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Book online «soulmate by hima (the reading list TXT) 📖». Author hima

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When I asked granny to show my parents, she said that she doesn't have any picture of them, not even their wedding days. I thought granny is lying; I searched every nook and cranny of my home but in vain.

I am not going to cry over spilled broth, I have much to know and do. I said to myself .

Simple combats is really an easy class. I learned everything quickly and my opponent is Ronny, it's easy to disarm him. Though I doubt it would be as easy as, it seems if it is an invader for opponent.

Life skills is the most informative of all the hours, I have. Mr. Pinto told us all about how to identify good invaders from bad ones. He told invasions are started by the frying pot, when their planet died of vegetation. These people are called crack heads, because there is a slit on everyone's head and flourish by eating and drinking. Their life is simple; they grow plants in front of their home and cook them to live on. There is no other work except for eating, sleeping and procreating.

One of the boys shouted "I love that planet" and everyone burst into laughter.

"Their planet is like sun, it has high temperatures a little less hot than sun. The bodies of the crack heads are built to sustain those temperatures. If you go, probably you will be roasted." Mr. Pinto said smiling to Ronny (my opponent in simple combats and the one, who said I love that planet)

"How do they cultivate at such high temperatures?" I asked.

"Very intelligent.” he said.

"Similar to how their bodies are able to sustain it, the crops they cultivate are able to sustain the heat too."

These crack heads are said to be the best cooks ever. (I KNOW THAT I thought)They are certainly not dangerous. They love to tell stories for their pastime. They are easy to identify because of their slit on heads, even if that is covered, we can identify them because they are entirely different in appearance from humans. They are short, skin is pale green in color and their eyes are without eye lashes, two slits for nose and a curve for lips.

It's fun to be in his class. He is very humorous, the only odd thing about him is, he is wearing a black cloak that covered him from top to bottom. Hiding every detail of his skin and wore glasses and a hat. It's really weird. (What's not weird here? I thought.)

I was walking through the corridor. Helen said that she would join a few minutes later, so that she can have a word with her partner in brewing medicines. I heard someone gasp loud; I turned to see what it is. It's Jesse.

He is walking in a hurry towards my direction. I ignored him and walked away, but he is fast, he caught me by the arm.

"I'm sorry," he said.

I nodded and moved further.

"Come on, I said I'm sorry." he pleaded.

"Hungry?" he asked.

I thought to say, no, but what's wrong in that and moreover, I want to get away from the appalled faces.

We went into the backyard, where there are huge trees and a canopy of branches around it, to sit. We walked to the farthest tree, away from the building.

He conjured coke tins and then a bag of popcorn. I smiled at him.

"Are we here to watch a movie?" I sneered.

"Of course, yes." he smiled.

"Where will you project?" I asked.

"Here," he said and opened a notebook.

It's actually not even a written notebook. The pages are empty. I thought he was trying to make fun of me. Then slowly the book began to emit light and than a screen shot of saviors academy, though it looked a lot different. One by one, the images started to move as in theater. The movie is about the history of saviors’ academy, all that I have learned in the morning session, but it's real fun to see all the characters alive. Elisa is a beautiful woman, she has the same long silky brown hair as mine and her eyes are chocolate color, matching her pale white skin. Her body seemed to radiate the power within it. Her smile was alluring. I have many features in common with her except for my dimple and the aura of power around her. Maybe, someday I'll be as powerful as she is. I thought.

"Thanks a lot." I said.

"Anything for you." he said smiling.

Was he flirting? Why would he? A guy like Jesse, would never like a girl like me.(hey, remember he is a mind reader keep your thoughts hidden)

"Don't you get bored?" I added."To hang around with the same people."

"No. Though Henry and Sam get bored sometimes."

"I have an interesting habit, reading minds." he added.

"Why don't you sit with all others, that way you can meet many interesting people."

"Besides, it would be fun to hang out with others."

"That's why I am here. You are more interesting to read than anyone here." he said.

"Oh!" I said embarrassed.

Your cousin is searching for you. He thinks, I altered your thought that’s why you have come with me this far to talk.

"Let's go," I said.

"Is it true that you alter thoughts?" I asked after a while.

"To an extent, yes but no."

"What does that mean?"

"I can alter thoughts only for few minutes but not for long." he said smiling.

Jesse dropped me off, at the corridor to our rooms. Andy is waiting for me there with Helen. He gave an evil eye at Jesse. He shrugged and went off, humming a tune.

