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Book online «Meant Together by Lina Wells (top 10 most read books in the world .txt) 📖». Author Lina Wells

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an episode happened. Thats what we called them, episodes. My mother hated Doctors and only took me because she thought I was dying. They didn't know what was wrong and kept me for days; testing, poking, prodding. When they wanted to cut open my skull and look deeper in my brain to see if it were neurological problems, my mother flipped. She said if they didn't know what was wrong, if the MRIs and scans hadn't come up with anything, then why should she risk my life with an unnecessary surgery. She never took me back. She died a week ago."
She stopped again. My heart felt so heavy, it ached for this girl. I wanted to protect her, as her mother did, especially now that she was alone. Sure she had her grandmother, but obviously she didn't understand. I had been through this with Gord and there was no one better to sympathize and love this girl. Did I really just think that? I was shocked with myself. Did I love her? I barely even knew her. But sitting here now, this girl pouring her heart out to me, trying to get me to understand, trying to get me to help her, I knew that I would do anything for her now. The realization dawned on me and my heart picked up speed as I looked at her. Collete. I did love her and from this moment on I would do anything I could to save her, as well as Gord.

Collete Aurella Hemp
The image of my mother was so clear, my heart ached. All I wanted was for her to be here, to hold me and tell me that everything was going to be ok. But she would never hold me in her arms again, never run her hands through my hair and tell me that I was beautiful and unique. More and more tears forced their way from my eyes and ran down my face in rivers. I couldn't even think about the fact that I was breaking down in front of a total stranger, it felt too good to be able to tell someone, to let it out now that my mother wasn't here to listen and console me. Emmet. I looked at him and what I saw made my breath catch in my throat. He was looking at me with sad eyes, and something else to. Compassion? Care? Love? It couldn't be, I was a freak not to mention I'de just met him.
His large, calloused hand came up to brush my tears and I leaned into it, closing my eyes, enjoying the touch. When he spoke, his voice was warm, caring, determined. "Collete, you are a strong, beautiful girl. We will find out what is happening to you. I promise." His words made me feel light headed and I wished so badly I could believe him. Even if I did meet his brother, they didn't seem to know anymore than I did. I couldn't even figure out why he was being so nice. He didn't have an obligation, he didn't even know me. Why was I sitting here making him feel bad for me? What the hell was going on with me, I never would have acted like this a week ago. Oh, thats right. My mother died."How did she die?" I looked up sharply. Was I thinking out loud? I don't think I was. He must have seen the look of confusion and alarm in my face because he rushed on."You said she died a week ago. How did it happened. Did she have the same thing as you and Gord?"
I shook my head."She died in a car accident. Her tire blew, she lost control of the car and ran head first into a semi. The driver survived, but my mother didn't. The police said she died instantly, felt no pain. As if that helps, she's still dead. They called Ginger, she came for the funeral and brought me here to live with her. I was sleeping when I woke up because of the pain. It was in my throat, it felt as if I hadn't had a drop of water in days. I remember now! I stumbled into the kitchen and got a glass. Then it overwhelmed me. It was in my stomach and in my spine. My nose even started bleeding and I couldn't stop puking. Ginger must have heard the glass break, she was by my side when everything went black."
My throat had never felt like that before, nor has my nose bled. Which meant that whatever was wrong was definitely not getting better. Emmets mouth was a thin line again and his face was grim. "The same thing happened to Gord." So it was true. Whatever I suffered from, Emmets brother, Gord, did to. Jumping up, I felt a sick rush of excitment that I wasn't alone in my suffering and couldn't keep it out of my voice.
"I need to meet him Emmet. Now. If this is true, then whatever is going on is getting worse and will probably keep going until we're dead. I don't know about you, but I don't want this thing to kill us." He stood too, again towering over me with his glorious, naked chest in my face. "Alright. I still don't think it's such a good idea right now, but I have a feeling that if I said no, you wouldn't listen." I smiled, which was not a usual for me, and fought the urge to laugh. "I don't think so."
Letting his laugh out, I couldn't help but admire how deep and sexy it was. Oh nice Collete, you just met the guy for petes sake, cool it! But when his hand took mine and our skin touched, tingles ran through me and I knew, no matter how crazy it seemed, that I felt something for this boy. I let him lead the way, my heart beating in anticipation.

