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Book online «My Personal Hell by D. Richardson (tharntype novel english .txt) 📖». Author D. Richardson

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him. I cried when I told him I couldn’t see him anymore. That I would be moving to a different town, though my dad still hadn’t told me where. I had told Sarah and Zeke separately at school. He had tears in his eyes when I said goodbye.

The day after my father put me in the car and dropped me off at the Other’s house. I had gone from bliss to torture in just two weeks. I had tried to find a way to tell them what had happened to me. Knowing that they would notice when I stopped coming to school. But there was never a chance. They kept their phones on them at all times, and any stationary was locked away unless it was already used and needed to be filed. After three months I had given up trying to talk to them and started worrying about surviving.

When he had appeared in the back room it was like I was sixteen, snowed in alone with him again. There was nothing but him, and I had thought that I had gotten over that. But his touch warmed me, just like it used too. And his kiss left me breathless. But for some reason a part of me had held back. I don’t know which part exactly, but I knew it was there.

After a few minutes I had composed myself enough to fill the ice buckets. When I walked back into the main room everyone was off doing their own thing. Filling the ice was the last thing I had to do, and the girls were already done with their closing. Rob yelled out to lock up when we left. It was what he usually did when we stayed late to practice.

Which we did, all of us dancing around as we sang, the band didn’t necessarily have to be playing. Sarah really got into it. To the point that we started doing flips off the tables and the bar, just to get her laughing. She was just one of those people that you worked hard to make them laugh.

About halfway through Drake, Asher, and Bastion all left, leaving Sadler to keep an eye on everything. I thought it was unnecessary until the front door opened and I turned to see about five male wolves taking up the doorway.

“Oh, I’m sorry, but we’re closed,” I said, the rest of them paused in what were doing to look at the door. Sarah was standing right next to me, and I was relaxed until I saw the eyes of the males travel along both mine and her body. I could just see them mentally licking their lips even if they didn’t physically. Sarah looked a little freaked out, getting the same vibe from them that I did. I took a step to the left, blocking her from view.

“I see, it just sounded like there was a party going on in here,” the one in front answered. I didn’t know these wolves’ scents. They weren’t from Drake’s pack, they were rogue. It wasn’t uncommon for rogues to travel down the road that Rob’s restaurant sat on. It was a main highway, and therefore a free place for wolves to travel between packs.

“A private party, sorry,” I answered, not feeling in the least bit apologetic. He let his eyes roam my body again before smirking.

“Sorry for the interruption then. We’ll leave you to your fun.” They all turned and left.

I met Sadler’s eyes and he went out the back to make sure that they actually left. I counted my blessings when Chris got things going again. I was too tense to try. And I stayed tense until Sadler came back, giving me a nod to let me know that they had for sure left. I could see Cory trying to catch my eye, but I wouldn’t let him. I had no intention of trying to explain any of that.

Though the males had ruined the mood. So about twenty minutes later we decided to leave. Dave had mentioned that Drake offered them use of a house that he owned so that they wouldn’t have to get a hotel. While they left out the front door, the rest of us left out the back. Sadler walked with us since the majority of the females were all parked in the back. But halfway to my car we both froze.

“I thought you said they left?” I breathed.

“They did,” he answered, I could feel a growl start in my chest.

“They came back,” I whispered. But they weren’t on this side of the building. I only caught their scent because the wind happened to blow in the right direction. They were hidden at the end. But they were moving away, to the front of the building. To the only female that had no chance of fighting them off.

“Sarah,” I muttered, taking off at a sprint around the building.

The group of males hadn’t made it to the cars yet. They were still waiting to make sure they could grab her without too much trouble. I had no doubt that they planned on killing the other three. But they were climbing into their cars without a worry in the world. The males went to move in, but Sadler and I blocked their path, sliding to a stop from our speed. Both of us let out some pretty impressive snarls when we came face to face with them.

The ring leader smirked, coming up even with me. His men moved to circle us. I exchanged a glance with Sadler, making sure he was willing to let me handle my end of the fight. We couldn’t win if he was too preoccupied with protecting me. He gave me a minute nod, so small I was the only one who noticed.

