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Book online «Rarity by Haley Elizabeth (top 20 books to read txt) 📖». Author Haley Elizabeth

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we go she thought walking back in. "About last night, Of course they started to talk at the same time.

"You go Mick got the words out first.

"I didn't mean to say we weren't together like it was something I was proud of!"

"You were just telling the truth right? Mick said.

"Yes!" She nodded.

"But I don't want that to be the truth Vannah, her name rolled of his tongue so sweetly. We should have never even broken up I want you back! I can't sleep down the hall from you and not wish to lay beside you to hold to hear you sing for me and only me. His words were so vulnerable so poetic she thought she'd melt from the growing heat between them. Why was she resisting? Why couldn't she give in to him. Blue/black eyes came to her mind. No! she told herself silently. She shook the thought away. It's everything else that was going on. Her fear of more hurt was a rising fence between them.

"I'm sorry Mick not now! Okay?" her words seemed pathetic compared to his. He stepped back from her defeated. "I'm sorry!" He didn't respond but moved past her not looking back. This time she needed something to punch.

Connie and Ele were in their mirror primping.

"Where are you going?" Vannah asked plopping down on the bed her room was occupied by Luka who was trying to "man" it up. "Josua got his mom to let him use the car so he's coming to get me! Ele said excitedly.

"And I just like looking good!" Connie added with a shrug. Vannah rolled her eyes then subconsciously patted her own chocolate mane, in the few days she had been there her hair had become fuller and grown down to the middle of he back when just days ago it had only reached slightly passed her shoulders. She looked at Ele's hair it shined naturally and Vannah wondered If it grew that way or if it was just a really good dye job.

"So you crushed Mick pretty good Vannah!"

"What?" Connie turned away from the mirror.

"I mean the guys willing to drown for you, What gives? Vannah didn't want to think about her turning Mick down let alone talk about it. "I understand Vannah." Ele said letting a few strands of hair fall from her messy bun. With all that's going on, how could you even think about a boyfriend. I know I wouldn't be.

"Please Ele your telling me if your whole world came crashing down you wouldn't want some to hold you to tell you it was going to be okay? Connie asked? For real Vannah your in need of some serious love!" "When did you become so mushy?" Ele asked changing her earrings for the third time. Then her cellphone chimed. "He's here. If I'm not back before you go on the mission be safe she hugged Connie.

"Have a nice lunch! Connie said passing her a gold handbag.


"See ya!" Vannah said.

"What is the mission anyway?"

"I'd tell you but... "Then you'll have to kill me?"

"No! that's so cliche Vannah. I'd tell you but your not going to like it." Vannah wasn't convinced she tapped her foot impatiently. She stared at Connie until she gave in.

"Alright already! Where going to bug Trishas house the ones we had there already stopped working." Of course that's how they had known so much. Vannahs mouth gaped open. A part of her wanted to protest. But she knew they had to. Surely Trish would be planning her next move against Vannah no way would she let go of the 18 years she had so patiently waited.

"Whats that look? Connie asked. Vannah had taken a stance of angry determination. Determined to get Trish before Trish got her. Wait Vannah before you go thinking your coming, stop because it's a no go. Connie sighed I love being mission leader you get to put your team right where you want them. Vannah was ready to argue but Connie was speed talking. Your going to be on Surveilence with Warren I think you'll like it, because that way you can keep an eye on Trish without being in arms reach."

Vannah did like the sound of it. She'd have the upper hand on an unknowing Trish.

The sun was going down when the U.G.Is were preparing to leave. "Vannah!" Lukas voice was urgent when he gripped her arm. Finally he had her alone.

"Yes!" she said turning, her body tingled from the brief contact. His midnight eyes were dreamy when he whispered.

"Why did you sing to me? Why did you do this to me?"

"Do what? Vannah asked alarmed.

"Make me want you, make me dream of your agonizingly beautiful voice!" Vannah was taken aback. What could she say. She knew exactly what he was talking about and how he was feeling it was the reason she had avoided him all day.

"Lets go!!!"

Connie yelled up the steps. Luka stepped back from her his longing pulling her with him. He started down. "Luka?" He glanced at her pressing one finger lightly to his lips "SHHHHH". trying to pull herself together she followed after him downstairs.

Connie was all geared up placing a gun that shot the needles that they had used on Tuck and Dr. Christoffe, Into a belt. Warrens down there waiting for you In the surveillance lab. Vannah "Good luck all of you!" She scanned the room for Mick but he was already outside. Just then Electra came through the door. "Good I haven't missed anything!"

