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Book online «Young Guardian Trilogy by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (the lemonade war series .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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got this caller bugging me. I don’t know who she is, yet, she knows about me.” Shannon confided. “Want to know the strange thing about it?”
“Yeah.” I told her softly, sitting across from her.
“I could have sworn I was talking to myself.”
That was strange. I thought, not knowing what to say.
Luna spoke up. “I bet it’s that twin I told you about.”
Shannon looked at her strangely, as did I.
“Twin?” I asked mine, and then looked at Shannon. “Shan’s got a twin?”
Luna smiled, but Shannon shook her head, unbelieving.
“Aunt Dixie never told me about any twin.” Shannon replied. “And she never mentions it in any family files.”
“That’s because she didn’t know until your mother died.” Luna replied. “Rumor has it, Sarabeth left a diary for you somewhere.”
Shannon’s eyes went dark. I could tell she missed her mother.
I stood up and sat next to her.
“May I ask a quick question?” I inquired, placing a hand on her arm. She looked up. “When did your mother die?”
“I was only a few weeks old.” Shannon told us. “I never really knew her outside the Dream Realm.”
Luna sat down after going to the other side of the booth and hugged her almost-sister of a cousin. I knew they’d grown up together. “I’m so sorry. I never knew, Shan.”
Shannon sighed. “That’s okay.” She looked at her watch and stood up. “I’ve gotta run. See you two later.”
“See you.” Luna and I echoed. We looked at each other and smiled.
I waited until Shannon was gone to question my own twin. I crossed my arms. “What was that all about?”
Luna looked innocent. “What?”
“That – with Shannon’s mystery caller.” I told her. “How would you know who it was?”
She shrugged her shoulders, almost sounding depressed as she told me. “My powers of premonition are getting stronger, I guess.”
I sighed. I hated when she was like this. “Come on, we’ve gotta get ready for the birthday party this afternoon.”
I stood and she followed.
“Where are the kids?” Luna asked. “I thought Kelly would be hanging around us like magnets?”
“I guess they went exploring.” I told her. I closed my eyes to sense both Bradley and Kelly and found them in the Computer Room, fiddling with computers. “They found the computers.”
Luna giggled. “At least they’re alright. That’s all I was worried about.”
I stared at her while we walked to Fourth-Floor. “You were seriously worried about my daughter?”
“I was worried for them both, actually.” Luna said. “Especially since I ran into Aaron last night.”
“Oh? What did he have to say?”
“He was in the bar, drinking.” Luna told me. “He looked really depressed; not at all like the Aaron Schmidt we all know and love.”
Or the Aaron Theodore I love, period. I thought, making sure she couldn’t hear me with her own Telepathy.
“We got to talking, and he mistook me for you.”
“That is strange.” I said aloud. “I’ve known him longer than you have. How could he mix us up like that?”
“There must be something bothering him.” Luna supplied.
We’d reached Fourth-Floor and I punched in the codes to let us in. She was quiet as she headed to the bathroom. She stopped and turned around. “I have to confess something, Ariana.”
“I didn’t have the heart to say I wasn’t you.” She said. “Aaron confided in me, why what you guys had done so long ago was a big mistake. Seeing how you are with Derrick and Kelly, his own daughter, he wishes you the best.”
“What state was he in? Was he depressed – or lonely – or joyful. What?”
“I don’t know, but I don’t think he was sane.” It was all Luna said before heading to the bathroom.
This got me thinking. What was on Aaron Schmidt’s mind?
While she was in the shower, and since I had already taken one, I decided to go through all the choices I’d had for the ‘perfect gown.’ With Magic, I waved my arms in front of me while looking in the full-length mirror. Sure, Luna and I were going to do the “twin thing”, but we still had to choose the perfect gowns for our grooms. In the middle of choosing between two possible dresses, I heard a knock on the door.
I quickly waved my wrists this time, returning to my street clothes before I answered the door.
“What are you smiling about?” Aimee asked as I opened the door for her. She sat herself on my bed beside the balcony.
“Oh, nothing.” I replied, sighing. I looked at her, and saw her wide smile. “Uh, Aimee, could I talk to you about something?”
“Anything.” She said, looking up at me. “I am your Over-Seer, you know. You can talk to me about anything you want.”
“It’s about Aaron.” I said. “Has he been acting strange around you?”
Aimee thought for a moment before speaking. “Not any stranger than usual.”
“Hmm.” I said. “Luna must be exaggerating.”
“Why, does she think he is?” Aimee asked.
“Yeah.” I told her what Luna confessed.
“Sounds intense.” Aimee said. “I’ll look into it, okay?”
I hugged my almost-sister. “Thanks, Aim.”
“Anytime.” She said. “Wouldn’t want him to miss the happiest day of your life.”
I grinned, and then thought of something. “Hey, you want to help me pick out my wedding gown?”
“I thought you agreed to dress identically?” Aimee said. “You know, the whole ‘twin thing’ you never got to do growing up?”
“We are, but I want my own style to it.”
My best friend rolled her eyes. “Alright, show me what you’ve got.”
I waved my arms, changing my clothes in a split second with Mystic Magic.
“This one is my favorite. What do you think?” I inquired.
Aimee giggled. “Simple, yet elegant.”
“I think it looks like something out of the olden days.” The voice of my twin sister said from the other room. “Got anything else? Because that’s just not us.”
