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Book online «Destiny by Jinxrox (urban books to read TXT) 📖». Author Jinxrox

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It is three crescent moons. Serendipity explained.

Why are you giving this to me?

Think of it as a token for the future, Clotho....

Destiny opened her eyes, and immediately felt a coldness on her neck. It was the necklace from her dream. Clotho. She thought, Why does that sound so familiar?


They arrived at the town of Lithina the next morning. Melina had never seen so many colors or activity in one place. When they entered the stone gate, by the nod of an armored guard, she stuck her head out of one of the windows and gasped in awe. Markets stalls were set up every few feet, their owners crying out to passer byes, in hope to make a sale. It reminded her of the Home Tree, but ten times larger. Stone houses towered over their caravan, creating shadows onto the street below. Banners and flags of every color possible billowed from the roofs of the immense homes. She saw a beautiful sky blur blue jay land on a market tent and pointed it out to an awed Leo.

Destiny stood next to them, her eyes shut firmly, but ears and nose wide open. All the sounds! They flooded her ears full. The small chat of people, creaks of doorways, clops of horses nearby, shouts of delight from young children, she smiled at that. And the smells! Freshly baked bread, spices from a faraway land, sweet treats from a stall close by, they all gave her an indication of where she was, and what her surroundings look like. She fondly touched the Voice Projector in her pocket in remembrance of her once-harsh father. It reminded her of a much more recent gift, her silver necklace. It was a mystery of to how it came to her, but she felt a connection to it, and would never take it off.

Familiar footsteps trodded behind her.

'Good morning Adrian', Destiny greeted her young instructor.

'D' he acknowledged with the nod of his head.

'Is it time to train already?' Destiny asked. In response, Adrian walked away, through the doors that connected the moving wagons, a clear sign to follow. Adrian didn't speak much, but Destiny preferred him that way. Their silences were never awkward, more peaceful-like. With Adrian's help, Destiny had improved much, but struggled when encountered with unfamiliar surroundings. Adrian never quite had a student like she. Not just because she was blind, but she was more like him then any other student. She rarely spoke, wishing more to listen and observe. She practiced her swordplay more diligently than he had ever seen, for she has to do twice the work to keep up with his other pupils, but surpasses them easily. Even his best student once lost to her in a fight.

They came to the door of his wagon. Darius and Emma were sparring off inside, showing off their new techniques. Emma had her feet a little too close together, but with a warning from Adrian, she soon corrected herself. Darius's arms were way too far out, not close to his body, and Adrian shot him a pointed look as he was fighting, and he fixed it. In the end, Darius landed the first blow, signaling the end of the battle. they both panted, exertion showing on their faces.

'Darius, you will compete against Nicholas in the presentation, and Emma will be paired will Marie.'

Darius nodded in consent, and Marie looked insulted, as she knew Marie was an easy opponent, but agreed.

'Destiny,' She turned at the sound of her voice. 'I guess ill have to pair you up with Mike'

Surprise filled her face, as he was the best in the group.

'But, there's no way I can beat him, he's too large his movements aren't as fast as mine, but hold greater strength behind them.' Adrian shook his head.

'You are his only worthy opponent.' His said, his brown eyes meeting her own.

'T-thank you...' she stuttered. Adrian grinned.

'But if you're going to try to win, get practicing!'


Quinn leaned against the flimsy wooden ring that the workers had hastily set up in a meadow near Lithina. Melina stood straight on the horse as he flew around the arena. Her leg lifted slowly up, to come to a rest in her right hand. Her left hand gripped the cord that connected her to the saddle. Quinn was mesmerized.

'Knee's straight!' her instructor yelled. Melina's almost perfectly straight knee's became even straighter. The horse, a large bay, started to slow down, and Melina gracefully leaped off to Quinn's applause. She came over.

'Great job! I can't wait to see you in the show tomorrow.' Melina's already flushed face turned a color redder.

'Thanks, how about you? Is practice going well?' She asked as she hopped over the gate, and waved to her teacher to announce her departure.

'Yeah,' Quinn said, falling in step beside her. 'Although this really annoying girl, do you know Daisy? No, well anyway, she is always complaining. This morning it was her hair, which looked the same as always to me, then this afternoon it was the stage; she said it was too slippery.' Quinn shook his head in diastase.

'Hey, a couple of us are going to have a pre-show party want to come? You can bring Destiny and Leo too if you want.' Quinn added the last part rather quickly. Melina's face lit up.

