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Book online «The Vampire Joy by Alisa Freund (free children's ebooks pdf TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Alisa Freund

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"I was walking down the streets of downtown. The air was chilly and damp from the downpour only moments before. I walked along stomping into every puddle I came across watching the water splash up and fall back down. My high-tops were muddy and soaked and my feet were starting to freeze. I looked around for refuge and that’s when I saw the bright lights of the movie theater. I hadn’t paid for lunch that day so I had enough to watch a movie while my feet dried a little. I walked inside and was immediately in awe at the bright lights and the red carpet. Yes I had been to a movie theater before but none that were as extravagant as that one.
That’s where I met you. Do you remember? I was only ten at the time and dripping wet. I went up to the cashier but he wouldn’t give me a ticket, ‘sorry we’re only playing a pg-13 movie today’ He said he was sorry but he wasn’t. I could tell in the underline of his voice and the mannerism he displayed like he would as soon dismiss me and kick me back onto the streets.
‘But sir I’m cold and wet. Couldn’t I just sit in the lobby a while until I’m dry.’ I asked pleading reasonably with the oaf.
‘No loitering missy. I’m sorry but if you don’t have a parent or guardian with you. I can’t allow you to see the movie.’ He said.
I was about to admit defeat and reside in another building to dry off when I felt a cold hand wrap around my shoulder. ‘so honey did you get the tickets?’ I looked up to find
 you. You had on black slacks and a white buttoned up top. Your black hair was tied in a ponytail. (before you chopped it all off to go with a more “modern” look.) your eyes were what enticed me. That day they were such a light blue that they almost looked white. You smiled warmly to me but it wasn’t until later I realized you didn’t show your teeth.
I got the bait before you could cast out again, ‘No daddy. This man won’t let me buy them.’ I said scowling at the cashier.
‘Well sir I’m sure an arrangement can be made.’ You said to the greasy cashier. Your gaze was deadly and fierce but cool and confident. You were playing chicken and I could tell, even then, that you never lost this game.
‘O-of course sir.’ The cashier babbled uncomfortably. ‘they’re on the house for my rude misunderstanding,’ he said holding the tickets with a shaky hand.
You took them and gave them both to me once we entered the auditorium. I looked down at them in my hands and looked back up at you as you turned your back towards me. I didn’t want you to go I guess deep down I knew there was something about you that I couldn’t dismiss that easily. “wait!” I shouted and to my amazement you did. But with a puzzled look on your face. You looked like you didn’t use that expression very often. “please watch the movie with me
You smiled at me and it looked like you meant it. Then you walked over and took my hand and sat me down next to you. We didn’t talk throughout the entire movie but you fidgeted a lot. I thought you were nervous but it wasn’t until later I discovered you were hungry.” Joy said looking across the table at David as he slowly stirred his breakfast looking very disinterested.
“Yeah” he said still looking into his cup, “who knew that day that I’d be taking in an orphan.”
“Yeah” Joy retorted. “and who knew my new dad would be a vampire.”
“Please stop calling me dad if you intend on marrying me.” He said picking up his cup and slowly drank his morning blood. “call me call me your
 guardian. That’s pretty much my job description. Guarding you.” David said giving a full smile of fangs and all.
“Iit isn’t my fault!” she said defiantly trying to stare him down.
“Don’t get all flustered.” He said with a wave of his hand. “it is actually one of the aspects that attracted me to you in the first place.”
“Pedophile.” Joy said under her breathe half jokingly.
“Darling when you have lived as long as I have. Age is a number that holds no real importance.” He said cupping Joy's face as she blushed. “Which reminds me. Your birthday is next week, have you given any thought as to what you want?”
Joy looked down at her hands that were neatly crossed on the table and in an almost inaudible whisper said, “you know what I want.”
David rolled his eyes and returned his hand to his cup. “I told you amour I can’t even go to the council to petition it until you are at least 18. And even then I want you to be at least 21 before you change.”
“but why?” She asked genuinely curious.
David cocked his eye brow and waited for her to say something like “just kidding” or “oh I remember” but she just gave him that puzzled expression. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling. “It is only one of the most important lessons in your vampire history lessons.” He said still looking at the ceiling, “maybe you shouldn’t come to the annual ball. They’ll eat you alive.” He looked at her and flashed a full smile again and added, “literally.”
“No!” she said “I know this one
 it has something to do with a war
 and there were too many vampires on one side
 or something.”
