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Book online «The Vampire Joy by Alisa Freund (free children's ebooks pdf TXT) 📖». Author Alisa Freund

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I will act as referee and you my son aren’t fighting fair so I propose equal grounds. Joy will come and stay with me until the ball then the game can resume its play.”
“but-“ David started but Sabrina cut him off with a look that could make the devil himself get a chill.
“it was not a request. Don’t forget that I am a council member and you no longer are.” She said sternly, “as I told you before I am observer I will not influence her one way or the other, but it is true that it was Alex’s suggestion and I agreed that this girl needs a break from the both of you.” She said then redirected her attention to joy, “pack what you need until the ball.”
Joy walked to her room and reluctantly packed clothing, her poi balls, and some money she kept in case of emergencies. She looked around the room wondering if this would be the last time she saw it but shook her head wondering why she had thought that in the first place. She looked at a framed picture she kept on her nightstand of David and her outside of the roller rink on her 12th birthday. She was smiling but he had a stern smile on his face she grabbed it and stuffed it into her bag. Then she turned off the lights and left the room.
When she arrived in the living room she saw Sabrina at the door and David standing beside her. “be safe.” He said and leaned down to give her a gentle kiss on the fore head. With that she left with in Sabrina’s Porsche. The car ride was silent and uncomfortable. They pulled up to a mansion that had white marble pillars on either side of the door. The entered and an enormous chandelier hung from the ceiling. The stairway to the second floor were large and winding. It was nothing compared to the modest house she lived in with David. “your room will be the second door, on the right of the west wing.” Sabrina said dismissing her.
“ma’am? Which wing is the west wing?” joy asked timidly.
Sabrina pointed up the stairs to the left. “breakfast is served at 7am sharp and I want you looking presentable before you even approach me. Understood?”
“yes ma’am” she said and curtsied as Sabrina took her leave down the hall.
Joy entered the room and realized a small apartment could fit in there. She plopped her bags on the bed and put away the few things she had in their spots and stared at the picture before placing it on her nightstand.
She looked around the room and saw a door other than the one to the hallway. She opened it to see a bathroom fit for the president. Everything was white and gold. She slowly stepped over to the bath tub and ran the water. She slowly stripped off her clothes and stepped in. it was quiet but she laid her head back and listen to her thoughts for a while. Everything was peaceful until she heard a guys voice say. “is there anything I can do for you?”
She jumped and let out a yelp water splash out of the tub onto the tile floor. “get out!” she said trying to cover her body with her hands. Instead of leaving he stepped closer. He looked at every inch of her body then licked his lips.
“you have virgin blood don’t you?” he didn’t wait for a reply instead he continued, “of course you do. I can smell it.” He closed his eyes and took a long sniff in the air. “it smell so delicious.” he opened his eyes and they were white.
Joy already knew what that meant and yelled, “help!”
The boy chuckled in his throat and said, “oh no one can hear you. We’re completely alone.”
Then Sabrina’s voice from the doorway sounded, “on the contrary. I heard her perfectly, maybe your hearing hasn’t completely changed yet.” She was cool and confident but demanding. “now be a good little vampling and fix me a fresh cup of blood.”
He left with his head down, “sorry ma’am I thought maybe she was a present.”
“did I ask you for excuses?” she said raising an eyebrow.
“No ma’am.” He said and with that left the room.
“I apologize for my vampling he is only two month reborn.” She said, “but I am curious as well, you lived with David for 8 years and he hasn’t once bit you?”
“no ma’am” it felt awkward for joy to be having such a formal conversation while she laid naked in a bathtub.
“and you’ve never indulged in drugs or alcohol or anything like that?” she asked almost like a mother would.
“I tried caffeine once but I didn’t like it so I supposed I wouldn’t like any of those other things ma’am.” She replied
“Interesting” Sabrina said turning away, “no wonder those two are fighting over you.” And with that left joy in the bathtub wondering what she meant. Nobody’s fighting over me. She must be confused by the situation. Thought to herself as she drained the bathtub. She was no longer able to relax. She enter the bedroom and started getting dressed. She had a t shirt over her head when she heard Sabrina from the hallway. “rest at ease I promise nothing will go bump in the night.”
Joy believed her and laid down on her bed and without even realizing it fell fast asleep. She dreamt of vampires, raves and a giant cat named Fabio (she didn’t even know why she dreamt that). Morning came and as per Sabrina’s request joy was dressed and sitting at the table at 6:50. At precisely 7:00 Sabrina strolled into the room just as breakfast was rolled in by her other vampire servants.
