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Book online «Grey Lilies by Meli J Nightly (free ebooks for android .txt) 📖». Author Meli J Nightly

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could not remember anything, but she knew in her heart she could have never done such a thing. Not to her mistress. She would never be able to betray someone. It felt like it wasn't her. "Mr. Winchester... I'm sorry. But I don't think I-"

He already had her pinned to the wall before he could let her finish. His lips almost touching hers, she quickly moved her face away from his and tears began to stream down her face. 'Why does it have to be like this?'

His hand tried to roam up her thigh, she did her best to move away from him but his grip was strong. "Oh, come on Samantha. Let me show you how much you enjoyed it."

"NO!" She let out a scream. He immediately let her go when he heard a precipitated knock on his office door. "Sir, is everything okay?" Came a concerned voice of a maid.

"Yes! Everything is fine. Did I not tell you not to bother me when I am in my office?" The other maid left without saying anything else. Mr. Winchester pressed his hand against Samantha's mouth; her thoughts were the only ones able to scream. 'No, please. God make him stop.' She could feel the warm tears washing down like an endless waterfall.

"Do not scream again, or you will be sorry. Is this the thanks I get for saving your life?"

Samantha still could not believe what was happening. All of a sudden her life had taken a 180 degree change for the worse. What was she to do?

"I will not force you," Samantha's eyes widened, did he really mean that? Or was he just toying with her? And as if he was reading her mind, he answered, "This doesn't mean I will stop persisting. I will make you free willingly give yourself to me. It couldn't be that you're a virgin..." He laughed at the thought of the twenty year old woman being a virgin, her expression went blank and his voice sounded farther and farther away, faint but it was there. "So you are. Well then we will do something about that. Until you decide to give yourself to me... you will go to sleep without dinner."

A sudden flashback hit her like a train.

"Is it because the young master has been with many woman?" Samantha found herself asking to a man in front of her, his face unable to be seen. Only his long black locks swaying with soft wind. He had seen that man before in her dreams, in those stairs.

But his voice echoed in her soul. "No, it's because you're an innocent virgin." He said it with a small chuckle and a caring tone. He placed a hand in her cheek stroking it gently but she did not move. "I don't ever want you to lose your innocence. Not until you're ready and until you are truly in love with that person that deserves you." Her heart felt warm that time, with those words, with his hand.

Who was that man?

When her flashback was over she found herself alone in the office, her back still pinned to the wall. She hadn't noticed when Mr. Winchester had left, everything seemed like bad dream. She slid down the wall resting her head over her knees. She finally remembered something, those words that that man had spoken to her meant something. If only she knew who he was exactly, if only she had proof that it had been real. Even so it must have been important for her to remember, she would keep her innocence intact until she could actually remember who she loved... or if she had ever loved at all.

"Oh dear brother..." The short man called out in a sing song voice.

"Emir," his older brother acknowledged coldly.

"Guess what I have for you," Emir teased while pulling a chair to sit next to his younger brother.


"Come on. Guess!" He insisted.

"I don't have time for your games Emir. What do you have for me?"

The shorter man narrowed his blue eyes at him and commented sarcastically, "You know even though you're my younger brother. Why does it feel that I am the one who owes respect to you?"

"Because, you never got your act together, it was always I the one who had to look after the business after you decided to go partying and wasting your money on drugs and women," Nathan put it bluntly. He brushed a wavy strand of his black hair. His eyes were grey and they already gave of a cold look, but with his attitude made it worse.

"I changed my ways." Emir crossed his arms nonchalantly. Nathan proceeded to ignore his brother's complaints. "Okay, okay. I'll tell you. We have information on Samantha."

That definitely bought back his attention and it made his older brother smirk with delight to know that he did have a weak point. Samantha. "What’s the report?"

"She's with the Winchester family. On her own free will. She is working for them as a servant and book keeper. We paid Winchester's accountants to tell us what they knew about Winchester's sudden growth with his Corporation. They were so mad that they were fire that they actually sang like birds for mere crumbs. Seems he's trying to become more powerful than us, he is earning millions all thanks to Samantha..."

Nathaniel broke the pen he was holding in half. But it wasn't the fact that the Winchester's were becoming more powerful, it was the fact that Samantha had decided to be with them willingly. “Does she have her memory back?”

