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my transl. 1, 25) the ‘Ifrit complains that the Merchant had thrown the date-stones without exclaiming “Dast�r!”—by thy leave.


The following is a list of the Tales in vol. i.:—




Introductory Chapter … … … … … … …1-9

Tale of the Trader and the Jinni, Night i.-ii… … … .9

The First Shaykh’s Story, Night ii… … … … . . 14

The Second Shaykh’s Story, Night ii… … … … . . 23

The Third Shaykh’s Story, Night iv.… … … … . . 34


Scott, following “Oriental Collections,” ii. 34, supposes that the latter was omitted by M. Galland “on account of its indecency, it being a very free detail of the amours of an unfaithful wife.” The true cause was that it did not exist in Galland’s Copy of The Nights (Zotenberg, Histoire d’ ‘Ala al-Din, p. 37). Scott adds, “In this copy the Genie restores the Antelope, the Dogs and the Mule to their pristine forms, which is not mentioned by Galland, on their swearing to lead virtuous lives.”



Conclusion of the Trader and the Jinni, Night v… … . . 43

The Fisherman and the Jinni, including the Tales of the Sage D�b�n and the ensorcelled Prince

and omitting the Stories (1) of King Sindib�d and his Falcon (2) the Husband and the Parrot and (3) the Prince and the Ogress.… … … … … … … … … . 44

The Porter and the Three Ladies of Baghdad, Night v… …100

The First Kalandar’s Tale, Night xxxix.… … … …144

The Second Kalandar’s Tale, Night xlviii.… … … . .152


(The beginning of this Tale is wanting in the MS. which omits p. 151: also The Envier and the Envied, admitted into the list of Hik�y�t, is here absent.) The Third Kalandar’s Tale, Night lv… … … … . .173

The Eldest Lady’s Tale. Night lxvi.… … … … . .231

Tale of the Portress. Conclusion of the Story of the Porter and Three Ladies of Baghdad,

Night lxii. (a clerical mistake for lxx.?)… … . .260


(In Galland follow the Voyages of Sindbad the Seaman which are not found in this copy.)


The Tailor and the Hunchback, Night lxviii. (for lxxiv.?)…295

The Nazarene Broker’s Story, Night lxviii. (for lxxiv.?) …308

The Youth whose hand was cut off, Night (?)[FN#628]… …312


(In p. 314 is a hiatus not accounting for the loss of hand.) The Barber’s Tale of his First Brother … … … …314

The Barber’s Tale of his Second Brother… … … …317

The Barber’s Tale of his Third Brother … … … . .323

The Barber’s Tale of his Fourth Brother… … … …327

The Barber’s Tale of his Fifth Brother … … … …331

The Barber’s Tale of his Sixth Brother … … … …343

The end of the Tale of the Hunchback, the Barber and others, Night lxviii.(?) … … … … … … … . .350


(Here Ends My Vol. I.) N�r al-D�n Al� and the Damsel Anis al-Jal�s, Night lxviii…355

Sayf al-Mul�k and Bad�‘a al-Jamal, Night xci.[FN#629]… . .401

Tale of the Youth of Mosul whose hand was cut off, Night xcii466-472


(The Tale of the Jewish Doctor in my vol. i. 288-300.) Vol. i. ends with a page of scrawls, the work of some by-gone owner.




Contains 316 pages, and includes end of Night xcii. to Night clxvi. The MS. is somewhat better written; the headings are in red ink and the verses are duly divided. The whole volume is taken up by the Tale of Kamar al-Zam�n (1st), with the episodes of Al-Amjad and Al-As’ad, but lacking that of Ni’amah and Naomi.

In Galland Kamar al-Zaman begins with Night ccxi.: in my translation with vol. iii. 212 and concludes in vol. iv. 29. This 2nd vol. (called in colophon the 4th Juz) ends with the date 20th Sha’ab�n, A.H. 1177.




Contains 456 pages, extending from Night cccvi. (instead of Night clxvii.) to cdxxv. and thus leaving an initial hiatus of 140

Nights (cxvi.-cccvi. C. de Perceval, vol. viii. p. 14). Thus the third of the original eight volumes is lost. On this subject Dr.

White wrote to Scott, “One or two bundles of Arabic manuscript, of the same size and handwriting as the second volume of the Arabian Tales, were purchased at the sale by an agent for Mr.

