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Book online «Alpha by Forest Ostrander (books for 7th graders TXT) 📖». Author Forest Ostrander

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 "Sir! Sir!" the man shouted while running down the hall to the head professor’s room. Quickly opening the door the scientist barged in during a class session and said to the professor.
"Sir, she has finally woken up!" The professor dropped his pointer in shock, eyes wide and mouth opens like some kid on Christmas morning discovering all the presents under the tree all for him.
"Are you sure Ron?" the professor asked, a little skeptical since they have had false waking in the past. The professor had completely forgotten about his room full of eager listening students who were watching the men in the front talk about someone finally waking up.
"Yes sir, Alpha has finally woken up" Ron said for the last time with a huge smile. The professor who was unable to hold it in any longer shouted and cheered in front of his snickering students like a teenager who found out that they were getting their very first car finally after months and years of begging the parents for one. Suddenly stopping after finally realizing the class of confused students.
"Sorry class," the professor said "Class is canceled for today." With that said he left with Ron.

Alpha looked around the glass enclosure surrounding her. Her arms canceling her bare chest, her legs folded to cancel down below. Her longer, blonde hair floated freely around her in the water. The fluid that would be in any normal womb of a pregnant woman, the fluid that provided her the needs to grow inside the glass ball. Alpha noticed a strange long black thing that attached to the middle of her body that lead outside the glass ball to a strange device outside that would filter her waste but in a different cycle would feed her food through the tube. The room she was in was black besides a little illumination on the floor from the bright light above her. Alpha's head jolted up when she heard strange sounds outside of her dark enclosure, momentarily startled by the strange creature that came through an opening that wasn't there before to then being enclosed back into the dark room. Finally Alpha managed to get a glimpse of the person that the voice she had always heard in her ball stood in front of her, this was the man who had created her, a man who in her eyes was known as only one thing, father.

The professor was grinning from ear to ear at the young girl inside the ball who was looking back at him with curious eyes. His brown eyes made eye contact with her sapphire blue ones. Walking up to the glass enclosure, the professor placed once hand on the outside of the ball and his motion was mimicked by Alpha who placed a hand on the same spot as his hand was, but when she saw the odd looking thing on the glass she pulled it off and peered at it curiously which provoked a small chuckle from the professor.
"Hello Alpha," the man said "My name is Mark, I am your father."


Chapter 1

The fluid drained from the glass ball. Alpha who had been floating freely just a few seconds ago was slowly sinking down to the bottom like a feather drifting lazily to the floor. When the ball was empty of the liquid, the chord that had taken on the duties of the umbilical cord in a pregnant woman dropped off of her and the ball began to rise high above her head. Alpha sat there shivering in the cold air, her exposed body bare to the cold draft within the dark room that she had known since the time she open her eyes. Mark walked up to her and gently placed his coat over her naked body, wrapping the warm texture around her Alpha took a glimpse at the man next to her.

Here she was finally face to face with the man she had come to know as father. Looking at his dark set features and smiling face, his brown eyes were filled with only the look that a father would have as he held his newborn child in the hospital. Wrinkles around his eyes were more prominent when he smiled, bright white teeth showed against his tan skin. Although he did not look like her with her blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes, he was still her father. Lifting up one of his hands, he held it out to Alpha who looked at it with great wonder in her eyes, you could tell she was trying to figure out in her mind exactly what the strange thing in front of her was.

"It's known as a hand Alpha, people use it to feel things and pick up things," the man said startling her with his voice. Alpha? Is that my name? She asked herself, I wonder what his name is?. Almost as if he could read her mind he said.
"My name is Mark Blazer, I am your father Alpha, can you say father?" Mark asked her. Alpha was quiet for a few seconds before she opened her mouth.

"Fa...Fath...Father," Alpha managed to choke out. Mark's smile widened into a grin.
"That's right Alpha," he said.
"Come with me young one, I want to introduce you to some people who are dying to meet you finally," Mark said helping Alpha to her feet. Alpha swayed a little when she was up, it was funny being up like this, she was used to her ball posture while in her little place she had called home for so long. When she tried to follow Mark she almost fell on her face if Mark hadn't been there to catch her.

"Take it easy Alpha, you don't want to hurt yourself, just do what I do and don't worry about falling, I'll be right by your side holding you up the entire time," Mark said. Alpha nodded and watched Mark put one foot in front of the other. Mimicking him she soon found herself walking around barefoot going in stride with Mark and true to his word he went at a nice pace for her to keep up and he always had his hand on her arm holding her up. When he was sure she had good balance he let go and allowed her to walk un-aided around the room by herself. When she was all good she followed Mark outside.

Blinded by the sudden change in brightness it took her a while to adjust her eyes so she could catch a full image of the people in front of her all in white coats like the one she had on to cover her up until they found her some clothes. Startled by their appearance Alpha turned around and tried to get back into the dark room she had been in just a few seconds ago. Feeling a hand on her shoulder she turned her head around to see her father with his smiling eyes and heard in his kind tone.

"Don't be frightened Alpha, these people will not hurt you, they are the ones who have helped in your upbringing," Mark said. My what? Alpha asked in her head. Her question must have been apparent in her eyes because Mark said.
"They are like your family." An older woman approached her, her curly grey hair bounced on her head as she walked. Her face which has wrinkles around her eyes and a little on her cheeks and mouth. Her eyes were a deep set of green, almost like seaweed. Stopping a few inches from Alpha she smiled which only made her wrinkles show up even more.

"Call me granny Alpha, I am your grandmother. It's so wonderful finally seeing you!" The old woman said bringing Alpha in a big hug. When she released Alpha, the woman was replaced by a pretty woman who looked to be about the same age as Mark. Holding out her hand she said.
"My name is Ilena, I am your mother Alpha, nice to finally set my eyes on you and what a beautiful girl you are." Alpha looked at the woman's hand with the same look as she had given to Mark. What am I supposed to do? I know it's a hand but what do you want me to do with it? She had wanted to say but didn't know exactly how to get it out there, plus she thought the woman was trying to keep her away from her.

Mark seeing her confusion decided to help out by taking Alpha's hand and placing it in Ilena's hand and the woman began to shake it. What is this? What's going on?! Alpha began to freak and tried to get away from the woman but Ilena said in a soothing tone.
"Don't be frightened Alpha, this is called a hand shake. People do this when they first meet each other and wish to get acquainted with one another." Hand shakes? Aquatinted? What does that mean? Alpha said in her mind but she had quit trying to get away from the woman.
"All right, I think it's about time for Alpha to start her lessons if she is going to head into the outside world," Mark said taking Alpha away from Ilena and leading her down the hall to a classroom where her lessons began.


Chapter 2

After Alpha finished school, her father took her out for some shopping lessons. Him and her 'mother' taught her how to shop for her right size, add up the prices so she will know how much to pay exactly and how to be kind and considerate to the other customers around her who were also shopping beside her. Her mother even showed her a little fight going on between two woman over a floral blouse that was the last one on the hanger.
"People tend to fight over the same thing if it's the last one and they both want it, watch what will happen next." A man with a blue suit on who she had learned was an officer split the woman apart and took the blouse away placing it back on the rack. Once he was done he

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