Emir avoided his question. "She's a traitor Nathan. Sam-"

"I asked you, does she have her memory back?" Nathan did not want to hear his brother's opinions; he only needed to know if she was okay. If she had recovered her memory, he had a small glimpse of hope. Maybe something happened in order for her to cross paths with the Winchester's. He knew Charles Winchester had it in for him and his family, after all.

Emir cocked an eyebrow, "She's lucid according to the reports. She seems to have recovered her memory. Like I said she's with them willingly, which is why I imagine they decided to take her to England."

"England. I see…” He stared out his window. Birds chirped and the sky was clear. A very beautiful day some would say, except for him.

"Don't tell me you are going to go after her. After all she's just a servant." His words were sharply spoken.

Nathan could very well go after her. Mr. Winchester would probably not fight over her. She had not earned her freedom just yet. His father had made sure of that. Yet, he would make no effort to follow her, if she wanted to be with them he would let it be. And that is exactly what Emir intended his lie to do. He had wanted to get rid of Samantha since they were children. He felt his brother was taken away from him by the wretched servant. His father also made a big deal about her ability which diminished him even more. It was enough he was always being compared to his younger brother, but to a servant girl was beyond his boiling point.

"If that is what she chose. I will not go against it. Now onto business, I need the reports on the Winchester's family business."

"The old man clearly stated that he would always protect the Winchester's assets. They provide us good 'funding' you know," Emir reminded him of the money that they paid in order for them to keep their mouth shut and let their business strive in Versailles.

"Our father is dead. I am not going to continue in his footsteps. The Winchester family is making dirty money... and I need to know how," Nathaniel said firmly.

Emir gave him a look of disbelief and decided to push him further. "Are you sure this isn't about Samantha?"

"Do not mention her name anymore in my presence," he ordered.

Emir lifted up his hands in defense and hid a small grin. "Fine, I apologize. I will find out about the Winchester's dirty laundry. Were you responsible to scare out the Picotti family out of Versailles? They too provided us a lot of money if you had not noticed." He sighed when he saw his brother was in no mood to answer his questions or hear what he had to say.

"I am going to clean out this city from scumbag families like those," he looked at him straight in the eyes. For a while he had suspected his brother to be involved in bad businesses. He had no proof, however. As much as he cared for his brother, he would not let him bring down the name he was building for the family. He had gained Queen Victoria’s trust and was planning to maintain it. He would not let his father’s venom poison whatever was left of his clean conscious.

"Tsk. tsk. The old man is probably turning over on his grave disappointed on his heir." Emir taunted him one last time and left.

Nathan was left wondering of what his older brother had said, if he was actually doing it because of Samantha. He shook those thoughts out of his head, he no longer would think of Samantha. ”I will forget you, Samantha. So forget me.”

Samantha had washed her face. Her eyes were still red from all the crying. The sudden orange rays luminescent of the sun advised her that it was about to set. She gasped, "I have to meet young master Winchester out in the garden." Wiping her face as fast as she could manage, she looked back at the nearby vintage mirror and fixed her hair or at least tried to.

Maxwell smiled as his muse approached the gate to the breathtaking garden. The girl did her best to catch her breath, to which Maxwell chuckled lightly. "You didn't need to run. I wasn't going anywhere."

Finally she had made it to where a smiling, gallant Maxwell sat, she curtsied and tried to do the same but she could barely crack a smile. The sun had already gone down and the moon presented its wonderful glow upon the two.

He stared at her intently, even though there wasn't enough light to see every emotion in her darling face he could feel that there was something wrong. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Ye-yes. I just have a slight headache," she lied. But there was no way he could tell Maxwell what kind of father he had.

"We should call the doctor. Maybe, you are coming down with something." He stated alarmed, while placing his hand on her forehead. She gave one step back without thinking, the fact that he just extended his hand out of nowhere made her reflex. "I- I apologize Miss Samantha. I meant no disrespect." Maxwell blushed since he too did it without thinking.

"No, I am sorry. I am not thinking clearly," she explained, a bit embarrassed about her sudden reaction.

He couldn't help but laugh a little. She looked up at him confused; he was handsome indeed, tall and looked very sophisticated. His hazel eyes did not dim with the night, his blond hair glistened with the moonlight. There was no doubt he was born in high society. The silence was becoming awkward; Samantha tried her best to avoid looking at him. She was not in the best of

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