Beckford of Fonthill, and I have no doubt whatever but that the part deficient in your copy is to be found in his possession.” If such be the case, and everything seems to prove it, this volume was not No. iii. but No. iv. The MS. begins abruptly with the continuation of the tale. There is no list of contents, and at the end are two unimportant “copies of verses” addressed to the reader, five couplets rhyming in��mu (e.g. ta’dimu) and two in—af (e.g. Salaf).


The following is a list of the contents:—



Part of the Tale of Hasan of Bassorah, Nights cccvi.-cccxxix 1-81

Story of the Sultan of Al-Yaman[FN#630] and his Sons, told to Al-Rash�d by Hasan of Bassorah,

Nights cccxxix.-cccxxxiv… … … … … . . 81

Story of the Three Sharpers,[FN#631] Nights cccxxxiv.-cccxlii. 96

The Sultan who fared forth in the habit of a Darwaysh, Night cccxlii… … … … … … … … … .121

History of Mohammed, Sultan of Cairo, Night cccxliii.-cccxlviii124

Story of the First Lunatic,[FN#632] Night cccxlviii.-ccclv . .141

Story of the Second Lunatic, Night ccclv.-ccclvii… … .168

Story of the Sage and his Scholar, Night ccclvii.-ccclxii…179

Night-Adventure of Sultan Mohammed of Cairo with three foolish Schoolmasters,

Night ccclxii … … … … … … … .204

Tale of the Mother and her Three Daughters, Night ccclxii…206

Story of the broke-back Schoolmaster, Night ccclxiii … . .211

Story of the Split-mouthed Schoolmaster, Night ccclxiii… .214

Story of the limping Schoolmaster, Night ccclxiv.-ccclxv . . 219

Story of the three Sisters and their Mother the Sult�nah, Night ccclxvi.-ccclxxxvi … … … … … … … .231

History of the K�z� who bare a babe, Night ccclxxxvi.-cccxcii.322

Tale of the K�z� and the Bhang-eater, Night cccxciii.-cdiii. .344

History of the Bhang-eater and his wife, Night cccxciii.-cdiii348

How Drummer Ab� K�sim became a K�z�, Night cdiii.-cdxii… .372

Story of the Kazi and his Slipper (including the Tale of the Bhang-eater who became the Just

Wazir and who decided two difficult cases), Night cdxii.-cdxiii… … … … … … … … .424

Tale of Mahm�d the Persian and the Kurd Sharper, Night cdiii.-cdxvi … … … … … … … … .428

Tale of the Sultan and the poor man who brought to him fruit, including the

Fruit-seller’s[FN#633] Tale, Night cdxvi.-cdxxv… . .432

Story of the King of Al-Yaman and his Three Sons and the Enchanting Bird, which ends this

volume, Night cdxvii-cdxxvi… … … … …437





Contains 456 pages, and ranges between Nights cdxxvi. and dxcvi.


Continuation of the Story of the King of Al-Yaman[FN#634] and his Three Sons and the

Enchanting Bird, Night cdxxvi.-cdxxxix … … . . 1-34


SCOTT prefers “The Sultan of the East,” etc.


History of the First Larrikin, Night cdxxxix-cdxliv… … 34


SCOTT: “The first Sharper in the Cave,” p. 185.


History of the Second Larrikin, Night cdxliii.-cdxlv … . . 46

History of the Third Larrikin, Night cdxlv.-cdxlvi … … 53

Story of a Sultan of Hind and his Son Mohammed, Night cdxlvi.-cdlviii… … … … … … … … 58


SCOTT: “The Sultan of Hind.”


Tale of a Fisherman and his Son, Night cdlix.-cdlxix … . . 83

Tale of the Third Larrikin concerning himself, Night cdlxix.-cdlxxii… … … … … … … …107


SCOTT: “The Unfortunate Lovers.”


History of Ab� Niyyah and Ab� Niyyatayn, Night cdlxxii.-cdlxxxiii … … … … … … … … … … .113


SCOTT: “Abou Neeut, the well-intentioned Sultan of Moussul, and Ab ou Neeutteen, the double-minded.”


The Courtier’s Story, or Tale of the Nadim to the Emir of Cairo, Night cdlxxxiii.-cdxci … … … … … … . .140


SCOTT: “Story related to an Ameer of Egypt by a Courtier,”

p. 229.