They watched as the burgundy Expedition pulled away taking a crushed Mick and a love struck Luka away.

The surveillance room was also through the training area, in another small room. There were ten screens lined up on a table Warren was in his element hooking different cords up Vannah and Ele sat down on either side of the 15 year old genius. He handed both of them a set of earphones, With mics connected on the.

"Hey Connie can you here me?"

"Yea War your coming through clear."

"How long til you get there?" Vannah asked realizing she really had no Idea how far they had traveled. "One hour Connie stated.

"What are we supposed to do for an hour?" Electra whined, having not stayed back from a mission in forever.

"Go paint your toenails. I saw they were chipping!" Connie teased.

"TSSSK Ele smacked her lips. Warren thought this was hilarious! But Vannah was to busy thinking about the two boys in the truck. One of them who was scowling and the other who was sitting in the back lost in a daze.

(MICk's POV--- (Why can't I just let it go, suck it up and forget about that one precious month we had together. Silently Mick was scolding himself. Last night when he had heard Vannah's bedroom door open he had thought she was coming to him! After a moment he had gotten out of bed and peered into the empty hall. And that's when he heard the most enticing of sounds. When Vannahs voice flowed up the steps to him his heart had stopped. She was singing not for him. But for Luka! He fought the urge to glare at Luka who sat silently in the back seat a dazed look on his face. A low grumble was building in his chest he resisted releasing the accusing words twisting in his mind. Why Vannah? Why not me? He'd let it go! He had to! To keep her safe, he needed to be on her good side and not be pushy and pursuing her. When she sees he can be patient and wait while she figures herself out, she would want to be with him. But what about Luka? His presence has changed every thing, showing up like a ghost from the past. Whats that about? He always was Mr Baynes favorite! Why him? Why did he get to live in the moment while Vannah sang. Why did he get to sleep alongside the sweetest of dreams. He hoped nothing more would happen between them he hadn't seen them talk all day maybe that was a good sign he couldn't stand the thought of Luka being taken away by her and those eyes that were blue, so blue like the ocean.

(Luka's POV--- (It hurt being away from her actually hurt a prying felling gripped at his stomach the further he got from the cabin and away from his everything. How long would it be  before he would hear her song again. Never! He told himself. Just as Mick glanced back at him as if he could here his thoughts. He'd have to stay away from Vannah. but how his body pined for her lullaby to caress him again just once! No, forever! Why had she done this? Why had he given in so willingly with no regards for Mick. She was supposed to be his girl not mine. But they had been broken up Vannah said so herself. And him and Mick, they were no longer friend's so... he stopped the thought knowing it was wrong. Mick and him were like brothers. Regardless of the distance that was still between them though he was home. But what could he do he couldn't take the silence that surrounded him without her melody. What was happening to him. His emotions buzzed through him he tilted his head back closing his eyes trying not to think of hers they were blue, so blue like the ocean.

(Vannah)--- An eternity later Connie broke the silence it the surveillance room. "You'll have visual in 1 2 3." Connie appeared on the center Screen Mick and Luka were no where to be found in front of the home that contained Vannahs whole life. Then the back of the house appeared on a second screen Trishas car was!n't there either, but Luka and Mick were. I'm heading out back to meet the guys Connie said vanishing from view She got out back. Just in time to separate the two boys who were in each others faces. "Stop it!" She hissed pointing through the glass sliding doors where Tucker was sitting in the din. ""How are you going to get in?" Vannah asked. "Wait I got it she said speaking more loudly into the mic. 'At the front door there's a mat with a spear key under it, get it and get in. When Tucker comes to investigate shoot him with one of those needles. She couldn't believe she was saying this. "Simple right?" Very Connie said smileling up at the camera.

At the front door Connie and the guys were invisible, Her voice came through the headphones "Where going in."

Some Party Ch 5.

There was static Then a yelp followed by a thud!

"Connie you there?" Ele asked. "All good here, you'll have Visual in 1 2 3.... again Connie appeared. Mick and Luka were going into the living room an unconscious Tucker swaying between them. Poor Tuck, Vannah thought then wanted to slap herself for caring.

After a few minutes. Trish's living room came onto another screen. Tucker was on the couch looking like he was in a deep sleep. Quickly they moved around the main rooms of the house bugging them. Vannah was the one who saw Trish pull up in the front. "Get out of

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