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Book online «Brites' Revenge by Mariana Mendoza (7 ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Mariana Mendoza

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and not enough answers.
“ We are interested because she could be the only one who could help us. We need her to trust us and help us with this secret. We don’t have much time left and if she does not help us, then everything will be over. We need her because she just might be our secret weapon to win this.” old man answered not only to him but to the other members who might have had the same question.
Well isn’t that great? I’m supposed to be a secret weapon for what? A war? And what are they hiding that they might need my help for. All this was too fishy. Something didn’t feel right. All this talk made me shiver with terror for some reason. I had to find out. I’m not much of a curious cat but when it came to me and my family, I would kick anyone’s ass.
I knew I would find out more information later. It was a good thing I couldn’t be seen. I made a mental note follow him the whole week so that I could find out more. Terris has just now become a person of interest and the only way to use him was to make him believe I’m playing his game when he would actually be playing mine. For now, I was just glad this freaking meeting was over.
The set of his day was boring. He then went to eat lunch and go to the park with his boyfriend and prepare himself to work for me.
Once he was inside Royale, I went home. It was already seven and Caden should be up by now. Caden loved his sleep as much as food so I was pretty certain he was now up and drinking all the blood I had at home.
When I got there, I noticed that the door was unlocked. I didn’t like that. I entered I found him eating pizza and drinking B-Cola (Blood-Cola was popular with vampires. It was just drugged human blood, which was almost like a vamp coke).
“ Don’t tell me you drank all the B-Cola.” I said to him as I returned from invisible to visible. Caden jumped a little from the couch, Spilling some of the coke on it. I just looked at my couch as Caden looked at me in surprise and fear. Yeah, Fear, I had a very bad temper.
“ Don’t do that. Why were you invisible? If you didn’t surprise me then I wouldn’t have spilt coke on your couch.” he scorned me.
“ You’re blaming me for this? You know I only allow food in the living room during special occasions. Otherwise, eat in the kitchen.” I told him. My voice went up a little.
“ This is a special occasion, Brites.” he tells me, trying to look sexy and innocent at the same time. I placed my hands on my hips, showing him it wasn’t working.
“ Oh yeah? Whats the occasion?”
“ We are now going out. Thats a special occasion so we should celebrate.”
I stared at him as if he had something on his face. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.
“ You spilt coke on my couch so clean it up before I kick your ass.” I tell him.
“ It would be an honor. Later tonight, we’ll be doing something that involves your ass.” he chuckles. I ignore him.
“ So where did you go? Where were you all day? The guys said you never came to the hideout.” I went to my kitchen to see if I could get something to eat. I took out a bag of cheese balls and a real coke and ate as I watched him clean up after his mess.
“ I was following Terris.” I answered after I drank some coke.
“ Who?”
“ Terris, my new chef.”
“ Anything interesting?” he asked, already finished cleaning up and taking the food and can into the trash. He came behind me and wrapped his arms around me, kissing my neck. I his fangs lightly poked my skin. I smiled, liking the intimacy.
“ He is very interesting. So interesting that I’m going to play with him.” I murmur.
King kept kissing my neck, going up to where my mouth was. He turned me around, kissing me. His lips were soft. A little of the coke he had was still there, smearing me with blood. His tong was sly and soon enough, we were entangled into each other. Caden licked my mouth, cleaning the blood. His right arm went under my breast, caressing the skin there while his left hand went into my hair. My breath hitched, loving the way he touched me. I could barely keep my thoughts together. I had to tell him what I had found out before this went on. If I didn’t stop our little game, he would be into my pants and I won’t be able to tell him what I had found out until the next day. Then, when I tell him, he would be pissed and blame it all on me. I ousted him away a little as our lips parted ways.
“ No really, Terris turned out to be more interesting than he let on.” I tell him. I was breathing hard, hardly able to speak no louder than a whisper. I was satisfied that he was also out of breath.
“ Okay, tell me what you found out.” he tells me, looking up into my eyes. I was surprised to find myself on his lap in the couch. How we ended up there was a mystery to me.
