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my arms as he disappeared with the others in the hallway.
“I knew I’d find you here.” Derrick whispered in my ear, kissing my neck. “Let’s blow this popsicle stand.”
I turned to him and grinned. It was time, and I knew it. “Let’s.” I echoed.
We snuck out of the Ballroom without anyone knowing we were gone. Every one of the System’s agents was too busy with Julia, which included Luna.
“Now that we’re wed, I bet it would be best to move Luna’s things back into the Ginger Room.” Derrick replied, holding my hand. “That way, she and Shane can have their old room back, and we can have ours.”
I grinned, my heart pounding, nerves pumping, head spinning.
I stopped in my tracks and looked at my new husband. “Let’s do more than that.”
He looked at me and grinned. “Can I show you pure magic now?”
I knew what he meant. I would learn just how much Derrick loved me.
“First, to get out of these gorgeous clothes.” I told him. I snapped my fingers, sending the dress and his tuxedo back to their rightful places. The dress to Mother’s room with Father, and the tuxedo hanging in the closet of Fourth-Floor. In their places, I snapped in a couple comfortable outfits for the both of us. “Next, to our rooms.”
He followed me, nearly racing me to the rooms. “What next, my love?” He nuzzled my ears, and I was beginning to get hot under the collar. A good hot – love, lust, everything in the like went through my mind.
Closing my eyes and crossing my arms, I gestured to get all of Luna’s things out of Fourth-Floor and Derrick’s out of the Ginger Room.
I looked at him with love in my eyes and a beat in my heart. Once I closed the door behind us, I looked at him with lust in my eyes.
Derrick’s eyes sparkled, and I could tell he’d wanted to do it, too.
Something that Aaron had done long ago, to make me feel safe. With Derrick, I would feel pure love, pure magic, just plain pure.
“Show me pure magic, Derrick.” I whispered, kissing him hard on the lips. His response was to pick me up while kissing me, gently setting me down on my bed.
It wasn’t long before our clothes were off, and we were intertwined.
No longer were we two separate people. We were one.
It was mind-boggling, heart-wrenching; there weren’t real words to describe it.
All I knew is that it was better with Derrick than with Aaron.
Wait – Why am I comparing the two? Aaron was my best friend. All he wanted to do was keep me safe from all pain.
Derrick – oh, my love, my darling. I’d hungered for his loving arms and embrace to rapture me, to carry me off into heaven in a romantic, frenzying bliss. True love never felt this good before.
“Is this some crazy, teasing dream?” He asked, slowing his thrusts.
“It’s no dream, my love.” I whispered, sighing in happiness.
“Since we met, my heart had yearned for you.” Derrick whispered, kissing first my ears, then my nose, and finally my lips.
“And mine for you.”
He began a fast and strong pace, and I loved every moment of it.
It didn’t take long for him to stop in orgasm, kissing my lips softly once again.
In my mind, there was a feeling of completion.
We lay beside each other, our hearts slowing down to their normal rhythms.
I sighed, curling up beside him. Derrick had his arms wrapped around my neck, and I could hear his heart beating for me.
Our ultimate fantasy had come true. Our love was finally complete, and we were one.
“I love you so much, Derrick,” I told him, snuggling next to him.
“I could tell.” He joked softly, kissing my lips. He looked in my eyes once turning on his side. “To think, this heaven can be ours anytime we wanted it.”
I nodded, my eyes closing, thinking of him, and only him.
When I opened them again, his brown eyes were staring at me. “You are so lovely, my darling.” He whispered, tucking some hairs away from my face.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He said.
“No, I really mean it. Thank you.” I repeated. “For making my life complete, for making me happy, for being perfect.”
“Ah, no.” Derrick shook his head. “I’m not the perfect one, here. You are.”
I smiled. “Our first quarrel.”
He laughed softly. He was silent, watching me lay there. We only looked at each other’s faces, for nothing else really mattered now.
“There were always times I could never talk to you, but now, I can tell you anything.” He spoke up.
“The same goes for me.” I replied with a small smile. I looked over at the glowing clock beside the bed. “It’s nearly midnight. I wonder if the party’s still going on.”
“Doubt it.” Derrick said. “Lu and Shane are probably doing what we just did.”
“Should we just sleep like this, or get dressed?” I asked him, looking at him for approval.
“I would just sleep like this, but you know what they say.” Derrick replied.
“What’s that?”
“Whatever you wear to bed, you wear in your dreams.” He planted another kiss on my lips before rising.
I giggled, sighing. I got up as well.
“We have to Crusade tonight.” I told him as we dressed.
“Why? The Warriors up to no good again?”
“Nope. The Mystic Ceremony at the Palace.” I told him. “All of us were invited to watch as Kit, Kat, and Marie were wed to their beaus. Also, I think Enchantra has something on her mind.”
“I wouldn’t doubt that.” Derrick replied, now remaking the bed for us. “The Mistress Sisters always have something on their minds.”
“They never have a problem telling us, either.” I replied as we snuggled into bed.
“Well, so ends our lives apart, and begins our new lives together.” Derrick said. “Don’t think I’m gonna let you go so easily this time.”
“I don’t want to be let go.” I curled up beside him, yawning as my head hit his chest. “I love you too much to let go now.”
