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Book online «Grim For Ever After by Elizabeth Haley (best romantic novels in english .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Haley

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in Rae's car. Tess said spill!

Rae telling every single detail took up the drive to her house. Every detail except for confronting Sarah in the girls room. They were walking through the door when Tess asked "what is it?"

"What's what? Rae asked playing dumb.

"Don't let the doe eye's full you Rae, I'm still me and I know you're keeping something to yourself." 

 "Well you're keeping stuff from me too!" Rae said back.

"Some things you don't need to know about you should understand that!" 

Rae did understand the mess going on with Tessa was probably much further into the afterlife then any living person needed to be.

"I'm sorry Tess you're right I'm just on edge and I kind of ignored your warning and cornered Sarah in the bathroom!"

"Why wiould you do that?" Tess asked looking as close to her natural self as possible.

" She was messing with all the guy's mind's today Jake was practically ready to kiss her!" I had to do something."

"Typical she's messing with you guys to get to me!" Tess shrugged "And no you didn't have to do anything but stay blond and..... well you know the rest.

"What's she got against you?" Rae asked ignoring the remark.

"Mandi is what she has against me! Sarah's the one that tempted her to drink and then go swimming in the lake!"

"Oh my God that's awful!" Rae said through her hand that had flown up to her mouth.

"I know that's why I didn't want to tell you about it!"

"Why did she do that to Mandi?"

 "It was Mandi's time to go and Sarah's a grim that's why, anyway I think it freaks her out that I'm walking around in Mandi's body!" Rae stared at the girl in front of her and wondered what else she was hiding other then Tessa's true form.  It wasn't really to late for Rae to turn her back on all of this. But Tess had handed her the shovel and Rae couldn't help but to keep digging.

But You Can Call Me Penn

The next day at school Ty was cleaning out his locker. Rae watched him silently she couldn't understand them just packing up a life time and leaving. But they were they didn't have the comfort of knowing Tess was still here to make them stay so alll she could do was offer to help them pack and watch them drive out of her life. The bell rang for homeroom but Rae didn't move she watched the hall clear out and Ty turned to her.

"It wont be that bad I'll be up every weekend and my mom said you can come stay with us anytime! I promise Rae nothing is going to change between us I love you and distance won't change that. Rae's heart beat weakened with each word. 

"I love you too Ty!" She smiled through it. 

"Would you mind joining us Rae!" Miss Sosa said standing in her classrom doorway.

"Sorry! Rae said.

"I'll see you after school Ty!"

"Yea Later he said, giving her hand a squeeze!"

Rae took her seat in the back of the class beside Jake he looked worn out.

"Ruff night? Rae asked.

"The worst, how bout you? Rae had actually slept well after her and Ty spoke on the phone for an hour they hadn't done that in a while.

"It could of been worse." The sound of a locker closing let Rae know Ty would be leaving the school she'd probably never see him in those halls again. She raised her hand, Miss Sosa didn't even turn around but said yes Rae? Can I use the restroom?"

"Go on!"

She hurried into the hall hoping to catch Ty and she did he hadn't gone anywhere he was to busy talking to the blond who was all in his face. Ty looked up to see Rae coming over at the same time Sarah turned around. Hi Rae she greeted cheerily .

"See you around Ty!" she added her voice like honey.

"No you won't be he's moving!" Rae said. Suddenly she was all for the idea.

"Why don't you just stay away from all of us Sarah?" Rae said to her back. Sarah didn't respond or look back.

"She was just talking to me besides she's new how can she be on your bad side already?" Ty asked.

it's ...... female intuition alright and she's bad new's.

"Isn't that what you told Tess about Brick and then you covered for her sneaking around with him?" Ty asked.


Rae opened and closed her mouth he was right and it stung.

"You would have done the same for Jake!" Rae fired back.

Ty couldn't argue with that.

"I'm sorry I don't know where that came from I don't want to argue with you, I'll still see you later right? Ty asked now looking concerned.

"Yea it's our last night together I wouldn't miss it and I dont want to spend it argueing with you either about!" Rae said knowing exactly where the sudden shift had come from.

Alright cool and Rae?


"It's not really our last night." He said pecking her on the cheek leaving traces of hope. Then he was walking down the hall toward the double doors that led outside and away from Rae and there high school romance. Right then Rae saw just the person or demon  she just couldn't seem toavoid Brick. Staying away from him wasn't easy as Tess would have liked for it to be.

He ducked into one of the computer labs and so did Rae. The lab was empty and dark beside's the few screens that were on. Casting a ghoulish blue glow. Brick sat down at a computer and opened his pale yellow folder. Rae couldn't help but ask what he was doing. She couldn't imagine he was doing school work.

