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more... and just so you know old bag young master Nathaniel isn't here either," she cackled.

"Why do you hate Samantha so much? She was always good to you," Roxanne dared to say. Her brown eyes were defiant but Vanessa only laughed, she could only think on how pitiful she was. She turned to leave and continued to laugh on her way out. "What am I going to do? She is right. Samantha isn't here anymore. He's finally gonna’ do it isn't he?" She buried her face on the old woman's shoulder and began to sob uncontrollably.

Mama D closed her eyes in order for her not to cry. She didn't want to give her less hope. "It's okay, child. Let me go up and tell him you are indisposed-"

"No! He'll surely do something cruel to you. I have to go to him... even if it means..." she could not finish saying those words. Her tears were warm and she couldn't help but think of how twisted life was. Samantha had always defended her from Emir, every time he tried to get her alone she was always there to get her out of his sight. She had even stood up to him more than once and Nathan always interjected when Emir wanted to do something back. But, Nathan was never home and there was no news on Samantha, at least to their knowledge.

Roxy's knees trembled as she went up the burgundy carpeted stairs. Her tears still streaming down without any idea of where so many were coming from. She walked slowly trying to buy time, but buy time for what? There was no way she could get away this time. He had warned her before, that now that Samantha wasn't there to protect her, she would be his.

Finally she arrived to his room. The lions cave. She wiped her tears quickly and lightly knocked. His prominent footsteps as he made his way to the door told her that he was in a hurry to consumer her whole. The door made a creaking sound and the time felt to go in slow motion as she heard the doorknob being turned.

"Well, hello love. I've been waiting for you. Come in," he motioned his hand for her to go inside.

"What can I help you --" She yelped when she felt his strong hold on her. He forcefully pressed his lips against hers. Once again tears began to stream down her face, there was no way she would escape him this time.

"It is time to play Roxy," he said in a sing-song voice.

Meanwhile Vanessa stood outside his door listening to the girl's muffled screams and sobs. She could only smile, oh how much did she enjoy other's pain. If only it would be Samantha instead of Roxy, her life would be worth living. But having Samantha's best friend in that situation wasn't bad at all.

Meanwhile Mama D could only pray for Nathaniel to come home early to save the poor girl. But she also could not help the tears from falling this time. “Why is Amir so cruel?”

Samantha was going through her own nightmare. She was very afraid of the time when she was to help her master with the books. She was from being alone with him the past few days because her mistress decided to stay home. However it did not save her from going to sleep without dinner and she barely ate at noon from all the work he was having her do.

"Have you gotten tired of going to sleep without eating?” He jested. “It’s fairly simple really. All you have to do is give yourself to me."

"I beg you sir. Please desist from this. I will never give myself to you." Her voice did not quiver as she replied. She would not let her take advantage of her, whether he had saved her life or not it did not give him the right to do so.
Mr. Winchester's face reddened with anger by her answer. "What arrogance you have. You should feel honored to have a man such as myself to even consider you as a woman."

She felt compelled to fight back but she knew it would only make things worse. "I meant no disrespect sir."

"You are the one who taunts me with your walk and talk. You don't act like a servant," he spoke with lust.

She shook her head for lack of words and stared at him in confusion; she never meant to do such things.

"I need to have you Samantha. Only then will I be satisfied," he got closer to her.

"Sir, I will certainly scream if you come any closer," she warned him as she backed away.

"Go ahead. Scream. I'm sure my wife would like to know how you throw yourself at me," his laugh so sinister that it sent chills down her spine.

"But that's not true!" She yelled out in disbelief.

"I dare you to try it..." he said pressing himself on the girl.”I'm getting sick of waiting for you to come around..." and with that he let his hand roam under her garments.

"HELP!" She screamed bloody murder. She didn't care if her mistress would not believe her. She just wanted to escape that nightmare. Suddenly, a miracle, a knock echoed inside the office. Someone was outside, had they heard?

"You stupid girl!" He spat and crushed her back on the wall making a few books fall from the shelves, "You will pay for this insolence. If you say anything else I promise you, you will never know about your past, your family or anything that has to do with you."

The girl stared at him scared, he finally mentioned her family. Did it mean that she really had one after all?