I looked down, and then to Aimee, who shrugged with a smile. It was me, but not her. “You’re right.” I waved my arms again. “Better?”
Aimee still couldn’t believe her eyes. The Ancient Mystic Magic she’d known from her childhood growing up with me. She knew I tended to be a little dramatic at times and shook her head. “Much.” She complimented. “I came over to see what you guys were up to.”
Before I could say anything, Luna flicked her wrists toward herself, changing into a casual jeans and blouse outfit. “Do you know where Aaron is?”
I took the hint and changed into a casual pant and turtle-neck shirt, with my favorite jeans’ vest.
“Last I knew he was headed out with a guy with the last name Stewart.” Aimee told us, shrugging.
“You mean Jammins.” Luna said. “He’s the electronic genius around here. Did they say where they were going?”
Aimee shook her head. “Not a clue.”
“Use the Unicorn Magic.” I told her, sitting next to her.
“How?” She asked, wondering. “I’m no Ancient Mystic.”
“The same way you did when we were growing up.” I said. “Use the Magic in the bracelet to sense your brother.”
“You really think that’ll work?”
“It’s the Unicorn Magic, Aimee.” Luna supplied. “You’ve got it, whether you want it or not.”
“Remember the animals?” I smiled at Aimee, who then smiled back as she thought about them.
When we were young, she would talk to the animals, and was able to sense if one of her furry friends were hurt or in trouble. If they were, she’d come to me and I’d heal them or help them. We later learned from Lord Guardian that her ‘gift’ with animals was the Unicorn Magic.
“Okay. I’ll give it a shot.” Aimee supplied.
Luna and I both watched as she closed her eyes. Her smile turned into a frown when she reopened them.
“Well?” We chorused.
“He’s at the bar with Jammins, drinking.”
“You see, Ariana. I’m not exaggerating.” Luna announced.
“I’m not even going to ask how you know.” Aimee supplied, smiling.
“That’s easy.” Luna said. “I overheard your conversation from the bathroom.”
Aimee and I both looked at each other and laughed. Luna sighed, grasping both my hands and Aimee’s and jumping in the air.
“I can’t believe we’re finally getting married!” Luna cried.
Aimee laughed with us and we stood.
“After all the hell we’ve been put through, I’m surprised we survived it.” I pointed out. “I just hope Sabrina, Damian, and Orthos don’t even think of messing with the Mystic Ceremonies.”
“I’m pretty sure they won’t dare come close.” Luna assured me. “It’s too goody-goody for them.”
“Then again, they might not be able to resist the temptation.” I replied, thinking about how nasty Sabrina and the Warriors were through the years to the Crusaders and me.
“This is too much, you two.” Aimee laughed. “Stop thinking about the bad guys and start thinking about your futures with your husbands-to-be. This is supposed to be a happy time for you, not a time of worry.” She stood. “Listen chicks, I gotta go. Your own cousin wants to do a quick induction on Aaron and me before the wedding tonight.”
I grinned, sensing Shannon walking down the hall. “She’s coming this way, too.” I told her, grinning.
“What timing?” Aimee teased, shaking her head and laughing. “See ya later.”
“See ya.” We chorused.
With that, she left.
Luna and I looked at each other.
“She’s right.” Luna said.
I smiled. “She’s always right. Lest we forget I grew up with her.”
Luna brightened up, and smiled, linking her arm in mine. “Let’s find the guys and go to our birthday party. I’m starving.”
I giggled, rolling my eyes at her. “Sure. Let’s go.” I smiled.
We headed out of Fourth-Floor’s doors, in search of our loves.

We found Derrick and Shane talking with Nick McNathaniels, but I didn’t see Shannon around.
“Hey guys.” I called, walking over to greet Derrick with a kiss.
“Hey yourself.” Derrick supplied. “Happy birthday, Love.”
“Thank you.” I turned to Nick as I held Derrick’s hand. “Where’s Shannon?”
Nick shrugged. “Last I knew, she had a lot of paperwork to do. She promised to be here in less than an hour.”
“Now I’m worried.” Luna remarked.
“Yeah, me too.” Shane replied after her. “It’s not like Shannon Ryan to miss free food.”
“It’s not like Aaron to miss it, either.” I added with a grin.
“Momma! Momma!” I heard a little voice behind me, and turned to greet my daughter, Kelly. I bent down to her level so she could flood me with kisses and a hug. Bradley was with her, which was good. He hugged my neck.
“Have you guys been getting into trouble I don’t know about?” I teased her, looking at her adopted-step-brother, Bradley, who was grinning innocently.
“No, Aunt Ariana.” Bradley announced innocently. “Uncle Chips said it was alright to explore.”
“Uncle Chips?” Luna giggled. “You must mean Chips Deneson. Since when does any kid listen to him?”
“Since when does he talk to any kid without throwing a fit of his own?” Derrick teased.
“Since I met your wonderful children Ariana.” I turned to meet the teasing eyes of Chips himself, resident computer genius and all-around bookworm. He was the best at cracking codes and fixing any computer glitch with his best friend, electronics wizard, Jamie “Jammins” Stewart.
“Happy birthday, Li’l Bit.” He teased, using the name he’d come up with when I arrived at the System a young child of fifteen. He kissed my cheek when I stood up. “Wonderful to have you back.”
“Thanks, Chips. It’s good to be back.” I replied. I watched as Kelly took Bradley’s hand and disappeared into the crowd of hungry partygoers.
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