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Book online «Legend: Season Two by Nick Venom (children's books read aloud txt) 📖». Author Nick Venom

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trust his skill as it led to him being nearly killed by a few adventures.

Meanwhile, Elenora and six men were hiding from their sight. Elenora watched with glee as Ace and Teresa searched tirelessly for a non-existent being. She even seemed to be happy to watch them in despair. 

“Ma’am, shall we start?” The man from earlier asked. 

“Start it, Eon! Let the fireworks begin!” She gleefully declared. 

“Of course, ma’am.” He then turned to face another man some distance away. “Tell the men to-” Eon started before a sudden blast of wind uprooted the trees that Elenora and her men were hiding on. They crashed down, hitting the ground harshly. However, Eon and his men recovered quickly to witness a being made of pure light form in front of them. 

“You have to be kidding me,” Elenora muttered as she watched a god appear in front of them. The god, a muscular thirty-year-old, emerged from the ground, impeding Ace and Teresa. 

“You are Ace, correct?” The god asked, pointing a large orange finger at Ace.

“Yes, I am. Who are you?” Ace responded.

“Me? My name is Nitarr, the God of Strength!” He announced. “I sensed your abilities from afar and have been patiently waiting for your arrival. However, it appears you’ve been followed.”

“We have?” Ace asked, glancing behind him. Seven people stood behind him, all armed with weapons. 

Elenora, flustered at the current situation, ordered Eon and the other Shadows to engage. Eon nodded, ordering his men to charge forward. However, Nitarr dealt with them quickly, killing five of the six Shadows immediately, leaving only Eon and Elenora alive.

With their situation going awry, Elenora decided to retreat. Eon followed after her, running with their tail in between their legs towards town. 

Meanwhile, Ace and Teresa looked dumbfounded at their current situation. They were being followed and had their lives threatened to then be protected by a god. 

“Perfect, now we’re alone,” Nitarr remarked, looking down at Ace and Teresa. 

“Wait, what just happened?” Ace asked, slightly flustered. 

“A few insects were tracing you, so I simply destroyed them. Anyway, I don’t have much time before my mortal body disintegrates, so I’ll be frank. I am the god that summoned you to Historia and are responsible for your skills and current life.”

“You are? Then, you must know what happened to my body!” Ace exclaimed.

“Your other body? Oh, I forgot that you didn’t know. I summoned you while you were having a stroke. To you, it looked like your vision was deteriorating, but it was your body dying in front of you.” He explained. “Your bad habits led to your death, so I simply plucked you from that world and put you into Historia.”

“So… I’m dead on Earth?”

“I’m afraid so,” 

“I mean… it’s fine. I don’t want to return to that life anymore.” He said as he draped one arm around Teresa, pulling her closer. “I enjoy my new life with my daughter and… yeah, my daughter.” 

Nitarr chuckled to himself while playfully shaking his head. “I see…”

“Oh, wait, there must be more that you want to talk about.”

“Of course, I almost forgot the reason why I’m here. I have been monitoring and saw what happened with Rik and the Demon Hunter party. I was disgusted with the fact that you nearly died, so I decided to grant you new skills.”

“Rik? New skills?” Ace questioned. 

“Yes! I will bless you with two new skills; Fire God and Heal V. Train the skills and familiarize yourself with your new abilities. I don’t want to see you on the verge of dying again.”

“Fire God? Heal V?” Ace questioned, his mind racing at a hundred miles per hour. He was suffering information overload as his brain nearly short-circuited. However, one thought suddenly stopped every other thought in his mind. “What about Teresa?”

“Your daughter?” Nitarr asked. “Oh, I have a perfect idea. I’ll grant you a pet, a Terrigan Wolf. This wolf is a breed that starts small but grows as it becomes stronger. The Terrigan Wolf will be the size of a horse and run as fast as a thousand.” He said, creating a Terrigan Wolf out of nothing. The wolf was the size of a fox with grey fur and had a single streak of purple across the middle of his coat. 

“He’s mine?” Teresa asked. Nitarr looked at her and nodded. 

“He’s all yours. Oh, and one more thing.” He said, closing his eyes and pointing a finger at Teresa. “Skill grant, Lightsword.”

“I have a skill?” Teresa asked, looking down at her palms. She then intimidated how she saw magicians use magic, pointing her palms away from her and exclaiming “fireball.” 

Nitarr looked at Ace, telling him, “she’ll soon learn how to use her skill. For now, make sure you train her mana pool. Increase it and it’ll benefit her in the long run. Anyways, it appears that my time is off, so I wish you the best of luck.” He then turned towards the town. “There’s a dangerous scheme happening in Striktin. Defuse it before it’s too late.”

“Thank you, Nitarr. You’ve done so much for me. How could I repay you?”

Nitarr smiled as his body started disappearing. “Live your life out as you want it to be. That’s all I need.” He muttered as his form disappeared in front of them, leaving Ace dumbfounded. He met a real god and was even granted skills for Teresa and himself. The rumor that led him---which was false---ended out to be true. 

This was something that Elenora didn’t plan for, irritated that her plan backfired. She grew angry as she ran back to her base with Eon following after her. He was horrified to see his team devastated within a few moments. He lost his trusted comrades without resistance; he was a disgrace to the organization.

