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Book online «Rogue by Shannon Burton (i have read the book .TXT) 📖». Author Shannon Burton

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to stop it.I was now me and she was still her.


"I learned how to fly." Tera said, interrupting my thoughts.


"Really? You any good?" I laughed.


She mock punched me in the arm, "Of course I am.I was taught by the best!" She huffed.


I laughed even more when she shot me a glare.She thought Talon was the best at everything.


"You are still you.Just a different kind of you." Tera mumbled.


"Yeaa some days I can feel pieces of my old self in there and those are the days that help me stay grounded.But I'm losing that girl Tera and I know it's hard to accept, but it's happening all the same." I felt wise beyond my years.


Tera nodded and wiped the falling tears from her eyes.


"Ok ladies dinner-breakfast is ready." Ada announced to lighten the mood.


She slid our plates over the counter and we all dug in.It was a warm moment.One that I hoped to never forget.I knew that things were going to once again get hectic for me and I needed something to keep me from going over the edge.So when the time came, I would cling to this moment and every other beautiful moment for dear life.





Chapter 5

Sleep didn't come easy so I got up and showered.The scalding water poured over me and released the tension in my muscles.As soon as I stepped out of the shower the tension came back and I wondered what was going on with me.I felt uneasy and on edge but the reason for it eluded me.I through on some black jeans and a black tank top with my boots.My hair went back into its usual braid and for a minute I felt almost normal.


As I walked down the stairs everything was quiet.I moved into the kitchen and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and headed out the back door.The air was cold yet refreshing.I found myself stretching in the biting morning air.The sun shown lightly but for the most part, it was turning out to be a cloudy day.I looked to my right and remembered that there was a barn there.Campion. It had been a long time since I saw the hot blooded mustang and I felt compelled to head off in that direction.


When I reached the barn every horse was asleep.Well, every horse except my Campion.She was looking in my exact direction.She was just as beautiful as I remember her; night black and beautiful.


"Well hello my dear Campion." I murmured when I reached her stall.


She gave a small neigh and I stepped closer to her stall.She tilted her head up and I swear that it looked like she was ignoring me!


"Aaw come on my beautiful.Don't be like that.Especially when I brought you a delicious apple."I lifted the apple and took a crunchy bite out of it.


Her ears perked up and she gave me a slight glance so I took another bite.Campion snorted and trotted to the front of her stall.I held out my hand and fed her the sweet green apple.


"I feel like going for a ride.How bout you?"


I opened up her stall and saddled the beautiful mare.She didn't move an inch as I got her prepared.


"Follow me and together we will work off some of this energy we both seem to have."


She snorted and trotted along behind me.The noise of her hooves woke up many of the horses so we were met with alot of curious gazes as we made our way out of the barn.


She gave a start at the cold morning air but I was able to soothe her enough to allow me to mount her.Once I was up there it was like there was no coming down.She cantered over the dewy grass and soon her muscles took control and we were galloping over the long stretch of field.


It was another one of those beautiful moments.


When we were both tired out I took her back into her stall and groomed her.She enjoyed a few sugar cubes and soon fell into a deep sleep.I was still wired up and it was around nine in the morning so I knew Ada would be up cooking food.When I walked into the kitchen, there she was.Ingredients were thrown all over the normally immaculate kitchen.The smell of bacon and eggs wafted through the whole house.


"Good morning dear." Ada smiled as I walked in.


"Good morning.Breakfast almost done?" I questioned.


"Oh yea just another twenty minutes and you will be begging for some laxatives." She laughed.


I gave her a shocked look and that only made her laugh harder.


Damien,Tera, and Luca came rumbling down the stairs and I scooted my stool over to make room.


"Good morning mom." Damien said as he kissed her on the cheek.


"Good morning sweetie." She said as she stirred some eggs.


"Good morning Ada." Luca and Tera said in unison.


"What's up Zhara?" Luca asked.


"Nothing much.I need to talk to you after breakfast.I have something on my mind."


"Ok."  This was one of the great things about Luca.He knew when to talk and he knew when not to.


More Acaidens filed in and grabbed a plate.We all ended up in the dining room since that was the only place big enough to hold all of the residents of Acaidia.


When we all took our seats, conversations erupted everywhere.Teenage girls talked about shopping,protectors talked about protecting, and many just discussed the days events.These people were all so connected with each other.Even Tera talked animatedly with Corrinne about shopping later.I was the only one that seemed to be on the outside looking in.


"You'll never fit in." A voice said.


