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Book online «Abandoned: Blood Hunter by Aurora Kryan (dar e dil novel online reading .txt) 📖». Author Aurora Kryan

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I knew he was the only child vampire in existence. That made him unique and depressed. He longed for a companion, not a friend, but a lover. Only he wanted someone his own age.” Yes he was.

“I don’t care about poor little Liam, I want him dead.” I snarled the word like just speaking it would make it happen.

“Listen Sky.” It was an order.

I went dead silent. Something dark had washed over Gavin. It was like he was another person all together. A real vampire. Heart pounding slowly in my chest I watched his eyes darken with every word he spoke. It was like he was reliving his passed and it was turning him back into that monster Emma had talked about in the ship. This was who Gavin use to be and it scared me.

“He was the only child vampire in existence for a reason. It is hard to turn someone so young and only one person was able to do it. That person died turning Liam because Liam killed him. Children have a horrible time adjusting to the blood lust, they go on killing sprees. But Liam was different, more intellectual then the others.”

“This made Liam special and strong. He killed off the elders before they killed him. He made his own coven to surround himself with people he could control. But he would never truly be content with this. He needed an eternal princess at his side. He told me to find him one, created me for this reason.”

I went cold. Not only did Gavin sound harsh and heartless he was admitting that he had handed me over to Liam. Liam, the one who made him.

“I did this; I looked for someone who could please my master. The ones I found were worthless to him. They all had weak will and succumbed to the venom or bloodlust. I thought I would never find the one he wanted. Then I found you.”

I stepped away from him. His eyes were red again. “I gave him your location so he could watch you and decide. He attacked you to test your will to live. He marked you because you survived the venom and met his high expectations. You’re his eternal princess.” I shook my head, voice caught in my throat.

“Were it not for your mother he would have turned you that very night.” His arm brushed mine. I hadn’t realized he had come closer. “I heard your screams from across the street when the poison paralyzed you and he fed. It tore me apart to hear you in such pain. This girl I didn’t know was being tortured because of me and I felt guilty.”

His hands held my shoulders. My heart was in my throat hammering away. I couldn’t believe what he was saying. It was his fault. I was almost killed because of him, not Liam but Gavin. Gavin had killed my mother.

“Disobeying Liam’s orders almost got me killed but I went. I tore him off your unconscious body and fought him as the house burned around us.”

His hand stroked my cheek making me shiver. I didn’t want him touching me. I stepped back but he held me in place. This wasn’t Gavin, he was to sinister feeling. Red eyes watching me like a piece of meat he ran a hand along my neck. Shit, he was hungry.

“Liam banded me from feeding so I left. But his command still stands, though I am not linked to him anymore. I’m so hungry Sky I need something. And I can only have one person’s blood. I need blood.”

My neck was already pulled back waiting for him to bite. Eyes wide I struggled against his hold on my shoulder and head. He was beyond my reach now. I had no idea he was so tortured. Pushing on his face my hand slipped leaving behind a streak of blood. Fuck. My hand, I had drew blood when I dug my nails in. I had sent him over the deep end. His teeth pressed into my neck.

“Gavin!” I screamed as he started to bite.
Chapter 9 - Awaken Vengeance

I wasn’t sure how but I was standing in front of my house. A cold drizzle had settled over the neighborhood and I stood out in the middle of the street letting the rain soak me. My face felt pale, eyes wide in terror. Gavin had tried to feed off me, he would have killed me, but I survived. I beat him off with a coffee pot and a broken chair leg.

Then Emma came charging in and stabbed him in the leg. She told me to run and I did. I never looked back I just ran. This is where I ended up, in front of my house soaking wet. Head dropping I walked up to the little yellow trailer. The door was busted down, a window shattered, and the lamp bent over the porch. That was just the outside that I could see.

Stepping over the broken glass I went in. No one would be here, not police or neighbors. We lived beside a river surrounded by trees. No one cared about a trailer in the middle of nowhere, not when it looked abandoned now. I stopped in what use to be the front room. The roof was collapsed, blood pooled on and around the sofa where I had last seen dad.

