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Book online «Cospa's Mercy by Sarah Berry (best summer reads of all time txt) 📖». Author Sarah Berry

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cloak grabbed Ravoneth and pulled her away.
“Ravoneth!” I screamed, shaking as she disappeared. Suddenly a tall woman walked toward us. She was dressed in long purple robes decorated with gold.
“You’re friend here is interesting.” She said pointing at Felanir. He growled at her, his yellow eyes showing that he was ready to kill. She smiled and snapped her fingers. Suddenly, people dressed in black jumped out, grabbed us and knocked us out.
Chapter Nine

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a stone dungeon, mold on the walls and water dripping down the ceiling. I sat up, my head aching. My eyes slowly started to adjust to the pale light, the torches providing almost no light. I could see Ravoneth in the cell to my far left, and two shapes huddled together in the cell in front of me. I crawled to the bars and threw a pebble at them. It missed and hit the wall. The taller one looked at me and crawled over. She had bright purple eyes and dark red hair.
“Who are you?” she whispered.
“I’m Fogwen. What’s your name?” I whispered back.
“I’m Riroswen. This is my brother Rindes.” Said Riroswen softly. Rindes crawled over. He looked young. He had misty blue eyes and silver hair. The red haired girl and the silver haired boy.
“Are you two elves?” I asked.
“No. We’re sorcerers. I can perform high level spells while Rindes has” Said Riroswen.
“Have you heard of the Seven Leafs of Cospa?” I asked.
“Yes. We were searching for it before we got caught. We found a scroll that had been passed down through our family. We’re still searching for the other three. We’re moving slowly because Rindes is blind.” Said Riroswen looking at me curiously.
“I’m blind not deaf!” snapped Rindes.
“We are searching for the Seven Pieces ourselves. Our village was burned down and I found the scroll. We’ve been travelling for almost a full moon now and we still haven’t found a piece.” I said bitterly.
“I know where you can find one!” said Riroswen.
“What? If I get you out, will you help us?” I asked.
“Of course! We’ve been in here for almost two moons! I would give anything to get of here!” cried Riroswen.
“Be careful with your words sister.” Said Rindes looking straight at me with his blank eyes. Suddenly, a door opened and the woman from before strolled in. She walked over to my cell and smiled at me.
“Your friend is incredible. His powers are amazing.” She said chuckling.
“What did you do to him?” I screamed, clawing at her through the bars.
“He’s fine.” Said the woman smiling. She snapped her fingers and two tall muscular men walked in. Felanir’s short black was matted with blood. His shirt was off and I could see pale scars all over his stomach and back. They threw him into a cell and left. She reached through the bars and pushed my hair out of my face. Suddenly, I grabbed her arm and pulled hard. She screamed and tried to pull away but she couldn’t. I placed my palm onto her face.
“Estolada sinome!” I cried. She screamed as her face suddenly stared to age rapidly till she dissolved into dust and bones. Riroswen looked terrified as I grabbed the keys from the dust of her bones and unlocked my cell. I unlocked Ravoneth’s cell. She was unconscious. I unlocked Riroswen and Rindes and ran to Felanir’s cell. I unlocked it, hands shaking. I nearly tore the door off its hinges as I raced inside. I knelt beside Felanir, his eyes closed and breathing shallow. I could feel despair welling up in my chest. He couldn’t die. Not now. Tears dripped down my cheeks and onto the ground, spotting the cold stone.
“Felanir please wake up!” I sobbed. Suddenly, Riroswen pushed me aside. She placed her hands firmly onto his chest.
“Fogwen, I can save him but I need you to take the wounds he’s suffered.” Said Riroswen urgently.
“Why me?” I asked puzzled.
“Not now! He’s slipping away! I’ll tell you later.” She said, her purple eyes softening. I nodded and placed my hands over hers. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“Elen sila lumenn omentilmo!” she chanted. Suddenly, I could feel red hot heat coming from his body. I refused to move my hands, even though Riroswen pulled away. A bright light enveloped him and I, and everything else disappeared.
I saw Felanir still lying there but I could sense that we weren’t alone. I stood up and tried to protect Felanir. A woman emerged from the bright light and smiled gently at me. She had long cascading hair, blue as the ocean. Skin white as snow. Her dress red as the flames that burned and her eyes green as summer grass.
“Greetings Fogwen.” She said, her sweet airy voice echoing.
“Who are you?” I asked, staring at the woman. I felt no fear, just, peace.
“I am the goddess Cospa.” She said. I gasped. Cospa. I knelt down to one knee and bowed my head. She walked to me and placed her hand on my shoulder.
“Rise young Fogwen. Have no fear. I am here only to help.” Said Cospa softly. I stood up, daring not to gaze upon her.
“Your friend is very special.” Said Cospa, smiling at Felanir.
“He is.” I said smiling widely.
“He’s suffered through many an ordeal and he bears the scars for it. Are you willing to take those scars for him?” she asked.
“I would do anything for him.” I said, clenching my fists. She closed her eyes and smiled.
“You have a kind heart. Here, take this as a gift.” She said. She held her hands out and they started to glow. Slowly a long staff materialized in her hands. It was made of twisted, gnarled oak and had a bright blue orb captured in its claws at the tip. Smiling, she handed it to me. It felt light and graceful in my hand.
“This will replace the one taken in exchange for your friend’s life. Remember, you shall bear his scars for eternity.” I nodded and placed it into my belt. She knelt over Felanir and traced his scars with her fingers.
“Cormamin lindua ele lle!” she cried. The scars slowly started to vanish from Felanir. Suddenly I fell to my knees screaming as it felt like a million knives were cutting into me. I could see memories. Blood. Screaming. Pain. I clenched my fists, trying to hold on for Felanir. Tears dripped down my cheeks and I could see blood dripping onto the floor. I shrieked louder, writhing in pain. Then, everything went black.

