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Book online «Caeleste High by Kennedy Harkins, Erin Baker (ebooks that read to you TXT) 📖». Author Kennedy Harkins, Erin Baker

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/> Pulling into a parking space, Caine turned off the ignition, and got out of the car. I did the same, even though my instincts were screaming at me to get back into the car and peel out of there as fast as possible. After getting out of the car, I noticed that there were other cars pulling into the lot, all coming from different directions.
Walking towards the place most everyone else was walking to, brought me to a large set of hard wood double doors. Pushing my way through the crowd, I was gifted with some pretty nasty looks, and a few nasty words that I don’t care to repeat. There was a sign pointing me towards the office, turning down the hallway that ‘supposedly’ lead to my destination, saw Caine’s furry head bobbing along with the others in the hall. I ran to catch up with him, some ass hole decided to stick out his foot, right into my path. Catching my foot with their foot, I started to fall. I was about a foot from doing a face plant in front of every one, when something caught my arm. Pulling me to my feet, the face of my rescuer was obscured, partly because he was reaching to pick up the bag that I had dropped, and partly because of the mane of honey-blond hair that surrounded his head like a halo of gold.

Straightening up, he turned to hand me my bag back. I caught a glimpse of the most startling eyes. They were grey, like storm clouds, but had flecks of silver ingrained in them. When he saw that I was staring at him, something flashed in his eyes, to quick for me to analyze what it was. Turning to look at the ass who tripped me in the first place, he let out something that sounded a cross between an animal like snarl and a deep reverberating growl. The guy who attempted to embarrass me, flinched, cowering against the locker, looking like a field mouse facing the hungry stray.

Turning back towards me, he spoke, his deep voice rough, “You must be new, I’ll show you the offices.”

Walking down the hall I was previously headed down, the crowd parted like the Red Sea. As I walked by, I was bombarded with menacing glares from the students. After we passed most of them closed the gap that was made, but some still looked like they wanted to slaughter me.

A moment later, we were standing in front of what looked like a completely different section of the school. What I had refused to notice before, was that there was only him and me in the hall, no menacing students. I came up to the oak door clearly labeled ‘Office’ and turned to my savior.

He was leaning up against the wall with a smirk on his face, how annoying. His facial feature were just as striking as before but this time I noticed the rest of him as well, he was tall at least 6’ if not more with a well muscled tan body. He was the very definition of ‘yum’.

I coughed nervously, “Er...thanks- for earlier.”

His eyebrows raised and looked a little disbelieving, “It was merely the courteous thing to do; for your father that is.”

Can you spell confusion? Firstly, what did my dad have to with anything? Secondly, who says courteous?

I opened my mouth to reply, but he cut me off the second my brain formed words, “Farther more, I take no pleasure in you being here. Your kind don’t belong in our school.”

I think in the moment I had a small aneurysm. My kind? His kind? Was this some kind of woman thing? Thinking back to the hall I quickly shrugged off that idea, there had been plenty of girls.

“You don’t even know me,” I hissed menacingly at him. It might have been classified as over kill, but I sure as hell didn’t care. I had had about all I could take of this shit.

Surprise flashed across his face and he matched my tone, “I don’t need too.”

Who the hell did he think he was? It was like he was saying that my ‘kind’ were all the same, I wanted to scream at him or even better; give him a swift kick in the ass. However, before I could do anything I would regret, or something I wouldn’t, he stood up straight and strode away from like we hadn’t been talking at all.
Usually I would chase him down and make him listen to me, but something about his presence made me stay. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
I stood there for awhile before realizing that I was suppose to be in the Office, quickly I opened the door and slid through, excepting that for the time being I would have to keep my emotions bottled.

Chapter Six: Save My Soul!

