throw my trash away, Drake pointed behind me. “Ah, speak of the devil himself. Here he comes now.”
I turned to see that captivating face again, but my body began to tremble. Starting with my hands, a strong shiver controlled my body. I collapsed to the ground, feeling a scream bubbling at my throat, and I prayed it wouldn't get worse. But it did. The migraine attacked again, and my stomach
clenched with pain. Everything hit at once, and I could see the darkness clouding my vision. Then a soft yet deep, and soothing voice spoke to me. It whispered through my mind.
Now is the true beginning, I will not let go. She is mine.

This voice was one I remembered. A familiar sound, I couldn't place, but right then it didn't matter as darkness took over.
For brief moments, my eyes would open to the sunlight. Glimpses of an angular chin, pursed full lips, and eyes furrowed in concentration popped into my vision. At one point, that face transformed into the terrifying beast I had seen once in a dream. Sharp fangs protruding from gums, stabbed into
those lips, and as I kept staring, blood red eyes turned down and focused on me. I couldn't tell between dream or reality, but I was helpless to react.
Those stunning facial features belonged to one person, and I had seen him in my dreams as well. The soothing voice, gorgeous face, the haunting whispers, blood red eyes, and pointy fangs; these all were connected by one. It hit me then, that my dreams had been invaded, by Cryder. That was impossible.
                         * * * * * * * * * *

“Ow.” My body felt stiff.
Where was I? My eyes crept open to find darkness, and an ache throughout my body. A pillow laid comfortably underneath my head, and a thick soft blanket cocooned me.
I felt around the bed, searching for clues. My fingers bumped into a table sitting beside me. On it, I found a hard cover book and a cup that felt cool to the touch, which tempted my parched throat. Wrapping my fingers around the cup, I drained the contents.
The juice splashed against my taste-buds, tasting of freshly picked strawberries and some different sour flavor. The mixture blended perfectly and I gulped down every drop.
Attempting to sit up, I heard a noise that caused me to falter, and I collapsed back into bed. The door opened, then closed immediately with a click. My heart raced as footsteps moved closer toward me. I couldn't see a thing in the darkness. I blinked repeatedly hoping that my eyes would adjusted, but that didn't work.
Finally a whisper swished from my mouth. “Who's there?”
The other person in the room moved closer. My pulse pounded in my ears. Then I heard the voice soft like fingers tracing my skin. “It is me Rena, Cryder Conti. I came to see how you are doing.”
Chills vibrated through me, although I didn't know if they were from fear or excitement. “Oh, hi. Sorry, I couldn't see you. I feel better thanks. Do you know where I'm at?”
“Hood County Hospital.”
“Oh where's Cecile and Drake? I was with them.”
“They are out in the waiting room. We've been here all afternoon, waiting for you to wake.”
“All of you? Did they say what's going on with me?”
“Yes we couldn't leave until we all knew you were feeling better. According to the doctors you're anemic.”
“What? That doesn't even sound right. I've never had problems before.”
“I don't know, that's what the nurses told us.” He shrugged. “I'll get a nurse to come in once I leave.”
“I just want to go, I hate hospitals. They freak me out, especially ever since the...never mind.”
His footsteps came closer to the bed. “Oh, the accident? Yes I am very sorry to hear about that.” A sad tone filled his soft voice.
I felt my lips quiver. “How did you know about that?”
“As I said before, people talk. I am sorry, I should not have said anything.”
There was a snap, then light flooded the room, from a lamp at the foot of the bed. I squinted, to adjust to the light. When my eyes finally opened, I found myself at eye level with Cryder's torso. Which was completely drool worthy.
“I uh...yeah...I dunno.” Him standing there took the words right out of my mouth, and I sounded like a bumbling idiot.
I continued to stare at his frame. He was tall with broad shoulders, and his arms rippled with muscles. Immediately I felt the desire to run
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