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Book online «mlp my dream world by joe bresina (e reader pdf best txt) 📖». Author joe bresina

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concert but it didn't work so i hope this works and i will update with results tomarrow hallelua

 oh i am happy.ok so when i got to equestria i asked twilight to see the truck so i could get everything ready i went to see it and it was amazing the back was extended and had two extra wheels to support it and then the sounf system was on it i loved it and i knew she would i had to go over to rarity's but first "hey joe i could helo you pay for for the ring." "are you sure you wanna pay the 10,000 bits for it if thats the case?" "i will for you after all you are a friend." i agreed and went over with her and went inside. "hey rarity i'm here to get the ring." she was in the back planning dresses "oh joseph darling of course be with you in a minute." she ent to her store room to get it. "ok so what i did was i found a diamond and i used a chisel to encrust her cutie mark now do you notice that black there well what i did for that was after i carfully encrusted the cutiemark i put some black in it to match her colors." i looked amazed "wow i knew you were amazing but i didn't know you were that amazing." she looked at me blushing "oh darling you are making me blush...ok so the cost of this ring for you is cut in half because you are a true friend to me and so the cost is.....exactly 5,000 bits." i went to get the bits from twilight i went back in to give them to twilight and hurried over to twilights to get the monster truck and slowly went over to vinyls house when i got there i roared the engine a few times and jumped out onto the top "god i love doing that." i did a backflip (i know this is unrealistic) and rang the doorbell octavia answered "........." she was staring at me with utter and unforgetfully "is vinyl here?" "........." she walked back slowly and closed the door i could hear into the door "'s for you vinyl......" vinyl then opened the door and gasped as well at the sight "vinyl i just want to say i love you very much and i must ask you.....will you be mine?" she was still staring at the truck and octavia her mouth ultimatly hit the ground when she heard my proposal to vinyl "um uh HAW HAW haw VERY FUNNY like anyone would want to marry me..." i looked like i just died well that was uncalled for but then she looked at me taking her glasses off "sorry but sure i will you knucklehead." i was reborn i would finally have the wedding i wanted in equestria and with one of the girls of my dreamsi was so happy i just got up and started dancing like i knew how to dance the whole time and went to bed attempting to figure out the whole few days ahead of us

the big day and one big party

 ok so i was in my world and my brother was visiting and i had to wait until he was gone and twilight said "joe vinyl is ready to accept the fact you might not be coming HURRY." it was 7:11 when i got there and i knew i wasn't going to get to canterlot but then a giant WHOOSE that sounded familiar came to and i then seen the.....THE EXODUS i looked happy and a pelican came by "hurry joe you got a wedding to get to." it was cheif and sargent jhonson.....wait "johnson?" i looked at him "yeah the big man decided to let me come to your prissy ass pony wedding now lets go." i got on and decided its gonna be close.I got a radio out and decided ok this is epic (go ahead and listen :) ) and we just rocked out the whole way and i was ready "so you ready for the final day on the market?" i thought "yeah....yeah i am." we arrived just in time vinyl was ready to give up she then heard that track and she came out and seen the pelican and she gasped it turned around and dropped me off "i'm going to find a spot to park this meet you inside." "ok." i turned around and vinyl just hugged me "JOSEPH i thought you wer'nt coming." "i wouldn't miss our wedding for the world." so everything got calmed down and i seen portals opening i thought 'are we having an invasion or what' then when i seen who walked out of all them i thought :O is this happening all the people and what not from my fav games are coming game names: sonic,gears of war,halo,turok,pokemon,star fox,orange box all of them. i just died inside as they walked through and they just kinda started talking some came to me like sonic walked to me and said "hey there joe so your finally getting married i thought i wouldn't see the day." "oh yeah how is it with amy?" "same old same old she chases i run." after an hour of idle chat i got ready with vinyl "attention the wedding is commencing please make your way to the church please." everyone made their way to the chirch and as everyone got in and seated vinyl heard her cue to walk out and went out a few minutes after i heard my cue and walked out i got to the alter and celestia started "ahem um ladys gentalmen and so on......we are gathered here to join this couple in holy matramony but before this couple gets married speak now or forever hold your peace." i looked at twilight she just nodded her head in aggrement with the marriage "then we will begin." i thought it was'nt happening but it was "do you joseph take this lovely mare to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "i do." "and do you vinyl scratch take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "i do." i looked happier than ever "then you may kiss the bride." we kissed and waved as i heard a whole roar of applaude i walked out and the carriage that took vinyl headed for the after party and i got into the carriage for the bar for the drinking session


with marcus and the others


"so anyone going to the bar to drink with joe?" they looked at each other "hell i'l go i haven't had a drink since i fixed jack and beat the damn locust army." baird said "cole train could go for a final drink with joe." everyone else agreed except sonic and tails and whatnot


over at the bar


i waited for the guys to show up and i seen a centaur tank come rolling up "well thanks for almost ruining our drinking sargent." "what i couldn't help my self i needed to see the firepower of this thing." "and almost get us pulled over?" "allright baird let johnson be he's just curious that's all." "yeah like cole said." baird scoffed and went in. we talked and partied all the way to 9:00 and we headed for the after party to party some more "so joe your really doing this?" "yeah i just don't know how i got such an amazing gir-mare." everyone laughed and we headed inside. i seen baird chatting with tails about some robotics and sonic chatting with gordan freeman about robotnic and professer green or breen whatever it was and then i saw amy chatting with alex about how they both got someone and i just laughed but anyway i started talking about some of my moments in their places and in equestria and i had a blast and of course then the dancing i seen everyone out there with someone and.....sonic with amy wow that's unusual but i had a blast and when the party was over with i went to bed and slept like a baby knowing i was married to the best woman i loved

what we thought to be the last day......

this is a speacial chapter along with any chapters including war and so on there will be blood discriptions but very mild



when i seen the message i knew it would be bad but i didn't expect to lose so many.I was sitting my room in my world and i was on youtube.I was looking at mlp videos when all the sudden the internet closes for a split second it comes back up with youtube up and i seen one video called my little portal (it is real) i watched and seen what was happening or what was to happen i knew then something was wrong.I watched the final episode and what happened was more horrifying than life itself and war


in the world of mlp in 10 years i thought that this was it i knew what i could do.I could stop this.


back in real life


i went to equestria and told the princess of what was happening she could not beleive it she got everything ready and i got the was today at 7:00 i called everyone to fight including duke nukem i thought we ready but something was telling me we wer'nt ready.i looked up the best speech i could and used it i knew would but i needed reassurance.but just a few hours after when i got home from my dentist appointment i was told.time just got shorter our time

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