"Rose, you will not see him again. He is not good."Andy said in a commanding voice.

"He is good. He wishes to be friends with everyone. It's you, who are rude to him." I said.

"Whatever, you are not going to talk to him again." he said.

I stomped away into my room.

"It's for your own good."Helen said.

"Why do you snub him?" I asked.

"Because he plays with your mind and he is arrogant." she said.

I let the conversation drop. I can't tell them anything when they are prejudiced about it.

3.Jesse Makes Changes

The dark hooded figure is waiting for me at the corner and I'm willingly walking towards him. I felt nervous but it's not the fear of death but something else. I couldn't tell what it was. The further I moved his croaked laughter is ringing in my ears.

"Where is he?" I asked trying to sound bold enough.

"Oh! You love him. Don't you?" he asked with a wicked grin.

He gestured someone to come and then another dark hooded figure was dragging a boy with him. He was covered completely in dust and he's beaten to death. I think he is unconscious by the way his head dropped hanging.

My blood boiled seeing the poor thing.

"You will pay for this." I said and ran to the aid of the poor guy but the dark hooded figure was upon him and stretched his hands on to the face as if to break his head. I shrieked to stop.


Helen is shaking me awake.

"Good morning." I said feeling happy because it's just a dream.

"Is it a bad dream again?" she asked.

I nodded.

"Do you watch horrors often?" she asked.

I gave a weak smile.

History was really interesting today. Ms. Harriet gave us a list of the possible invaders that live on the earth. Their names and the planets they come from. The names are as funny as crack head from frying pot.

Students all over the class were really enjoying reading the list.

"Why do we name them this way?"Ronny asked.

"They are names are based on how they look or so I think." I whispered to myself.

"That's right, Ms. Rose." she said and repeated to Ronny what i said.

I didn't even make a exasperated sigh in that class ever again, now that I know, her power is to hear even the distant tiny voice.

"Have you ever seen an invader?"Ronny asked me in brewing medicines. (He is my partner)

"Yeah! Haven’t you?"

"Where did you see?"

"Not now, I need to concentrate on the portions." I said.

He nodded; hopefully he kept his mouth shut for the next few minutes.

"Will you tell me about it at lunch?"

I nodded.

By the time I got to the hall. Andy and Helen are deep in conversation. Kenny is debating about the possibilities of winners in some match with a guy next to him. I squeezed in between Kenny and Andy.

"Hi," Ronny said grabbing a seat opposite to me.

"Do you go to gym?" he asked Kenny (I know he is flattering Kenny, so that he wouldn't say anything to him, for sitting with us.)

Kenny smiled and said no.

"I heard you're the best fighters in that team," he said.

"See rose your cousins are best." they said together.

He introduced himself to them saying he's a friend of mine. After a few minutes he turned his attention towards me and said "I thought you agreed to tell me where you saw an alien at lunch."


He caught the attention of Andy, Kenny and Helen by his words.

"No way! She saw an alien; she doesn't know anything about this until yesterday."Helen said.

"No, I think she's just showing off."Andy said.

"No, I don't think so. She probably saw one or else how would she answer to Ms. Harriet today and in yesterday life skills she spoke something about the body color of crack heads."Ronny said.

Ronny caught me there. I shouldn't tell them probably may be this is a secret of the academy. If it is a secret what would they do if they knew about me and Jesse?

"Do you want to know where she saw an alien?" a sweet voice is ringing.

To everyone's utter astonishment he sat beside Ronny smiling at me. All the people in the food court were staring at our table. My friends are good enough to know their manners. It was Ronny who spoke first.

"Yes, I would like to." he said.

The two other leads were sitting beside Jesse.

"Our head cook is an alien I introduced him to Rose and he is a crack head." he said

"What? It can't be."Kenny said aloud.

"Ask your cousin." he said.

I nodded.

"Don't they teach us how to fight against invaders?" Ronny said confused.

"Yes but don't they say that all the invaders are not bad."Jesse said.

"Can I see him?" Ronny asked.

"Of course, even the academy wants us to be good to them." he said.

"How come we didn't know this? Are there more here?"Kenny asked.

"Yes there are lots of invaders in this place. Invaders like Mr. Pinto, Mr. Harry and lot many others that work here."

"Mr. Pinto? Mr. Harry?" I asked.


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