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took me away from the house. Having no privacy was getting to me, but I held it back. Right now, all I could think about was the one thing vampires craved. Yes I could eat human food, but I vehemiantly prefered blood. Vegetarian style of course. I looked around anxiously and sprinted out the door into hunting mode.

I could hear my parents, Emmett and Rosalie behind me, but I could only focus on the trees and dirt around me. I searched for signs of prey. I smelled deeply, trying to catch a whiff of my favorite. Thick and carnivorous mountain lion was the best. I knew I needed something more humanlike. Dad had said that carnivores were closer to humans and relieved the thirst longer, but they caused a more intense thirst the next time. I caught something. It wasn’t mountain lion, but as long as it was something edible trustworthy. It was musty and a bit frost bitten, but it's blood was warm and it had just eaten. I ran west, my hunting instinct taking over by the minute. The snow became thicker as I moved closer to a nearby mountain range. The trees were getting thinner and taller. Different kinds of trees. They smelled wonderful, but the creature’s blood was the only thing I could focus on.

I crouched on a thin branch about thirty feet above the smell. The snow on the branches barely shook when I climbed up the tree. It swayed back and forth as I stood frozen. I felt my eyes turn over to my instinct as I calculate my attack. The warmth emitting form the prey was strong, and the creature sat lazily, unaware of my presence. A black bear.

I stared down at the bear, and waiting. I noticed a few hundred yards away, my father was after his own prey. It was comforting to know I hadn’t strayed too far out. But nothing else really connected with me. The burn, the searing pain, took over. It was enough to drive someone to kill. I jumped form the shaky tree limb. I flew through the air, time slowed for me while I jumped. The bear’s bones were crushed under my force, killing him instantly. I never preferred the animal to suffer. My teeth easily slit through the meat so I could get down to the good stuff. When I was “two”, I taught myself how to eat without getting covered in blood. After I was done drinking, I breathed again. The burning ceased. I sighed happily while my father finished off his “meal” of a moose.

My father explained to me that because of my half-human side, I wouldn’t feel the burning that other vampires felt continuously. I would only feel it when I absolutely needed blood. It would come around between one or three weeks, and when it did, it was all I could think about. I wouldn’t be able to see a straight line, I would walk funny. It was awful. But once I hunted, I was back, and I felt like myself again. Jacob was grossed out by blood, but he’d still come along every chance he’d get.

When we got back from hunting, I saw Jacob out in the front yard.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, giving him a hug. My throat stung, but it stopped. Right after hunting, my vampire side would be stronger. And for vampires, werewolves smelled horrible. “Like wet dog,” in Rosalie’s words.

“What, I can’t say happy birthday to you?” he answered sarcastically.

When we hugged, his body heat, again, made my skin revert from cold to normal. I was always getting cold, so I was always glad to have Jake around.

“Well, seriously. It’s kinda early,” I commented.

“I know, but it’s your birthday. You didn’t think all the surprises were over, right?”

“Not before she gets our surprise,” I heard my father say.

“Dad…” I whispered.

He held out a medium sized silver box. I took it and unwrapped the ribbon around it. When I opened it, there was a beautiful black dress with a silver bow on the shoulder.

“Oh, Dad, it’s beautiful!” I said, hugging him.

He smiled. “Alice said you’d say that,” he commented. I laughed, and went back inside to put the dress in my closet. I looked at it some more, awestruck.

When I got back downstairs, I saw Jacob holding another box. This one was smaller, and gold.

“Another gift?” I said, somewhat disappointed.

“Just open it,” he said, shoving the gift in my face.

I opened it, finding a pair of new headphones. The last pair I had were torn apart by some of Seth and Jacob's stupidity. I hadn't been able to listen to music privately in weeks.

"FINALLY!" I squeeled. "Thanks Jake..."


Rebels, Rocks and Hard Places

We reached the beach by noon, and for once, the sun was out! Jake said it was because it was my birthday, but I just thought coincidence. We walked along the empty beach.

“So, why are we at the beach?” I asked.

He looked at me, and looked back at the water. My temples suddenly pounded at the tension.

“Nessie, you know how long we’ve known each other.”

We stopped walking. Jake looked at the ocean, turning away from. I turned in the direction he was standing. He finally faced me. “But I need to give it to you straight. Nessie, I’m in love with you. I do love you like a best friend, but it’s more than that now."

I got chills. Was this really happening? Did Jacob really felt this way?

“Jake, I…”

Before I could finish, his lips slammed into mine. It was like I was struck by lightning. It was both confusing and wonderful. His mouth felt urgent, but relaxed gradually. I had to stop, reluctantly. I put my hand on his neck, and pulled him away by his hair.