'Of course!' she said almost jumping in anticipation.

' Oh good!... Uh I mean.. I'll meet you and your friends in front of the bridge at twilight.' Quinn answered, then hastily walked away, Melina's eyes followed his every step.

'What did he want?' Leo asked, but recived no response;

'Mel?' Destiny chuckled as she saw her friend's face.

'Is she sick?' A worried Leo asked Destiny. She smiled at Melina's like for Quinn that showed in her green eyes and responded;

'Yes, very.'


As the golden sun hit the trees, the three walked to the bridge. Melina had put on her best dress, a dark green dress, with golden stitching. Destiny wore a light blue less expensive dress, and of course her silver pendent. Leo had quickly grabbed and put on a white shirt and dark brown pants before meeting the girls at the bridge.

'Where is he?' melina frantically asked; 'What if he doesn't show up?' 'What if-'

Destiny planted her hand firmly over Melina's mouth, much to Leo's amuesment. In response, a dark figure came towards the trio, revealing Quinn.

'Hey,' he greeted them, but his eyes were clearly on Melina. Dressed in all black, Quinn looked very handsome in Melina's eyes.

'Shall we ?' He asked, offering his arm to Melina. She giggled, and they led Destiny and Leo across the old bridge. When they reached the city wall, Destiny started to panick, and searched for Leo's arm, and gripped on to it.

The guards quickly looked them over before letting them in the city. Melina gasped. The colorful world she saw earlier had been replaced with an even more stunning picture. Lights were strung like stars on the walls of the buildings. Different colored lamps hung from the open restaurants. Quinn directed them past the crowds that watched the fire breathers, and the long lines of people that awaited for the restaurants to have room available, to a large fairground. Stalls among stalls littered the space, most hosted games, and a few sold rare items. Romanticwater boat tours of Lithina coated the river, and many other attractions including the largest ferriswheel they had ever seen. Laughter and giggles filled the air as people passed by them.

'So, what do you think? Pretty spectacular, huh?' Quinn asked.

'Is it like this all the time?' Questioned Melina in awe.

'Nah, just for the Fates Festival each year, to honor the three fates that create and end our lives'

'We never have had this at the Home Tree,' Said Leo. Destiny nodded in agreement, hand pressed against her now chilling pendant. Quinn shrugged in answer;

'Come on, the group's over here!' He walked the the base of the ferris wheel, Melina still on hid arm. Three girls and two guys stood together.

'Let me introduce Darius, whom Destiny already knows,' A blond haired muscular thirteen year old gave Destiny a smile of recondition that she didn't catch.

'Phillip, who works with the acrobats,' A skinny brown haired, gray eyed boy with chocolate skin greeted them.

'Melissa and Nina, the artist twins,' the light brown haired, young blue eyed beauties said hello in unison.

'And Ina', When she turned around, Destiny's heart jumped. She knew her from somewhere, she recognized how she moved and just her natural mysterious demeanor. Her silver eyes stared at Destiny, contrasting with her jet-black hair, she was very tall even for someone of about twenty years old. But it wasn't until a voice spoke to her in her mind did she finally knew who she was.

Welcome sister, we meet at last.
Chapter 6

Chapter 6

The rest of the night was a blur. Destiny’s reaction left her clinging to Leo the whole night long. When they returned he had several crescent shaped bruises on his left arm. Melina never took her eyes off of Quinn, and they never saw the discomfort and awkwardness Ina’s presence caused for Destiny. When she woke up the next morning to the toll off the clock tower, all Destiny could remember from the night before was the feeling of those ice blue eyes boring into her soul. She shuttered with remembrance. The familiar thump on the wooden door to make sure the students were away, resounded throughout the wagon, along with the tired groans of wakefulness. Destiny put on tan Bermuda shorts and a sky blue tight shirt with dark brown suede boots. The other girls in her wagon quickly changed into similar attire, except their shirts were different colors which matched the shirt of their partner in the fight today.

“You ready for your first show?” Emma asked.

“Yes, but I’m very nervous. I have to go up against Mike. He’s the best in the group.

Emma grinned. “You know what I think? I think you’ll win. I’m rooting for you girl!”

Destiny smiled at her friend’s optimism.


“Leo, Leo! Leo!!”

Leo snorted as her snored. A shocking chilling sensation took over his body as his fellow music student, Bill, doused him with ice cold river water. He jumped up and promptly hit

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