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Book online «League of Extraordinary Robots by Yolanda Jackson (top 10 novels to read txt) 📖». Author Yolanda Jackson

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the people of the land of Mayfair, after all they have done for me and it is all my fault.”
Wisker stumbled on, not about to give up but dreading what might happen next. Suddenly a large bison appeared in the path in front of him. It was a huge thing, with horns that stood out about eight feet and the amount of fur that it had could make clothing for a few hundred men.
Wisker was so cold that he didn’t stop to give thought as to whether the bison was friendly or not. It had what he needed and he just approached it with that in mind. He stumbled over to the creature and leaned against it, letting its body heat flow into him. The bison moved so that he was helping to support Wisker as he stood there. Wisker could feel some of his strength coming back with the heat from the bison’s body. As he leaned against the bison, Wisker began to get an idea. “I know how I can take some of the bison’s heat with me if he’ll let me,” he thought to himself.
Wisker began to pluck some of the bison’s fur and to weave it together with his fingers.
First he wove himself a long coat, then he plucked enough to make himself a hat and a pair of gloves. After he had himself all nicely wrapped up in the coat, hat and gloves, Wisker made himself some heavily padded shoes for his frostbit feet. “I have never felt any warmer or more comfortable in my whole life,” thought Wisker.
Wisker went to say thank you to the huge beast when he realized that it had disappeared, there wasn’t anything there, just the huge footprints that showed where the bison had stood.
“Thank you, shouted Wisker to the skies, hoping that the bison would hear him or that someone or something would hear him and carry his message to the bison. With his appreciation, a gift fell from the skies, nuts and large eagle eggs. Wisker held out his hands to catch as many as he could and many fell to him. Wisker put some in his pockets and munched on others.
“This is a very humbling experience for me,” thought Wisker. “Once I was the royal wizard, the advisor for the king. I didn’t just entertain the royal family and their guests with my magic, but I used my magic to know what was going on in the land of Mayfair and to keep the king advised as to how he could best serve the people. I never wanted for anything in my life. But then things changed. The king stopped caring about serving the people and only wanted what would best please himself and his family. I am nothing more than a peasant now and am considered an enemy by the king and queen. Enough of an enemy so that if they find me they will either imprison me for the rest of my life or kill me with their guillotine.”
Wisker wiped away a tear as he remembered what good friends he and the king had been at one time and drastically things had changed. As he tracked through the snow, Wisker began to count the golden nuts on the ground to keep his mind from wandering. “If the king would only let the people come here and gather nuts, no citizens of Mayfair would ever be poor again,” he thought. “But right now I have to keep my mind on my task at hand and that is to restore my name and save all the people that risked their lives to free me.” Wisker looked all around. “There seems to be no land in sight,” he thought. “All that I keep seeing is nothing more than a blanket of snow and the snow seems to be coming down very heavily.
Suddenly Wisker heard rustling sound, as if a wagon of some sort were coming. He quickly ran to hide behind a large pile of twigs. He peeked out from around the twigs to watch to see what was coming and down a long stretch of snowy pathway came a group of giant masked men, pulling a wagon “They don’t seem to mind the cold,” thought Wisker. .”Because all they are wearing are handmade leather, collars and long pants, no shirts or robes and none of them are shivering or covered with goose bumps.”
The men had marks all over their bodies and a red symbol burned into their chests. The men had yellow skin and massive hands and feet. “Even though they are men, they seem to be being used like animals,” thought Wisker, as he watched the men strain to pull the wagon. Leading the masked men was a slender built man, who was adorned in white rabbit fur from head to toe. His facial features could not be made out. “I’d better stay hidden yet awhile till I know more about them,” thought Wisker. He watched as the group stopped to take a rest. The large men were so thirsty that they licked the snow off of the ground like wild dogs. “Oh I hate to see that,” cried Wisker to himself. “I wish I could give each of them a glass of water, but I am powerless, so I guess I’d better just stay hidden, I don’t want to make things worse.”
