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Book online «Alpha by Forest Ostrander (books for 7th graders TXT) 📖». Author Forest Ostrander

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werewolf, the best of both worlds!" Mark said trying to get it across to them both.

"Please, I'm nothing but a tinkering of science, an experiment that went right to you. You should have just left me alone Mark," Alpha said, now refusing to call him papa anymore.
The usage of his name pained Mark deep down, he had never seen Alpha so upset with him before. Sure he could understand where she was coming from but he had made her unique, something that nature would never have been able to create. He had even hoped that she would someday become the hero that this world so desperately needs. Looking at both the pain and anger on Alpha's face and the pure hatred on Mindi’s told him that he would not be so easily forgiven.

"So what are you going to do?" Mark asked, amazed that Alpha hasn't already killed him with as angry as she was now, he even wished she would so he wouldn't have to see this on her face.
"I'm going home, where I truly belong. You are now nothing but a thing of the past," Alpha said. Mark could tell she meant it this time and he couldn't hold the tears back anymore. He had come to love Alpha as a daughter, he never had kids of his own, and heck he wasn't even married! Yet here was something he had created, something he had taken on as his own daughter and now she hates him and wants to leave him for good and forget him like he was never even alive.
"Very well Alpha, I understand your wishes and I accept them, but I must warn you," Mark said looking at them both. "If you do not find someone by your 20th birthday, you will go into a dormant state and eventually die." That got their attention.

"What do you mean?" Alpha asked.
"You have to find true love before your 20th birthday, if not you will go to sleep and eventually die," Mark said explaining it better.
"That won't be a problem," Mindi said. "She will find a life mate in our home, there are plenty of un-mated males who would simply die for her."
"That may be true, but it can't be just anyone, it has to be the right male, the one who has a deep attachment to her, only then will she be able to stay the way she is now without the fear of ceasing to exist," Mark said.

"Then we best get started, goodbye Mark," Mindi said and together Alpha and Mindi walked out of the school leaving Mark behind for good, or so they thought.


Chapter 9

Mark sat in his desk chair for a long time, many of his students who have came in asked him what was wrong but he couldn't tell them, mostly because he didn't want to fully admit that Alpha was gone. He had hoped that the longer he didn't admit to it the more likely it wouldn't be true, but being a well known scientist, he knew that was probably impossible to do. Looking at his old files that they took while Alpha was developing in the glass ball in the basement, he looked at the pictures they took of each cycle as she matured. These were probably going to be the only pictures he would ever have of Alpha for the rest of his life. Sighing, he placed the files away and tried to focus on his work, it was still only the middle of the day and he had a lot of classes he still needed to get caught up in work with.

At the end of the day, Mark packed up his work and headed back down to the basement to give the news to the others.
"Ugh, they're not going to like this one bit," Mark said to himself taking out his key to unlock the basement door. Once her locked it back behind him he was instantly greeted by the other scientists who immediately asked where Alpha was.
"She went back home with her mother," Mark said. "Paul came and she fought him with her mother, her mother took her back, Alpha hates me now."
"Oh I'm sure she doesn't," the old lady said.
"Ya, she is still new to all these feelings remember? It was probably too much for her to take in and she just lashed out from the over load," another scientist said.

"I don't think so, she was pretty ticked off, her mother was even worse. I doubt we will ever be seeing them again in the near future, I just hope Alpha will find her perfect mate that was destined to be her's before it's too late for her," Mark said.
"So you told them then?" Ilena said finally make a reappearance.
"When did you get here?" Mark asked her.
"Oh not too long ago, I just arrived when you opened up the door," Ilena said, but if you looked closer in her eyes you could tell she was hiding something.
"Yes I told them, Alpha didn't know how to take it but her mother seemed pretty insistent that they will find her someone before her 20th birthday," Mark said rubbing the back of his head in exhaustion.

"Well, only time will tell then huh," Ilena said. "Meanwhile, you need more rest, you're going to work yourself ragged at this rate!"
"Thanks, I am pretty tired, see you all when I wake up," Mark said and headed for his chambers.

Chapter 10

Ilena watched Mark close the door to his room, when the other scientists headed off to their own rooms, Ilena made a trip to the computer lab. Hooking up her webcam, she checked around to make sure no one was still potentially awake to hear in on the conversation. When she was sure that the building was full of sleeping scientists, she made the call to Paul. After the third webcam ring, Paul came on with a steak over one eye and his left arm in a sling as he said.
"Is she gone?"

"Yes, her mother took her away today, they left the school not too long ago. They were heading on the Western side of Henry Street to the Shadow Woods. If we make our attack there tonight they will hopefully be caught off guard," Ilena said.
"It won't work, remember Alpha has supper hearing? She will pick us up a mile away if she doesn't read our minds first, she's a force to be reckoned with and one wrong move could get us both killed," Paul said.
"Or we could use that weapon Mark made for if Alpha lost control over her powers," Ilena said. Paul was now very interested in this.
"What weapon?" Paul asked leaning in closer to hear her better.

"He made this stun gun that if you point it at Alpha it will stun her to the point where she won't be able to use any of her powers for a good 48 hours, enough time for us to get her safely and lock her up in a much sturdier place for later usage," Ilena said matching Paul's eagerness.
"Hmmm, that could be a very good possibility, we mustn't act tonight though, it's way too risky. Get some more information on Alpha for me and get back to me, when we have a much bigger and better idea about her we will launch our attack," Paul said.
"Very well," and with that Ilena ended the call and headed to her own room to sleep.

Chapter 11

Alpha followed her mother deep into the Shadow woods, she was finally going to be able to meet her real family, the ones she would have known a long time ago if Mark hadn't enhanced her. Eager with joy at the ones she will see she kept asking her mother questions like "How are they?" or "How nice are they?" or "Are you sure I will find someone right for me?" Mindi would answer all her questions the best she could but she mostly just told her to wait and see and she will find out for herself.

As they neared the den site, Alpha could already smell the other wolves there, she smiled from ear to ear, and here was her chance to finally be able to bond with her long lost family! Peeking through the bushes, Alpha saw many werewolves, all either black, brown, white or russet fur. Some even were a little bit yellow! Alpha took her time in taking in all the features of her family, all her aunts and uncles, grandma's and grandpa's, she wanted to remember everyone of them the best to her advantage. Mindi stood beside her and allowed Alpha to take it all in, smiling from time to time. She was glad to finally have her daughter back but she was also worried that there was a good chance that they might not find the one male who will prevent Alpha from going into the dormant state and dying, she was even beginning to have second thoughts on having taken her away from Mark and the school. When Alpha was ready to head in and meet her family, Mindi said.
"Wait here and let me prepare them for you, best to not startle them into attacking."

"Ok," Alpha said and sat down in her spot as Mindi walked into the clearing. Seeing her everyone swarmed around her smelling her fur and talking to her at the same time. One of the black wolves asked.
"Where were you and why do you smell like humans?"
"What is that other

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