He cocked his eyebrow up again, “or something?” he said slightly irritated. “darling it was the Civil War. The north created too many vampires to fight and that is the reason why we won. After the war was over there were hundreds of vamplings whose creators abandoned them with no proper training. That was the moment the council made the transformation laws that we hold dear to this day.”
“What happened to all of those vampires?” Joy asked knowing she wouldn’t like the answer.
David reached across the table and cupped her hands in his to soften the blow of the truth. “We had to hunt them for population control reasons.” He said looking into her eyes, “I don’t want that to happen to you, that’s why I’m taking the necessary precautions to prevent that.”
“Alright.” Joy said reluctantly.
“Ok. It’s about time I go to sleep and you need to get ready for school.” He said running his fingers through her hair. “remember .” he added in a serious voice. “If you want to accompany me to the ball you have to be brushed up on your history and edict in one month.”
“Of course.” She said looking into his blue eyes, “sleep well.”
He got up to stroll away, “like the dead.” He added and they both had a little chuckle over that.
Joy took a shower. The hot water felt great against her skin. She lathered her skin with a tangerine body wash and let the suds fall down her skin listlessly. When she was finished she looked in the mirror. Her blonde hair clung to the sides of her face. She was on the top ten list at her school but she just didn’t feel she could compete with David. She hadn’t met any other vampire so that was all she could compare herself to.
She shrugged and got dressed into her uniform. Joy went to a private school in the rich part of Portland. All of the students came from prestigious families that had more money than they knew what to do with. She didn’t bother to tuck in her shirt and grabbed her Mary Jane’s and stuffed then in her canvas bag. She strapped on her roller skates and whispered a soft “I love you.” As she left through the door.
It was about 5 miles to school so Joy usually left a half an hour early. She raced through the streets head and tail light went past her in a blur. She was on fire this morning she wasn’t going to stop today. She trained like this in the morning so that once she became a vampire her reflexes would be off the charts. Only twenty minutes had past and she could already see the school gate. “Charlie! Open the gate! I’m not stopping.”
The guard pushed the button without hesitation. As Joy whizzed passed him she could barely make out the words, “have a good day Joy.”
She turn her head around and said “you too Char-“ but that was as far as she got because she ran into something and fell back on her butt. She looked up to see what she had ran into and standing in front of her was headmaster Collins. She scrambled to her feet and curtsied and profusely apologized.
The headmaster was an old woman who always looked formal. She had her black hair pulled back in a tight bun without a strand out of place. She looked very unamused at Joy and said, “you still need a lesson in manners, tuck in your shirt, pull back your hair and what are those ridiculous things on your feet?"
As Joy hurriedly tucked in her shirt she replied “they're roller skates ma’am.”
“And where are your school shoes, Miss Straton?” she asked arching her eyebrow to Joy.
“They're in my bag ma’am.” She said looking down at her bag that slung off her shoulder. “I was going to change into them once I reached the steps.”
“Alright,” she said, “but be careful from now on. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.”
Joy didn’t have time to ask her what she meant by that because before she could even open her mouth the bell rang shit! I’m gonna be late. She thought to herself as she skated to the building . she didn’t have time to change shoes before entering, she would just have to change them at her desk. She skated down the hall avoiding everyone she passed. She got to her home room and burst through the door right before the bell rang.
“Well,” Mr. Fitzpatrick said as she skated to her desk. “How nice of you to grace us with your presence.” He was fairly young and very handsome but almost polar opposite of David. While David had black hair that brushed his shoulders Mr. f had short blonde hair. They were both tall and handsome but they were completely different.
“A lady is always fashionably late. Right Mr. F?” Joy said sitting at her desk and looking him in the eyes.
“I guess you're right but does a lady also where roller blades inside?” He parried. It was a game they always played. It’s called Who Is Eternally Right. And he never lost this game.
“TouchĂ©.” Joy said leaning down to undo her skates and put on her regular shoes. Once the teacher started talking Billy asked, “What are you doing tonight?”
Billy had been Joy’s closest friend since she came to the school. He was cute but in a very boyish way she wasn’t interested in him as more than a friend. “Sorry David’s taking me to see Phantom of the Opera.” She said not even looking up at him.
“After that? Like at midnight?” he said persisting.
“Midnight? What’s going on that late?” She asked looking up at him. He sat in the desk next to her.
“A killer rave. So are you in?” He asked but before she could answer Juliet

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