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Book online «Brites' Revenge by Mariana Mendoza (7 ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Mariana Mendoza

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my bedroom and two light blue couches that covers the bottom part of my big window.There were color spotted pillows laying on the four couches. My plasma TV was on the opposite wall of the green couches and in the middle of the living room was an orange glass small table that sat on top of the huge black, white, and grey rug that covered most of the hard wooden floor.
I had three rooms and three bathrooms. One room was a guest room which was all dark wood and pearl white. The bed was king size but it was low. It had a small brown couch and a small TV and a drawer that supported it. There was also a small, white bathroom and shower in it. The other room was my workroom. It was all completely green and glass. I had a full long white couch that covered the wall that was on the left side of the door, I put some lime green pillows on it. On the right side was three long, colorful cabinets. I had two filing cabinets and a lot of shelves full of crap inside. It was magically locked with my magic and on;y I could open it. My desk was on the opposite side of the door. My glass desk was completely empty but for my silver looking laptop. My black rolling chair was there as well. There was an electric lime green filing cabinet on my left side of the glass table. There was a white rug right under it all, also covering the polished wooden floor. Her room was the best part of her home. My king size bed, covered in silky grey covers and pillows was opposite the door. In the left was a glass slide door that entered to the bathroom that had a huge, long mirror and a counter. It was mostly granite and glass. There was a window where I had a drawer and beside the drawer was a walk in coset. I loved my house.
“ What you got to eat?” he asleep the moment we entered my apartment. I also went to the kitchen. Unlike most naturals, I ate more than any person. I blamed it on my dragon metabolism. I always had a full fridge and everything.
Right now I was hungry as hell since I used my magic. I opened my fridge, full of everything. Chicken, beef, popsicles, ice cream, tomatoes, milk, eggs, bacon, fruit, and anything I would need for any type of meal.
“ I’m too lazy to cook. Go and take out the microwavable food from the freezer.” I tell him and move towards my bathroom. I stepped into the glass shower and turn the water to mildly cold. It was one of my things. When I was a kid, someone told me that cold showers relaxed the muscles and its true. Ever since, I take cold showers and every night I sleep like a baby.
I step into the shower and immediately feel soothed. Goose bumps fill up my skin and I shiver a little from the cold. I combed my hair with a comb I always placed in the shower and began to lather it with shampoo. I cleaned myself quickly and was out of the shower in less than fifteen minutes. I look at myself in the clean mirror.
My light dark brown-orange and sometimes black hair that made my exotic light brown skin look lighter. It was braided into cornrows that reached down to my upper back. I had grey-green eyes that were so light they almost looked clear and see through. My lips were pale pink, chapped and a bit on the thin side. My nose was normal and the perfect size only a little sharp making me look easily scary if I wanted to. I had more of an athletic build than anything. I had a small, tight but and normal sized breasts that were neither too small nor too big. I was thin, fit, and hot. I loved my body and myself. I was happy the way I am.
I came out with my robe and wet hair. Caden was done with cooking forty Hot Pockets. I grinned up at him and kissed him on the cheek.
“ Twenty-twenty?” I look up at him from my natural curly lashes. He waggles his eyebrows and I laugh.
“ Thanks for the meal but still no quickie.” I reply to his unspoken question. I hear him grunt. I laugh at him, just kept eating until it was all gone. It would have to be enough until morning. I had no problem with eating. I would never get fat. When we were finished, King left for the bathroom. I got under my covers, not even waiting for him to come out all wet and hot. I was too damn tired for it today.
I ended up sleeping a dreamless sleep.


