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Book online «Abandoned: Blood Hunter by Aurora Kryan (dar e dil novel online reading .txt) 📖». Author Aurora Kryan

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with me and know, this was from my mother just for me. Once the honey settled in the bottom you poured more hot milk in it and stirred. It was a rule, just like licking it out of the bottom was. Of course Gavin, being the jokester he was, didn’t oblige by those rules.

The one time he put more honey in it I clawed the hell out of his arm. Like I said, don’t mess with the honey milk. I smiled to myself, half laughing at the memory.

“Some one want to tell me what is so damn funny?”

“Nothing, he’s an idiot.” I murmured still drinking.

Sitting back in my chair I smiled at Emma who was glaring at me. She could sense the inside joke between me and him, she wanted it. It wasn’t happening. Stretching my legs out I sighed. The smell was deliciously mouth watering, the warmth relaxing. Many a time I had a cup o’ honey milk to calm myself. Usually it was to keep nightmares away when I was small. But recently it was to relax after a hunt.

Yeah a hunt, I had almost forgotten. My eyes landed on my phone for a second. That interruption before was a texted address. It was the location of a vampire nest. The vampires I hunted were different from Gavin and Emma. They were true monsters, like Gavin had been, vampires who slaughtered just for the hell of it, vampires who ripped their victims apart to feed on them.

I gulped at the honey milk, eyes wondering to Gavin. I wondered if I had been alive when he was young, would I slay him too, or see some good in him and spare his life? I didn’t know. The cup was half empty before I knew it. My thoughts were to stressful I had gulped and not sipped it. Another rule of honey milk, you sip it slowly.

It gives the best taste when slowly consumed, and leaves enough honey behind for my after addiction rush. Gavin stirred in the seat next to me, meeting my gaze. I buried my face in the mug. Not to long ago I snapped at him for hiding the fact he was a vampire from me. When I thought about it I was guilty of the same thing. Only my secret involved killing vampires.

Frowning in the mug I wondered if I should tell them. Oh by the way I’m a vampire slayer, just thought I’d drop that bombshell. I didn’t think so. This was something that was even more important to keep hush, hush. Now that Gavin was a vampire I didn’t want him involved at all. Who knows what that would do to him. Killing didn’t suite him let alone murdering his own kind.

I lowered the mug, only a small amount of honey was left in the bottom. I tilted it. Gavin smiled at me, acting like he wasn’t laughing though it played in his eyes. Emma cleared her throat glaring daggers at Gavin while she chugged her coffee. It was really messing with her that she wasn’t in on some secret.

Rule four of honey milk. You can not be sad when drinking it. Totally defeats the warm sweet joy of it if you’re sad. I pushed the thoughts of Gavin being a killer or me killing him aside. I would never let it get to that point. Holding my finger under the glistening honey drop I smiled to myself. Oozing onto my finger the literal last drop sat. Holding it up to my face I smiled mischievously at Gavin.

He snorted, a laugh clearing fighting its way out. Turning to Emma I gave her the same look. She raised an eyebrow. My tongue flicked out and I licked it up, making a sucking sound as I did it. Gavin couldn’t contain himself. He was rocking back in the chair holding his sides. Emma gave me a psycho look but laughed despite herself.

It was the final rule. You can’t help but feel happy and make others around your laugh. It was why I loved honey milk; it made you happy and chased the bad things away for awhile. But that only worked when you had a cup of honey milk. Mine was officially empty. I sat it on the table smiling at my vampire friends sadly. Time to face reality.
Chapter 8 - Gavin's Betrayal

I had things to take care of, my dad being the most important. But one elephant was bothering me still. My eyes flicked to Gavin sitting in the chair, knee bouncing again. Twisting in the chair I leaned an elbow on the table. His eyes flicked over to me, a small smile playing on his lips. If I was eighteen then Gavin was nineteen, supposedly.

“So Sky, I’ve heard some things about you.”

I frowned at Emma. I had no clue what she was talking about. Gavin scooted his feet across the floor again, it was one of his nervous tells, the knee, the feet shifting when he sat, and arm crossing aggressively. He was doing all of them. I was in deep shit. But I had to ask my question first, before I got caught up in Emma’s conversation and forgot.

