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part human. I’m not perfect, and I’m not your wife yet!”
She got up and stormed upstairs.
“Nice going, dude,” Louis said. I stuck my tongue out at him and hissed as Shadowfang jumped onto my leg.
“I smell trouble on the horizon,” my cat familiar said. I ran my fingers through his long, black fur and he turned to looked at me with his large yellow eyes. “Women trouble. First Satira shows up, then Cholena, and now I smell babies.”
“Hmm, that nose has never been wrong before,” Louis noted.
“Her underwear did smell off,” I admitted.
“She smells off because she’s having a baby, Reese,” Louis said. “Think about it: her temper’s shorter, she’s got a craving for milk, she can’t eat chicken without puking, and her wings are not holding her up as high. She’s pregnant, little buddy.”

After this revelation, I went to see Sarah. She was reading our book on my bed, earbuds in her ears, playing soft rock music.
“Sarah,” I sat, sitting on the bed. She saw me and took the pods out of her ears. “Sarah, I’m sorry. I did have a jealous moment. I’m really trying to control it, but it’s like…it’s like a monster that’s stuck inside my gut, trying to crawl out, but I can’t let him because it would upset you. I love you, Sarah. I want you to be mine.”
“Reese,” she replied, sitting on her knees, “You don’t have to worry. I’m not interested in Jamie romantically. I love you. You’re my soulmate, my fiancé, my fated husband. The Fates brought us together, and we’ll stay together, through thick and thin, or poorer or for richer, for better or for worse, until death do we part.”
“Let’s not talk of death,” I said, pulling her onto my lap. “I’d rather be consumed alive than lose you.”
She made a disgusted face at that.
But I didn’t mean it, not really. There was something seriously wrong here. Was I growing bored with my relationship with Sarah? She was my longest romantic partner, and my second, and only female partner, besides Sadie, but my relationship with Sadie was purely sexual. I leaned my head down to her stomach and took a big whiff.
I smelled a lot of things: estrogen, blood, cotton, and…was that plastic? Huh. But there was another smell, the smell of something new and exciting. I smell new muscles, new bones, new skin. I smelled new blood and cells and a vampire scent.
A baby. Maybe two.
“Sarah,” I said. “How would you react if you learned that you were pregnant?”
She laughed nervously. “I hope I’m not pregnant.”
Disappointment sagged my shoulders, and I snarled on instinct and nipped her shoulder.
“What was that for?” she asked, rubbing the spot.
“Sorry,” I said. “Just a little love mark.”
“You never bite me that hard, Reese. Is something-“ Her eyes widened. I could see the cogs working in her brain. She counted on her fingers, mouthing the numbers. Her eyes began to shine even more as she looked up at me.
Then she pulled up her jacket. There was a small bump.
“A father,” I said to myself. “I’m going to be a father.”
She quickly covered her stomach and buried her face in my chest. Then she began to cry. She sobbed and sobbed. I just held her while she cried. Finally, after what seemed like forever, she slowed down to a short, hiccupy breath.
“I don’t want to be pregnant,” she whined. “Not yet, at least. I want to enjoy my first few years as an adult!”
“Sorry, babe,” I lied. “You can blame me. It’s all my fault. Remember when we had sex back in May? The condom broke, and I didn’t realize until later that it was expired.”
“You idiot!” She punched me in the chest, then said “ouch” and cradled her hand. “You fucking moron! You are such an imbecile! A stupid, stupid, dumb quack!”
“You can call me all the names you want,” I lectured,” but it won’t change the fact that we’re going to have a baby. Maybe two. I think a girl…and a boy.”
She burst into tears. She hit me again and again.
“I hate you!” she shouted. “I hate you! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.”
“Do you, really?” I asked, every phrase like a knife in my chest.
“No,” she whimpered. She buried her head in my chest. “I’m sorry I’m acting childish.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” I assured her. “Sarah look at me. Look at me.” She looked at me. “We’ll get through this together,” I said, tilting her chin up. “I promise. If I need to turn you sooner rather than later-“
“Will you have to?”
“I may have to. Not all vampire/human hybrids are viable, and some of them kill their own mothers.”
She shuddered and looked up at me with wide eyes.
“I have to call Marina,” she said.
A few minutes later, we were at a café downtown, waiting for Mother and Alexander.
Sarah wanted to sit outside, so we did. I kept my hood over my eyes, keeping the sun off.
Mother arrived soon with Alexander and Sabine.
“Hello, children,” Mother said, pecking my forehead and kissing Sarah’s cheek.
“Son. Daughter,” Alexander greeted in his own gruff way. “Did you have something to inform us about?”
“Let’s all go inside,” Sarah said.
We followed her to an inside table.
“Well…Reese thinks I’m pregnant,” Sarah blurted out.
There was a pause. Then:
“Honey, we know,” Mother said. “We could smell it. We weren’t sure when we should tell you. I know that you might not enjoy being pregnant again, but we will support you and Reese in this endeavor.”
Sabine just scowled.
“Where is Cirino?” I asked.
“With the new nanny,” Mother said. “We hired a new nanny named Colleen. She will watch Cirino while Zie cleans the house.”
“You’re not mad because we’re not married?” Sarah asked.
“Certainly not,” Mother said. “In my time a woman could get cast out in the mountains to die for such a grievance, but such is not the case anymore. We are happy for you.”
Sarah let out a breath she was holding and leaned into me. I purred and pecked her head. Her phone dinged, and she pulled it out of her pocket.
“Who are you texting?” I asked.
“Rayport? Sarah, she betrayed you! She beat you to a pulp!”
“I didn’t say we were friends again, I said I was texting her. We’re working on a new project.”
“What kind of project?”
“A none-of-your-business project.” She leaned over and kissed me. I looked at Alexander, who grimaced.
“I promised not to say anything,” he said. “She told your mother this plan, and as her mate, I can read her mind, as she can read mine. Sarah is keeping it blocked from you on purpose so she doesn’t accidentally slip up and reveal her plans.”
“I’d like to know,” I said.
Sarah pulled a small notebook out of her purse.
“Hmm, what should I write? Oh, I know.”
“The poem? Sarah, I told you not to write it!”
“Reese, you are not my father, you are my boyfriend. Keep it up and you won’t be my boyfriend much longer.”
The shock on Mother and Alexander’s faces was disturbing. The shock in my heart was like an ax coming down on me.
She ordered a burger and Sabine ordered a salad. I ordered white milk, and Mother and Alexander ordered coffee.
I sighed. She was right, as always. Women always are.
“I’m sorry, Sarah, but…he’s much more attractive than me, and I’m-“
She cut me off with a kiss. “Stop being insecure. I love you for you, not what you look like. Reese, if you want to…experiment, with our relationship, I’m open to that, too.”
“If you want to see other people while we’re together-“
Alexander barked a laugh; Sabine turned red and Mother gave them both dirty looks.
“Sarah, I want no one but you. You should know that. But I’m against you seeing other males.”
“I understand that. I do. I’d be jealous if there was a girl between us. Sometimes I do get jealous. I even get jealous of Amara or Ariella. They’re both thinner than I am, and Amara has a new hair color every week, and Ari’s known you longer than I have. But you are mine, and I am yours, and it will stay that way unless one of us says otherwise.”
She sipped her Cherry Coke.
“I’m sorry,” I repeated, nuzzling her. “I know I should have it under control by now. This is my fault. I love you and I don’t want to lose you.”
She pecked my jaw again and continued writing her poem.