“Carry Animosity, Skin Knives. I appeared to have failed you, so far, miss. I will repent for this sin.”



Episode Eight "Ambush"

“How long before we reach Striktin?” Ariana asked. 

“An hour or so,” Mace responded. He glanced over his shoulder at Scarlett, the orphan under Kira’s ownership. 

Silver noticed the glances, motioning for him to stop. Mace nodded, looking away from Scarlett and towards Striktin. “Disappointed, leave your burdens in Holy Legend.” Silver muttered under his breath. 

Mace heard him, slowing his pace to meet with Silver. “I did leave my burdens behind-”

“Yet, you still hold onto your family’s hate. Vampires are no longer foul beasts fuelled by their instincts. They’re now our brethren.”

“I know, but…” He turned away from Silver. “Whatever, we’ll talk about this once we’re off duty.” He said before speeding up and taking his place at the front of the pack.

Silver, meanwhile, chuckled softly to himself. “He needs to rid himself of that hate or it will bend his morals.”

Meanwhile, Aver was looking around his surroundings. Something felt off as they walked through the dense vegetation. Trees surrounded them on all sides, their branches blocking them from seeing the sun. Almost as if the trees were hiding figures under their large leaves.

“Aver, are you okay?” Ariana asked him, glancing up at the slightly-taller Aver. 

“Yeah, just a little… I was spacing off, so don’t worry about me.” Aver told her, giving her a fake smile. 

“If you’re tired, then that’s fine but make sure you’re taking care of your body. I don’t want my fiance to die here.” Ariana said, shooting him a small smile. 

“Thanks, Ariana.” He muttered. 

“You can call me… Ari,” She whispered, staring in the opposite direction. 

Aver looked at her, one eyebrow raised, before nodding his head. “Thanks, Ari. It seems the Gods have blessed me with your presence.” He told her, leaning in and whispering in her ears, soft nothings. 

She blushed, creating distance between the two. It was evident to the group that Ariana was embarrassed. 

“Wait, Ari, do you mind if I ask you a question?” He asked her, grabbing her hand before she escaped. 

“What is it?” She asked, her head still facing the opposite way. 

“Why did you pick me? There were other suitors in that ball, yet you chose me? Why?” She then turned around to face him, puffing out her cheeks, and walked up to him. 

“You don’t remember our purpose? Men are real trash.” She declared turning away from him. She jogged ahead of him, standing next to Mace, and leaving Aver at the back of the pack. 

“What did I do?” He muttered to himself. “A promise?”

Silver and Mace, both looking out for traps or ambushes, stopped suddenly. They felt a presence gazing at them from somewhere above them. 

Mace glanced over his shoulder at Silver, who nodded his head at him. Mace nodded his head back, turning back to face Ariana. “Miss, I need you to stay behind me. It’s about to get hazy.” He whispered to her. She turned to him, tilting her head, but soon realized the meaning behind his words. 

She quickly stepped behind him as the individuals, hiding in the treetops, ambushed them. A man hiding behind a purple cloak and black skull mask, along with two people in black cloaks, jumped down from the treetops. 

The purple-cloaked man attacked first, spraying some type of purple mist at the group. By his side were the two black-cloaked people, waiting for his orders. 

Mace brandished his sickle, sticking close to Ariana, while Silver charged towards the mysterious people. He brandished his longsword, chanting under his breath for his skill to activate, before striking at the purple-cloaked man. However, the attack didn’t fare well as the purple mist had built up a solid wall that blocked the sword. 

The purple-cloaked man glared at Silver from behind the mask. He watched as his mist did his bidding, fending off Silver’s strikes while attacking the remainder of the group. 

As Silver fought the mist that changed states, the mist knocked everybody else out. However, the mist didn’t knock Aver or Mace. Somehow, they were invincible to it.

Mace glanced over his shoulder at Aver, who was princess-carrying Ariana, and barked orders to him. “Run! Get to Striktin, we’ll protect your retreat!”

“Go, Aver!” Silver shouted, landing on the ground after trying to jump over the man and attack his back. Unfortunately, the mist had protected the entirety of the man’s body. It prevented Silver’s strikes from making contact. 

“We’ll do our best here. Call for reinforcements, get Ace here if you can. He’ll deal-” One of the black-cloaked people revealed a dagger, almost teleporting behind Silver and nicking his neck. Silver dodged the attack, but the other black-cloaked person knocked him out with a hand chop. 

Now down to one person, Mace rushed Aver out of the area, but he refused to. He carefully laid Ariana on the ground, in a sitting position, before activating his only skill---Rift. 

“Open the rift in the multiverse and release an object of my choosing; Ashbringer!” He declared. A rift, the size of a microwave, opened up. He then put his hand into the rift, taking out a crimson-red sword. 

“As the future king of Great Wolfstein, I shall not leave! My pride will not let me retreat!” He declared, swinging the sword around to test its weight. Satisfied, he charged towards the first black-cloaked person, slashing them. The person tried to disappear, but---unlike Silver’s sword---the Ashbringer sword had a special feature embedded in it. Every slash was followed by a wave of heat that burnt any foes on the receiving end in mere

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