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Book online «The New Superhero by Anoushka P (read people like a book .TXT) 📖». Author Anoushka P

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care of Marissa." "If you say so," Emily replied. I arrived at my next class, science, and told Emily that I would see her at lunch. My next few classes until lunch was a repeat of math. With everyone staring at me.


At Lunch


   When I entered the cafeteria, everyone got silent. I met up with Emily and her friends after I got my lunch. I yelled, "Stop staring at me!" because people didn't look away from me.It was like I broke a spell when I yelled that and everyone went back to normal. I sighed. I resumed talking with my new friends and eating lunch. In the middle of lunch, everyone got silent again. My friends looked up to see why and saw a group of cheerleaders entering the cafeteria. A girl who looked like the leader of them walked up to me and  said, "You messed with the wrong girl." I asked her, "Who are you?" Her face turned red and she yelled, "I am Marissa Caves, the most popular girl here!" I turned back around to eat my lunch, making Marissa more mad. "How dare you!!!" she said. I turned around with my open water bottle and "accidentally" spilled some water on Marissa and said, "Oops, I'm so sorry I didn't see you there." Marissa screamed and ran out of the cafeteria with everyone laughing at her. The bell rang signaling that lunch was over. "That was the best lunch I ever had!" Emily said. Her friends agreeing with her. I just went to my next three classes after telling my new friends bye. I was surprised during music and drama class because my voice sounded like I had been singing for years and my acting was flawless.


After School


   I ran home in one minute like today morning thinking, "I have to look up that weird fish. After a few hours of looking, I found something about rainbow fish bites. It was a Native American legend (I'm making this up) that if you get bitten by the rainbow fish, it bites you on purpose but, it only works on people that are about to turn sixteen and have faced a lot if emotional pain. It says they will know how to use their powers ten days before their birthday and on their sixteenth birthday, their power will grow to its maximum height so, you will feel very tired on that one day. But, after their birthday, they will be able to control all their powers and it will take some time for to get used to your powers. Their powers are: Mind reading, being able to use all fighting techniques, increased intelligence, control of the four elements (earth, water, fire, and air), being able to conjure any objects they want, flying, enhanced senses, super strength, and being able to change their appearance at will. The signs of changes are: sudden sleepiness, appearance changes (this will be their natural face and will attract lots of attention if seen), being able to sing, being able to act, and sudden super speed. It also said that I would get a/more special unknown power(s). Once I finished reading this, the website disappeared like it was never there! The words, "If anyone else finds out about this, you will be in great danger. So, this website has been destroyed. PS, you will always be reborn with your memories and powers," came up. Then, that disappeared as well.I was very shocked.  I wasn't expecting this to happen! I calmed down and counted how many days there were until my birthday using my calendar. I saw that I had exactly three months until my birthday. Today was May thirty first. My birthday was on August thirty first. I sighed in relief thinking, "I'm glad I have some time to get used to this." I closed my computer and put it away. I was glad that I had straight A's for once because the teachers didn't give me homework for today.


After an hour, I heard my parents come home and ran downstairs to make dinner while they got freshened up. I made spaghetti for dinner. My parents asked my some questions about school while we ate dinner. An hour after we finished dinner, I felt sleepy so I went to bed after telling my parents goodnight. I fell asleep in a matter of seconds.


Ch. 7: My Birthday

 My Birthday 


The next three months were a repeat of my first day of school. But today, I was really nervous. Today was August 31st and my birthday. I got my powers like the page or whatever it was said. I still don't know why I was chosen when there were others or how to control my powers. I had to pretend that I was sick so that I didn't have to go to school. I didn't want to hurt anyone because I could barely control myself from unleashing my powers. So, I had to lie to my parents and tell them that I was sick. I hated lying to my parents. But, I didn't want to put anyone in danger and who would have believed me anyway? I was glad that I would be able to go to outside my room tomorrow. Mom and Dad left food at my door everyday and went to work worried because I didn't dare go outside after I nearly trashed the house. Of course, they didn't know that since I cleaned everything up before they came home from work. I felt guilty for making them worry. I wouldn't have to worry controlling myself after my birthday today though! "Please let today pass without anything bad happening," I thought. "Honey, are you feeling any better! We could go out for your birthday," said Dad. "Sorry Dad, but I don't feel like I'll be getting any better yet," I replied. "I'm sorry to hear that dear," Dad said. "It's fine," I said. "Your mother and I were thinking of going to a restaurant today. Is that fine with you?" he asked. I still felt guilty for lying to them so I said, "Of course you can go Dad. Why do you need my permission?" I replied. "Are you sure you can take care of yourself?" he asked. "Yes, I can. I'm not a little girl anymore," I said. "Alright, alright. We'll be leaving at 9 pm. Just call us if you need us," Dad said. I heard his footsteps walking away from my door. I sighed and flopped onto my bed. "Why does the most happiest day of my life have to be the worst?" I thought.


9 o'clock


   At 9 pm, I heard my dad yell, "Honey we're going out for dinner, are you sure you don't want to come?" "I'm sure Dad," I yelled back. "Okay, but don't stay up too late," he said. "Okay," I replied. Mom yelled, "Bye honey," and they locked the front door and left. I sighed with relief. Suddenly, I felt a horrible pain in my stomach. I dropped to the floor and held my stomach. The pain soon started to spread throughout my whole body. It felt like I was squished under a truck and it wasn't long until I started to scream. I thought, "I'm glad that Mom and Dad aren't here," before I blacked out.


The Next Morning


   I woke up on the floor and the time was 3 am. "What the heck am I doing here?!" I thought. The memories from last night quickly popped into my head. "My birthday is over! Finally!" I thought. I thought about how I'm supposed to control my powers and remembered that I had complete control over my powers. I thought about fire and suddenly, I was holding a flame in my hand! I panicked and thought about putting the fire out. I checked my hand and saw that it was completely unharmed! This time I set my whole body on fire. After five minutes of standing unharmed, I understand that my fire wouldn't hurt me. I was happy that I could use the fire without hurting myself. Next, I tried using water. I was able to shape the water however I wanted to and I was able to harden it into ice. I also tried to make myself wet but, I saw that I could could only get wet if I wanted to. I saw the time on my clock and thought, "Oh, no! School is gonna start in an hour!" I used my super speed and quickly got ready for school. Then, I grabbed a doughnut on my way out. All of a sudden, wings popped out of my back!


"This must be one of my unknown powers," I thought. I started to flap my wings and went into the sky. The wind was blowing my hair in long strands behind me and I could see everything from up here. I saw my school and flew behind a tree where nobody could see me. Then, I quickly walked toward the front entrance and entered the school building.



 Sorry for the long hold!




Also, you can find this on Wattpad. Just search Starplus456 for to find my books.

Ch. 8: Moving Back

Moving Back


Two Years Later


Sophia's POV


   Today was my last day of Junior year. The day ended Senior clap out at my school. Once it was over, I walked home after saying, "See you next year," to my friends. I have gotten used to my powers but, I haven't told anyone about my powers. Not even my parents. I arrived at my house in a few minutes and when I opened the door, I saw my parents packing everything up in the house. My dad said, "Sophia, pack up all of your clothes. Your mother

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