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Book online «The New Superhero by Anoushka P (read people like a book .TXT) 📖». Author Anoushka P

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and I had to suddenly shift back to our old house because of work. The movers will be here in an hour so hurry up." "What! You know that I hate that place!" I replied. But Dad said, "I'm sorry Sophia, but we don't have a choice!" I stomped upstairs to my room, angry. I used my powers for to fold all my clothes and put them in my suitcases. By the time the movers arrived, all of Mom's, Dad's, and my clothes were folded and put in the back of the car. The movers moved all of our furniture into their truck and started on the long drive back to my old home. My family started the long drive 10 minutes after the movers left. And just like last time, I fell asleep during the ride back to hell.


A Few Hours Later


   I woke up when my mom shook me awake saying, "Sophia wake up. We're back home." I woke up immediately and got out of the car. I helped my parents bring all of our luggage out of the car trunk. Thankfully, almost everyone was gone because it was summer break. So, nobody saw me or my parents move back into our house. The movers truck arrived as soon as the luggage was taken out of the car. The movers and my parents worked together for to put where the furniture belonged. Then, my parents payed the movers money and they left. I could of sworn that they were staring at me though. Thankfully, Dad didn't notice.


Three Months Later


   After a peaceful summer break, my senior year was going to begin. I had gotten all the school supplies that I needed and was just packing them into my book bag. Then, I chose the clothes that I would be wearing tomorrow and set my alarm. This time though, I made sure to keep my window closed. I didn't want anyone climbing through my window again. I fell asleep thinking, "I will never let myself get bullied again!"


The Next Day


   My alarm rang, waking my up for school. I slammed the alarm for to make it stop ringing and got out of bed. Then, I took a five minute shower and got ready for school. I usually used my powers to get myself ready so, it took just 10 minutes for to get ready for school. After I finished, I I ate 2 slices of toast and a glass of orange juice. Finally, I walked to school and got there in 10 minutes. "You can do this Sophia. Just take some deep breaths," I said to myself. Then, I walked into my school. I needed to go get my schedule so, I went to the office to get it. Here's what my schedule looked like:


1) Math


2) English


3) Science


4) Gym


5) Lunch


6) Art


7) Music


8) French


   I sighed and went to find my math class. I still had the same teacher as last time for math before I left, Mrs.Conner. I got in my seat right when the bell rang. I made sure to hide my face with my hair so that nobody stared at me. Mrs.Conner said, "Class, we have an old student back with us. Ms. Rose would you stand up please?" "Oh well, there goes the idea of being ignored," I thought as I stood up. When everyone saw me they gasped. Someone said, "Sophia, is that really you?" I replied coldly, "Yes, It's me. Why are you so surprised?" I made sure my voice sounded rude because I wanted everyone to see that I had changed and not just physically but emotionally. I noticed that someone was Adam. My ex-crush. Adam said, "It's just that you look so different." "Well that's what happens when you get bullied by everyone in the school," I replied. Everyone went silent and Mrs.Conner awkwardly cleared her throat and said, "Let's get started. Shall we?" I went back to my seat but this time, nobody tried to trip me or anything. They could see that I had changed. The rest of the class passed by slowly.   

Ch. 9: First Save

First Save



  Sophia's POV


   After half an hour, the bell rang, signaling that math class was over.  I packed up my stuff and went to my next class. Everyone stared at me with shock, sadness, pity, or jealousy. I just ignored everyone and went to my next classes. When I went to the cafeteria for to get my lunch, everyone went quiet. "I guess I'll have to get used to this," I thought. I decided to not let anyone in this school get close to me, after all, they showed me how much I can trust them. Note the sarcasm. I put on my ice face for the rest of the day at school. But, in my Art class, I unfortunately had Adam sitting next to my seat. At the beginning of art class, Adam had tried to apologize to me but I just ignored him. Adam should of known that I don't love him anymore. Not after he broke my heart. The most annoying part was that Adam wouldn't stop talking until the teacher told him to be quiet. As soon as art class was over, I quickly packed up my stuff before Adam could start following me and went to my last few classes before school ended.


   After school ended, I started the walk back home. It was really sunny today so I pretended that I took a hat out of my bag when I actually made it appear with my powers in my backpack. Suddenly, I saw a few children crossing the road while there was a truck headed towards them. I changed my hair color and threw my backpack on the ground so that nobody would recognize me. I knew that I wouldn't get there in time so, I used my powers to make them teleport to the the sidewalk. I saw that the the truck was going to crash because of the sudden turn so, I used my super strength to stop it from crashing into a tree. I was pushed back a little before the the truck stopped moving. People started cheering and clapping. I didn't want anyone to find who I was so, I made my backpack appear in my room and then, I made my wings appear and flew away. While I was flying home, I made myself invisible so that nobody could follow me. After a few minutes, I was  back in my room. I had flown through the window because I didn't want anyone to see me turn visible. I took off my cap and changed my hair color back to normal. Then, I changed my clothes and quickly finished my homework. My parents had come home early today. After they freshened up, Mom made dinner while Dad was watching TV.


   When Mom finished making dinner she called me down and told me to set up the plates. Dad turned on the TV in the dining room and I saw a clip of myself rescuing the the kids and the truck. Then I saw, "Who is this mysterious girl? Is she a superhero or a super villain?," appear on TV. I quickly ate dinner and told my mom and dad that I was going to bed. Before falling asleep I thought, "Am I supposed to become a superhero and use my powers or not?" 


Ch. 10: Star



   Sophia's POV


   As usual, I woke up for school, took a shower, ate breakfast, and started walking to school. My parents had gone to work early today. When I arrived at school, everyone was talking about the woman that saved the truck and the kids. Some people thought that I was a superhero and others thought that I was a freak. This whole day I was on autopilot because of what had happened yesterday.  As soon as I got home, I started working on my superhero outfit. It was black with tiny white glitter pieces. I put supernovas and golden stars as well. Then, I made my mask. It was pink with black stripes on it. I put a spell on the mask so that it could never be taken off by anyone but me. I also put an indestructible spell on the costume and mask for to stop myself from being injured when I fight. By the time I finished, it was turning 9 o'clock. I hadn't even started on my homework so, I used a spell for to finish it. I then used my magic to make dinner because Mom and Dad would be home in 10 minutes. I ate my dinner with 5 minutes to spare. I put sticky note on the fridge saying that I ate dinner and went to bed. Once I went into my room, I made my costume appear on me and then for the final touch, I changed my hair color to a black so dark it looked like a midnight blue and my eyes to a bright silver color. Before I left, I made sure to leave a dummy of myself sleeping in bed. Then, I transported myself 5 minutes away from my house. I flew in the air, using my enhanced hearing for to find anyone in danger. After an hour, I heard a woman screaming, "Help! Help!" I followed the noise and found a 20 year old women surrounded by thugs in an alley. I landed next to the women and said, "Why don't you let the poor women go boys." The thug that looked like the leader said, "No can do cupcake. Why don't you join us?" I replied, "No thanks. I've got other things to do." Another thug said, "But, we won't let you escape." Then they attacked. I used my magic to tie them up and the women said, "Thank you! You got here just in time. I called the police while I as being chased but they aren't here yet." I could hear the police sirens arriving so I replied, "No problem," and was about to fly away when the women asked, "Wait! What's your name?" I answered, "Star," and then flew away just when the police arrived. I started flying back home because I saw that it was turning 11:30 pm and I had school tomorrow. By the time I arrived back home, it was midnight. I quickly changed into my pajamas and fell asleep.


The next day


   As soon as

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