“Wait a second Emma,” I held up a finger,” I want to ask Gavin something.”

A loud squeal from a rubber shoe soul sliding across the wood floor cut through the pause. Yeah buddy I have a question for you.

“Gavin, how old are you?”

Emma gave me a rough idea of her age when she said she lived in New York during the early construction days of the booming city. But that meant nothing for Gavin because he was already a vampire when they meet. So just how old was he? His face twisted, arms crossing over his chest again like he was uncomfortable. Queue the nervous shifting.

“Is it that important?”

“Yes.” I growled eyes narrowing at him.

It probably wasn’t but I was having a Bella Swan moment, I wanted to know. Momentarily I wondered if Gavin had gone on a vegetarian diet like Edward did after he rebelled and feed on people. I shook my head dislodging the silly thought. He grumbled rubbing his head. He had to think about it? Great.

“I’d say about eight hundred and thirty five? Give or take. I remember being alive for King Henry the third but I was just a boy then.”

My jaw dropped. “You’re almost a century old? Does that like make you one of the oldest?” I couldn’t help the question; it was just one of those you had to ask.

“No, no where near it, Liam is much older then me.” His eyes went wide, he had messed up.

I went cold. Liam was what he called the boy, I remembered him screaming it at the devil child. That meant one thing. He knew the boy who attacked me. If he knew how old he was did that mean he knew him before I was attacked? I dug my nails into my palm to keep myself from trembling. Blinking rapidly I forced the image of his face out of my mind.
Emma stood suddenly and walked out of the kitchen. She didn’t even look back or say good bye. I was glad she left because it was about to get personal, very personal. Focusing all my attention on Gavin I glared at him.

“Just how old is Liam?”

He opened and shut his mouth. So he knew but wouldn’t tell me. I slid to the edge of my chair, hand pressing to his knee to stop it from jumping. His eyes looked from it to me and back. All that emotion I suspected he had been hiding showed. He was still nervous and confused about me.

I was whole heartedly accepting him but there was still a fear in his eyes, a nervousness and a want I had never noticed before. He reached out to take my hand and I pulled back. Not because I was afraid but because he wasn’t answering me. If he wanted to hold my hand or whatever he was going to have to answer first.

A rush of tense air blew out his nose. “I don’t know, he doesn’t know, they didn’t keep records well where he was born. I guess at least three maybe, four centuries.”

“And you know this because your friends with him.” I stated it in a very pissed off tone.
I didn’t really feel that angry, I thought.

Hell I was starting to get mad. I was accusing him without evidence, but it made sense. There little conversation hinted at a prior meeting. His answer told me they had talked, how else would Gavin know Liam didn’t know his own age. Now I wanted to know if they were friends. And if they were, then what?

Did I ask if he helped Liam attack me as a kid? Maybe. Gavin’s head fell, arms falling away from his chest in defeat. I had hit home. My hands balled and I stood. He didn’t look at me.

“Your buddy, buddy with that monster! I suppose you helped him murder my mother twelve years ago.” Her jerked but wouldn’t look up. I went on, screaming at him. “Do you get some weird kick by being my friend? I mean Liam left me for dead and I bet you helped!”

“NO!” This time he jumped to his feet and yelled in my face.

I flinched away from him. As much as I wanted to accept the fact he had been a vampire this while time, I couldn’t accept his friendship with Liam. If he had anything to do with my attack I would stab him. Well maybe not stab him, but I felt mad enough to. Heat pulsing through my body I watched him.

“Then what, you’re his friend why not help him destroy some stupid girls life?”
He flinched again, head dropping. His shoulders tensed and he looked up at me. Eyes blank but broken he grabbed my arm. I beat his hand off with a fist.

“It’s not like that Sky,” he let the hand drop,” I didn’t help him hurt you or your mother. I felt guilty.” He just stopped. Stopped talking, stopped breathing, stopped everything.

A statue once again.

“So you didn’t have anything to do with it?” He nodded slightly, “Then why are you guilty? It’s not like you handed me over to him.”

“I might as well have.” Eyes lifting from under his hair he stared at me, the only thing moving was his mouth. “Liam was old when we meet. He had his own coven he had made that followed him everywhere like dogs. But he always said he felt alone.”

Was he really going to tell me Liam’s story? “As far as

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