“Jake, I’m... I want to be with you, but…I… I don’t feel right about this. Can I beat you off with a stick for at least a few months?"

"Why?" he protested. "Why wait when I know you-"

"But you don't know," I cut him off. A part of me was angry; why was he pushing this? "I've been alive for ten years. Only ten! And I'm...I might be full grown Jake, but I'm not really grown. I haven't had...experiences. You just took my first kiss!"

"You liked that kiss, don't pretend," he chuckled. I was mad now. Was this a game to him?

"I...I don't know what I liked. But I do know that I have a choice in all this, and I'm not making any choices right now."

"What's so-"

"We're moving. To year. I'll be going to high school with everyone."

I thought he'd start yelling. Throwing rocks at the water, something. But Jacob was quiet. He turned away from me to watch the water, and mumbled something about "messing things up" while he refused to face me.

"Jake, I...just...just take me home."


My father practically ripped Jake from the motorcycle. It hit the dirt it once stood on with a loud thud. Birds in the distance took flight. My Aunt Rose and Alice held me back. “They have to work it out, Nessie,” was their excuse. Emmett was on his heels, waiting to take part in the assault against Jake. Jasper eyed me suspiciously. Jasper was trying to calm me down, but I fought back. I didn’t want to be calm. His emotional control wasn’t welcome.

“How could you kiss her? She’s ten Jacob!” Edward screamed as he held Jacob by the neck. "I don't care how Nahuel grew. I don't care that six years was all it took for him to be full grown. He was able to experience life. I won't have you locking down Renesmee because you're ready!"

My father was almost choking Jake. Why was he not fighting back? By the time my father was really starting to hurt him, I had had enough. I ripped away from my aunts and practically threw myself between them.

“Stop! Dad..I liked the kiss. I just...I need time. You can't hurt him, or you'll hurt me too."

My mother suddenly flinched. Something from her human memories, probably. My father let go, and I put myself in the middle, separating them. I could tell it had turned into a standoff.

“But he…”

“I know. But we've worked it out. I'm not ready and he accepts that. Can't you?"

He looked at Jacob, and started concentrating.

“Are you serious? Do you have to go picking through everyone’s head before taking their word? Or do you just not trust me?” I shrieked. My father never trusted anyone but himself and my mother. They never fully trusted Jacob when it came to my safety. Apparently, “werewolves had no control,” or so Edward thought.

“If you ever touch her again, I’ll kill you,” he whispered. But everyone caught it.

Jake glared at him. The rest of my family stared Jake down, trying to get him to leave. Rose let out a small hiss, unable to hold her anger back. Emmett was breathing fast, trying to calm himself down.

“Jake, I don’t want you to get hurt. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” I said in a quiet voice.

He nodded, and hugged me. My family was ready to send him flying, but he wasn’t intimidated. He left on his bike, glaring at Edward as he drove away. Pushing Edward forcefully out of my way, I raced through the house, up the stairs, and slammed the door in my room. I hated that I could cry. I hated crying. I felt like in meant weakness.

Unfortunately, because of my stupid super hearing, I could still hear my family arguing. Half of them agreeing that I needed space and freedom, half of them saying I needed protection at all times, even if I don’t like it. Eventually, they all quieted down. Some of them went out hunting, others left in cars, trying to get away. I hated it when our family fought, since the phrase “We’ll work it out in the morning” didn’t apply in our house.

Thud! I turned and saw Jacob, standing in front of my window. I hugged him, breathing in deeply to keep myself from crying.

“You came back,” I whispered, almost in disbelief.

“You didn’t think they scared me away, did you?”

I looked at him, and smiled as best I could. He hugged me tighter, so tight, I couldn’t hold in a little, crystal tear that fell off my face. He wiped the tear from my face, and I sat on my bed, thinking.

"How did you..."

"Bella and I had a brief chat. She knows I'm here, and she felt talking with Edward would be easier if they were alone."

We sat in my bed for hours. Talking, making jokes, was only afternoon. We talked about Bellingham; Jake was coming too, although he'd have to step down from the pack. Go rogue, in essence. He'd done it before during a time before my birth, but that was out of negative emotions. This time would be different; he was never alone when he was with me. Ultimately however, the only person Jake could trust the pack to who would lead well would be Seth. He was young, but he had the guts, and Leah was too vengeful. And Nate was too egotistical. It would have to be Seth. Could he handle it?

Suddenly, I felt a wave of

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