Chapter Ten

Riroswen, Rindes and Ravoneth watched in horror as Fogwen collapsed to the ground screaming, long slashes appearing everywhere on her body as the scars slowly disappeared from Felanir’s body. Blood dripped onto the floor as her loud piercing shrieks cut through the silence. She finally collapsed as every scar had disappeared from Felanir.
“What did you do?” cried Ravoneth, turning upon Riroswen.
“This was not my doing!” said Riroswen shaking. Suddenly Felanir sat up and looked around.
“What happened?” he asked, his eyes blurry as he looked around. He saw Fogwen, collapsed on the floor beside him in a pool of her own blood. Her face was snow white and her eyes staring vacantly ahead, her breath almost nonexistent.
“What happened?” he yelled.
“Fogwen took your scars so you would live.” Said Riroswen softly. Felanir picked up her limp body and held it close.
“Do something!” he yelled at Riroswen.
“I can’t! My powers were drained by my last spell!” she cried.
“Fogwen no! You can’t die!” cried Felanir shaking her.
“We have to get out of here! Leave her Felanir there’s nothing we can do!” sobbed Ravoneth.
“No! I’ll never leave her! She never left me!” Said Felanir. He placed her onto his back and morphed into a wolf. He broke through the door and out into the palace. A guard tried to stop him but Felanir ripped his throat. Felanir fought his way out of the castle, Riroswen, Rindes and Ravoneth hot on his trail. He burst out onto the ice and bounded away, determination blazing in his yellow eyes. Finally he stopped and morphed into a human. Fogwen’s eyes were closed and he didn’t see her breathing.
“Fogwen don’t die. I would give anything to have you back.” He cried.
“Be careful with your words.” Said Rindes from behind him. Felanir turned around and glared at him.
“What do you mean?” asked Felanir.
“You can get Fogwen back. You just have to do equivalent exchange.” Said Rindes. Felanir looked at him confused.
“Fogwen sacrificed herself so you could live. You don’t have to do that, but your powers are quite valuable…” said Rindes softly.
“What?” asked Felanir, looking quite shocked.
“Give your powers to Fogwen and she shall live.” Said Rindes, his blind eyes staring straight at Felanir.
“How do I do that?” he asked.
“I’ll take care of that. Are you sure of this?” he asked, taking a necklace out of his shirt. Dangling around the necklace was a rainbow gem that was glowing brightly.
“I’m sure of it.” Said Felanir firmly. Rindes nodded and placed the stone into Felanir’s hands.
“Cormamin lindua ele lle.” Chanted Rindes slowly. Felanir started to glow and radiated a warmth. The light left him and wrapped around Fogwen. The wounds started to close leaving only scars. Felanir handed the stone back to Rindes and cradled Fogwen in his arms.
“Wake up Fogwen!” he cried. Slowly, she opened her eyes and gazed up at him.
“Felanir…” she whispered. Felanir smiled and held her close.

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