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Book online «Rarity by Haley Elizabeth (top 20 books to read txt) 📖». Author Haley Elizabeth

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pointlessly.Again the Surface was just out of reach. Only this time two faces blocked out the sun familiar frightening faces smiling at her taunting her. "Morph freak!" Margo barked. "Do it now Vannah!" Trish spat. Vannah kicked again. Still nothing Vannahs mouth forced itself open water rushed into her lungs and began to swirl around , her tail formed just as tucker appeared With the electric rod Vannah screamed from the sudden sharp pain and then, she was awake))

"Luka?" "I'm right here ,he said Stepping into the room. Dim light was coming through the window. "Where are they?" "We don't know, they were on there way the last time we spoke with them, somewhere between here and there something must have happened." Vannah sat up, "Something like what?" All sorts of awful thing's came to her mind experiments, cages, car crash, death. "Don't worry Vannah, Bayne is tracking down the car now." We will know something soon.

"We found them!!!!"

Warren called up the steps. Both Luka and a woozy Vannah hurried down into the livingroom. They caught the end of Mr Baynes phone conversation. "Yes ,yes right away and again I'm so sorry, mmhmm , see you soon." He hung up. "Where are they?" Luka asked before Vannah could.

"The jail hold!" Mr Bayne said. Vannah swore she saw a gray hair appear.


"Yes apparently the owners of The Red Wing are pressing charges!" What for we didn't cause the damage. but you were involved right? It's how you were burned? Luka nodded looking ashamed. Though he hadn't done anything. Anyway the cops stopped them on there way back into town.

"And held them with no phone privileges! Luka snapped. Did they find weapons on them?"
"I'm not sure Mr. Bayne said, I would hope not they are pro spies they should be slick enough to hide weapons, besides the cops had no reason to search the car. I'm off to get the prisoners Mr. Bayne said smiling uneasily. You just hang in there Vannah!"

"Vannah how are you feeling?" Warren asked once Mr. Bayne and Luka had gotten into a taxi. "I'm Fine." The lie came out followed by her bending over and dry heaving. "Yea, you look fine Warren said and went to grab her a bucket just in case.

"No really I'll be okay, just a little longer and I'll be okay." Warren looked hopeful. What happened at the club last night? He asked changing the subject. "Base 1 plus us that's what happened." "You were fighting Base 1? "Yea a couple girls were making snide remarks about Connie and it just got out of control after that. Vannah went on with the story ignoring the blurriness taking over her eyes and the fact that her heart was defiantly slowing.

IT was 45 minutes later when Luka showed back up alone. She's so pale he thought,while helping her sit up. "I have the shot he Said showing her. His hands were shaking. Just stay still Luka said to a completely out of it Vannah. Now she did fill like she was dying! Hurry Luka she managed the words, maybe her last. Here it comes he said and he eased the needle into her neck just as DR Christoffe had. The burning wasn't so bad it didn't make her scream. She closed her eyes as the serum worked through her making her whole again. Could already the sleepiness be fading? Was this over, so she could move on to the next dramatic event!

She didn't fall asleep but kept her eyes closed waiting for the dizziness to completely leave. When she opened them Mr Bayne and the three worn out U,G,Is were entering. Mick dropped down beside her. "Did he give it to you did it work?" He asked. It had worked already Vannah felt much better. Mick pulled her into his arms hugging her tight. Luka watched jealously from across the room, it was much more then a friendly hug Mick would have kissed her if Vannah would have allowed it. When he released her Connie and Ele crushed her in a group hug. And then Mr. Bayne put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry Vannah, we have never had something like this happen before. I assume that because we got you out of the lab more quickly then we have others you missed the second dose. I figured you had gotten both shots do to when you came here with two shot marks on your neck. But the second mark had been a steroid and not the G.F.S. I should have done blood work. I..I.. Mr Bayne went onto apologize again but Vannah stopped him giving him a knowing smile. 

"I supose The Mess didn't give you much trouble. " Mr. Bayne said turning to Connie.

"Nope it was almost as if they wanted us to get the syrum!" Connie replied. 

"Ofcourse they did even though the mess has bad intentions they want Vannah alive just as much as we do. 

Eventually the awkwardness from Vannahs possible death had eased and Mr. Bayne was ready for some answers. "Who wants to begin he asked his gaze searching the room.

"I didn't do anything!" Luka said truly.

"Yeah except withhold the fact that all of Unit 1 was back!" Mick spat.

"I did not! Luka protested giving Mr Bayne a help me out look.

"Luka is telling the truth Mr Bayne said hesitantly I've known for months that Luka and Unit 1 had arrived in Rarity."