Soon out of the wagon stepped a large woman. “She has to weigh about three hundred pounds or more,” thought Wisker. The woman has pink lips, green skin, bitty ears and big blue eyes. Ass she moved, green slime came from her; out of her nose, from her hair, out of her skin pores, from between her toes and, well, the odor was just awful. Wisker quickly covered his nose as the large lady rolled in the snow to wipe herself off. The odor was so horrendous that the snow began to melt and the animals in the woods began to run away.
“Soon we will take over Mayfair,” said the woman, as she climbed back into the wagon.
, soon out of the wagon stepped out a large woman, she had to be about three hundred pounds or more, with pink lips, green skin, bitty ears and big blue eyes, as she moved green slime came from her, out of her nose, from her hair, out of her skin pores, from between her toes, and the odor was foul, whisker quickly covered his nose, as the large lady roll in the snow to whip herself off, the odor was so horrendous that the snow began to melt and the animals in the woods began to run away. "Soon we will take over Mayfair" said the hideous creature as she got back into the wagon.
Soon the wagon took off, but Wisker continued to hide behind the pile of twigs. “I’d better stay here just a few more minutes, just in case they should decide to come back,” he said. “I wish I could warn the people of Mayfair, but they would never believe me. I need to find Jeronomo and quickly, too many things are falling apart and I need his help right away.”
Wisker soon got a burst of energy and went marching down the snowy path. As he was walking along, a whirlwind came and scooped him up and Wisker found himself flying through the woods. Wisker did his best to set himself free but he whirlwind was too powerful, so Wisker just saved his energy and waited to see where the whirlwind would drop him.
Finally the whirlwind dropped Wisker gently to the ground, right in the center of a large animal fight. “Great, thanks a lot,” shouted Wisker sarcastically to the whirlwind. Wisker had landed feet first on the dead animal over which the two animals were fighting. Wisker quickly move his feet and at the same time looked at the beauty and the size of the two animals who were fighting. They were two snow leopards, about eight feet tall and weighing about a thousand pounds. They had long fang teeth hanging over their lips and huge globs of saliva dripping from their mouths. It was evident that they were both hungry for their catch, but there was only enough for one. “I’d better get out of here before I become dinner for one of them,” thought Wisker. As the two animals growled at each other and slowly crept, waiting to attack, Wisker slowly moved out of the way, trying his best not to get noticed. Suddenly Wisker tripped on his long coat and fell with a loud crash. Soon it was a feeding frenzy. The two animals began to attack each other and fight for their food and Wisker scrambled up and ran for cover.
Wisker quickly climbed up a tree and out onto a tree branch from which he watched the two animals fight. It had begun to snow again and Wisker decided not to try to battle Mother Nature. “At least not yet awhile,” he told himself. Finally the snow leopards went their separate ways and when it appeared that the coast was clear, Wisker decided that it was time to be on his way and quickly slid down from the tree and resumed walking through the woods. Wisker was so tired that he could only keep his eyes half way open, just enough to try to be sure that he stayed on the path.
After a few more hours of walking, Wisker noticed that he was becoming hot, and as he completely opened his eyes, he saw that it had stopped snowing and that he was now in another land. He looked to see what was behind him and he could see that behind him it was still snowing, but it seemed as if the snow was completely blocked from coming any further.
“I am so hot, I’d better take off these warm clothes and carry them before I pass out from the heat,” said Wisker. He quickly took off his handmade coat and threw it to the side. As quickly as it landed on the ground the coat vanished. Wisker ran over to where he had thrown the garment but it was gone. He searched and searched but there was no trace of his coat. Carefully Wisker slipped off his boots, being sure to keep his hands on them so that someone or something wouldn’t think that he didn’t want them any more. “I just might need them again if I come to another land where it is snowing,” he thought. Wisker put his hat in one boot and his nice warm gloves in other and tied the lacings of his boots together. Then he slung them around his neck and began to walk on.
Wisker looked around. The land through which he was now walking was a beautiful one. It was covered with flowers of all different kinds and colors and rabbits were running through the fields. Wisker smiled as he watched the rabbits, they seemed so joyful and happy.
“I have to find Jeronomo and save the people of Mayfair, but I am so tired and weary, I just have to take a rest.” Wisker’s feet were covered with sores from so much walking and his back was in pain. Wisker saw a small
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