“did you sleep well?” Sabrina asked taking her seat at the head of the table.
“yes ma’am.”” Joy replied with a smile, “that bed is like sleeping on a cloud. Thank you for your hospitality.” Joy decided she had better use proper edict to win over Sabrina.
“yes it should be for what I spent on it.” she said grabbing a scone of the tray in front of her.
“you eat?” joy said in shock and when Sabrina raised an eyebrow at her added, “ma’am”
“of course I eat my dear.” She said taking a small bite from it. She chewed it diligently and swallowed adding, “I don’t have the venom coursing through my veins so I only have to drink blood once a week but I do indulge and do it twice.”
There was an entire buffet in front of her but joy only ate some fruit and a bagel and washed it down with orange juice. “you had better get going to school. David dropped off your car this morning so you can drive yourself. I doubt you want to be see riding to school with the headmaster anyways.”
“thank you ma’am.” She said standing, “then I shall take my leave.” She said giving Sabrina a curtsy and leaving. She drove to school and went to class. She was early for class which was a first and the only other person in the room was Alex.
For some reason seeing him made joy feel comfortable and at the same time uneasy. “ah joy. So nice to see you again.”
She was stunned did Friday night just not happen? “you too, Mr. f” she thought it better to just play it cool for awhile.
“joy!” she heard yell from behind her a turned just as Juliet pummeled her to the ground. “we were so worried about you when the rave was broken up we couldn’t find you, we thought you might have gone home but when you didn’t come in yesterday we all assumed the worst.”
Joy saw Joey come through the door and once he saw her he turn around and said into the hall, “see man she’s here I told you Mr. f didn’t kill her.” She chuckled a little but only because it was more possible than he could ever imagine.
“ok ok class quiet down, we don’t need to talk of my murder count.” He said giving joy a wink that sent a shiver down her spine.
She sat down and the bell rang. Immediately Alex started class. “well joy you will be happy to hear that the next book we are reading is not by an alcoholic.” He said looking straight at her, “we will be reading Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein.” She actually was happy to hear that. And he continued, “I understand that you watched phantom of the opera Friday night can you humor me by telling me what you thought of the phantom?”
“why does everyone keep asking me this?” she said with a sigh continued, “he was an idiot. He locked himself away and guarded himself so much that the first person who would give him the time of day he ended up believing he had fallen in love with her but in reality she was all he really knew in terms of companionship.”
Alex smiled at that, like he knew a secret, “it’s a good life lesson for all of you to remember.” He said addressing the entire class. “it may come in handy some day.” He said and winked at joy. What was that about? She wondered maybe he is crazy? And with that brushed it off. The rest of the day went normally until lunch.
“so what do you want for your birthday?” Billy asked with a mouth full of fries.
“eww,” joy reply, “nothing.”
“everybody wants something.” Joey said.
“no really you guys. I have everything I could possibly want.” She said playing with her food, “just knowing you guys care is enough for me.” She spotted Alex from the corner of her eye walking down the hallway. “sorry guys I have to go.”
With that she got up and ran to catch up with him. “Mr. f!” he stopped and turned on his heel.
“yes miss Stratton?” he asked shaking his head no.
Joy looked at him puzzled and said “we have to talk.”
“I know I gave you a d on you last paper but that was the grade you disserved.” Ushering her into the band room.
“that’s not what I want to talk to you about!” she shouted at him.
“I know I just had to bring you in here.” He said smiling at her. “you see it sound proof and out there even the walls have ears.” She knew he was talking about Sabrina and gave him a nod in understanding. “so what can I do you for? You know that interrogation session had a time limit right?”
“I hate not being told the truth when it comes to me and I know everyone is leaving me out of something major. I just want to know what.” She said her eyes filling up with tears of frustration.
He grabbed her and wrapped her in a hug. Then with a sigh said, “I can’t tell you that until the time comes, you know how much Sabrina loves watching chaos.”
“that’s another thing. Why am I always referred to as if I’m a pawn in some chess game?” she said getting angry.
“because you sort of are.” She tried pushing him away at this point but his grip tightened, “I only meant that you may not hold much power now but once you make it to the end of the board you could become queen and hold all the power of the world.” He loosened his grip and lifted her chin so she was looking directly into his eyes, “do you understand.” She nodded and the bell rang.
Why did I nod? Of course I don’t understand. Ugh! she thought as she laid in bed that
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