My eyelids closed, and I felt him kiss my forehead before he fell asleep.
Our first night as man wife and we fell asleep in each other’s arms. That’s the way it should be.
Lessons on Control

Enchantra’s Warning

As soon as we fell asleep, we arrived at the Mystic Palace in the Dream Realm. I saw Shane and Luna there, too, talking with Challandra.
I waved and called her name. “Mistress!”
She looked up. “Young Guardian, you have arrived.”
She hugged me before leading us into the Palace, where her own twin Enchantra was waiting.
By the look on her face, I could tell she had bad news.
“What’s wrong, Enchantra?” I asked as soon as our eyes met.
“I am afraid your happiness is about to be tested.” Enchantra started.
We looked at each other. “What do you mean?” Luna asked her.
“I thought we were brought here to watch the Mystic Ceremony of the Companions?” I recalled. “Where are they?”
“The Companions are at Panther’s Castle.” Challandra began, looking at her sister.
“We must wait for O’Dell, Max, Jezebel, and Sibylline.” Enchantra replied.
“Sibylline is alive and well?” Derrick asked her, amazed.
“Only for the Ceremonies.” Enchantra told him. “After that, then she will go back to the Realm of the Epsilon to live as Queen with her husband Braken Hawk.”
Hawk? “That’s Kit and Kat’s last name.” I replied. “Does that mean what I think it does? Sibylline’s the link to their heritage?”
Enchantra smiled. “Aye, but I would greatly appreciate it if you kept that fact to yourselves when you come to their Ceremonies.”
I nodded with a grin. “I will, Mistress. I promise.”
“Very well.” Enchantra kept her smile. She closed her eyes and announced. “Our Lord Guardian O’Dell has arrived with Lord Max and Queen Jezebel.”
“Queen Jezebel?” Shane asked. “When did she become a Queen?”
“More importantly, of what?” Luna answered.
“When Jezebel’s mind had changed after the Wars, but during the Crusades, she found her true love of Maximaniac still had feelings for her.” Enchantra began. “Maximaniac was announced the Lord of the Grey Area. That is, the area in which the old Dominion and Dark Tower used to be.”
“Since there are no colored Magics to fuel its power, that part of the Dream Realm became gray, and inhibited.” Challandra continued. “Therefore, it has been named the Grey Area.”
“Recently, after True-Time returned, we found there were lost souls, left from the Wars and Crusades. They were left to search for meaning and peace of mind.” Enchantra replied. “Pretty soon, no one knew what to do with it. That is when Lord Maximaniac decided to wed his long-time bride, Jezebel, and become ruler over the Grey Areans.”
“So far, there have been no complaints from either side.” O’Dell’s voice boomed from behind us. Beside him were both Lord Max, who had taken on his playful appearance of a court-jester, and Jezebel, looking like a real darker-colored queen.
Here’s the explanation. When Maximaniac Banished himself to Mark Grey, he became a persona naming himself “Psycho.” “Psycho” was fun, entertaining, and a real blast, taking on the blue-gray-black colors of both Magic and clothing in Mark’s eyes. After being returned to the Dream Realm, he became his old self again, a serious, smart, and nice gargoyle, taking on his old Gargoyle Magic colors of gray and blue. Since the Crusades, he’s had to choose between the Gargoyle and his “Psycho” appearance. So far, Lord Max has chosen his more playful appearance to live with.
“My Lords and Queen Jezebel.” I announced, bowing to the three of them. My sister, Shane, and Derrick bowed as well. “A pleasure.”
“The pleasure is all mine, Young Guardian.” Lord Maximaniac replied with a grin. “To be able to see you in the flesh once again was a thrill. I loved the ceremony.”
“You weren’t there.” I told him, curious.
“Jezebel and I saw it from our own Mirror at our Castle.” Max replied with a wink.
I smiled.
“Ah, my love, they remind me of us when we were young and in love.” Jezebel had a playful look in her eyes all her own.
I could tell she was happy not being Orthos’ bride anymore. The two of them were back together, as fate had brought them in the first place.
“Sorry I am late, dear sisters,” I heard Sibylline’s voice coming from the Mirror Room. She joined us and we bowed to her. “I had trouble remembering the spell.”
“Quite alright, Sibylline.” O’Dell replied with a smile. “You look lovely, as usual.”
“Thank you, O’Dell.” Sibylline replied. She looked to Enchantra, who sighed. “Whatever is the matter, Enchantra?”
“The time has come, dear sister.” Challandra answered for her twin. “They are betrothed.”
“Oh, how wonderful!” Sibylline clapped, and then her smile turned into a frown. “Oh.” She said, depressed. “It truly is time, is it not?”
“Aye.” Enchantra sighed, and I knew we were all in trouble. Enchantra, being the head Mistress Sister, usually had no reason to sigh. Especially since she was supposed to know everything about her Earthbound Mystics.
“Cheer up, Chantie.” Challandra grinned, hugging her twin sister’s shoulders. “'It is the best for them.”
“Aye, I guess you are right, Challie.” Enchantra said, standing straight once again.
What was bothering her?
The only way to know was to ask.
“Enchantra, if I may be so bold, what’s wrong?” I asked her gently, not wanting to be yelled at for disrespecting her.
To my surprise, no one said a word edgewise.
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