"Homework." he said with a hint of duh."Believe it or not I plan on graduating,What are you doing? Class started ten minutes ago!"

"I'm out on a bathroom break!" Rae said.


"And you're in here wasting time talking to me because?"


Before she could get to the Sarah issue something else occured to her.

"If you cant get rid of the demon will graduating even matter?"

Bricks eyes went into slits  Brick grimaced and then in a quiet and child like voice said "I have too be able  change things I just need the right spell!" In that moment Rae felt pity for him in that moment he looked like a scared boy in love.  But instead of holding back her next question Rae let it flow freely, "But what if you cant?"

Brick let out a frustrated groan. Tessa alway's said you were pushy and stubborn!"

"No im curious!" Rae said offended.

"Have'nt you heard that saying curiousity killed the cat?''

Rae rolled her eye's and crossed her arms.

 "Like I said you are stubborn what's it matter to you anyway none of this is your concern, Tess was foolish to reveal herself to you it would be best for you and her if you just put this and her out of your mind." Brick's dark eyes sparked with a hint of red.


It concerns me that my friend is in love with someone on the verge of being evil's incarnate!" Rae's voice matched the fiery depths of Bricks eye's. "And Tessa is'nt the only one who involved me Brick you are the one who brought the book to my attention. And it's to late now I can't just pretend like none of this ever happened like there aren't demons walking around in normal teens skin harassing my friends.   

 Brick opened his mouth to respond but it was Mr. Vic the meanest teacher at school who spoke.  

"I'm assuming you both have passes to be in here he said from the door way while flicking the light on.

"I don't but.... Rae started to say  but Mr. Vic cut her off

"No excuses. You are  in the lab without a teachers permission!  That's grounds for detention you too Brick."

But Brick was holding up a slip of paper I have permission sir he said sounding very respectful Mr Vic returned Rae to class with a detention slip while Brick was left to his studies.

The school day dragged by until lunch. Gracey the same girl who had slapped her basket ball player boyfriend came into the cafeteria on a mission she approached Sarah's crowded lunch table.

"Can I talk to you?" The words echoed through the cafeteria which had fallen silent. Gracey was known to be agressive though she wasn't large or intimidating to look at the girl packed a mean punch. Sarah ignored  Gracey not even making eye contact but instead took a bite of salad. Gracey shook with anger before knocking Sarah's burgundy lunch tray off the table it clattered to the floor and Sarah finally looked up at her. A security guard started over shouting.

"That's enough!"

Sarah got up and came around the table the security guard started running he got there just as Gracey went flying across the room Sarah had grabbed her by the arm and tossed her as if she were light as a brown paper bag. Gracey stood back up charging back toward Sarah who wasn't at all afraid. Lucky for Gracey the security guard stopped her before she reached Sarah. He picked her up, she writhed and kicked as she was taken away. And that's how Rae ended up in after school detention with Gracey and Sarah. 

Great she thought taking a seat and finishing her explanation text to Ty since there was no teacher in the room yet to stop her.

Sarah had taken a seat in the front row of desks painting her fingernails Red Gracey  sat in the second row her focus on a book her mouth was still twisted with anger. Sarah dropped the polish when Mandi's body came walking in.

"Shit!" Sarah said wiping at her shirt where she had gotten splashed.

"Nice to see you too Sarah!" Tess said sliding into the desk beside Rae.

"What are you doing here?" Rae asked her.

"Brick thought you might need some company she said watching Sarah and Gracey leave the room. They could here them pleading with Principle Luther about letting them go home. Cant Sarah just tempt him into letting her go? Rae was about to ask but Tess spoke first

"So while you were at school getting in trouble, I went to the train station and stole back the book  back we need to get back to Jakes!"

"Really Brick's going to be pissed!" Rae said thinking of the crimson that had been in his eye's earlier.

"You mean like I was when Brick imformed me you have not been keeping your distance Rae?''

Rae looked away feeling guilty.

Tessa let it go for the time being.

"Anyway Brick had the book long enough it wasn't safe at the station with all the other demon teens and i've been doing my research and the spell that Brick needs is not in Forever Grim!"  

"But there is spell that can help him?'' Rae asked.

"Yes!" Tess said thinking back to a few days ago when she'd quizzed Penn he'd answered a few questions before dismissing her.

 "If he goe's full demon will you still want him?''

"No and he wont want me either he won't be Brick anymore." Tess said sadly.

"How did he end up demon possessed anyway?''

"He chose to a Grim's job is easier without a soul." So not to long before we met he had Penn cast a spell that allowed the demon to enter.


"This is detention girl's, not an after school club whatever you're whispering about will have to wait!" Principle Luther poked his head into the room his thick sandy blond mustache jiggled while he spoke. He moved out of sight again still talking to Gracey  Sarah came back in sulking.

"No one

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