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Book online «NCIS Agent By Birth by Heather Reed (win 10 ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Heather Reed

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Angel upstairs, that has come back to us from god.” he said. “When she was little she acted just like you. I knew she was gonna be just like you when she'd grown up. She's all you all over Jethro.” he said putting his hand on my shoulder.

He was right, Bells was me all over. She had no Renee in her but the looks. She looks so much as her mother but acts like her father.

“Duck, I'm so glad that Bells is back in my life. Life just was not the same without her. I mean, I have not smiled or laughed in years until now.”

“That's right. Just thank God for sending her back our way.” he said when Bella came downstairs.

“Send who back our way?” she said coming down the steps. “Oh, dinners ready.”

“Okay sweetheart.”

“Talking about God, sending you back to us.” Ducky said.

“Oh. Well thank you, Lord.” she said.

“Bells come here.” I said.

She came to me and I grabbed her into my arms. I was holding on to her tight. Then I'd started crying. And this was the first time in 13 years when I lost my wife and son. Ducky was right when God sent me the most sweet loving Angel that he can send back to me again. Bella was the most sweetest Angel I ever had. And I'm glad she's back in my life again.

“Okay, dad. Stop crying before you make me cry too.” she said.

“Sorry sweetie.” I said whipping my face.

“Well, I got my two favorites right here with me.” she said. “So let's go eat.”

~Bella's P.O.V~

We were walking upstairs to go to the kitchen to eat. I made Ducky's plate first and handed it to him, made my father's plate and handed it to him and made mine and sat down at the table.

“So, who wants to pray?” I asked.

“I will.” my father said.

I nodded and we all grabbed hands.

“Bow your heads. Dear God, I pray here today for you sending us this most sweet, loving Angel here back to me. I don't know what would happen if I didn't get her back. I pray for you Lord to watch over us and my wife and son up there. I just hope y'all are watching over us. Father I pray, Amen.”

“Well done Jethro. Well done.” Ducky said.

“Thank you,” my father said. Then he kissed my forehead. “I like those tattoos. The one for me and the one for your mother and brother. They were cute.”

“Thanks. I got the Praying Hands for free. It was on the house.”

“Oh. This is good. Where did you find out how to cook so good?”

“Mom. Then I took classes when the state took me.”

He nodded and we ate in peace. When we got done eating I did the dishes. Ducky kissed me on the forehead, then told us good-bye and left. Before Gibbs went back downstairs, I kissed him on the cheek and went to my room.
While I was in my room, I put my new clothes up. Even my ACU's and Navy/Army uniforms up on hangers and put them in the closet. I put my 22 pistol and the bullets in my dresser under my shirts. Hung up my holster with the 3 80 in the there.
When I was done doing everything, I put Vaseline on my tattoos and got ready for bed. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and went back to my room. I turn off my light and crawled in bed. I didn't fall asleep fast but it took me about 10 minutes, then I did fall asleep.
My First Mission

I had a good night sleep until I'd had a nightmare. I had the same nightmare I had when Tony picked me up. It felt like hours until I started screaming then my father came into the room to wake me up.

“Bella. Bella wake up. It's just a nightmare.” he said shaking me.

Then I threw my eyes open and seen him. I was crying when I opened my eyes and my father hugged me.

“It's okay baby. Did you have a nightmare of the crash?”

I shook my head. “Yes and when Edward left me.”

“Who?” my father asked.

“Edward, was my boyfriend that I was dating for a year in Forks. It was 2 months after I moved to Forks. Then on my 18th birthday his family had a party for me. Then like 2 or 3 days later he broke up with me and his family left town.” I told him everything but that they were vampires. “Charlie did the same thing you just did. But I couldn't put him thru the pain again. I head to come back here. To get a differently scenery.”

“So, this bastard left you after you turn 1 and you were together for a year.”

I nodded. “Yes, but I'm over him. I was talking to a friend name Jacob Black when momma took me there to see uncle Charlie. He's an Indian, but he's 16 years old.”

“Was he cute?”