Pushing through the doors leading to the Office, cold, air condition-ed air washed over me. The hairs on my arms rose, when my eyes adjusted to the dim light. There were to desks cutting the room in half. There were two women sitting behind each desk, typing away madly.
One glanced up from the computer she was looking at.
“Ah! You must be Cassie, we’ve been expecting you.” the woman said.
For some reason the statement sent an icy shiver down my spine. I knew that there couldn’t be that many new students transferring, but the fact that she new my name, well it was just odd.
“Uh...yeah, that’s me,” I said, plastering a phony smile on my face.
Shuffling some papers on her desk, she held up a half sheet of paper, beckoning for me to come forward and take the paper. Taking small, unsure steps, she impatiently looked up from what ever it was that she was doing.
“Don’t worry I won’t bite, well I don’t feel like it today...” she trailed off.
Giving her an odd look, I closed the distance between me and the desk. Taking the paper from her hands I glance at the classes I had gotten. I hadn’t realized how odd the curiculom was at this school.
Wicca101. Vampires, Were Wolves, and Nymphs History. Kick Boxing. Healthy Lifestyles of the Modern Day MC. Controlling the Change. Blending in the Weak. I was insanely confused. Of course there were the regular core classes; math, science, and L.A. Looking up I realized that I had left the office, and had walked up to a door with Wicca 101 printed on the glass window. Below that was a rune carved into the door. I knew it was a rune because when I was younger I was interested in mythology. It appeared to be a crescent moon hanging upside down. Also there were three teardrop designs carved so they looked to be suspended in air under the moon.
Blessed Be. I don’t know where the thought came from, but I had a strong urge to repeat the thought out loud.
Before I could think to stop myself I blurted the words, “Blessed be.”
My hand, refusing to listen to my brain, reached for the door handle. Twisting it, I pushed. The door swung open easily. Stepping through the door, all heads in the class room turned to look at me. A shy smile creeped over my face, when I saw that everyone was glaring at me. Without looking up, a woman sitting at the front of the room spoke, I think her words were directed at me.
“Right-hand side of the room, empty desk next to the wall. It’s yours.” she nodded to an empty desk.
Making my way across the room, I found myself staring back at the glaring students. Looking each person in the eye, I put on a face that, at least I hope, said that I didn’t care what they thought. In a moment I was at my desk. Everyone went back to their work; reading out of the largest text books I had seen. After glancing around the room, I realized that I had no idea what to do. I noticed that there was some one still staring at me. Preparing to glare, I turned in my desk.
He was sitting in the back, almost hidden by the students in front of him. It wasn’t just the students obscuring him from my view, it was also his hair. Long, slightly curly, shaggy and brown. I couldn’t see his eyes, but I knew that they were staring straight at me.
“Miss Mills, please step up to my desk.” some one spoke, although it sounded like it came from my head.
Looking around, I saw that the woman at the front of the room was staring at me. Following the feeling in my gut, I got up and made my way to the front of the room. Taking a glance behind me, I realized that no one was paying any attention to me. Turning my head back to the woman, I was hit with shock. She was beautiful, long gold hair fell down to her waist, sharp green eyes stared at me through wire-rimmed glasses. She had this look in her eye, like she had seen the worst life had to offer, and had survived. She seemed to be in her mid-thirties, but she could pass for twenty five.

She bent down to reach under her desk, and came up with a ginormous textbook. It seemed to be the same one that the other students were using.
“We are starting off the year by learning about the phases of the moon, the best times for certain things, and magical objects.” she said, looking at me like I ate her first born child.
Giving her an odd look, I asked, “What pages have been assigned?”
Sighing, she pulled out a note pad and scribbled some funny looking symbols on it. Handing the paper to me she said, “Here are the pages, pay attention to detail. We will be having a test over the material, be prepared.”
Glancing at the symbols, and then at the book, I turned around to head back to my desk.
When I made my way to my destination, I dropped the book onto the desk. As the thud from the book connecting with the desk rang out, all eyes in the class turned to stare at me, again. As I sat down a small smile crept over my face.
Ducking my head, so my hair could hide the huge grin displayed on my face, I flipped to the pages listed on the paper.
These people might want to believe that they’re extra ordinary and that I’m an outsider, but their reactions tell a different story. Humans are the same everywhere, posers.
I just need to blend until I can wrap them around my little finger.
Entering the lunch room I stifled a sigh. In any other circumstances I would have been looking forward to this hour all, instead of dreading it. Lunch is great, if you have a group.
The cafeteria consisted of a bunch of circular tables with attached chairs. I looked at the people already sitting in them; each table seemed to have a certain kind of student sitting at it. A couple of them had only pale, gorgeous, fashion oriented people in residence. A few more had tanner, sporty, and more conservative dresser’s. Yet another cluster was filled with boys and girls with the most beautiful hair I’d ever seen.
Lastly, the only normal looking kids, was a very small

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