I wake up with a heavy weight around my stomach. I glance down and find Caden’s arm right there. I look up into the alarm. It was already six. I slowly got up from my comfortable silky bed. I threw my leader’s arm back to him. I didn’t really care if he woke up or not. He turned around and just burrowed himself into the covers.
“ You lazy ass son of a —“
“ I can hear you, you know.” Caden interrupts.
“ I know. Why you think I was sayin’ it?” I asked him. I was tired and cranky for having to wake up so early in the morning. Usually when I’m in a bad mood, I go all ghetto talk on people.
King chuckled and just turned to his other side and went right back to sleep. I roll my eyes, going to take my shower. It was pretty quick and since I was fast and used my magic. I put on a white bottom up shirt and blue jeans. I didn’t wear much make up since it was annoying. All I ever did wear was mascara, eye liner, and lip gloss or chap stick. I would stick with chopstick since my lips were cracking again.
By the times I left my place, I was ready to tackle anything in the day. But I would have to tackle it moody. I opened the restaurant the minute I jumped out of my red Chevy Cruze. My magic was still there and not even a stain on it. I unlocked my restaurant, It wasn’t easy being a manager, especially of one that was very popular, but a girl had to do what a girl had to do. It was hard for gals like me to actually get a good career.
I then went to the back to wait for the market truck. It came a couple seconds later. It was full of fish, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and anything else we needed. The man threw them at me, knowing I would catch them with my magic. It wasn’t really hard since I was very strong. Actually, I was so strong I could have taken over my gang by now but that would be betraying my boyfriend and I loved and admired him too much to do that to him.
I quickly put away the food in the fridge so that I could clean the place up a little while I waited for the chef to come and be interviewed. I didn’t have much to do; we had cleaned well yesterday and nay a few things needed to be tidied up. When I thought everything was fine, I checked my watch. Six-thirty. I told him he had to be here on time and just as I was about to curse him, someone came in.
“ Hello? Is anyone here? Miss Brites?” the guy called out.
I sigh in relief, walking towards the entrance. The guy comes in and I check him out. He was fit and thin with few muscles showing anywhere. The guy’s blond hair covered most of his black eyes. His skin was tanned and he looked pretty good in his black jeans and white T-shirt. All in all, he was a cute kid.
“ Uh, what was your name again?” I asked him. His whole body turned towards where my voice was. He was also shy because he blushed a little. I smiled at him, trying to put him at ease.
“ Terris, I’m here to be the new night cook?” he stated it more of a question. I chuckled, knowing this guy would be great friends with the others in less than an hour.
“ Yeah, I checked your resumé and I think you’re good. Since you’re here now I’m going to tell you that I have to check your skills so that its what I think it is. If you pass, you’ll be starting tonight. You okay with that?” I asked him, finishing up my speech.
Terris slightly nodded, his hands in between him. I stifled a chuckle as I showed him my kitchen.
“ So your resumé said that you’re a half vampire, half magician.” I stated. Terris nodded, taking a real look around my restaurant at the same time.
“ We prefer to call ourselves as sorcerers because only wizards are magicians.” he corrects me.
“ So what?Whats the difference with a witch, wizards, mages, and sorcerers? They all do magic.” I speak out my opinion. I really didn’t see much difference but then, I wasn’t any of them so I didn’t know the difference.
“ Witches get their magic powers either by emotion or by their surroundings. Wizard have to use a staff to control their powers and have to say words to let their magic work like weak witches do. Mages are only more powerful wizards. Sorcerers don’t need a staff or magic around our surroundings or say words to use magic. We can see the threads of unused or unpossessed magic and can manipulate them to do whatever we want them to do. Thats the difference.” he informs me.
“ Does that mean you are born seeing magic around you?” I ask him nervously. I can use magic and if he can then I would be in big trouble. He would ask questions that might lead to things that I didn’t want others to know.
“ Not really. Only when I use my magic can I actually see the threads.” he waves shyly.
I silently sigh, relieved to hear the answer.
“ So when do we start?” Terris rubs his hands, smiling, can’t wait to get started and begin cooking. I was starting to like this guy.
“ I’ll show you around. Then I’ll have you make certain foods that are both on and off the menu so that I can get an idea of how good you are.” I tell him, already walking him throughout the kitchen.
“ Ok.” he blushes a little. I chuckle, worsening his blush. The kid was just so dang cute!

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