Jamaa by Creature Moon (ebooks children's books free .txt) 📖

- Author: Creature Moon
Book online «Jamaa by Creature Moon (ebooks children's books free .txt) 📖». Author Creature Moon
Josaphine stared in awe were these the glitches? "My hair!" Yelled one as he rand around in circles yelling over and over. Josaphine stared she couldn't tell who was who. "Um.." Josaphine spoke quietly "I'm sorry for mistaking but I can't tell who is who so.." Josaphine was cut off by one very tall human with brown wavy hair to the side and tan skin. "It's me Clever!" Josaphine stared at Clever's shiny hair and a bit large nose. Josaphine glanced over to a girl with black hair that fell to her waist and with black souless eyes. She looked up "Jinx." She then looked down at her hands, Josaphine could tell Jinx wasn't that happy with her human form. Josaphine's eyes darted to her left where a very pretty girl with blonde curly hair and green eyes stared at her. Josaphine frowned knowing who it was "Creature is that you?" She said now turning herself facing the girl. "Yeah problem?" Said the girl rudely as she snarled. "It's just your human form .." Josaphine looked away "Forget it." Clever turned towards Creature and so did everyone else as they stared in awe. "Creature.. your.." Clever spoke stumbling on his words. Creature reaturned to them with a awful evil stare making everyone look away. Another girl stumbled into Josaphine. Josaphine quickly spun to see a girl with huge eyes and short brown hair stumbling around. "I can't see!" She yelled "Everything is blurry! Im blind!" She yelled as she spun in circles. The girl began to cry and Josaphine knew it was Colla. "Stop crying you just need glasses." A very deep voice behind Josaphine spoke. Josaphine spun to see a very big muscley guy with a square like face and orange hair. Josaphine's eyes widen as she stepped back. The Guy was huge big enough to cast a shadow over her. "errm.." Josaphine trembled. The Guy looked down with uncaring eyes. Josaphine knew who it was and was scared. "E-Emu?" She said with her voice trembling. The man shook his head then looked away. "Haha that's Emu! What a riot!" Yelled a very loud girls voice. The girl had her hands over her mouth as everyone stared at her. "Is this my voice?" She said in the same very loud yelling voice. "Can you shut up!" Yelled Clever. "Your voice is quite annoying." Added Creature who had a very soft shy voice unlike her other voice. "Owe shut up Clever if you keep acting like your so great you gonna end up alone because of being Self-centered!" Yelled the girl. The girl had wavy blonde hair that seemed to a bit messy, she also had blue eyes and a very pale face. "And who are you?" Said Josaphine as nice as she could. "Aqua duh!" Said the girl again in her loud voice. Clever's eyes widen and then looked at her "Im sorry I didn't know-" Aqua quickly cut him off "It doesn't matter you can't treat people like that you know!" She crossed her arms and looked away angry. Clever clutched his fist and looked down as his hair flung to the side. "Ha cry baby!" Yelled a voice behind Josaphine. Josaphine turned to see a guy who looked to be older then the rest. He had long wavy brown hair and evil looking eye. Josaphine stared, "This cant be Vinx." She thought to herself as she stepped back to process this. Colla gazed at the guy as he returned a mean glare back. "Damn Vinx." Said a voice next to Josaphine. A girl with light brown hair that was completely straight with no curves,knots,or curls. "What happened you all look so.. weird." Said the girl in a rough voice. Josaphine turned at her with curious eyes "Rose?" Josaphine asked. "Hell yeah!" Said the girl as she pounded her fist in the air then stopping quickly trying to hold her clothes on. Rose's new human body was very weak and thin. Rose blushed as she pulled at her outfit to stay on. Emu's shirt was off since his new human body ripped it. Josaphine stuided their outfits, Jinx seemed fine, Clever seemed fine, Creature's was a bit baggy but not as much as roses, Vinx was fine but maybe his pants were a bit short now. Most of them were find but Josaphine found it amusing how they were feeling eachothers ears and trying to spawn their weponds which never came. "Wow ... I'm useless." Said Clever reaching his hand to the sky trying to spawn his wepond. Josaphine opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Colla who tackled him from behind. They both tumbled to the floor, Colla was on top of Clever and stared into his eye's with a very angry and unpleased look. "Never Ever say that you are useless again!" She yelled as she pointed at him. "Colla.." Emu walked behind Colla and adjusted her finger towards clever since she was off. "You really do need glasses." Said Aqua in her new loud voice. "Can you not speak Aqua." Said Creature rudely as she glared at Josaphine still. Josaphine tried to dodge Creatures stares by looking at clever and Colla. "Hey get off will ya!" Yelled Clever who was blushing since the postion Colla was on him. Colla quickly got off smiling. Clever rose dusting himself off. "Don't do that again okay." Clever spoke nervously as he looked at aqua who was luckliy not caring at all what the situation was.
Glitch StoryOn a cool April morning two baby twins were born in a small hospital. This Hospital was known to
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