Mick was ready to question Mr. Bayne but held back.

"Who started it at Red Wing? Mr. Bayne asked.


Connie piped up, it's all that pig Grants fault." "What did he do anyway? Mick asked and they all leaned in curiously for her response. "It doesn't matter, but they started it." "The owner of the club says differently Connie." Mr. Bayne gave her his signature look of disappointment. "They have you on tape attacking a girl from Unit 1." "Yeah after she tried to impale me with an ice sickle." "Yes Connie but that wasn't until after you tripped her." "But she said.....MR Bayne held up his hand. And you Mick another of the Unit 1 members may never have proper use of his right hand fingers again. "That really wasn't my fault he swung on me, and Grant deserved to be knocked back a couple of notches." Maybe so, but was it worth Luka being burned?" Mick gave Luka a silent once over, he paused.... "Don't answer that Ele said and If any one has suffered from their behavior its me! Who knows if Josh will ever even speak to me again! We ruined his party and he never even got to announce his surprise to everyone. I'll probably never know now!"
"Sorry!" Connie said looking embarrassed! Well that's a start Mr. Bayne said before Ele could go on. What about You Mick are you sorry? Mr Bayne asked. More then you'll ever know Mick said looking at Vannah. Both he and Connie stood up to leave. "Surveillance duty both of you will relieve Warren!" "Oh come on Mr. Bayne." Connie used her best pleading voice. His response was a silent stony expression.

An hour later Vannah sat at Mr. Baynes computer.  "Are you ready?" Mr Bayne asked her. Vannah nodded. She was sitting in front of the computer Mr Bayne handed her a ripped piece of paper with a few words scrawled on it. Miss RUBA'S HOME FOR GIRLS 332 Kresita ave. Vannah typed this into the computers search box. LOADING......... Vannah held her breath not sure what she wanted to find. In moments a big baby blue house appeared on the screen. On the steps sat a group of girls. Vannahs eyes went to a pretty blond it was most certainly Caroline and the girl sitting front and center she had Vannah's rich brown waves of hair and Vannah knew if she zoomed the girls eyes would be sea blue she was sure it was Leera, her mother. Its been a while since they've updated the picture Vannah thought. But the photo did work it made the place seem like a happy and safe place for girls to be. But it wasn't. There they let that beautiful young women be taken away by psychos like Trish. Vannah jotted down the number given beneath the picture. Mr Bayne handed Vannah his cell phone. She thought back to the morning of her birthday, when she had dropped her phone into the toilet. She had really flipped out about it and now it seemed so petty.


Vannah sighed it had been a long shot. Was it possible that they had there number changed but were still open? she pondered this. 18 years was a long time. What did she expect to find she was dealing with a cold case.

"Tomorrow do you want to go there? Its not that far!" Vannah agreed to Mr. Baynes suggestion she was ready to get her next dose of crazy realizations whilel she was still sane enough to process the information.

Nobody's Baby Ch 7.


332 Kresita ave was in a rundown neighborhood about a half hour away from Rarity. The house was still blue though the paint had chipped in places and pilled to grey under layers. There was the sign that once read Miss Rubas Home For Girls, But most of the letters were gone washed away by weather.

"SSSSSS Connie hissed taking it in. It was only Vannah and the girls She had talked Luka into not coming so that Mick wouldn't fill the need to come too.
On the steps, the same steps where Leera had once sat was a girl. She had stringy blond hair and hungry eyes. "Nobody's Baby." Connie whispered. "What?" Vannah asked just as quietly. "That girl she looks like she nobody's baby!" Connie was right the girl looked so unloved so lost so alone. "You dont look like ya struggling!" The girl said standing and lighting a cigarette. She was maybe 16 years old. Could have been pretty if she wasn't so skinny and hollow looking she had no light to her.

"Does Miss Ruba still run this place?" Ele asked stepping through the leaning white fence. "No!" the girl said not no more,she passed away just days ago!""Sorry Ele said softly.

"Why, were you one of her girls?" A second girl asked as she came out. She had smooth dark skin and a short hair cut she looked healthier then the other girl. "Is there someone here who has worked here for a long time? Vannah asked. "Mrs Locke the dark skin girl replied, she's been here forever! "Why?".......................

Connie was done with this portion of the Q&A so she walked up to the porch and rang the doorbell. minutes passed before a plump black women with a kind face answered.

"You couldn't have showed them in?" The women asked.

"Why so you could scold us later the blond said ,tossing her cigarette. 

"Please ladies come on in!" The women hurried them inside giving the two girls warning looks. The inside wasn't so bad just worn out as if all the original furniture and paint was still there. They followed her into a din which was set up as an office. Which

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