I turned to see Damien sitting at the head of the table, in Mikaels seat.


I lifted an eyebrow at his words.


"You don't fit in anywhere.You are more Furie yet you don't have their values.You are so much stronger then anyone in this village and rather than being are feared." He went on.


His words were true and there was nothing I could say or do to stop the honesty in the words.


"I know that and I accept that." I acknowleged.


"You don't belong here." Damien said.


There wasn't malice in his voice just a cold honesty.


"And you my friend, don't belong there." I pointed to his seat at the table.


His face screwed up in a dark frown and after a few seconds he sighed.Resigned.


"I know that I'm not him and I will never hold a candle to how great of a leader and person he is.He is selfless and fierce.I know all of this but it still doesn't stop me from trying.." Damien sighed.


"Then don't try and judge me when you obviously have your own demons to fight." I advised before I got up to leave.


I needed time to myself so I headed out into the forest.It was quiet and calm as soon as I stepped into the cover of the trees.Immediately, I took off in the direction of Falling Creek.I needed to understand myself better and my powers better.So who better to help me then Rayon?


"Hello Zhara.I was wondering when I would get the chance to see you again." Rayon said as she materialized in front of me.


"Its been quite the interesting month.Sorry I couldn't visit more often." My sarcasm always seemed to be at its peak whenever I talked to Rayon.


"Zhara I said that I was sorry more times than I can count.When are you going to let it go?"


"I will let it go when my life is normal again." I laughed.


"That long then.." Rayon pouted.


"I didn't come here to blame you.I came because I need a quiet place to think and understand." I said.


I wasn't sure what I was looking to understand but I could feel that it was time.


"Of course! Please sit and take all the time you need.I will make sure no one bothers you."


I did just as she said.It felt wonderful to sit by the calming water and just be.My thoughts began to go over my life up until now.I wondered who I was and who on earth I would turn out to be.Was I me or an invention of something already pre-thought? Did I get any say in the end? When would my end come? And most importantly, Is there any way I can save them from what I know is coming?


"There will always be a way Zhara.You just have to find it." Rayon whispered.


I knew that there was a way but it was irritating to not already know it.So many people would perish in the coming moths and there was nothing I could do to save them all.


I allowed my mind to go blank and every worry faded to the corners of my mind.I decided to focus on something I didn't know I had.My flame.


"It's where your abilities lie.Every time you call upon an ability it flows from the very core of you.As you know, everything is built from the world around us, so our souls are compared to the elements.Every Furie has a different one.You and your mom are fiery spirits.Not willing to take no for an answer and not willing to back down.So of course your soul is like a red hot fire.I have a soft green fire and that is because I am so in tune with the earth and everything in it.I am strictly a lover..not a fighter." Rayon explained.


I looked within myself and brought forth the fire.I could feel its tenderness towards me and its eagerness to protect me.It wrapped its flames around me and I felt the tension immediately leave me.It was such a passionate flame.Strong and pure.It was me and I was it.This flame reflected exactly who I was.I was still Zhara.The Furie in me just brought out everything I had already been before.I was Zhara 2.0. Still strong, passionate, and fierce.Still me.


"You never really left Zhara.You just grew into yourself." Rayon agreed.


I gently let go of my flame and breathed in.It was a relief to get some things straight in my hectic world.


"Thank you Rayon."


When I opened my eyes it was pitch black.


"Rayon? What the hell is going on?" I questioned.


"Oh Zhara, you've been here all day." She laughed.


I sat up and realized that she was right.There was a patch worn into the grass where I had sat and my bones were cramped.I hadn't even realized that I had sat with my legs crossed for most of the day.I stretched myself out and said goodbye to Rayon.The walk back to the house was a much lighter one.I wasn't weighed down with worry and confusion.I knew who I was and I now could say that Damien was wrong.


When I reached the house Ada had a plate waiting for me.She led me into the dining room and I saw that everyone had already settled down to dinner.The grandfather clock showed that it was indeed seven thirty at night.I walked over to my usual spot but decided that it wasn't where I belonged.


"Get up." I calmly demanded.


Damien looked up from his plate and frowned.


"I said get up and move."


"I'm not moving Zhara.Mikael put me in charge." Damien growled.


"I am trying to do this the nice way Damien.I don't want to forcefully remove you." I asserted my strength and position and I watched as the wheels worked in Damiens head.


He looked around the room but him and I both knew that there was no way he could win a fight against me, so we all watched him get up to take

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