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Book online «Grim For Ever After by Elizabeth Haley (best romantic novels in english .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Haley

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the teen fiction section at Barns&Noble and please stay away from Brick and Sarah the girl you saw at my funeral she'll be at school tomorrow she's posessed as well and she's already more bad then good.!" 

"is Brick dangerous?''

"When he has to be Tessa said honestly but Sarah's the one to really watch out for."

Rae stood too now curious about Sarah but she could tell from Mandi's Facial expression that her and Tessa's Q&A was done for now so finally she did what she'd at first been too afraid to do she opened her arms and hugged her best friend they held each other tight and Tessa assured her she'd be in touch before  disappearing down the street. Rae wasn't ready for the silence and lonliness the end of trick or treating brought she was lying in bed still wide eyed when her phone beeped with a text from Ty. 
 With the very original (Hey)

Right away she wanted for him to come over so she could blurt out all that had learned. But she couldn't do that. Tomorrow she'd be better prepared to keep her mouth shut besides Ty would never beleive her.

(Don't be mad Rae I'm just stressed you know dealing with my mom!) Ty messaged. when she didn't respond right away 

(I know and I'm not mad, cant wait to see you at school tomorrow!)

(i want to see you too but I'm not going to be there.) Ty responded

(Oh we can meet up after right?) Rae asked hopefully

(sure okay i'll c u then)

she waited for the usual good night i love you  text that normally ended there conversations but it never came. Even tough it was a just a forgotten text she felt that it meant so much more and just like the text that night sleep never showed.


So the new girl Sarah wasn't hard to miss the next day at school not only was she gorgeous with crimpy blond hair and big blue eye's she was a boy magnet literally a group of guys was following her around as if being pulled by an invisible string. Sarah had lunch the same period as Rae that's when Rae noticed the strange way the guy's were acting practically fighting one another to sit beside the girl.

"I'll carry you're books the rest of the day!" One of them offered.

"I'll walk you to your next class a cute boy from the basket ball team said. Earning him a smack from his girl friend Gracey. Who then stormed out of the lunchroom. The smack worked because he chased after her. Sarah looked pleased the more guys gawked the more girls glared and Sarah was basking in it.

Rae realized she'd been standing in the doorway staring the last of the kids were piling into the lunchroom. She started in too but was told to stop. She turned to see Brick.

"I was told to stay away from you!" Rae said.

"I know Tess told me about your reunion and that you now know the truth about me as well. Rae wanted to ignore him but couldn't stop herself.

"You had no business coming in my room and taking that book or tricking me into getting it for you she said her voice drenched in venom!"

"I have more rights to the book than you do! It is a book of the dead!" Brick snapped his temper peeking out. 

"If you have so many rights to it why didn't you take it from Jake's yourself or why didn't Tessa just give it to you when she had it?" Brick looked irritated but quickly recovered.

 "Jake's house was built on holy ground and as long as this demon is in me I cant step foot into it! And Tessa thinks what I'm trying to do for her is to risky!" 

"For her?" Rae asked not understanding.

"Yes I want to stay the same for her I dont to become a demon and forget every thing me and her have Brick actually blushed ......anyway Jakes living situation might come in handy!" Rae followed his stare through the small rectangular window on the heavy cafeteria door. Jake was leaning over Sarah's table talking to her. 
"Figure it out yet Rae?"

"What?" She asked

"Just what kind of spell Sarah's casting!" Rae hadn't given the different kinds of demon and there spells much thought.

"Lust!" She guessed.

"No Temptation!" And Jake is looking rather tempted I'd go get him If I were you!"

Rae didn't have to be told twice.
"Jake!" Rae approached the table grabbing her friends arm.

"What?" he said pulling away all the guys looked at her as if she was unworthy to speak in Sarah's presence. Rae considered knocking Jake apside the head but it wasn't necessary. It seemed once Jake's gaze was off of Sarah he was alright again. He followed Rae away from the table and to where Laney and there other friend's Genna and Austin sat. Laney stood as they sat down.

"Where you going? Jake asked. Laney didn't answer instead she grabbed her purse slinging it over her shoulder her opened chocolate milk got knocked and splattered all over Jake. It was an accident but Laney didn't apologize.

"What the hell?!?!" Jake called after her.

Genna stood up and followed. Rae was to busy watching Sarah's reaction. Yep absolute pleasure was all over her face. Sarah was really enjoying the girls reactions maybe even more then how the guys were responding to her. 

"Wow, Austin said she's really pissed!"

"Yea but what I do?" Jake asked. Rae turned her attention back to them.

"You mean other then slobbering all over the new girl's cleavage! Rae said, I mean you know Laney likes you!"

"I was just talking to the girl, besides Lane's my friend that's it!"

"If she's you're friend then why didn't you go after her and apologize?"

"Why would I apologize? I'm the one who's drenched in milk!" He got up as well heading for the boy's bathroom.

"That chick is hot!" Austin said. Rae rolled her eye's.