Emmet Leon Donnor
We were comming up to Gingers trailor, the light of the moon shining down, lighting our path. There wasn't much, but with the snow it seemed brighter. I still couldn't really believe what was happening. Everything had been normal, well, as normal as its ever been for me, only a few hours ago. Now, I was holding the hand of the most beautiful girl I had ever seen and was taking her to see my sick brother in the middle of the night. Oh, and I had also realized that I was completely in love with her. I've never even had a girlfriend before, but still, there it was . We came in view of my home and I stopped abrumptly, Lettie almost running into me. "Emmet, are you alright?" Not hearing her, I started walking again, faster this time.
The windows of my cottage were ablaze in light, figures moving behind them. Had something happened to Gord again? Collete was fine which meant Gord should be too, at least for now. Maybe we were wrong. Maybe this girl was crazy. In my heart I didn't believe it, but I still nearly ran to the door, heart beating furiously against my rib cage. I threw open the door and jumped up, completely forgetting about Lettie as I looked at Gord, half expecting to see more puke and blood. He was sitting cross legged on his bed, Taylor hovering a few feet away. They both looked at me sharply as I made my entrance. "Emmet! Where the hell have you been? We've been sitting here for hours freaking out! I almost woke mother and Jackyl. I would have already except mother doesn't need anything else to worry about. Your such an inconsiderate jerk you know that!"
Jeez, twice in one night. I let Taylor rant and turned to help Collete into the room. When she was standing by my side, I put my arm around her waiste and pulled her closer. It was like it was intsinct. My lips curved in a smile when she didn't pull away. I looked to my brothers again, their expressions identical; eyes wide, mouths gaping open. "Taylor, if your done ranting now I'de be more than happy to explain what i've been up to." He looked on a moment more, then nodded closing his mouth. Red slid up his face and I knew he was embarassed at yelling in front of a stranger, let alone a girl. "Taylor, Gord, this is Collete. Lettie, this loud mouth over here is Taylor. That little guy there is Gord." She mumbled a hi, but was smiling.
Taylor stepped up and offered his hand. "Hi, I uh I'm sorry you had to hear that its just that Emmet doesn't usually leave without saying anything especially in the middle of the night. We thought something might have happened to him. Ya know, bears, wolves, oh my." Selene laughed at Taylors last comment and I felt my knees go weak. It was husky, sexy, and real. "I'm sorry Taylor, that was kind of my fault. He saw me sneaking out and felt obligated to make sure none of those bears and wolves got me." She smiled up at me and I almost did fall. A small thump had us all looking towards the mattress behind Taylor. Gord had stood and was slowly walking towards Collete. He had a look of utter amazment on his face as he came to a stop right in front of her.
"Its you." His voice was so soft I barely heard it. He put his hand up as if to touch Colletes face and I couldn't help but tighten my hold and move us back. I fought to keep the gruffness out of my voice. "What do you mean Gord? You've never met her." I looked to Collete and saw a dawning of recognition. "Have you?" Now I was just confused. Letting my arm slide from her waiste, I looked back and forth between them. "Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on." Taylors voice had a ring of annoyance and again I had to fight myself from lashing out. I felt so irritated and confused. Did she lie to me?
I voiced my question to Gord, knowing he could never lie. "Gord please explain to me how you know Selene. How do you know her? I mean, she just moved in today." "You mean yesterday." I shot a glare at Taylor. He looked down sheepishly. "Just sayin, its almost four in the morning." "Yeah but thats kind of irrelevant right now." I turned my glare on Gord. "Gordan Elliot Donnor start talking." He and Collete were still looking at each other, an expression of awe on their faces, though Letties looked a little frightened.
"You guys know how I have nightmares. In every one i've heard her voice. She was there with me, running from the evil that tries to consume us, but fails. Then last night, whatever was chasing us finally got her. I turned my head and saw her lying in a pool of blood from where it tore into her leg. But it wasn't her, it was a wolf, eyes flashing silvery green as they looked to me."
"I grabbed her and kept going. We came up to a clearing and I somehow knew we were safe. For then at least. I lay her beneath the single tree that stood in the middle. As she lay in the snow, she turned. Thats the only way I can explain it. She was a wolf, and then she was a girl, lying naked in the snow. I dropped to my knees and looked at her leg. It was healed, though the evidence it happened was smeared all over. Her hair lay fanned beneath her; gold,red and black."
He put a hesitant hand
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