"Father, open this door! What is going on?" Maxwell furiously knocked on the door; he swore he had heard Samantha screaming.

He tidied himself up and opened the door. "What is the meaning of this interruption?"

"I heard a scream. I wanted to see if everything was okay." He tried to poke his head inside to see if Samantha was there. His eyes finally met with hers.

"Samantha, are you okay?" He pushed his father aside and went straight to her. Her back pressed against the books and honey colored eyes screamed terror, it was a sign that she was not alright.

"I- I'm fine. I just fell from the steps. I was trying to get one of the books that was up there." Samantha lied as she pointed to one of the higher shelves.

"Father, how could you let her do that?" He questioned him with a disappointing tone.

"She's a servant. Samantha is to do what we tell her to. She's just a bit of a klutz, aren't you Samantha?"

Samantha nodded, "If you don't mind sir I have to go help out with supper."

"Go, go before you try to break something else," Mr. Winchester said while rolling his eyes and waving his hand in a shooing way. Samantha did not hesitate to leave, without even taking one look at Maxwell she ran out.

"Why can't you be a bit kinder to her? If it weren't for her your business would be nothing!"

Mr. Winchester did not take kindly to his words and decided to put his son in his place. His backhand met Maxwell’s white cheek, making a loud ‘smack’ sound. "Watch your tone boy. I am still your father. And she is nothing but my servant. If it weren't for her old master, we wouldn't need her. Our business would be thriving if he wasn't so caught up in being all clean and righteous."

"I don't know what you are up to father. But if Samantha recovers her memory, I will help her do whatever it is she decides to do." Maxwell was determined and his father could see it, which only angered him more.

"How dare you defy me? And don't talk like my business is nothing, because you are the heir!" He declared.

"You won't even tell me what the other businesses are about. Always secret meetings, money wiring from different places, you want me to take care of things, yet tell me nothing. I am not a child anymore. I know the Yacht Corporation is not the one giving us all our riches."

His father smiled and finally noticed his son was not a little boy anymore. "One day you will know. And you will carry on my empire."

"What is our other business father? Why does Nathaniel Vanderwood want you out of Versailles?" He questioned him, his beautiful eyes narrowed.

"Who said he wants us out of Versailles? He needs powerful families like us..."

"I heard you talking with mother last time," he confessed to the eavesdropping without guilt.

Mr. Winchester cleared his throat. "Nathaniel Vanderwood is a flake. He is nothing without his father and he has gone insane."

"He exiled the Picotti family from Versailles. Rumors are that they were smuggling powerful drugs into the city," his words were leading, trying to find out if his father had anything to do with it.

"The Picotti family was always a mafia family. Senior Vanderwood was aware of it, but he did not say anything because they offered him a lot of money to keep his mouth shut. How do we know if the Vanderwood's just didn't want more competition? They could be involved in the trafficking too, you know?" He walked to his desk and opened a wooden box; he took out a Cuban cigar and lit it. His son was never this interested in his business before and it was definitely not time to let him know.

"You think Nathaniel would be involved in such a vulgar business. His Corporation alone makes more money than all the mafia families put together."

His father savored the smoke, he let it out and the smoke covered his displease look at what his son had said. It was true after all, but he could not stand that fact. Another frantic knock was heard, they both stared at each other, the older man still with his cigar and the young one still unsatisfied by the unclear answers.

"Who is it?" Mr. Winchester called out.
"It's me boss. There's been a problem." The man said almost in a whisper, but audible to the people inside.

The man could think about a few things that would bring him problems. He let out one more puff of his savory cigar before he put it out. "Come inside. You," he turned to his son, "this is a private matter. Leave us be."

"But father am I not the heir after all, should I not hear this?" He asked in a taunting manner.

"You will know, one day. Until I think you are ready to handle such responsibilities. Now go check on your mother," he ordered.

Maxwell knew he would not be able to stay. Even if his father called him the heir to the business, he would never let him stay when he had meetings. “So much for being an heir”, he thought. That was something he envied from Nathaniel. They knew each other from childhood, they had studied under the same school, he was able to witness how Sir Vanderwood, Nathaniel’s father was preparing him for his future business. He let himself out still pondering on what exactly his father was doing in those private meeting.

Once he made sure his son was out he motioned the other man to sit

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