"Aren't you tempted to go over and talk to her?"

"Naw im not the groupie type."

If Sarah really wanted Aus's attention could she get it? Rae glanced over, Definitely. 

At the same time the demon girl winked at her and then got up to leave the boys parted and she strolled from the lunchroom but none of them trailed behind her it was Rae who did.

"Do you have a problem, it's Rae right? Sarah asked the moment they had entered the empty girls bathroom.

"Yea actually I do! I want you to stay away from Jake!"

"Oh him, please. That whole thing in the lunchroom was just me having some fun!" Sarah said nonchalantly.

"Maybe it's not so fun for the guy's, you saw what happened to Jake!"

"Are you seriously whining over that spilled milk? Didn't you find it funny and the look on your friend's faces were priceless!"

"No it wasn't funny at all and if the boy's knew the truth about you I'm sure they wouldn't be amused!"


"So whatcha gonna do Rae tell them? Everyone already thinks Tess went crazy and killed herself now you're gonna start talking about demons. Go ahead tell em I'd love to watch. Rae remembered Tessa's warning but Rae didn't withdrawl she wasn't afraid of Sarah demon or not.

"That's not true everyone loved Tessa!"

 .... The peach bathroom door opened and Rae went silent. Sarah smiled at her as if to say here's your chance! Then she turned to face the mirror.

"This isn't over." Rae said through clenched teeth.

"I couldnt agree with you more Sarah said while applying a wicked shade of red to her lips.


Rae went straight to Hot Stuff after school to meet Ty as planned. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek, he stiffened. After a few minutes Rae finally asked "so what did you want to talk about? Is this about the book?"

"No!" Ty said as if that was the farthest thing from his mind.

"Then what's going on?"
"Me and my mom...Ty hesitated.
"What is it? Tell me!"
"Where moving, To Fawns Valley my mom want's to be closer to our family!"
"But Fawn's Valley is six hours away!"
"I know  but....
"You can't just leave me Ty!"
"I don't have a choice, my mom needs me she can't stay in our house knowing Tess died there!"

I need you! she wanted to shout but she wouldn't let herself be that selfish.
"When, when are you leaving?"
"My mom already found a place we started packing yesterday!"
This couldn't be happening Rae just kind of got Tess back she didn't want to loose Ty.
"What are we going to do about us Ty? Are we breaking up?

"No that's not what I want he said taking her hand we will make it work!" He sounded determined and it eased Rae's mind but not much.
"Why so far there's beautiful places around here my mom could handle it!"
"I already tried talking my mom into staying. I overheard her talking to your mom on the phone and her choice is final.  She doesn't want to stay in Killdeer it hurts her to much. She was finally adjusting to life here without my dad and that took years. I don't know how she's going to get over this, but if moving far away helps then that's what where going to do!"
"My mom knew and didnt tell me?" Rae gasped. Now understanding why she'd been acting like Ty didn't exsist she'd known they were leaving.
"I cant stay I have to start packing up my room!" Ty said breaking her thoughts.

 Ty  pulled her up with him wrapping his arms around her then he kissed her it was a slow and trembling kiss so sweet that for a moment it was if they weren't in a public coffee shop but then she thought about it and the taste of goodbye was more sour then sweet.

Someone cleared there throat and said get a room! The moment was gone and Ty stepped away from her.

"Excuse me?" Ty said obviously mad the random girl had interrupted.

"Ty this is Mandi!" Rae introduced them.

"Hi" he said.

"Hey" she said back.

"I'll call you okay Rae?"

"Sure!" she responded numbly.

"They're  leaving Te.....Mandiii!" Rae hissed sitting back down Tess sat across from her.

"Who's leaving?"

"Your mom and Ty! They're moving to Fawns Valley because of ....

Rae stopped herself.

And Tess finished ,"because of me!" Rae nodded.

"Why cant you tell them? Tell them you're not gone!"

"I cant Rae I'm sorry but it's against the rules will only complicate thing's ,no I wont tell them!"

"But you got me involved with no problem right?" Rae said instantly regretting it.

''I had to vent to someone and I chose you my best friend who I alway's shared everthing with, or would you rather have continued thinking I was gone forever and ever?" Tess asked.

"No ofcourse not!" Rae said honestly. "I'm just really going to miss Ty, I don't want him to go!"

"I know, it will be alright though, Ty loves you he'll make the drive up as often as possible."

"You really think so?" Rae asked

Mandi had a nice smile but Rae missed Tessa's reassuring grin. "I know so!" She said.

They were quite for a little while Rae ordered a vanilla latte.
Then stared at Tess wondering if she still had to eat and drink.
 "What?" Tess asked.


"Do you still have to you know eat and stuff??"

"Nope, weird huh?

Not so much Rae thought considering everything else.

"So are you going to tell me what happened at school or do I have to guess?"

"Yea I'll tell you but I don't want to talk about it here let's go to my house!"

As soon as they were both

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