“ Turns out my new chef is part vamp part mage.” I tell him. Caden’s eyebrows go up. I nod, knowing how surprising that was. He waited for me to finish.
“ He’s also part of the Clematis group.” I tell him.
Caden puts me down on the couch then faced me, curious and serious as ever now.
“ Why is a member of the Clematis trying out for your restaurant? Are they trying to find out about you? I am really getting tired of people trying to find out about you.”
I nod, “ I know. Anyways, I also found out that they are interested me and they might want to tell me something.”
“ And what do they want to tell you?” he asked.
“ I don’t know. All I know is that it’s really important. They kept talking about it as if this thing is very secretive and important. They said I might be the only weapon to defeat something and that they are running out of time and I might be the only thing to stop this thing.” I said.
“ Is it a war? This is why I hate magic users. They hide things that are too important to be kept hidden.” he says, looking up into the ceiling.
“ I know. Something really bad is going on. They said that they needed to earn my trust and vise versa. I don’t know about you, babe, but I think we should let him into our gang.”
Caden said nothing. I looked back to him. He was watching me with dreamy eyes and a cute smile that makes me want to kiss him. I smacked him in the arm.
“ What are you doing?” I asked.
“ You called me babe.” he said dreamily. I smacked him again. I didn’t know my boss could get all mushy with just one word. I actually didn’t think him much of a romantic. I guess I didn’t know him like I thought I did.
“ Did you not hear me? I said we should have him into our gang.” I repeated.
“ No.” he said, waking from his dream.
“ Why not? I need him to think that I’m going to trust him so I can find out what is going on. We’ll just make him think that he’s in and I’m going to feed him false information.”
“ You’re going to place our gang in jeopardy, Brites.”
“ I know. But I’m gonna talk to them and tell them the deal. I need to know what Clematis is hiding from the rest of us.” I try to convince him.
King sighs, pressing his hand to the back of his neck, looking down the whole time, thinking. I waited for him to answer me. It didn’t take long for him to make a decision.
“As long as none of our brothers get hurt then I’m fine with it. But if he makes even one slip up, I will kick him out of the gang and out of your restaurant and all you would be able to do is sneak into their hideout.” he warns me.
I nod, happy as a clam. I kiss him and we make out for a while until my phone rang. I took my O-zone from my pocket and answered while Caden continued to kiss and nip my neck.
“ What?” I demanded, pissed that someone had disturbed our make out time, again. Caden never got mad but that didn’t mean I was going to keep my trap shut just because he didn’t get mad. It was how I earned respect.
“ Ms.Brites? This is agent Malik, I was wondering where you are right now or did you forget about our meeting?” he asked curiously. I could hear his teasing smile in his voice.
“ She forgot, agent. She was busy —!”
“ — with other business. I’ll be there in ten minutes so wait near my office door.” I replied and hung up before Malik could ask any more questions.
“ I really want to kill you right now, Caden.” I mutter under my breath as I stand up and push him away. He came behind me and began buttoning my shirt up. I let him, letting him know I wasn’t really mad but a little moody because someone had bothered us.
“ Sorry.” he whispered in my ear.
“ Fine, whatever, but don’t do that again. I’m trying to act professional and I’ma fuck you up if you ruin it. You know I play no games.” I told him.
He answered me with a kiss on my neck. I sighed and leaned onto him. I really didn’t want to go. The thought of me having to go back to that day was horrible. But if this creep was doing the same thing he did to me, I would have no choice but to help out. I would have a guilty conscious if I didn’t help so if I had to, I would.
After I got ready to leave, my phone rang again. Who was it this time? If it as that cop, I would knock him on the head when I see him.
“ Pick up, babe, I won’t get mad if its that snake cop.” King said and went to the kitchen.
“ Fool, do you got no patience? Because right now, it looks like you’re desperately wanting me.” I said.
A man chuckled from the other side of the phone. I really wasn’t going to like this. I knew the man. I stiffened and froze in place.
My biggest nightmare had just come to life.

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