“Well, you know, I wanted you anyway. She would have been fun, but she wouldn’t have lasted nearly as long,” he hissed at me. His canines were sharpening. I’d heard of wolves like this. Ones that could shift a body part at will. It came from being truly one with their wolves. Which meant his wolf was just as disgusting as he was. “Brave of you to come against us with only one male. No one to protect you, it shouldn’t take us long to kill your boyfriend. Of course, you could come with us willingly, send your boy home before he gets hurt,” he continued.

He was smarter than he looked. Females were programmed to protect those they love, though he had automatically assumed Sadler was my mate. Both of us being alpha it wasn’t a large jump. But most females didn’t have training to back them up. Or a male willing to fight at their side instead of as their shield.

“You want me?” I asked, barely able to speak around the growl that was reaching the surface. “You’ll have to bleed for me.” He snarled and charged.

He was the strongest of the five, so while he came for me, his friends went for Sadler. I didn’t have time to see if he survived the initial charge, I was too busy side stepping my own opponent. He was quicker than I anticipated, a mistake I didn’t make twice. No matter how fast he was, I was faster.

He spun coming at me again, this time I met him head on, raising my leg to kick him in the chest. His own momentum made sure he dropped, barely able to breath. He stood up quickly though, barely acknowledging the pain. I punched him in the solar plexus and kneed him in the face when he bent over double. I took half a second to press the pressure point on my ring. Five half inch spikes shot out just as I delivered a right hook to his face.

I had hit him right next to his left eye, blood poured and he held his eye. I took his distraction to pull two men off of Sadler who had done well holding his own, but was starting to slow. They were too quick to keep up with all of them. The two I dragged off of him turned on me like wild animals. No pun intended.

Though they were losing themselves to their wolves quickly. To much pain and anger due to taking on a male alpha. It only took a couple of seconds to kick one of their kneecaps out. He crumpled immediately, while the other one took a swipe at my head. I ducked, but his other arm caught me in the shoulder. I hit the ground and he pounced on me.

I had to knee him in the side to get him off of me, he kept trying to bite my neck. Which didn’t make much sense to me, but I went with it. Once I was on top I used my knees to pin his shoulders. It was harder than it looked since he could bench press more than I weighted.

Once I had him I didn’t think, I didn’t weight my options, I just grabbed his head and twisted. A loud crack echoed against the building, and I looked up for my next opponent. The other two I had fought were still on the ground. It looked like I had actually ruptured the one’s eye, he was still rolling around on the concrete trying to stop the bleeding. The other one was cradling his leg, personally I thought he was being a big baby. That is until I saw his leg was hanging at an odd angle. Then the squeamish side of me made an appearance and I looked away.

Sadler stood between two unconscious bodies, staring at me. It looked like he had dropped his two and was on his way to help me. The entire fight couldn’t have taken longer than two minutes. I was breathing heavily and shaking slightly when he pulled me to my feet.

I expected him to pull me out of the way to check the other three, but instead he was fussing over me. Checking my neck and shoulders front and back. Finally, I snapped out of my stupor and slapped at his hands. It didn’t faze him, he just kept looking.

“Sadler, what are you doing?” I asked, his eyes were wide and panicking.

“He was trying to mark you,” he said as I shoved his hands away.

“What?” I asked, completely confused. He was trying to do a lot of things.

“When a male mates with a female he marks her so no other male can touch her. She’ll carry his scent in her blood until the day she dies. That’s why he was trying to bite you.”

“Oh, well he didn’t, I got him off of me and…” I turned and looked down at him. He was still, I couldn’t even see him breathing. Sadler leaned down to check his pulse. I could see it in his eyes when he looked back up at me.

“He’s dead.” There was no accusation in his eyes, or even remorse at the loss of life. It was just a simple matter of fact. I looked at the ground. Completely at odds with myself.

On the one hand he had been about to kidnap Sarah and he and his friends were going to do god knows what to her. And then when they couldn’t get to her, they came after me, I was completely justified in defending myself. Though technically he had been attacking Sadler first. Which just pissed me off. At least the leader had the balls to come after me himself, though in reality I knew he only did it for two reasons. I was supposed to be the easier target, and once he had me he had Sadler, and the fight would be over.

On the other hand, I just killed someone. There was a man’s body laying in front of me, completely devoid of life because I had snuffed it out. I started to shake uncontrollably.

“Hey, hey, hey,” Sadler said, standing and moving to me. He put his hands on

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