My legs buckled and I fell to my knees. Chest constricting I wrapped my arms around myself. It was my fault mom was dead, now dad. I was as abandoned as the house, no one left to care for me and it was my fault. Tears started falling down my face. Gavin wasn’t even safe to be around, I caused him pain. Anger rose in me then as I thought of Gavin.

He caused me pain, he lead Liam right to me, sacrificed me to his master. Hands balling I punched the floor, sniffling as I cried. It was his fault, it was my fault. If I just died back then no one would suffer and Liam wouldn’t get his way. Liam. Truly it was his fault. He was the one who was so desperate.

He made Gavin and ordered him to search for a bride. He tried killing me to test my worth. He was going to die, by my hands. Glaring through the tears I swallowed back a sob. I wouldn’t cry over my own helplessness because I wasn’t helpless. I could kill him and end this nightmare, for my dad, for my mom, maybe even for Gavin.

But I had something to do first. Before my revenge I had to let go of everything dear to me. If I had anything left to hold me back it would get in the way. When you kill a vampire you stab the heart, clean and simple, courage and strength are your weapons. When you went on a revenge kill you destroyed who you were, heartlessness and anger, those where your tools.

To do that I had to go see my father in the hospital. Standing I wiped the tears from my face before they dried. Feeling like a black hole with nothing to suck into its void I went to my room. The entire south wall was gone, half the roof, and most of my things. What was left behind was wet from the rain or bloody.

Throwing the broken door of my closet in a corner I sifted through the mostly intact objects. Pulling a backpack and a duffle bag out I walked away. The black backpack had my weapons in it, the blue duffle bag would hold my clothes and few belongings I could salvage. I knew I would never return to this place. Not this town and not this house.
So I would take my things and leave. Forcing arm full’s of clothes in the bag I emptied out my dresser and closet. Jerking the knife I had thrown out of the wall I slid it into my knives case in the black bag. As far as possessions went I had three.

The picture of my family at the park in Minnesota where we lived, a stuffed white tiger mom bought me after we went to the zoo, and my pillow. I just couldn’t sleep without it. Picking up the bent frame of the photo I smashed it against the nightstand. Pulling the picture out of the ruined frame carefully I folded it into fourths.

Stuffing it in my jacket I went to the foot of my bed that where my trunk was. Stepping up on the bed I kicked at the fallen beam blocking the trunk. It groaned and rolled out of the way bringing another section of ceiling down with it. Coughing as the fine drywall dust settled I waved the cloud of particles away.

Maybe that wasn’t such a good idea. Jumping down off the bed I walked across the fallen ceiling. Lifting the slightly dented trunk I pulled out a jar and a white tiger doll. Stuffing the doll in my jacket quickly I went back to the bag. Transferring the tiger I zipped my duffle bag shut. Looking at the glass jar that once held grape jelly I smiled.
There was at least five hundred, maybe six, dollars in it. Hunting down the boogeyman wasn’t without its perks. Dropping the jar in my black bag I zipped and shouldered it. Grabbing my duffle bag I slung it over my right shoulder. Glancing down at my pillow I drug it out from under the bloody sheet.

There were a few stains on the pillow case and the pillow itself was sopping wet but considering what had happened I was just glad it survived. Tucking it under my arm I went to the kitchen for a garbage bag to put it in. Dropping my bags at the door way I fought my way to the fridge where I slumped against the counter.

It was like the entire roof had been blown up and landed in small clusters around the house. I started to picture the roof being blown up and shook my head. Vampires didn’t have magic powers but considering Liam’s age I wasn’t sure what he could do. He was the oldest one I’d ever met, that I knew of. For all I knew he could conjure up flames and phantom winds that blew stuff up.

Tugging a white trash bag out of a drawer I wormed my way passed the fallen beams back to my bags and soggy pillow. Re-shouldering the bags and throwing the poor pillow, now bagged, over one shoulder I walked out the front door. Following the small gravel path next to the house I stopped to look back. As abused as it was I would miss it.

Saying a silent goodbye I stepped into the garage. Dad didn’t know about

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