“Yes he was. But I don't see him anymore since I moved here.”

“Do you have his number?”

“No, but I can ask Charlie. He's friends with his dad.” I said. “What time is it?”

“Time for work, get ready.”

“Okay. Love you.”

“Love you.” then he walked out of my room so I could get dressed.

I wore my blue jean pants with a belt and my blue t-shirt. I put on my work boots on and slide that little gun in my boot and put my pant leg over my boots. I hooked my holster on my belt, put my badge and my work phone in the back pocket, my Iphone in my other back pocket, my ID card hooked to my front jean pocket. Then I put my drivers licenses in my back pocket with my Iphone.
I grabbed my coat and backpack and went downstairs and Gibbs handed me a DD Latte, and threw me the keys. I smiled and ran to the car. He was laughing when I ran to the car. I put my bag in the trunk with his and got in the driver side.

“Seat belt, boss.” I said smiling.

“Yes mam.” he said laughing.

We put on our seat belts and I started the car. I checked my mirrors and backed up and drove to work. When we got to the office I parked in the garage. When I parked the car, we got out and got our bags. I gave Gibbs the keys and we went to the elevators. I was still drinking my latte when we got inside the office.
We showed our ID cards and went to the elevators and went to our floor. Our team were not here yet so we just went to our desk. My father put his bag behind his desk and put mine on top of his. He also put his gun and badge in the drawer. I did the same thing. Then I went into the break room to make some coffee. I was still drinking my latte too while I was waiting for the coffee to get done, when McGee came in the break room.

“Hey, Bella.” he said.

“Hey McGee.”

“You know you can call me Tim.”

“I know but your a McGee to me. Sorry.”

“Oh okay. And nice what you did to Tony last night. He deserved it.”

“No, I didn't McGee.” Tony said.

I looked up when he said that. I smiled when he came in the room. He winked when he saw me smile. “Oh, your just mad that a girl flip yea instead of you flipping them in bed.”

“Oh nice probie, but not nice enough tho.”

“He knows I didn't mean too. I just been thru a lot lately McGee. Tony don't mean no harm to me unless he does something to make me mad.” I took the last drink of my latte after I said that.

McGee shrugged then walked out of the break room. I filled my cup with coffee when it was done. Then turn to leave the break room. Tony grabbed my arm when I was about to leave. When he did that he spun me around to face him.

“Tony, your gonna make me spill this.”

“Sorry, so are you still in for the lunch date.”

“I told you yes, but that's it. No more than that. You work for my father, Tony and if you hurt me in anyway you will lose your job. You know my father just got me back and he really cares for me. So, he will do his damn job to keep me safe. So lets say if we go out and I'm saying if okay. If we got out and we get into a fight and break up with me and I take it hard and my father finds about it. You will lose your job and I'm not taking that risk Tony. And first of all I just met you.” I told him. “No hard feeling Tony.”

“I know that Bella. That's why I just asked you out for a lunch date so I can get to know you. And what I said last night is true.” he said.

“Okay. I know about you Tony. Abby has told me things about you. But I got to get back to what I was doing when I got here. I'll talk to you later.”


Then I walked to mine and my father's desk and was on the computer looking up some research. Ziva came in and went to her desk and did that same thing that me and my father did this morning.
She smiled at me when I looked up. I smiled back. I was looking up m teams history to make sure that they were what they were. Until the desk phone was ringing.


“Gibbs.” I answered.

“Is Jethro Gibbs there?”

“Yes, bit he's not in the room this moment, but this is his daughter, Bella Gibbs. Can I help you?”

“Yes, Um.... I'm Kelly Smith and I just found my husband dead in the bed. And he's a Marine.”

“Okay. What's the address mam.”

“936 Portland Drive.”

“We will be there in a few.”

When I hung up the phone I seen my father. “Team pack up. Dead Marine.”

I grabbed my bag and threw my dad's to him. Grabbed my badge and gun and we were off.

“Ziva, Tony, McGee in one car. Me and Bella in ours.” my father said.

“Here's the address. 936 Portland Drive.

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