Another relation of the Courtier, Night cdcxi… … …157


(Here Iblis took the place of a musician.) The Shaykh with Beard shorn by the Shaytan, Night cdxcii …162

History of the King’s Son of Sind and the Lady Fatimah, Night cdxci.-di… … … … … … … … …165


SCOTT: “The Sultan of Sind and Fatimah, daughter of Ummir[FN#635] (‘�mir) Ibn Naom�nn (Nu’uman).”


History of the Lovers of Syria, Night di.-dx … … …189


SCOTT: “The Lovers of Syria.”


History of Al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf and the Young Sayyid, Night dx-dxx … … … … … … … … … … .213


SCOTT: “The Young Sayd and Hijauje.”


Uns al-Wuj�d and the Wazir’s Daughter Rose-in-hood, Night dxxi.-dxli … … … … … … … … . .240


SCOTT: “Ins al-Wujood and Wird al-Ikmaum, daughter of Ibrahim, Vizier of Sultan Shamikh.”


Story of the Sultan’s Son and Daughter of the Wazir, Night dxli.-dxlv … … … … … … … … . .293

Tale of Sultan K�yyish, Night dxlv.-dlvii… … … . .312


(A romance of chivalry and impossible contests of ten knights against 15,000 men.)


The Young Lady transformed into a Gazelle by her Stepmother, Night dlviii.-dlxiii … … … … … … …345

The History of M�zin, Night dlxviii-dxcv. (omitted, because it is the same as “Hasan of Bassorah

and the King’s Daughter of the Jinn,” vol. viii. 7); to the end of vol. iv … … … … … … … …456





Contains 465 pages from the beginning of Night dxcvi. to dccxlvi.


Continuation and end of the History of Mazin, Night dxcvi-dcxxiv1-94

Night adventure of Harun al-Rashid, Night dcxxxxv.-dcl … . 95


SCOTT: “Adventure of Haroon al-Rusheed, vol. vi. 343

(including Story related to Haroon al-Rusheed) by Ibn Munsoor of Damascus, of his adventures at Bussorah; the Story related to Haroon al-Rusheed by Munjaub (Manjab) and Haroon’s conduct on hearing the story of Munjaub.”


Tale of the Barber and his Son (told by Manjab), Night dlxi.-dcli … … … … … … … … … … .180


SCOTT: “Story of the Sultan, the Dervishe and the Barber’s Son.”


The Badawi Woman and her Lover, Night dclv.-dclvi… … .196

Story of the Wife and her two Gallants, Night dclvi.-dclx…199

Tale of Princess Al-Hayf� and Prince Yusuf, Night dclx.-dccx .210


SCOTT: “Story of Aleefah, daughter of Mherejaun, Sultan of Hind, and Eusuff, Prince of Sind, related to Haroun al-Rusheed by the celebrated reciter of Tales, Ibn Malook Aleed Iowaudee,” p. 352.


Adventures of the Three Princes of China, Night dccx.-dccxvii.362


SCOTT: “Adventures of the Three Princes, sons of the Sultan of China.”


History of the first Brave, Night dccxvii.-dccxxii … …385


SCOTT: “The Military Braggadocio;” OUSELEY, “Tier Gallant Officer” and the Lat. list “Miles Gloriosus.”


History of another Brave, Night dccxxii.-dccxxiii… … .395

The Merry Adventures of a Simpleton,[FN#636] Night dccxxiii.-dccxxvi… … … … … … … . .400


SCOTT: “The Idiot and his Asses.”


The Goodwife of Cairo and the three Rakehells, Night dccxxvi.-dccxxviii … … … … … … … .409

Story of the righteous Wazir wrongfully gaoled, Night dccxxviii.-dccxxxviii… … … … … … …416

Tale of the Barber, the Captain and the Cairene Youth, Night dccxxxiii.-dcxxxvii… … … … … … … .430


(In the Lat. list we find “Tonsor et Juvenis Cahirensis.”) Story of the Goodwife of Cairo and her Gallants, Night dccxxxviii.-dccxliii … … … … … … …444


SCOTT: “The virtuous Woman of Cairo and her Suitors,” p.



The Kazi’s Tale of the

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