The rest of August went by fast. We celebrated Louis’ birthday with a small party of about two hundred vampires at our castle in Denmark- that was a quick trip. Uncle Soren kept an eye on Cholena-Mother kept an eye on Satira, and we all kept an eye on David.
I didn’t completely trust him, even if what he said was true and he was my brother. He didn’t reveal any more about his family or mother, other than to remind us that she’d died recently. He helped me pick out a necklace for Sarah- a silver chain with a heart pendant set in diamonds. It took him a while to absorb the fact that he was going to be an uncle, just like it had taken me a while to absorb the fact that I was going to be a father.
We began to seriously plan the wedding. We wanted to be married before we tried college. Sarah and Mother and Selena spent countless hours discussing dresses and flowers and cakes-I was thinking hard about what sort of ring I wanted her to wear. One that was similar to her engagement ring, certainly, but the diamond had to be bigger, the gold purer.
Sarah said she wanted baby’s breath in her floral arrangement for sure, but said roses were everyone’s choice. I loaned her a book on flowers- their meanings, and whether they were edible or not. She wanted lavender at the center of every table to represent France, where half her family was from. She wanted to incorporate the breaking of the glass to represent her Jewish half, and Mother laughed and told her that at Greek weddings, they break plates.
So there was going to be a lot of broken glass at our wedding. I had an idea and told Mother: my idea was to break a glass heart to signify our love for each other.
Sarah also had to get used to the idea that she would have to swap blood with me, as is customary at vampire weddings. A ritual knife would be sterilized and cleaned, but she still turned green at the thought. Fortunately, I told her that vampires don’t carry diseases or infections such as herpes, but we do have a form of Vampire HIV, which attacks the blood-absorbing vessels that gives us energy and keeps our immune systems healthy. I told her I’d get tested if it made her feel better, and she told me that she’d get tested as well.
We’d been dating long enough to know that we were both clean, but one never knew, especially, since we had both slept with different people in the past. We timed her transformation for the sex part of the wedding ceremony.
Another thing to consider was the baby-how long would she take to grow? Would she grow fast, normally, or slowly? Very little was known about vampire/human babies. Would she kill Sarah? That was at the top of my list of fears, that she’d kill her own mother. But Sarah was strong. But she had a very weak body due to her bout with bulimia and her

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